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"Breaking Bad" - Season 2 - Sundays on AMC

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Ashhong said:
im pretty sure walt caused it. it was because of him that she moved onto her back. he knocked her over when shaking Jesse. of course its possible that it could have happened naturally sooner or later, but it didnt here.

If she hadn't been so helplessly out of it, it wouldn't have been a problem. Where drugs are concerned, you take the risk you accept the responsibility.


But of course you know this means that
Jane's dad is going to come around in the morning to get her to rehab and instead find her corpse.
I really can't predict where they will go with the season finale.


Mohonky said:
If she hadn't been so helplessly out of it, it wouldn't have been a problem. Where drugs are concerned, you take the risk you accept the responsibility.

that has nothing to do with it. the person you quoted was, i assume, shocked that walt just stood there watching her die. the fact that it "could happen anytime" doesnt make it any less shocking. add to that the fact that he caused it, and hes one stone cold motherfucker.

Ventrue said:
But of course you know this means that
Jane's dad is going to come around in the morning to get her to rehab and instead find her corpse.
I really can't predict where they will go with the season finale.

i wonder if Jesse will call Walt to help him with Jane, saying how much he messed up and crap, and then her father will come in and see both of them.


Unconfirmed Member
woah. This show is relentless.

I wonder if Walt touching the needle will have any repercussion. If his finger prints are on it and Jane's dad gets the cops involved.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
D4Danger said:
woah. This show is relentless.

I wonder if Walt touching the needle will have any repercussion. If his finger prints are on it and Jane's dad gets the cops involved.

Just like the ATM with Jesse, the case is open and shut. She overdosed. End of story.


Neo Member
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I thought the bodybag being foreshadowed from a couple of episodes back was for Jane since now we know she's dead? =\

Perhaps the body bags are for Ted and Skyler. I have noticed Skyler's car is in the driveway but Walt's is nowhere in sight.


CreativeJuices said:

De Anza was the name of the Motel he went to.

You know, I really wonder how the deal went down! We see Walt removing his car's spare tire, but why? To store the load cash he just earned? Then the scene just ends, which is cool because it totally built up suspense.

Jesse vs. Jane's dad, wonder what's going to happen there.
Another amazing episode. Can't wait for the season finale next week.

I knew Jane was a goner (she knew too much about Walt) but I thought she'd die in the finale. What a brutal scene to watch. Cranston's performance is awe-inspiring.
Ashhong said:
that has nothing to do with it. the person you quoted was, i assume, shocked that walt just stood there watching her die. the fact that it "could happen anytime" doesnt make it any less shocking. add to that the fact that he caused it, and hes one stone cold motherfucker.

Yeah, initially he rushes over saying, "no, no, no." And you think if anyone knows how to save somebody in that instance, it's Mr. White. But then he stops, thinks, and lets her go. That's calculated and stone cold. And considering all he's done at this point, it makes perfect sense within the story.

I too thought something was going to happen to Jane. Saw the rift between Walt and Jesse coming and figured she would be the odd one out. But I didn't see it coming so soon or in that fashion. But as we've seen with Tuco and Trejo's character, this show doesn't really care how long somebody new or interesting has been on, they're all fair game.


B.K. said:
He always amazes me in the show. The only thing I've ever seen him in is Malcolm in the Middle. Watching that show, I would have never imaged that he was actually a good actor.

Are you crazy! He did a spectacular job playing Hal! Cranston was always great at comedy, seeing him do a drama was a big leap. He's so good as the dad in MiTM though!

Random clip I found with Hal (which happens to be awesome)


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Diamondcrusher said:
Perhaps the body bags are for Ted and Skyler. I have noticed Skyler's car is in the driveway but Walt's is nowhere in sight.

Hmmm, like they had a hit for Walt but then Skylar and Ted were having an affair. That would be wacky.
Just got caught up on the last two. This show continues to amaze. Guess I wasn't as busted up over the cliffhanger episode (did Walt make the drop?) because I watched the episodes back-to-back.

