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"Breaking Bad" - Season 2 - Sundays on AMC

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Madrin said:
That was a little hard to watch.

yeah :(

pinkman aint gonna take her death too well. hopefully its a wake up call to turn his junky ways around and not an excuse to push him further over the edge
Wow. Just wow. This was my favorite episode yet. A few short comments.

1) I love the parallel between Walt putting the towel behind the baby so it doesn't sleep on its back and Jane putting a pillow behind Jesse for the same reason.
2) Even better since passing out on her back is what killed Jane. (edit: well that and the drugs of course)
3) After Jane's death, going back and rewatching the scene between Jane's dad and Walt in the bar is just heartbreaking.
4) I can not say enough about the acting job of Bryan Cranston. The transition in his face when he allows Jane to die is so "Oh crap what I done" to the most evil "It was necessary" face. Love it.

Next week's episode looks like it is going to be amazing. The writers have done such a great job at leaving multiple avenues open for the finale. You have to figure that shit is going to hit the fan big time next week, but it could be from anything. (Skylar, Walt and the DEA, Jesse, other drug dealers, his cancer, possibly even Saul)

Great, great show.


CavemanLawyer said:
4) I can not say enough about the acting job of Bryan Cranston.

He always amazes me in the show. The only thing I've ever seen him in is Malcolm in the Middle. Watching that show, I would have never imaged that he was actually a good actor.


I don't know if I'm exaggerating or not, but that last scene might've been the best individual scene I've seen on TV.

And I know I'm not exaggerating when I say that Breaking Bad is the best show on TV.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
To be honest, I didn't like the scene.

I'm glad Jane died, and I guess they needed to give Walt the choice to save her to make it more interesting than "Jesse and Jane split a ton of heroin because they wanted to finish the rest and she died"

But the whole Walt meeting Jane's father in the bar and then deciding to save Jesse and witnessing her death is the type of coincidence that Breaking Bad always seems to try to avoid.

It reminds me too much of other TV that isn't Breaking Bad.. which isnt a good thing.
dave is ok said:
But the whole Walt meeting Jane's father in the bar and then deciding to save Jesse and witnessing her death is the type of coincidence that Breaking Bad always seems to try to avoid.

that's what i was thinking. but this show can get kinda hokey here and there. like the time walt blew up tuco's place without killing anybody, that sort of thing. but it is very rare


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
dave is ok said:
things that should be spoilered
not everyone has seen the show yet, including me. thanks!

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Nihilism said:
You should stay out of the thread if you haven't seen it!

This is how every other TV thread works on this forum.

If the episode has aired - it's fair game to discuss it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Nihilism said:
You should stay out of the thread if you haven't seen it!
whatever, i just saw it and it was okay since it put me on edge the whole episode, and i saw another reading to what was happening. all i have to say is, i can't believe what i just saw.


mattiewheels said:
whatever, i just saw it and it was okay since it put me on edge the whole episode, and i saw another reading to what was happening. all i have to say is, i can't believe what i just saw.

Yeah, it was an awesome ending, I thought.

Can't wait for the season finale next week.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
they really don't care if we hate walt as a human being anymore, do they?


This show is so fucking epic.

I was just thinking about it today, but it's unbelievable how much has happened this season in just 12 episodes.


FairyD said:
Jesus I felt so sorry for Jane.

bitch deserved it, her character did a total 180 once she brought out the heroin last episode. you could tell she was going to be killed off but im surprised it was like that i figured it would happen in the finale.

so now the question remains, whos going under the death sheets next episode?

EDIT: those that watched it on tv what did the next episode tease show?


Damn. So the question still remains.
Now that Jane is dead, who will be the two people that end up in the body bags on the sidewalk?


Absolutely pathetic part deux
I am really glad that Walt and Jesse weren't going to become enemies and towards the end Walt tells himself that Jesse is indeed family. Letting her die was the best thing for Jesse.


i was just thinking that Jane was seriously getting on my nerves and that she needs to go. but DAMN did not expect that so soon. wow

how many episodes left till the finale?


The scene in the bar with "Green Grass and High Tides" playing was great...

Another great episode in a great series...

Any wagers on who the two bodies in Walt's driveway are gonna be?

2:1 Jesse (although I doubt they'd kill such a crucial character)
3:1 Skinny Pete and Badger
4:1 Saul
6:1 Walt Jr.
8:1 Hank
1000:1 Walt (they're not killing Walt, there's just no way)

Can't wait for next week.


Ashhong said:
how many episodes left till the finale?

Next week.

KingGondo said:
Any wagers on who the two bodies in Walt's driveway are gonna be?

In the preview, Saul sends some guy to Jesse's apartment. Maybe he gets greedy and sends people to Walt's house to find the money and they end up dead.


Holy SHIT people. This week's episode was INTENSE as HELL.

I came to LOATHE Jane, I never hated a character so much so fast. I was practically cheering when the last scene hit. Jane was a leech on Jesse, a real problem. In the end, Jesse knew that Walt was in the right to withhold the money. Jesse is a kind soul whose parents don't give a damn about him anymore. But he realizes that Walt cares, which Walt realizes himself at the bar. (Contrarily, Jane has a loving father who she just pushes away).

There are some big problems that could arise from her OD. How do you prevent Jesse from being involved? I say Walt should sift through Jane's purse, grab her keys, and throw her in her own apartment with a needle that doesn't have Jesse's DNA. It's the middle of the night, Walt has time to do it!

BTW, I can't believe Walt pulled off the deal of his LIFE with Mr. Pollo.
PS-- Oh crap, if Walt's house explodes, wouldn't his money stash get destroyed? Uh oh!


it's ok, you're all right now
I'm without words. Seriously. Holy god damn what an amazing and brilliant show. OH MY GOD. AHH

Also, nice touch that the savewalterwhite.com donation link leads to the national cancer society.

He likes to cook because of chemistry - he mostly makes breakfast - because he says chemical reactions happen all the time in cooking and he's always explaining as he goes. :lol :lol :lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Strike said:
Damn. So the question still remains.
Now that Jane is dead, who will be the two people that end up in the body bags on the sidewalk?

janes body being one of them? somehow... ?

Fatalah said:
BTW, I can't believe Walt pulled off the deal of his LIFE with Mr. Pollo.
PS-- Oh crap, if Walt's house explodes, wouldn't his money stash get destroyed? Uh oh!

i was thinking that while watching this episode.. im going to be a bit annoyed if they go that obvious route.. do they really need to reset everything walt has done so far?


it's ok, you're all right now
CreativeJuices said:
Did anyone else catch the pink teddy bear near the covered pool of the motel Walt drove to at the start?

Excellent catch, the pink teddy bear may not be Walts house at all. Still makes us have to wonder about the driveway, though.


joshcryer said:
Excellent catch, the pink teddy bear may not be Walts house at all. Still makes us have to wonder about the driveway, though.

hm..im pretty sure the pink teddy is at his house, they show his patio area if i remember right. i didnt quite get the intro for today. are they supposed to explain what happened later? usually if its a future event i can understand this, but it was the present.


Neo Member

De Anza was the name of the Motel he went to.


Spectral Glider said:
Damn, stone cold motherfucker.

He happen to be there at that time but he can't exactly follow her around and prevent it from happening. He is obviously concerned for Jesse and figures (as he doesn't have any attachment to Jane other than the thought that she'll bring him down) that he'll be scared away from drugs. Harsh reality but maybe something Jesse will wake up too.


im pretty sure walt caused it. it was because of him that she moved onto her back. he knocked her over when shaking Jesse. of course its possible that it could have happened naturally sooner or later, but it didnt here.
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