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Breaking News: Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21, 10:00 A.M. PST, Livestreamed

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I just want the announcement and E3 presentation to be game-centric. I really don't want a ton of time spent on obvious multimedia stuff that even current consoles can do.


why do you think they are going with "new" generation instead of "next" generation? Another MS guy twitter new generation too.


After thinking about it a bit more and the 1h reveal I get the fealing this could become a huge gaf meltdown. I could imagine the whole new xbox vision be way more entertainement centric and less game focused than most people here would want.


damn, you know your schedule that far out?

I was surprised about a month ago when I asked my brother about E3 and he said he had work, and he knew like every detail of every day. Blew my mind. I figured people didn't know what was going on in their life until like that week. That's always been the case for me.
Wasn't the Sony meeting 1.5 hrs long?
Surely MS can match that..

They don't want to. Mainstream press was dying by the end of the Sony PS4 announcement. This will probably be denser, and touch less on games than the Sony announcement did. They have another 2 hours a few weeks later at E3 to show off the games. But this is the moment where they'll have the attention of CNN, New York Times, etc so they will want to build a conference around getting the mainstream press and tech press excited.


why do you think they are going with "new" generation instead of "next" generation? Another MS guy twitter new generation too.

Try to keep the 360 kickin' as long as possible I guess. New maybe sounds like another device whereas next sounds like it's a replament. Don't really know, that sounds flimsy.


After thinking about it a bit more and the 1h reveal I get the fealing this could become a huge gaf meltdown. I could imagine the whole new xbox vision be way more entertainement centric and less game focused than most people here would want.
I'm betting it'll be more like the MTV 360 reveal where GAF was extremely disappointed that it wasnt catered to them.

For reference: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46948


I am just glad that we finally have a date so we can get this show on the road, devs can hopefully soon just announce games for whatever they are making.

We have been ready for next gen for about 2-3 years now, lets get the last player out on the floor and get going. Should be a good unveil
This has to be a joke right?? I've seen it twice now.

What are they suppose to do, have it at 3am in the US their biggest market so the very few in Japan interested can see it? lol

Hell, the US time is dumb too. Sure the press will be able to go, but most people will be at work lol.
Finalllllllllly. Like already said I'm most excited because developers can finally stop pussyfooting and we can finally just call things how they are and move on with next generation.


But yet Sony did have the balls to do it? I mean, did you even watch the PS4 presentation? The guy made it such a major point to say that it is 8gb of Ram because initially is was not going to be 8gb or Ram. To think that Sony was able to switch and MS can't is pretty stupid.

No, you just dont know how Sony did it.

Sony did not touch APU. They have 256bit memory controller with 8 32bit transfer lines. At the end of those lines they put one 512MB chip on top of the motherboard, and one on the bottom, each utilizing half of the lines. This kind of procedure is really not a big deal and can be done very easily without any other change to the rest of the system. User 2MF wanted increase from 8 gig to 12gig, and that requires changes of the memory controller [128bit to 192bit, or 256bit to 384bit], and putting more transfer lines on the motherboard [redesigning everything], or even worse putting some of the DDR3 ram in clamped design and some in singles, reducing the transfer speed for a lot of the ram.

NOBODY thought that Sony will go from 4 to 8 gigs of ram because of cost, power/cooling increase and most importantly CHIP SIZES [PS4 will be first mass produced computer device to use 512MB GDDR5 chips, 16 of them].

Triple U

The seventeen people in Japan who care about Xbox will be up at 2AM to catch the stream. It's not a big deal - good time for MS to announce live to their major markets.
I think it's a pretty bad time to be honest. It's right in the middle of most of America's work/school day.


After thinking about it a bit more and the 1h reveal I get the fealing this could become a huge gaf meltdown. I could imagine the whole new xbox vision be way more entertainement centric and less game focused than most people here would want.

I'd say GAF fully expect it to be 80% Kinect, 19.99999% Media/Ads and 0.000001% Games already, I struggle to think MS could under-deliver on those expectations ;)


The Iwata thread and this were right next to each other so I read to fast and thought it said "Breaking News: Next Xbox will be revealed by Iwata on May 21"

I was like WHAT!?



Haha, oh man -- so funny reading the responses now.

Yeah, I love looking back at threads like that. Personally I remember not having much of an opinion of their MTV event but enjoying the E3 conference a lot. I'm curious to check out that thread now.


So, what are the odds that PGR will be a launch title?

Sorry if this has been asked before. I haven't really been keeping up with the rumors for the nextbox. I suppose it might be something that no one knows - thus a stupid question. But just thought I would ask what you guys thought of it as a possibility.

Inb4 Kameo - Kinect puzzle game.
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