Can't wait for next week.
Gexecuter said:
Cornballer didn't post anything for this week so i thought i would pick up the slack
Thanks for putting that together - I've been out of town and haven't had a chance to get the links up.


Anyone see the sneak peak for next week's episode on AMC's website?


She takes the glasses!

It's rather telling that the shot opens with Walt and Walt Jr. are in the light, yet Skyler is in the shadow. I'm almost certain that she's one of the dead bodies in the opener, but this show does enjoy throwing curve balls.

edit: She's also twiddling with her wedding ring. Another hint.

Here's another scene from next week:

I love the opening shot.
Hank holds up Walt's photo directly in front of the shooting target's head representing Heisenberg with "WANTED" in big letters displayed above.
Very clever.
seat said:
It's rather telling that the shot opens with Walt and Walt Jr. are in the light, yet Skyler is in the shadow. I'm almost certain that she's one of the dead bodies in the opener, but this show does enjoy throwing curve balls.

edit: She's also twiddling with her wedding ring. Another hint.

Didn't watch the 2nd clip, but I think that Skylar and Walt's family will survive.
Who it is, I have no idea, but yeah.

I think that Skylar is going to cheat on Walt with Ted. Seems like they've been setting that one up for awhile. But Skylar has been a bitch for awhile now, so honestly wouldn't care too much if she got whacked.


not sure how her
taking the glasses
will be significant. i imagine skylar would stay with walt. the pool scene will probably be much later. can someone list what they find in the backyard again? theres:

walts glasses, pink teddy...is there a respirator mask?
Sounds like there was a lot of subtle stuff going on in that last scene - I should watch it again since I missed a few things the first time.


AlternativeUlster said:
AV Club was the only one who acknowledged that Walt was the one to shake Jane off her side and which caused her to choke. I didn't see it the first time truthfully.

I should be writing for av club

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I noticed it because the turns over in a really strange/fake way..
But I didn't but 2 and 2 together until I read this thread and was reminded of it.
I think that Walt is in fairly good shape. He got rid of the Meth and has a connection with someone to move the product for him and no one in that organization has any knowledge of him except through the Heisenberg identity.


rollin' in the gutter
I noticed that Walt forced Jane onto her back when shaking Jesse, but it seems irrelevant to me. Even if she was on her side and started gagging, I could see Walt nudging her onto her back. He's becoming more deluded and maybe even borderline psychopathic.


this show has gotten SO predicable over the last several episodes. seriously, the foreshadowing is getting a little out of hand here.

i still love it though. very fun show with some great characters.


duderon said:
I noticed that Walt forced Jane onto her back when shaking Jesse, but it seems irrelevant to me. Even if she was on her side and started gagging, I could see Walt nudging her onto her back. He's becoming more deluded and maybe even borderline psychopathic.

i think you are seriously missing the point of the scene. its in no way irrelevant that Walt caused Jane to turn over. its the turning point for Walt, as you even point out at the end. how can such a pivotal moment be irrelevant?


rollin' in the gutter
Ashhong said:
i think you are seriously missing the point of the scene. its in no way irrelevant that Walt caused Jane to turn over. its the turning point for Walt, as you even point out at the end. how can such a pivotal moment be irrelevant?

It's irrelevant because I think Walt would have killed her regardless of the circumstances. She was the new problem and had to go.

edit: I'm trying to say the manner in which she died was irrelevant, not the fact that Walt essentially killed her.
nah i think that was a 'deer in the headlights' moment for walt, but he took the opportunity to let her croak. i mean look at his face during the thing it's not really something he wanted to do.


duderon said:
It's irrelevant because I think Walt would have killed her regardless of the circumstances. She was the new problem and had to go.

edit: I'm trying to say the manner in which she died was irrelevant, not the fact that Walt essentially killed her.

i guess, but thats not wat the focus is really about. everyone is going crazy over the fact that he killed her period. the only difference is that it probably would not have gone down the same if she was on her side. i dont think he would think "lets push her over!"

