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Brexit 'divorce bill' could go up to €100bn


not tag worthy
I don't want the UK to be royally fucked as it looks like my son will be staying here with his mum. Plus I have family hear who are good people and not narrow minded fucktards.

I really hope that May and the Tories say or do something to monumentally stupid that the country backlashes against them.
Here we go again.

This is all just negotiation tactics and bluster. It's in nobody's interest for the deal to fall through.

Here we go again what?

It's in the EU's interest to play as hard ball... If you think this is just bluster and UK will get a sweet deal... well keep hoping.




I don't want the UK to be royally fucked as it looks like my son will be staying here with his mum. Plus I have family hear who are good people and not narrow minded fucktards.

I really hope that May and the Tories say or do something to monumentally stupid that the country backlashes against them.

Unfortunately they're about to press the reset button and buy themselves another 5 years


Asking for all the exceptions and their mothers in order not to leave EU and then still leaving the EU was as close as it gets to taking a piss.

Yeah, UK had the best deal ever and gave it up so what do they expect the EU to give them, not a lot is my guess unless they accept the four freedoms which leads to what is the point of leaving and they won't accept freedom of movement so hard brexit.


Well, the budget defecit is what, £70bn?

Seeing as Brexit means the last 7 years of austerity have been completely worthless, why not just add a bit more to that


Well, the budget defecit is what, £70bn?

Seeing as Brexit means the last 7 years of austerity have been completely worthless, why not just add a bit more to that

Yeah, what a joke that was. Nevermind, strong, stable and united will make those tax receipts go up.


Not the sole reason and everyone knows it. Let's not try and turn this into racism in an attempt to silence people ey!
"We can't have France and Germany decide... things... for us in Brussels" most certainly does not fall under xenophobia, does it?


The Birthday Skeleton
This is all just negotiation tactics and bluster. It's in nobody's interest for the deal to fall through.

There will be a bill. Maybe not 100bn nor 60bn, but UK still has money that UK government committed to pay. That's a debt.

In any negotiations between two parties the first logical move would be to settle the current liabilities between them before discussing a new contract.

May tried to use the debt as a tool for blackmail. "We won't pay our debt unless you give us a deal". Well, it doesn't work like that at any level, so EU called her bluff.

And thus "no deal is better than a better deal" became "no deal is a 100bn debt". That's what happens when you bluff just for the spectators and the others at the table know you're bluffing.


The UK has unpaid bills and commitments. They need to pay up and this has been clear ever since the beginning. This is not some 'punishment' or political stand-off, it is paying the debt that is owed. You can't buy a house and sign up for the mortgage, then leave and expect the others to take over your share.


The Birthday Skeleton
The UK has unpaid bills and commitments. They need to pay up and this has been clear ever since the beginning. This is not some 'punishment' or political stand-off, it is paying the debt that is owed. You can't buy a house and sign up for the mortgage, then leave and expect the others to take over your share.

This is even worse than that. This is signing up for a mortgage then deciding that you don't want a mortgage on your house so you go to the bank and threaten that you don't pay your loan unless they lift the mortgage from the house and give you a new contract with better conditions.


Asking for all the exceptions and their mothers in order not to leave EU and then still leaving the EU was as close as it gets to taking a piss.

Sigh, so everyone should turn a blind eye to absolute squander of the eu parliament? Or how granting the French farmers priority on sugar production (just one example) and almost killing an old established uk company in the process should also be ignored right? Don't forget fishing quotas in territorial waters also being handed elsewhere amongst other things. I am a brit that lives in France and don't agree with brexit. But it is not black and white.

Also a quick history brush up on just who and for how long was British membership to the common market blocked would be a good thing I reckon.

Blaming the EU for the UK Governments mistakes for decades was though.

Theresa May " Ok here's the deal,you want 80,but I'll give you 60"

EU " How about we make that 80.... 💯"

Theresa May "..............💩"


"We can't have France and Germany decide... things... for us in Brussels" most certainly does not fall under xenophobia, does it?

Perhaps if everything was handled fairly without worrying about the interests of a certain few have better viewed I think.

