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"Breaking Bad" - Season 2 - Sundays on AMC

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AlternativeUlster said:
AV Club was the only one who acknowledged that Walt was the one to shake Jane off her side and which caused her to choke. I didn't see it the first time truthfully.

they even mentioned it earlier when Jane said 'on your side honey in case you throw up'

That was an AMAZING scene. I was worried he was going to pop her full of more drugs to kill her actually.

Watching him be horrified and cold at the same time was great.


Cornballer said:
Episode 5: Breakage. He chucks it into the river and some men find it later covered in mud.

Oh, duh.


not This:
daw840 said:
Nope. :lol
dave is ok said:
One of the other reviewers I posted from this week said that had seen the finale and that it was great. I believe Tim Goodman is writing a full preview/appreciation article about Breaking Bad for tomorrow's SF Chronicle, too.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Cornballer said:
Nope. :lol
One of the other reviewers I posted from this week said that had seen the finale and that it was great. I believe Tim Goodman is writing a full preview/appreciation article about Breaking Bad for tomorrow's SF Chronicle, too.

Time was the one who also said he saw it. God, I wish it would leak so freaking bad.


dave is ok said:
No blogs caught the scene switches between Walt and Sky in "Over" and they pointed to Skylar and her boss getting it on... I should blog TV.

Anyway, this has some small spoilers in it. It's from someone who saw the finale and is blown away by it:


fuuuuuuuuck so hyped!

walt: "which one?" is im guessing the 2 word show changing line. and i almost guarantee Walter Jr will die. i feel it


Absolutely pathetic part deux
dave is ok said:
No blogs caught the scene switches between Walt and Sky in "Over" and they pointed to Skylar and her boss getting it on... I should blog TV.

Anyway, this has some small spoilers in it. It's from someone who saw the finale and is blown away by it:


Wait, what are you talking about? Who pointed to Sky and her boss getting it on? Like they were going to do it? Seemed apparent when she went to talk to him to get a job.


AlternativeUlster said:
Man, I want spoilers at this point. At least I know that
when Saul is sending people over to Jesse's it is for clean-up of his drug stuff and not to rob him so I hope Saul is a permenent addition to the cast

im sure they will explain it, but i dont get the point of that really. to clean the place up of the heroin? i mean obviously there will be heroin there if she overdosed on it. and there shouldnt be any evidence of their meth. also this means walter will saul about what he did?


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Ashhong said:
im sure they will explain it, but i dont get the point of that really. to clean the place up of the heroin? i mean obviously there will be heroin there if she overdosed on it. and there shouldnt be any evidence of their meth. also this means walter will saul about what he did?

I just read about it from the Newsday thing but I wonder if they are going to make it look like
OD'd in her own apartment


AlternativeUlster said:
I just read about it from the Newsday thing but I wonder if they are going to make it look like
OD'd in her own apartment

thats pretty much the only reason i can see Saul getting involved. obviously her dad would realize its Jesses fault though

dave is ok

aztek is ok
AlternativeUlster said:
Wait, what are you talking about? Who pointed to Sky and her boss getting it on? Like they were going to do it? Seemed apparent when she went to talk to him to get a job.
They kept contrasting between the "work" Walt was doing to repair his house and the "work" Skylar was doing to destroy her home.

The first time the scene switched from Walt to Skylar - it was the dripping rusty water turning into the dripping coffee from the coffee machine at Skylars work, right as Ted comes up to talk to her.

The second time the noise of Walt's power tools turned into the noise of the vaccuum as Skylar was staying late at her office, grabbing Ted as he left to ask a work related question and hold hands for a bit.

The third time - it showed Walt screwing a single screw into a piece of wood, then switched to Sklyar knocking over her jar of pens to lure Ted into her office. The implication is that there will be "screwing"


Just watched episode 12. Goddamn that was some heavy shit. Ending was just brutal. :( The tension and unsettling feeling this show is generating for me at the moment is just through the roof. The pool scenes... ahhhhhh. I'm constantly changing my predictions of how that scene will go down as it all unravels. I am so goddamn hyped for the final episode and hope it delivers. No matter what, this season has just been astounding.

I'm betting all my money on Skylar and Beneke being in the 2 body bags foreshadowed earlier in the season. Not sure if that is a common prediction. It would probably disappoint me if it ends up being no name drug dealers or something, but then again, i think it will be intense regardless of how it pans out.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
dave is ok said:
They kept contrasting between the "work" Walt was doing to repair his house and the "work" Skylar was doing to destroy her home.

