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Breaking Bad - Season 5, Part 2 - The Final Eight Episodes - Sundays on AMC

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The two scenes aren't even CLOSE to comparable in terms of straight up quality.

Not in quality, but contextually they're the same thing. I don't like Skyler myself; I don't think Gunn is a particularly fantastic actress, and I think her character acts sometimes as a barrier between what I want to see on screen, particularly when she's as complicit as Walt in some things.

But do I skip them? No. Because in the long run, they're necessary.


And Hank doesn't think anything of it if Walt didn't convince him Gale wasn't Heisenberg.


No but seriously, Hank doesn't control his limbs if Walt doesn't pay for his rehab.
lol oh like when walt cried in front of hank to bug the DEA so he could cook more and dodge getting caught for murder and more?

not to mention Walt did it to a person who deeply trusted him, to a person who values his relationship and has an actual stake in his life. not some fucking random stranger

sky's not universally hated. she's divisive.

on top of all this, it's not really about whether or not you like sky: it's that skipping part of shows and stuff is bullshit and testifies to how awful of a viewer you are. like, go ahead and pick and choose what parts you want to watch but know that doing so will make everyone else completely ignore your opinion, and for good reason because it's incomplete farcical criticism that no one should give a shit about

Isn't he rewatching episodes? I don't personally hate Skyler quite as much but why waste time watching scenes you already know you hate?

While she may not be universally hated she is definitely hated by the majority and one of the most hated TV characters ever.


Caught up and finished Season 5. Really just the level of brilliance in this show is top notch. The quality just hasnt fallen yet. Only an X-Files alumni could deliver such product. teehee

Anyway i cannot wait for the final 8. Although it all seems pretty obvious how it will shake down, but this show hasnt followed the obvious path. Needs Emmys for its final season.
Ok, I'm planning a Breaking Bad party for the premiere...trying to think of items that should be in it


1. Fried chicken
2. Tots + Franch
3. Blue candy
4. Funyuns
5. Uncut pizza

what else...?


Ok, I'm planning a Breaking Bad party for the premiere...trying to think of items that should be in it


1. Fried chicken
2. Tots + Franch
3. Blue candy
4. Funyuns
5. Uncut pizza

what else...?

Wish i had friends that had breaking bad parties. fml

big ander

Even while working against him Walt saves Hank's ass many many times.

I can't remember specifics of the top of my head but in my memory he doesn't exactly save hank's ass ever...he just stops short of completely screwing Hank over and/or getting him killed. He's perfectly fine working against hank and putting hank in danger, that he pulls up on the throttle in time to prevent his demise isn't exactly commendable
Isn't he rewatching episodes? I don't personally hate Skyler quite as much but why waste time watching scenes you already know you hate?

While she may not be universally hated she is definitely hated by the majority and one of the most hated TV characters ever.
he isn't rewatching, he's just an awful media consumer signaling he probably has bad taste in just about everything

and I don't know how deeply you read the interim thread near the end or this thread or the season threads before that, but in numbers of people: the pro-sky and anti-sky teams seem pretty even. anti-sky probably has more people, but in my experience they discuss a lot less, many do one-off posts about how they dislike sky and then don't post in the thread very frequently while pretty much every pro-sky person is a frequent poster.

outside of gaf/internet in general anti-sky is likely more populated. but just from talking to people I know about the show, I would not say it's an insanely great majority.

most hated TV characters ever? maybe in the amount of shallow vitriol but that some anti-sky people spit but the pure fact that she has a sizable contingent of defenders kinda knocks her out of that running, I think.


Literally the worst post in the thread

I eventually re-watched them for context.

Luckily they dialled her back this season. Except for the 'shut up' scene, but she was easily the worst character on tv season 1-4. By a wide margin.

No regrets skipping 'cause she was irritating as shit.

But she's borderline ok now. So there's that.


Walt really did turn fucking evil. Its an interesting dynamic to the show. I kinda want his ass to get busted, but kinda want him to get away. The last episode really balanced it out. Before that episode i was ready to send his ass down the river. What a fucker.


Walt really did turn fucking evil. Its an interesting dynamic to the show. I kinda want his ass to get busted, but kinda want him to get away. The last episode really balanced it out. Before that episode i was ready to send his ass down the river. What a fucker.

The very first thing we learn about Walter White, aside from the fact he rocks a mean pair of tightly-whities, is he's willing to die before going to jail. Pigs ain't taking him alive.


big ander

I eventually re-watched them for context.

Luckily they dialled her back this season. Except for the 'shut up' scene, but she was easily the worst character on tv season 1-4. By a wide margin.

No regrets skipping 'cause she was irritating as shit.

But she's borderline ok now. So there's that.
backtracking, very walt of you
Does anyone plan on making gifs from the first episode when it airs?

count on Wenis for one, along with the thousands on tumblr who'll be doing it


The very first thing we learn about Walter White, aside from the fact he rocks a mean pair of tightly-whities, is he's willing to die before going to jail. Pigs ain't taking him alive.


