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Bungie Explains Why Destiny Is Not 60fps On The PS4 And Xbox One


Even if they could make Destiny 60fps on current-gen (which wouldn't be that hard to believe, it being a cross-gen game and all) they still wouldn't do it. Because if they did, that would create the expectation of 60fps for all the next Destiny games, and I'm pretty sure they want to avoid that.

Bungie has always prioritized doing prettier sky-boxes, better lighting, more particle effects, etc. instead of improving the framerate, and I don't think they plan to change their philosophy any time soon.
How so? If Bungie placed more importance in achieving 720p and 60fps with Halo 3, there go the non-linear scarab encounters. There go the battles on Tsavo Highway. There go the huge battles on The Ark and The Covenant.
How can you know this?

Maybe they could have achieved all of that but with visual tradeoffs like downgrading that lighting system they had going in in H3.

I wouldn't know, anyway.


I feel like these companies overestimatd how many copies of these cross-gen games they'd sell on last-gen hardware.


It wasn't cross gen - that is exactly my point! ;)

Its a developer decision, not an effect of cross-gen holding it back.

Right, i was going off of the words in the OP with that sentence.

But i also added that either way, 60 fps should've been an higher priority whatever the case.
I'd hope the PS4 isn't already out of juice, too.


You seriously think this game is 30fps on ps4 and Xbox one because of old gen consoles?

I think the mindset was consistency to be honest. 30 fps on last gen and 60 on current gen just seems like something Bungie wouldn't be feeling. Some people hate on Halo, but Bungie releases some of the most polished games I've ever played. They have a level of care for their games that is rare these days.

Come time for Destiny 2, I fully expect 1080p60 and for the game to be PS4/One only.


Dem der console warrioring.

Not really,

It's no different from paying for a superior product in any other aspect of your life, be it a TV, a Car or whatever and it's performance being restricted through some other just as bullshit excuse.
See that 150 meg internet you are paying £60 a month for sir? Well, you can't have any faster than 1 meg it because Maurice next door is only paying for that, and we need to keep our customer experiences broadly similar.

PS, we will still be charging you £60 a month.

Yes, bit of a cheap dig at Xbone, even though it's more to do with ancient consoles, but to be quite honest, it's still a bent ass excuse.


I feel like these companies overestimatd how many copies of these cross-gen games they'd sell on last-gen hardware.

& I really think it is going to bite them. I wonder if Destiny will be this fall's Titianfall.

Ubi's decision to put asscreed on current consoles only looks really good right now.


If you're playing Destiny layer this year and your experience is ruined because you can't stop wishing it was 60fps then that's pretty sad.

I'd also question why you game on consoles in the first place.


See that 150 meg internet you are paying £60 a month for sir? Well, you can't have any faster than 1 meg it because Maurice next door is only paying for that, and we need to keep our customer experiences broadly similar.

This is the stupidest analogy ever.

By your logic, $59.99 for Destiny 30fps, but you can get it at 60fps for a premium, $79.99 price. Tiered internet =/= games. Poor comparison my friend.
If you're playing Destiny layer this year and your experience is ruined because you can't stop wishing it was 60fps then that's pretty sad.

Is also question why you game on consoles in the first place.

Because Destiny isn't coming to PC? So if you want to play it, you have to do so on a console.
“It’s a lot of different things,” explains Jason Sussman who is the senior environment artist at Bungie. “I could get really technical, but I’d bore you to death. A lot has to do with performance. We’re cross-platform, so we had to be very delicate with all four consoles, making sure they have the same experience, that it looks as good as it possibly can on all these consoles. A lot goes into that, from geometry to textures to post effects to particles to how many players you get on the screen. We’re always balancing that out to make sure everyone gets the same experience

Why the fuck would I buy a PS4 or an Xbox One if your game is supposed to give me the same experience as the PS3 and Xbox 360 version. Next-Gen my ass.
edit: nevermind.
Its OK, I was enjoying checking it out and reading the dev insights. Thanks. :)

So what will the excuse be for Destiny 2 when that's 30fps also and current gen only?
Very pretty sells better than very responsive.

I don't think we'll see the 30fps standard change until games are marketed in ways that can show off that 60fps advantage. Until then we can hope for a competitor to try and make something just as fun but at 60fps, and maybe that could nudge things.

