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Brexit 'divorce bill' could go up to €100bn


I wonder post-Brexit who all those xenophobic and racist leavers will blame when they realize a immigration is still increasing, just not from people from the EU.

Obviously what Britain really needs to do is leave this world, for total splendid isolation.
The EU is going to turn some remainders against it, the way things are going.

How can you demand a divorce bill but you don't want a share of the assets, especially since UK has always been a net contributor???

Why would the EU care? The UK electorate spoke, they don't want the EU to care about the UK.


Chili Con Carnage!
I wonder post-Brexit who all those xenophobic and racist leavers will blame when they realize a immigration is still increasing, just not from people from the EU.

Immigration wont increase post Brexit, it will plummet along with living standards, and all the xenophobes who are suffering even worse than before will continue to blame their fortunes on foreigners, it will just be much easier because they'll be hundreds of miles away.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Why would the EU care? The UK electorate spoke, they don't want the EU to care about the UK.

Because the UK isn't vanishing off the face of the earth. Business relationships, tourism etc. will still need to exist for both parties.

UKGAF is heavily pro-EU, I get that, but the lack of willingness to criticise the EU at all is very tiresome.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.


Immigration wont increase post Brexit, it will plummet along with living standards, and all the xenophobes who are suffering even worse than before will continue to blame their fortunes on foreigners, it will just be much easier because they'll be hundreds of miles away.
You need to take an increased number of skilled workers from other countries to make up for the number that are going to leave post Brexit, especially if the EU makes it easy. The brain drain is going to be one of the most crippling parts of Brexit.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.

Only if you ignore the context. The bill is going to go up and down a lot throughout the next couple of years as the EU countries realign what they want from Brexit and negotiations begin properly. Calling that "shitty behaviour" is silly.


Leaving the eu was not pissing on anyone.

From the EU's perspective, they offered Great Britain an incredibly good deal for decades, with provisions they would never have offered any other country, specifically because they understood both the symbolic importance and the political difficulty of wedding the UK to the continent.

Britain decided to throw this deal in the trash because of stories about banana shape regulations that weren't even true.

So, yeah, I mean, some European officials are probably a little bit miffed. People worked hard to keep Britain in the EU.


Because the UK isn't vanishing off the face of the earth. Business relationships, tourism etc. will still need to exist for both parties.

UKGAF is heavily pro-EU, I get that, but the lack of willingness to criticise the EU at all is very tiresome.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.

I'm more than willing to criticise the EU, I don't think anyone is under the illusion that the EU is perfect, or without issues.

It's all about pros and cons, I strongly believe we'll be worse off out of the EU, and that the problems that people like Farage have levelled at the EU, will still continue to be problems for us, it's just we'll be worse off financially as well.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
The EU is going to turn some remainders against it, the way things are going.

How can you demand a divorce bill but you don't want a share of the assets, especially since UK has always been a net contributor???
Why would this matter?
Is the UK electing a remainer in June? Lmao.


Because the UK isn't vanishing off the face of the earth. Business relationships, tourism etc. will still need to exist for both parties.

Sure. The EU will be a large currency union, and the UK will be a small, isolated nation floating off the coast of a large currency union and utterly dependent on it for everything, but not part of it.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.

Should've gotten it in writing, I guess.


Because the UK isn't vanishing off the face of the earth. Business relationships, tourism etc. will still need to exist for both parties.

UKGAF is heavily pro-EU, I get that, but the lack of willingness to criticise the EU at all is very tiresome.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.
Actually the EU hasn't named any numbers yet. 50,60,100bn all come from different leaked papers or estimates but the EU position has been the same for some time by not naming any numbers
Barnier has said 60-100bn. Obviously every aspect will have to be gone through which will take time and the settlement will be then known.


They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.

They never said what the final amount was. They were always clear that the €60 billion wasn't it because they were still analyzing. The final bill won't even be clear until the divorce is worked out. That is how this works, it is so complicated you can't just put a random number on it. That just doesn't sit well with Brexit papers.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Finally had time to read the article
Hardline Brexiteers have claimed they will get a good deal from the EU without making many concessions and have said it is perfectly possible to walk away without a deal whatsoever.
Because the UK isn't vanishing off the face of the earth. Business relationships, tourism etc. will still need to exist for both parties.

UKGAF is heavily pro-EU, I get that, but the lack of willingness to criticise the EU at all is very tiresome.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.

Not literally but figuratively.

