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Bungie Explains Why Destiny Is Not 60fps On The PS4 And Xbox One


Should Destiny be 6fps then cuz it's 10x larger?

They could do marginal update on the graphics of Destiny 2 while all work just goes into making the game 60fps and I would be okay with that. Destiny even being a cross gen game looks amazing, you see the alpha on PS4 and you'd have a hard time saying it's cross gen. Minor updates on that + increased fps would be fine.

Of course, I'm not advocating for 60fps, I just want solid frames at 30 or 60 doesn't matter. The last thing you'd want is wonky ass frames.

Yeah I agree, I hate unlocked frame rates. Couldn't stand it in Tomb Raider or Infamous SS.

Just give me a locked 30 or 60. Pick one.


GamesBeat: What’s going to change between now and launch? Everyone’s going to see what it looks like pretty soon. What do you think they’ll notice at the end, when it ships?

Sussman: It’s already looking better. What people are seeing in alpha right now, we’ve already started improving on that. We’re actively testing the systems. We’re trying to push these new consoles as far as we can. We’ve pushed the 360 and the PS3 really far. We want to deliver, on all four consoles, the best possible experience.



Cross gen and Bungie, so 30fps was expected for me. They've made some of the best gameplay still having 30fps the past two generations and the alpha was proof of how they'll continue with that.

Perhaps when they drop cross gen they could make the upgrade but Bungie games have always played brilliantly without it.


Having a history of 30fps games is such a lame excuse. We're in a new gen. With the jump in hardware means a jump in performance. After 8 years that means both resolution and frame rate.

30fps is a huge let down. Like Driveclub, I'll be skipping it.
IThe game isn't a looker but its doing a lot on the CPU side with physics, Networking, and AI that I could see it being a CPU issue and they just designed the game for 30fps from the start of development way back when.


Not sure why Sony or MS would give a shit about the next gen versions being superior. Much less the average consumer.


And it's funny how schizo NeoGaf is. In the alpha threads it's all how amazing and great it is. Now it's all boo Destiny, boo crossgen! lol

That's because gaf is made up of thousands of people, and is not really the hivemind you try to portray it as. You should probably quote people rather than make random accusations at the entire forum.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The game is fantastic. I trust your judgement Bungie. Fuck the haters with a fusion rifle.

I don't really see anyone hating on the game itself.

People are mad that the comment sounds like they are forcing framerate parity in order to give everyone (read: last-gen console players) the same experience.

In reality, that's probably not the case.

Either way, a smoother frame rate would make an already good game that much better.

The co-op portion of this game is just fine at 30 fps and the multiplayer is junk anyway. 30fps will do.

And it's funny how schizo NeoGaf is. In the alpha threads it's all how amazing and great it is. Now it's all boo Destiny, boo crossgen! lol

You didn't put much thought into that statement, did you?

Tons of different people posting in different threads on this forum. Did you do a cross check to find people with positive impressions in the Alpha threads posting "boo Destiny" in here?

For that matter, people are booing the statement that was made, not the game.


Not sure why Sony or MS would give a shit about the next gen versions being superior. Much less the average consumer.

Ehh...to sell their NEW console?
Why do you even upgrade your console? Your TV? Your PC?
Seriously, it is for playing superior products on a superior system.

I am loss for words if you truly believe that.
Just stick with the PS2, I think EA is still making game for it.


Give me the 360/PS3 Graphics at 1080p/900p (Xbone lol) and 60 FPS on PS4/XBO , and I would rather play that over whatever the 30FPS graphics look like.

Bungie needs to start prioritizing 60 FPS over their art teams desire's to have beautiful landscapes and skyboxes. It's an FPS for fuck's sake, it should run fast and smooth.


Gold Member
Because parity with lesser hardware?

Because parity with lesser hardware.

As a PS4 owner, I'm a little salty about this.
Look forward to the game though.

that is exactly how I feel about it.

as much as i want to buy into the complete hype that it is a next gen game, it actually isn't.

if anything it'll make more people stay in the last gen longer, rather then give them a reason to come into the new. Which is not what I expect from a title this large and hyped as "next gen".
Geometry is Bungies go-to excuse. They friggen love that shit. Gave that to us years ago trying to explain why grenades often bounced backwards at you in Halo 3.


Not sure why Sony or MS would give a shit about the next gen versions being superior. Much less the average consumer.
They'd probably prefer it, they're in the business to sell stuff and if they can get more PS4/XB1s pushed as a result then all the better.

I suspect here it's that Bungie really doesn't want to go through the pain of retooling the game in ways other than effects and resolution for the newer consoles and don't want to alienate costumers still on older hardware that are actually informed about this stuff. Easier to just make the core game the same and add some frills for better hardware, then cut off older hardware next time.
The alpha ran great enough that I never questioned the frame rate. I wonder if the Crucible matches (competitive) will be 30 as well, or if they may push for 60 there?

Bungie, just frog blast the vent core and eek out an extra 30 fps!


I don't really see anyone hating on the game itself.

People are mad that the comment sounds like they are forcing framerate parity in order to give everyone (read: last-gen console players) the same experience.

In reality, that's probably not the case.

Either way, a smoother frame rate would make an already good game that much better.

You didn't put much thought into that statement, did you?

Tons of different people posting in different threads on this forum. Did you do a cross check to find people with positive impressions in the Alpha threads posting "boo Destiny" in here?

For that matter, people are booing the statement that was made, not the game.

