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CBOAT's latest update

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I can't believe some of what I'm reading in here. Sony has Infamous and The Order for 2014 and they have a major possibility of having games by Santa Monica and Naughty Dog in that time frame as well. I'm not convinced that Remedy's game will be a 2014 title and Insomniac cannot be trusted with anything other than the Ratchet IP.

This is really such a horrible point, based on their number of studios alone.

What are Sony's studios and partners working on?
Well, partnerships have worked out for MS in the past so clearly they'll be doing it again. I'm also expecting new content to come from Japan.

People won't care where the games come from as long as they're on the console.

Expanding said partnerships would be a challenge, imo. Especially in Japan.

My biggest ??? in regards to Xbox One from TGS was "where the hell were the multiplatform announcements?"

During Sony pre-TGS event announcements, I expected some of the games announced at that event to be revealed to also be coming to XB1, maybe the day after, or the week after... or slightly after TGS...

None of them mentioned an XB1 version, even in press releases or post-event reveals. No IDOLM@STER, no EDF, no Sengoku Musou, no Natural Doctrine... none.

What the heck, MS.


Keep persuading yourself with downplaying the importance of this matter.
You dont buy 2000$ + displays, a 500$ console and wait 8 years for a supposed technically advanced console only to get sub native 1080p resolutions. Performance and image quality is a huge part of the immersion and surely a gamechanger for many people. Games today rely on 3D in every regard, they try to achieve realistic physics and realistic looks. Mario was an 2D 8 bit cartoony-pixel sidescroller that still looks fantastic because of its art style. Its simple and beautiful but games today rely on much more complex simulations and power IS key.

I absolutely agree, but people are making out like this 900p situation will make games look terrible. It won't. I have 360 games and PS3 games that look INCREDIBLE on my TV. XONE will look way better than that and PS4 even more so.

It's not even confirmed anyway, but if it is then we will still get some amazing exclusives on XONE which will not be ruined by this.


I really cannot see why people are bothered by this CBOAT post.

Maybe some people don't like spending a lot of money on a device rumoured to be faulty. Even if you get it replaced on warranty, you're still stuck with it, which is especially annoying if it doesn't perform as advertised. If it's a software fault (drivers freezing games), your warranty won't even cover it, unless you return it soon enough.
what positives he posted?

Confirming that DR3 was a xbox title, titanfall too, he leaked the country locale scenarios document, among other stuff?
It's also quite sad what some posters did by twisting his words to claim he was wrong on the downclock rumor, since he never talked about it.


I can't believe some of what I'm reading in here. Sony has Infamous and The Order for 2014 and they have a major possibility of having games by Santa Monica and Naughty Dog in that time frame as well. I'm not convinced that Remedy's game will be a 2014 title and Insomniac cannot be trusted with anything other than the Ratchet IP.

VGA's and E3 are going to be amazing.


Why would they think Sony would price the PS4 so high? Vita was relatively cheap at launch and the PS3 is cheaper than the 360 now. PS3 was an outlier to the whole situation.

Why ? Because Inflation. PS4 is cheapest ever Playstation.
By next gen we can expect cheapest consoles will be at minimum 599$.


Ms thought they will be cheaper than PS4

PS4 is even few dollars cheaper than PS2.


Geezus, the level of hostility and antagonisation by so many posters in this thread really makes me embarassed to be associated with them as a gamer...
Man, that bidet is going to be getting refilled pretty damn quickly...

It already overflows.

I wonder what hardware issues may be leaving to the amount of risk. Maybe the risk is actually related to the launch, strategy, and the current projections based on what they already know. I could see Microsoft have the console industry, but that would likely just mean the company will find a way to go after the TV box market with a box that plays halo via Rio or some strategy similar. It amazes me to see how different this launch is from the 360s. It isn't half as focused nor does the hype seem half as intense
Am I the only one who's over the Xbox One being underpowered? Tbh, what does it matter. This situation just reminds me of the PS3 all over again. The Xbox will be fine. Who cares if it's slightly underpowered? When your playing those games, your not paying attention to it. GTA 5 is such a good example. Despite having God knows issues, people still play it not complaining about any shortcomings.

Kydd BlaZe

Keep persuading yourself with downplaying the importance of this matter.
You dont buy 2000$ + displays, a 500$ console and wait 8 years for a supposed technically advanced console only to get sub native 1080p resolutions. Performance and image quality is a huge part of the immersion and surely a gamechanger for many people. Games today rely on 3D in every regard, they try to achieve realistic physics and realistic looks. Mario was an 2D 8 bit cartoony-pixel sidescroller that still looks fantastic because of its art style. Its simple and beautiful but games today rely on much more complex simulations and power IS key.
With all of that said...resolution notwithstanding...that doesn't change the fact that games like Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, and Titanfall all look like a lot of fucking fun. Most of us aren't just playing these games just for their resolution. The games still look great at 720p, 900p, 1080p...whatever. If the games are good, I'm going to play them regardless.


It's because 900p is close to unacceptable in 2013. It's make sense if these were third party developers targeting a game for 4/5 platforms, working in the 11th hour to get the game ready for launch. No. These are exclusives, games that started years ago (Ryse, DR3) on the 360. Microsoft wasn't ready. They still aren't. This generation is surely going to be something.