Costa Kid

No matter how much I disagree with brexit, I can't help but feel that certain eu countries are just trying to milk every penny possible before the UK leaves.

Also seems like they are putting a high price tag on it as a deterrent against other countries thinking about leaving
The EU didn't ask for this ridiculous Brexit process that will undoubtedly cost the EU both directly and indirectly. The UK should have to pay a large divorce sum. What about projects and aid packages that have been agreed upon and been set out between the time periods of when Britain is set to leave?

And once Le Pen is quashed, the EU will undoubtedly have a more positive image throughout the union. And the deal Britain will get will further reinforce this.


Because the UK isn't vanishing off the face of the earth. Business relationships, tourism etc. will still need to exist for both parties.

UKGAF is heavily pro-EU, I get that, but the lack of willingness to criticise the EU at all is very tiresome.

They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.
The UK is free to leave the EU and then sign a treaty after years of negotiations like every other Non-EU countey has to, so, whats the problem? :)
Also, why should the UK be allowed to get yet another special treatment like saving rights for UK-People in the EU but no rights for EU-People in the UK?


“I have to say this clearly here because I get the feeling that some people in Britain continue to work under illusions, and that is a waste of time”, she added.
Whatever gave you that impression, you daft Tory cunt?
It's ok though. Once things go too pear shaped, Theresa will just resign and leave us to the next raging idiot looking to pad out their legacy.

The fuck she care?


The Birthday Skeleton
They said it's one bill, now they're doubling it. That's shitty behaviour, whichever way you voted.

No, they didn't.

EU: we need to discuss first this bill for what's already committed before discussing new commitments.

Theresa "bloody difficult" May:we pay nothing until we get a deal

At which point EU thought "I guess there won't be any deal then, so let's put on paper everything that needs to be invoiced to UK just in case"

It's not even communicated by EU, it's estimated by Independent.
Whatever gave you that impression, you daft Tory cunt?

Thats a Merkel Quote...


Why is May just so utterly incapable of understanding that she argues with an economic superpower on the same level as the USA and China ?

You just can't bully, bullshit and intimidate your way to what you want if your "opponent" is several times larger than you.

All this talk about being strong, annoying and whatever will not make this any easier.
Brexit is like Donald Trump levels of stupidity. And for some reason UK lacks checks and balances that prevent shitty tribalistic outcomes.

And holy fuck the boomer generation absolutely destroyed this country.

They gorged themselves on the public wealth during Thatcher. Got rich by mortgaging a younger generations future.

Now no longer content with fucking over a single generation with their dog shit policies. They gottah leave a shit stain legacy.

Sign me the fuck up when the riots start. Let's Bastille Day some Baby Boomer Tory cunts.

Let's bring some medievalists social punishments back.

Hey Theresa we had a referendum, and the will of the British public is we tie you to a fast car and see how long you last.
Some of my work involves dealing with Europol and finding bad guys that flee across EU borders. The UK government doesn't seem to understand that current arrangements about international law enforcement rely on there being a supranational court system - you can't just pull out of the European Court of Justice and expect a court order from a London judge to be upheld by the Polish or Spanish police and vice versa.

The only reason all these different police forces and court systems are able to work together relatively seamlessly is because we all trust in an impartial arbiter at the European level. Bilateral treaties are a poor and inefficient substitute that criminals and terrorists happily exploit.

With all the organised crime interests in UK, this shit worries me a lot. I honestly don't see how the Brexit is going to make that country more secure.


Brexit is like Donald Trump levels of stupidity. And for some reason UK lacks checks and balances that prevent shitty tribalistic outcomes.

And holy fuck the boomer generation absolutely destroyed this country.

They gorged themselves on the public wealth during Thatcher. Got rich by mortgaged a younger generations future.

Now no longer content with fucking over a single generation with their dog shit policies. They gottah leave a shit stain legacy.

Sign me the fuck up when the riots start. Let's Bastille Day some Baby Boomer Tory cunts.

Let's bring some medievalists social punishments back.

Hey Theresa we had a referendum, and the will of the British public is we tie you to a fast car and see how long you last.

I can't support the idea in reality but that last bit had me laughing. Hopefully a German owned Mini will be the torture device.
The EU is going to turn some remainders against it, the way things are going.

How can you demand a divorce bill but you don't want a share of the assets, especially since UK has always been a net contributor???
Those of us who wanted to remain didn't demand a divorce bill.

Why would we be pissed off that the party who didn't want the divorce in the first place (the EU) aren't just rolling over to the demands of the party that instigated the divorce in the first place.

