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Call of Duty: Ghosts Review Thread | Celebrating 10 years of doody


friend bought me the game on PC because he wanted someone to play with

FoV is shit. game should get a 2 maximum just because of that


It's about fucking time the COD bubble burst with reviewers. I'm sure the game is fun and all, but how many very similar sequels can you get away with year after year before people get burnt out?

It's 4 games late, imo, but yes it's good that it's finally happened.
CoD reviews always seem like they're just a waste of everyone's time, especially when they're embargoed until launch. Hell, people here have been playing it for nearly 24 hours already. These reviews aren't going to convince anyone who's already decided to get CoD anyway, be it gamer or dudebro. If anything, it just seems like going through the motions (with a sprinkle of pretension) for the reviewers and something to spectate if you aren't into the series.

That said, and this is anecdotal, the game hasn't been selling as well. I wonder if it's people just waiting for next gen or people just getting franchise fatigue.
Bad reviews will not hinder the majority of consumers to buy a COD game.

People always tell me fast food is bad for my health but I'll always stand in line for the next Mc'D burger.
Not this game, but if reception continues to deteriorate; eventually, the franchise will suffer in sales.
It's about fucking time the COD bubble burst with reviewers. I'm sure the game is fun and all, but how many very similar sequels can you get away with year after year before people get burnt out?
The reviews haven't burst; they've been on the decline. It's just now that it has become obvious.


CoD reviews always seem like they're just a waste of everyone's time, especially when they're embargoed until launch. Hell, people here have been playing it for nearly 24 hours already. These reviews aren't going to convince anyone who's already decided to get CoD anyway, be it gamer or dudebro. If anything, it just seems like going through the motions (with a sprinkle of pretension) for the reviewers and something to spectate if you aren't into the series.

That said, and this is anecdotal, the game hasn't been selling as well. I wonder if it's people just waiting for next gen or people just getting franchise fatigue.

it has to the be latter, it just has to


Junior Member
killzone looking like its gonna be the launch fps on ps4 ... which is good. that series needs more recognition.


I enjoyed the Rev3 review moreso than anything... especially Gamespot which really glosses over MP. Kotaku's review was god awful in that 80% of the review focused on the single player.

She goes into a lot more detail and I'm going to have to agree with her it's map design that makes or breaks COD for me. The gameplay/gunplay is what I enjoy but it's the maps that either ruin it or hook me. Hopefully the maps are good.
Has someone reviewed the online multiplayer rxtensively? I never played the campagin but yeah... im a sucker for COD multi. Are the maps good? How is the 'feel' of the game? MW2 arcadey or heavier and slower like Blops?
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen..LOL


Titanfalls timing is just so perfect

no launch fps from ms
following up a shit halo
another garbage killzone on ps4 and nothing in the spring
bungie getting delays
and now a shit COD

the fps market will be so thirsty in March
Not this game, but if reception continues to deteriorate; eventually, the franchise will suffer in sales.The reviews haven't burst; they've been on the decline. It's just now that it has become obvious.

I don't know, I thought Blops 2 was better received than MW3. How are their metacritic scores at the end of the day?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Shinobi, care to update this review thread of yours?

People who aren't around when it's important shouldn't make threads like those that needs to be constantly updated.


Titanfalls timing is just so perfect

no launch fps from ms
following up a shit halo
another garbage killzone on ps4 and nothing in the spring
bungie getting delays
and now a shit COD

the fps market will be so thirsty in March

BF4 says hi and Killzone SF looks great.


Cod has never been ambitious, unless you call adding skinnerbox functionality to the 4th game ambitious (lol)

it started off as a medal of honor AA clone ffs

They never bothered to improve the movement , come up with a good spawn system or anything
laziest most formulaic sequels next to fifa since 2003.

Lol whut?

You know the MoH: AA team became Infinity Ward right? The minds behind that game made COD4 and there's no way you can build a convincing argument that it wasn't a landmark title.

It popularized (and arguably improved) the unlock system introduced by BF2, it was a stunning game when it came out, included the ability to pierce objects with rounds which no console game did at the time and had a huge amount of variety in its campaign.

I'd say that MW2 took all of that to its logical extreme (and was also an interesting jab at the military-industrial complex with a heavy anti-war message that people seem to miss) and that BLOPS2 actually did try something new.

MW3, BLOPS, the WWII Treyarch games and this are the ones that played it safe. Sure, that's more than the ones that innovated but you can't write off the whole series. The first COD game was miles better than MoH: AA. You know why? Because AA had one phenomenal mission: The Normandy landing. EVERY level of the first CoD matched that in intensity. MoH's one man army spy schtick was getting long in the tooth long before AA came out. CoD's recognition of other countries and the 'collaborative' aspects of war as it were was incredibly refreshing then.
Titanfalls timing is just so perfect

no launch fps from ms
following up a shit halo
another garbage killzone on ps4 and nothing in the spring
bungie getting delays
and now a shit COD

the fps market will be so thirsty in March

Having gotten to try Titanfall myself, I can say it never had to worry about any of those games to begin with.


Junior Member
Titanfalls timing is just so perfect

no launch fps from ms
following up a shit halo
another garbage killzone on ps4 and nothing in the spring
bungie getting delays
and now a shit COD

the fps market will be so thirsty in March

What are you basing that off fool?

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
OP needs to do his job

it´s annoying that you have to go through a whole thread to find the scores.. they should always be in the OP..

I honestly think if you call a thread "review thread" you should be around to update it.

Give him half an hour, or PM a mod to make a new thread and close this one if either of you want to update it yourself.

What are you basing that off fool?
You're clearly not familiar with Lunchbox' posting style :p
What's with the OP? You can't start a review thread for a release as big as a CoD game and abandon it after posting one review from a site nobody has ever heard of.


What are you basing that off fool?
from playing killzone 1-3

I don't have to delude myself into thinking trash like killzone is anything but mediocre drivel since my ps4 has bf4 coming with it. that will hold my fps needs fine until titanfall takes over in march


Junior Member
from playing killzone 1-3

I don't have to delude myself into thinking trash like killzone is anything but mediocre drivel since my ps4 has bf4 coming with it. that will hold my fps needs fine until titanfall takes over in march

So from playing old games you can automatically deduce that the next installment is going to be average? Pretty pathetic don't you think? Then what if the best thing since slice bread "Titanfall" gets average reviews what are you going to do then?


So from playing old games you can automatically deduce that the next installment is going to be average? Pretty pathetic don't you think? Then what if the best thing since slice bread "Titanfall" gets average reviews what are you going to do then?

Man, that's just has posting style. I'm sure we'll hear about how great Titanfall is in 720p anyway.


from playing killzone 1-3

I don't have to delude myself into thinking trash like killzone is anything but mediocre drivel since my ps4 has bf4 coming with it. that will hold my fps needs fine until titanfall takes over in march

Keep drinking the MS koolaid fanboy.
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