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Watched the latest episode today, it was great tough i am wondering if they are running the risk of making Walt too unlikable. Letting someone choke on their own vomit is pretty bad regardless if that was caused by their own addiction. Since jane is dead now my guess for the identity of people on the body bags would be Jane's father and someone from Walt's family, at least that's what i get from the little synopsis in AMC's site.


it's ok, you're all right now


dave is ok said:
But the whole Walt meeting Jane's father in the bar and then deciding to save Jesse and witnessing her death is the type of coincidence that Breaking Bad always seems to try to avoid.

I agree, but the problem was NOT the final scene. The problem was Walt and Jane's father coincidentally meeting at some random bar and then somehow having a totally relevant conversation without even knowing it. Lame contrived coincidences (is that redundant?) are one of the things I hate most about most movies and television shows, Breaking Bad should be better than that.

Of course it was still a great episode and better than everything else that's on TV.


xbhaskarx said:
I agree, but the problem was NOT the final scene. The problem was Walt and Jane's father coincidentally meeting at some random bar and then somehow having a totally relevant conversation without even knowing it. Lame contrived coincidences (is that redundant?) are one of the things I hate most about most movies and television shows, Breaking Bad should be better than that.

While I will admit that them happening to be in the same bar at the same time and then sitting next to each other is a rather large coincidence, I don't agree that the conversation itself felt forced. Jane's father is having massive issues with his daughter. From the sounds of things and from what we've seen of how she's acted, she's been pretty bad off with the drugs before, so him seeing her slide back so suddenly has to be heartbreaking. We haven't heard any mention of Jane's mother, so for all we know, he's got nobody to talk to about it. Along comes Walt, mentioning a new baby, yet obviously taking a break for a drink in a bar, and he starts talking about his own daughter, who happens to be on his mind.

I mean, if they started discussing the finer points of chemistry then I'd see the conversation as forced, since there would be no reason for Jane's father (do we even know his name yet?) to talk about it, but the family issue is on the front of both of their minds.


Vlad said:
While I will admit that them happening to be in the same bar at the same time and then sitting next to each other is a rather large coincidence
You know, I've been thinking about that. I will admit that it definitely is a coincidence, but when you think about it the bar was probably just the closest one to Jesse's house. Jane's father probably went to the first bar he could find and probably stayed there for far longer than he should. Walt probably also went for the first bar he could find, so it's not completely unlikely that they would meet. Yes, it is a coincidence but I don't think it's nearly as unbelievable as some people here seem to think.
Friggin' amazing show.

The only blemish is the acting by this girl. She is so out of her depth. The scene where she blackmails Walt into giving her the cash is just laughable. It really wasn't very consistent with her character, with how she has been at other times. Some might say that drug-users can suddenly change, but I'm still not buying it. I mean, her character as a whole is just unbelievable.


Will Eat Your Children
Up to Season 2 Episode 6. So goddamn amazing. Why did Hank throw that grill in the water though?

Also, are the minisodes and PS3 episodes worth it?
perryfarrell said:
Friggin' amazing show.

The only blemish is the acting by this girl. She is so out of her depth. The scene where she blackmails Walt into giving her the cash is just laughable. It really wasn't very consistent with her character, with how she has been at other times. Some might say that drug-users can suddenly change, but I'm still not buying it. I mean, her character as a whole is just unbelievable.

Nah, I didn't have a problem with her acting, she was pretty good. Besides, she's a woman, she doesn't need to drugs to suddenly change at a moment's notice, they all do it. :lol

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Teetris said:
So goddamn amazing. Why did Hank throw that grill in the water though?
He's not a cold blood killer

He doesn't want a trophy to remind him that he isn't as much of a badass as his colleagues think he is.
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