A significant portion of leave voters are xenophobic / racist.
They're not shy about it.

Perhaps some receipts to go with that statement is needed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Remainers in other EU countries where Referendums are a possibility are watching.
France, Italy etc
...and after this I can't even BEGIN to comprehend how ANYONE could say "yes, this is a good idea - we should leave the EU".

This isn't a punishment and anyone that views at as such is ignorant of the situation. This is the fault of those who pushed to leave. The blame lies squarely at their feet. Nobody else. They knew the stakes and do not deserve special treatment here.
Sigh, so everyone should turn a blind eye to absolute squander of the eu parliament? Or how granting the French farmers priority on sugar production (just one example) and almost killing an old established uk company in the process should also be ignored right? Don't forget fishing quotas in territorial waters also being handed elsewhere amongst other things. I am a brit that lives in France and don't agree with brexit. But it is not black and white.

Also a quick history brush up on just who and for how long was British membership to the common market blocked would be a good thing I reckon.

Can you back up your claims that leavers voted exactly because of these reasons? Especially the ignorant ones who just wanted the Poles to GTFO.

Because the billboards had "immigration" as number one word on them. Not "protect our sugar".


...and after this I can't even BEGIN to comprehend how ANYONE could say "yes, this is a good idea - we should leave the EU".

This isn't a punishment and anyone that views at as such is ignorant of the situation. This is the fault of those who pushed to leave. The blame lies squarely at their feet. Nobody else. They knew the stakes and do not deserve special treatment here.

It's another thing leave voters didn't put any thought into, they treated a referendum on international matters like a council election.


How are we meant to take these demands seriously when in the last month they've just randomly upped it from €60bn to €100bn?


Can you back up your claims that leavers voted exactly because of these reasons?

Because the billboards had "immigration" as number one word on them. Not "protect our sugar".

No I can't, just like all the racist, xenophobe screamers can't back up theirs!!


The EU is going to turn some remainders against it, the way things are going.

How can you demand a divorce bill but you don't want a share of the assets, especially since UK has always been a net contributor???


There's potentially about €154 billion in assets, but really practically due to the nature of some of them there's only about €97 bn of assets which could be realistically counted.

The UK's total (non net) contribution to the EU finances is about 10.70% (2007-2013) so best case you're 'only' talking about €10bn. The way some brexiteers go on about it, you'd think the EU would end up owing us money.


The Birthday Skeleton
How are we meant to take these demands seriously when in the last month they've just randomly upped it from €60bn to €100bn?

It's not randomly, it's explained in the article. And part of it will be received back by UK or could be compensated.


Perhaps some receipts to go with that statement is needed.

Unfortunately I don't think there's a database of xenophobic comments recorded by leave voters.

Anecdotally, in the North of England I can safely confirm every one of 100+ people I know who voted leave has made xenophobic or racist comments at some point or another in conversation or on social media.

But don't take my word for it, engage any average man-on-the-street leave voter about Brexit, off-camera, and these comments will come out pretty quickly.


How are we meant to take these demands seriously when in the last month they've just randomly upped it from €60bn to €100bn?

Because they're saying it "could" go up to 100bn?

The projected divorce bill is like any other government projected cost - underestimated and wholly inaccurate until the job is finished. Do I really need to show you examples?


Sigh, so everyone should turn a blind eye to absolute squander of the eu parliament? Or how granting the French farmers priority on sugar production (just one example) and almost killing an old established uk company in the process should also be ignored right? Don't forget fishing quotas in territorial waters also being handed elsewhere amongst other things. I am a brit that lives in France and don't agree with brexit. But it is not black and white.

Also a quick history brush up on just who and for how long was British membership to the common market blocked would be a good thing I reckon.


You mean that old British company which leveraged colonial conquests and labour to import massive amounts of cane sugar from halfway around the world, which has now been largely replaced by UK grown sugar beet? And thus greatly improved the fortunes of another venerable British sugar company (British Sugar) who unlike Tate and Lyle actually operate a full UK based farm to table production cycle?
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