I doubt it is... BF4 went from 30FPS on PS3 to 60 on PS4... I doubt they said, hey guys, let's pair down the PS4 experience for parity and it was more "achieving what we have was more important than achieving 60 FPS" and I have no issue with that. This is their vision. I can choose to play it or not.
For that matter, people are booing the statement that was made, not the game.

So people would rather be lied to? We all knew this was the case with as much money as Activision is dumping into this ip. If it doesn't perform well on PS360 Destiny is dead in the water. They aren't going to cater to the low install base just because you guys think 1080p and 60fps is the end all be all now.
Not sure why Sony or MS would give a shit about the next gen versions being superior. Much less the average consumer.

Installed base?

Sony and Microsoft are coming up on what might be 90 million PS3s and X360s sold (each) in another year or two.

Likewise, they are still under 10 million on the PS4 and XB1 (each).

I think they most certainly DO care about parity. They'll make more profit selling the older versions than they will the next-gen versions - at least for right now and for the forseeable future.


I can't wait until cross gen games stop being made. i feel like a lot of games could of been better without last gen holding them back.


A lot of these games probably wouldn't be profitable without Cross Gen.
I question that, but like I said they announced it for PS3/360 before we saw next-gen, they may as well get them the game they promised them.
If only.

New hardware has never meant a jump in performance, though.
SS->DC, N64->GC, PS1->PS2. ALL have had the average performance jump way up, at worst maybe more games on PS2 erred towards 30 so the jump on average wasn't as big, but 30 in and of itself seemed like a monumental accomplishment on PS1 most of the time.


Installed base?

Sony and Microsoft are coming up on what might be 90 million PS3s and X360s sold (each) in another year or two.

Likewise, they are still under 10 million on the PS4 and XB1 (each).

I think they most certainly DO care about parity. They'll make more profit selling the older versions than they will the next-gen versions - at least for right now and for the forseeable future.

Not even close. PS360 versions are around 20% of sales. Look in the NPD thread, the PS4 version of Ground Zeros alone is 47% of sales. That 20 number is going to be even smaller by September. The gamers who buy games have moved on from last gen.


It's great to know that my experience with Destiny on the PS3 will be equal to the experience on PS4. Bungie saved me $400. Thanks, Bungie!


Oh, only 500 million for the lifetime of Destiny then? That's nothing. In that case they should just cancel the last gen ports.

They are going to front load the sales. With a potential user base in the 100+ million range, depending on how many active users there on Xbox Live and PSN across all 4 platforms, they need to get the game on each platform and make it enjoyable. The second entry in the series (probably 3 years out) will go PS4/Xbox One only though as I doubt we'll see any support for the PS3 and 360 outside of FIFA, Madden and maybe CoD.


Really, Bungie?

People buy new generations of consoles to get new and better experiences, not the fucking same ones that they were getting on their old hardware. Parity with last-generation consoles is absurd.


Locked 30 is great for remote play. If Bungie can make it 60, great. But make it 60 on all game modes. Dont branch off MP at 60 and everything else 30.

One thing I really liked about Destiny is it's consistency.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So people would rather be lied to? We all knew this was the case with as much money as Activision is dumping into this ip. If it doesn't perform well on PS360 Destiny is dead in the water. They aren't going to cater to the low install base just because you guys think 1080p and 60fps is the end all be all now.

Well if this isn't a PR answer and Activision/Bungie are seriously gimping the PS4/Xbox One versions just to make sure they offer the same experience (apparently dictated by frame rate), then wouldn't you agree that people have a damn good reason to be angry?

The more likely situation is that Bungie is developing the game for PS4/Xbox One first and porting it down. They probably just haven't been able to optimize it enough on the newer hardware to get a locked 60fps at 1080p, so they are going with a locked 30fps instead.

Destiny would certainly not be dead in the water if it didn't have PS360 versions. It's absolutely going to see the majority of its sales on PS4. It will probably follow the trend of other cross-gen titles and come out to something like PS4 >>> Xbox One >>>>>> 360 > PS3. It will probably do some decent numbers on the last generation consoles and turn out to be a worthy investment, but current gen is where it will be played most.


So if the xbone version runs at 1080p and 30fps, what is the difference between it and the PS4 version or is parity between the two what they are going for?


Guys, GUYS

The game is 1080p on PS4 and XB1, they can not possibly mean full 100% parity. Seriously, you have to be an absolute bastard to think locking resolution to the lowest one the game runs at on any platform is a fantastic idea if you're not developing a retro style game or held back by technical limitations, and you'd probably have both Sony and Microsoft kicking down the door demanding it be ratcheted up because they want to actually sell PS4s and XB1s on the basis of being better than older systems. It's a disappointment they don't want to go way further (yet) but you ARE getting a superior experience on PS4/XB1, absolutely.


Cross gen really kicked us in the nards on this one.

Wolfgun's got nards?

But seriously, if this isn't just spin, that really sucks. And I'm not one to boycott a game for not hitting 60 fps (I might for not hitting 30 fps), but it would be nice to see fewer games shackled by the hardware restrictions of nearly a decade ago.


They didn't drop support for PS3 FFXIV. It's always going to be there holding the other versions back, but that's okay because everyone plays together. There's no reason for parity if each platform has it's own servers.

No it's already been stated that a future update will drop support for the ps3 because what they want to do with the game is not possible on ps3.

They are doing it specifically because they want to avoid what the ps2 did to ffxi.

That's what bungie should do once the last gen versions have been supported for a year or two.
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