The first time the scene switched from Walt to Skylar - it was the dripping rusty water turning into the dripping coffee from the coffee machine at Skylars work, right as Ted comes up to talk to her.

The second time the noise of Walt's power tools turned into the noise of the vaccuum as Skylar was staying late at her office, grabbing Ted as he left to ask a work related question and hold hands for a bit.

The third time - it showed Walt screwing a single screw into a piece of wood, then switched to Sklyar knocking over her jar of pens to lure Ted into her office. The implication is that there will be "screwing"

Oh that. When you say they are getting it on, I thought you meant they were already fucking each other.

On Ain't It Cool, they have a preview of tonight's episode if you need 30 seconds of clips (and yes I did):
Can't wait for the finale tonight.
Episode 13:

Skyler and Walt collide in the season finale as her frustration with his secrecy finally comes to a head. Jesse self-destructs after a personal blow, forcing Walt to come to his aid. Jane's dad Donald's grief leads to tragedy.


Spotless Mind said:
I'm betting all my money on Skylar and Beneke being in the 2 body bags foreshadowed earlier in the season. Not sure if that is a common prediction. It would probably disappoint me if it ends up being no name drug dealers or something, but then again, i think it will be intense regardless of how it pans out.

This makes sense. It also makes sense that the writers would wait until she has the baby to kill her off. It would also seriously decrease scrutiny on Walt on the home front, allowing him to perpetuate his business without her prying eyes...


Will Eat Your Children
It's tonight? Great! Just finished all 19 episodes in the course of the week, thanks for the recommendation again GAF! Looks like I'm just in time for the final party.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
by the way... do they have a predetermined amount of seasons they will be doing? while i love this show, i can't really see it going on for a crazy amount of seasons..


Absolutely pathetic part deux
quadriplegicjon said:
by the way... do they have a predetermined amount of seasons they will be doing? while i love this show, i can't really see it going on for a crazy amount of seasons..

They have it renewed for another but someone from the blogs says they have 4 planned.


I can't believe tonight is the night! I love this show so much. I'm staying out of this thread for now, too many smart people posting theories!

I will see you guys on the other side.



I have been quite satisfied with this season. Can't wait to see the conclusion.

I wonder when Mad Men starts up again.



does Mad Men get better? i only saw episode 1, but it doesnt seem too interesting. BB caught me from minute 1.

edit: anybody have some kind of youtube video that shows off the show? i need something to convince my friend to start watching. something that screams epic.

edit2: rewatching Mandala and Phoenix, the intro of phoenix is even more confusing. what the hell was he doing there? the drop was supposed to be at a truck stop, and that scene was after the drop. iuno how they will answer everything in 1 hour..


Ashhong said:

does Mad Men get better? i only saw episode 1, but it doesnt seem too interesting. BB caught me from minute 1.

edit: anybody have some kind of youtube video that shows off the show? i need something to convince my friend to start watching. something that screams epic.

edit2: rewatching Mandala and Phoenix, the intro of phoenix is even more confusing. what the hell was he doing there? the drop was supposed to be at a truck stop, and that scene was after the drop. iuno how they will answer everything in 1 hour..

imo :]

Breaking Bad has the advantage of starting off with an interesting/unique hook. Mad Men's hook is more reliant on the setting and has more characters to introduce.

I enjoy both shows. Getting them back to back on the same channel is just crazy to me. They're both really good. AMC programming wizard deserves some high praise.
You guys should probably just stay out of the thread until you get a chance to watch. Once it has aired, it's fair game. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I'm sure there will be a lot of discussion once the finale is over.
Cornballer said:
You guys should probably just stay out of the thread until you get a chance to watch. Once it has aired, it's fair game. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I'm sure there will be a lot of discussion once the finale is over.
Yea, I don't feel spoiler tagging my entire posts.


it's ok, you're all right now
OK I'll stay away. :p I wanted to see the general sentiments though. 'cause the wait is going to be a nightmare. :p


Absolutely pathetic part deux
B.K. said:
So it was a plane crash? What a cop out. :/

Wait, so it was sort of like Donnie Darko? Is that it? I have to wait until it is on the web but I am reading all the spoilers I can because I just can't wait.
That scene was brutal.

Also: AMC sure knew when to say when Mad Men Season 3 starts. Only a two month wait! (or did we know this already?)
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