Well the opening/ending to the season did have him getting a heavy machine gun.
Breaking Bad is my favorite show! I've only seen two-thirds of it but it's my favorite show

That anna gunn interview is good. She's naturally got sky figured out well and it's cool that she doesn't seem to be affected by all of the fools who hate her character


I'm kind of surprised at the number of people who are rooting for Jesse to kill Walt. I think Jesse is there to contrast Walt. He desperately tries to hang on to the good in his life and is constantly at struggle against the filth the meth business has brought him.

For Jesse to kill Walt, that would spell the end of Jesse's hope for redemption. He's out, bitches, and now has a chance to turn his life around. The big question for Jesse is if Walt will pull him back in (which will probably mean Jesse's death), or will he continue along the path of redemption. It will be interesting to see which way they take the show. I can't help feel that Walt will turn to Jesse as a last resort and condemn him. On the other hand, the show is about Walt and I wouldn't be surprised if they focus almost exclusively on him in the last half of the season. I think it's possible that Walt will sacrifice
Jesse to Hank / the police.

I don't think we'll see
Jane come up again.
I'd be disappointed if we did. That was one of the most significant scenes in the show, but it's played it part. Walt's role in her death is probably the turning point for him and how far he's willing to go to keep control. I think it's best left as it is, there's plenty going on now without dredging it up. The exception being that Jesse may hear it from Walt. While it's possible, I don't think it will lead to either of their deaths.

I think he will lose Skylar and the kids. They will leave him. It's possible that they will die, but I think it's more poignant to have them leave of their own free will - maybe even going so far as to help the police. Hank, if he survives, might get the youngest daughter and Walt. Jr. It's important that Walt lose them due to his own direct actions. BrBa is a tragedy about the hubris of one man.

I still think that Walt has further to fall. I think he will die either to the police, another drug lord, or just some street punk. It will only be after he has lost everything. I think the episode at the start of season 5 is right before he dies. Walt is going out. There's no other way for him. The only question is whether he will die evil like Scarface or if he will redeem himself. I tend to think the latter.
I can understand the disdain for Skyler during the first few seasons, but in season 5 she was a goddamn hero. Wake the fuck up haters.
I'm thinking 5 courses for each season

Season 1 - Bacon/Eggs
Season 2 - Fried Chicken
Season 3 - Uncut Pizza (We're probably just gonna throw this on the roof)
Season 4 - ????
Season 5 - Tots + Franch

I'm not coming up with anything for season 4...
I'm thinking 5 courses for each season

Season 1 - Bacon/Eggs
Season 2 - Fried Chicken
Season 3 - Uncut Pizza (We're probably just gonna throw this on the roof)
Season 4 - ????
Season 5 - Tots + Franch

I'm not coming up with anything for season 4...

I would make season 4 the Fried Chicken one since that whole season had Gus.


Season 2 should be funyons. Remember that's like all he had in the RV?


I'm thinking 5 courses for each season

Season 1 - Bacon/Eggs
Season 2 - Fried Chicken
Season 3 - Uncut Pizza (We're probably just gonna throw this on the roof)
Season 4 - ????
Season 5 - Tots + Franch

I'm not coming up with anything for season 4...

Totally not poisonous berries.


I can understand the disdain for Skyler during the first few seasons, but in season 5 she was a goddamn hero. Wake the fuck up haters.

Funny, for me season 5 was when I started getting a bit irked with her (the pool part specifically). Up at that point, I totally understood (and still do) where she's coming from.

BUT Let's keep away from more pointless Skylar arguments. 5+ pages of this thread is this.


Just started my last minute rewatch marathon today, made it to the end of S2E1. Just as good as I remember. Can't wait for Sunday.
Yeah Season 4 is definitely all Gus, I didn't even realize Walt first went to Pollos in Season 2...

I just want it consistent...

Not sure what's inconsistent with serving funyons for season 2 and fried chicken for season 4?

The other thing you could do is take beer and put Hank's face on it for SchraederBrew.
man skyler going straight i don't give a shit and basically attempting suicide while walt trudges through another fake bullshit this-is-how-i-overcame-cancer diatribe was definitely a highlight of the season for me. her character has basically had to kill herself multiple times. man i can still see marie freaking out..

and that's what directly led to the kids going to stay with auntie and uncle columbo.. skyler just compounds lie after lie for her husband at this point. and when walt has the nerve to use her affair with ted as an excuse to marie. this sh ow is on some next-level relationship shit.


Caught up and finished Season 5. Really just the level of brilliance in this show is top notch. The quality just hasnt fallen yet. Only an X-Files alumni could deliver such product. teehee

Anyway i cannot wait for the final 8. Although it all seems pretty obvious how it will shake down, but this show hasnt followed the obvious path. Needs Emmys for its final season.

Did not know he worked on the X-Files. That's cool.
Not sure what's inconsistent with serving funyons for season 2 and fried chicken for season 4?

The other thing you could do is take beer and put Hank's face on it for SchraederBrew.

Because we first get the bacon in season one, Pollos is introduced in season 2, the pizza in season 3, so on and so forth.
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