Here's my analogy. You can't announce that you're going to quit work, and then demand they give you severance pay.
Brexit is like Donald Trump levels of stupidity. And for some reason UK lacks checks and balances that prevent shitty tribalistic outcomes.

And holy fuck the boomer generation absolutely destroyed this country.

They gorged themselves on the public wealth during Thatcher. Got rich by mortgaged a younger generations future.

Now no longer content with fucking over a single generation with their dog shit policies. They gottah leave a shit stain legacy.

Sign me the fuck up when the riots start. Let's Bastille Day some Baby Boomer Tory cunts.

Let's bring some medievalists social punishments back.

Hey Theresa we had a referendum, and the will of the British public is we tie you to a fast car and see how long you last.

I'm in love with the anger of this post. If only our generation were more motivated.

It genuinely does feel like the boot on our heads is getting stronger with each day.

This election is probably a foregone conclusion. I will still be voting, of course, but I do hope change will arrive in time for the next one.

However, as my dad often puts it: "You could put a monkey with a blue ribbon up for election in our constituency and it would still win by a bloody landslide."


Hard Brexit here we come...
May is unfortunately going to win the GE and, based on what she has said already, no way we pay this with her in power.

I guess we will be leaving without a deal.

I cannot wait to see the fallout when all these idiotic Brexit voters realise what they've done. We really are (the last of us.. sorry) heading towards a no deal Brexit. On the first day of being out of the EU, with NO trade agreements with anyone, the country will come to a standstill. Food will start disappearing off of supermarket shelves, new iPhones won't land in ports and make their way to your nearest Apple store, tons of businesses will more or less cease trading... People have no idea, no matter how much you try and tell them. With sane leadership we would know that we'd have something set up and that the transition would be painful but manageable, but with these clowns... It's going to be economic suicide on a national scale.


Peter Bone(conservative candidate) on Sky News demanding the EU to pay britain half a trillion for brexit haha

"We have all the bargaining chips, they have all to lose"
The delusion is real


Brexit voters will never take responsibility,they are incapable.

My great wish is increased deals with Northern America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc in terms of trade and immigration. Then I may have an exit strategy of my own if things truly go sour


Where did they get that figure from? Their ass?

David Davis came up with the figure and gave it to FT. It's most likely bull.

Anyway, if we're leaving we should pay off our debts, or you know call the whole thing off and stay within the EU with the benefits we have.

Argh I'm still angry at people who voted to leave. I hate each and every one of them.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Peter Bone(conservative candidate) on Sky News demanding the EU to pay britain half a trillion for brexit haha

"We have all the bargaining chips, they have all to lose"
The delusion is real
Really? Really??!

Good lord, these people really are unbelievable.
I may be British but I hope the EU stomps this shitty government into the ground during negotiations and make it public exactly what they think of our government.

We are running this country on the whims of childish bratty behaviour and it's time for a reality check.
You really feel bad for almost half of the people who voted to stay in EU. They didn't ask for this but they will suffer nonetheless because of the other half who voted for Brexit.
Given that the leave vote skewed much older than the remain vote, and given how close it was, it's possible that there'll be more people who voted to 'remain' left alive by the time the UK actually leaves the EU.

That's not even getting into people who regret voting to leave.
Peter Bone(conservative candidate) on Sky News demanding the EU to pay britain half a trillion for brexit haha

"We have all the bargaining chips, they have all to lose"
The delusion is real


They can't comprehend that letting the UK leave without consequence is liable to lead to other countries in the EU leaving too. Europe have a lot more to worry about here than trade with the UK.
Yes, it is not like the EU does not have a bureaucracy that keeps track of their expenses... They just randomly throw numbers around...

It started off as 50bn, now 100bn and even Barnier has said there isn't an agreed figure.

I don't know the details of what is meant by 'settling the accounts', but how do they come up with any figure, let alone 100bn? Wasn't the UK putting in more than it was taking out?


Peter Bone(conservative candidate) on Sky News demanding the EU to pay britain half a trillion for brexit haha

"We have all the bargaining chips, they have all to lose"
The delusion is real

This kind of thing (Dunkirk spirit) buoys those kind of people who voted Brexit.


It started off as 50bn, now 100bn and even Barnier has said there isn't an agreed figure.

I don't know the details of what is meant by 'settling the accounts', but how do they come up with any figure, let alone 100bn? Wasn't the UK putting in more than it was taking out?

What spending etc David Cameron agreed to as PM I suppose would be a start.
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