I can definitely live with a locked 30fps, especially when pushing something new and dramatic like DriveClub is doing with their insane environments and lighting, but the explanations we usually read for making that choice don't seem very honest.


If you're playing Destiny layer this year and your experience is ruined because you can't stop wishing it was 60fps then that's pretty sad.

Is also question why you game on consoles in the first place.
When i'm going to experience major nausea because the framerate is choppy in a first person game, that's pretty significant.
Not to talk, again, about response time in an fps with a competitive component.

Also i mainly play on PC, but the game isn't coming out on PC, as far as we know.
Like my first point said, wait for Uncharted 4 to decide what the standard for next-gen visuals will be among the elite developers. I think once 1080p/60fps in Uncharted 4 is cemented as the benchmark for visuals, devs with similar aims will have lots of explaining to do if they miss this mark, or release a game less visually stunning that is somehow a lower resolution or lower framerate.
I've said it before, but not every developer is a great developer. You're going to have stars in any given field. The real problem is when lackluster developers blame hardware for their own inabilities to get the most out of the hardware. It's a huge copout. What's less damming to say"we don't have the talent to reach 60fps@1080p" or "the system isn't powerful enough"? Thank goodness tomb raider came out so early in the life cycle of the ps4, and despite its short comings, it's provided consumers a benchmark by which to judge developer comments.
Dissapointing after playing the alpha because I really liked the game, and it would be awesome at 60fps. Might just pass but not sure yet.


I don't get it, why is cross-gen the reason why Destiny can't be 60fps on the current gen systems? If the biggest restriction for designing the game is last gen consoles, wouldn't the extra power allow for higher res, effects and fps?
And how much will that matter? If Bungie feels 30fps is better for the scale of their gameplay, whatever they want to achieve, is that so damning?
If I disagree with the feeling of accuracy and precision in the competive part of the game, it matters a whole lot.

I'm under no obligation to agree with their vision. I buy what I enjoy, by the time Destiny 2 drops... Many other competing games may be out and running at/around 60, not failing to hit a locked 30.
"We’re cross-platform, so we had to be very delicate with all four consoles, making sure they have the same experience..."

This is the #1 reason most multiplats don't push the hardware to their limits.

Developers don't want to make consumers buy more/better hardware to run their games. All they care about is selling their own software. So they make the decision easier for their customers to make - aka, stick with the hardware they have and not miss out on much in the "eye-candy" department.
Every single one has been 30 FPS. This is nothing new for Bungie, they value improved AI, lighting and large worlds over framerate.
And I'm completely with them 100% on that choice.

BUT, here with Destiny, isn't *all* of the stuff (except presumably the lighting) you listed above calibrated to the level of the previous gen? If so, and it seems to be so by their words here, then you'd think they'd have a lot more power to play with on the current gen versions. So I can understand the high expectations here, especially if they're trying to maintain gameplay parity.


i mean im still gonna buy the game, everyones on the same playing field its not like im stuck playing at 30fps while someone else is playing at 60fps

talk about an advantage

but its still a terribly lame decision, especially because the game feels like it could hit 60fps rather easily


I can't recall exactly why, but for some reason I expected this game to be 60 fps.
So after I initially started the alpha I was pretty pissed that it was 30 fps. After like 10 minutes of playing around with the shooting mechanics i turned off my ps4 in annoyance.

Comming from playing bf4 and wolfenstein 30 fps really didn't feel good.
The next day I decided to give it a second chance.
After a couple of hours I realized that it played perfectly fine with 30fps.
It's simply not that reaction based and a good tactical approach is far more important than crisp and precise aiming.
For pvp I still would prefer 60fps tho, so I won't play that too much I guess.
I'm assuming that a lot of their physics, animation, collision and so on was hard coded for 30fps update from the get go and going back to change all of that is a bad idea.


The usual then. I don't know about better gameplay though, that's a new one. The thing that usually brings better gameplay to a shooter is usually higher framerates.

I wish I could find the interview where the Naughty Dog guy was explaining how they had to butcher their AI routines in TLOU for the ps3. It's stuff like that that I want out of the new generation, not higher fps and more AA. Destiny is looking like last gen gameplay.
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