Serious question, what is more important to you, a game running in 1080p or the same game running better in 900p and having a better visual presentation? I remember that Ryse thread where Yerli said that PS4 rise would also run in 900p. People lost their shit. But those people failed to realise that Yerli didn't say that PS4 rise would run at 900p, at the same visual level as the One. Maybe the PS4 can run Ryse in 1080p in its current form. That doesn't mean it wouldn't look even better in 900p because you can turn on more effects. Sometimes a game looks better in 900p+certain effects than 1080p without certain effects. And frankly, I'm happy developers like Crytek choose not to play the numbers game and give us the game that they think looks best. If that's in 900p, so be it.
If they thought the PS4 was going to come in at 2.4 Tflops or more, how in the world were they expecting to keep up with 1.23 Tflops? It would have been further annihilation...

My understanding is that MS thought Sony were going to launch at $499 with the camera included and they figured Kinect would be their differentiator since the graphics, even with that power difference, would have been "similar enough" but the two camera technologies would show a vast difference in favour of Kinect (which is probably true, but now irrelevant).

I think MS knew that $399 was the number when they saw the 1.8TF figure and that little to no time at the reveal was spent on the PS4 Eye, but the DS4 was updated to be more gamer friendly than brand friendly and was a huge focus of their reveal event and interviews post reveal.
Why ? Because Inflation. PS4 is cheapest ever Playstation.
By next gen we can expect cheapest consoles will be at minimum 599$.


Ms thought they will be cheaper than PS4

PS4 is even few dollars cheaper than PS2.

They were fucking idiots for thinking that. There was no way in hell Sony was going to release another 599.99 console. I had them at 499.99 at the absolute highest price point and that matches the Xbox One's launch price.


Keep persuading yourself with downplaying the importance of this matter.
You dont buy 2000$ + displays, a 500$ console and wait 8 years for a supposed technically advanced console only to get sub native 1080p resolutions. Performance and image quality is a huge part of the immersion and surely a gamechanger for many people. Games today rely on 3D in every regard, they try to achieve realistic physics and realistic looks. Mario was an 2D 8 bit cartoony-pixel sidescroller that still looks fantastic because of its art style. Its simple and beautiful but games today rely on much more complex simulations and power IS key.

if the only difference was the resolution - if all xbox one games were 900p and all PS4 games were 1080p, but both had the same AA, same effects, same details etc - then I'd agree with mocoworm that it won't matter to most people. Both would provide great experiences.

It's only if you start to have to noticably reduce details, or framerate etc that it would become a bigger issue IMO.

Most people not being this forum - if you're into your games and you're into your tech, you may prefer to choose the PS4 for your multiplatform games. (but then if you're into your tech you might choose a PC). Personally I have a PS4 preordered. I like Sony's games, I like the commitment they've shown to first party support on PS2 and PS3, and I trust they'll continue to invest in PS4. I've lived with slightly less good multiplatform games on PS3, so having the slightly better ones next gen will be a nice bonus. But I don't think it would be the sole purchase criteria for me.
Am I the only one who's over the Xbox One being underpowered? Tbh, what does it matter. This situation just reminds me of the PS3 all over again. The Xbox will be fine. Who cares if it's slightly underpowered? When your playing those games, your not paying attention to it. GTA 5 is such a good example. Despite having God knows issues, people still play it not complaining about any shortcomings.

True. If games likes Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive are good, I don't care about 900p. Heck, Killer Instinct looks pretty damn good to me and that's only 720p

PS4 first for me though. Not so much because of the extra horsepower (I already have a good PC), but because of its price, first party studios and indie love.


Oh please. I can count the exclusives for both systems on both hands (per console). This generation will be the pinacle of the homogenous. It's why you can understand the spec fetish, but it doesn't mean the fevor is justified entirely. I'm sure half the people involved don't really understand. I don't and I have a 1st Class Honours in Comp Sci.


Those statements.......the next few months are going to be so good.

If you call your University quick enough you might be owed a refund on your education.
His degree's about as real as an Xbone with a second GPU.



I am confused by what CBOAT means by upclocks and issues. Does he mean RROD or MS not being able to make too many of them. I have a Day One edition Xbone preordered solely for reselling purposes, should I keep it?

Jack cw

I absolutely agree, but people are making out like this 900p situation will make games look terrible. It won't. I have 360 games and PS3 games that look INCREDIBLE on my TV. XONE will look way better than that and PS4 even more so.

It's not even confirmed anyway, but if it is then we will still get some amazing exclusives on XONE which will not be ruined by this.

Sure, those games are going to be great but that is not the point.
Both consoles arent out yet and many of us are going to get one of them and every aspect can be for or against a system. Native 1080p is something important to me so my choice is clear. Hearing about the limitations of the hardware from devs and insiders isnt really convincing to bet any money on the xbone.


Yeah I guess I see your points. Wishful thinking on my part.

Expanding said partnerships would be a challenge, imo. Especially in Japan.

My biggest ??? in regards to Xbox One from TGS was "where the hell were the multiplatform announcements?"

During Sony pre-TGS event announcements, I expected some of the games announced at that event to be revealed to also be coming to XB1, maybe the day after, or the week after... or slightly after TGS...

None of them mentioned an XB1 version, even in press releases or post-event reveals. No IDOLM@STER, no EDF, no Sengoku Musou, no Natural Doctrine... none.

What the heck, MS.

Those types of games being on the X1 wouldn't benefit MS or the developers who make them. The sales are on the Playstation or Nintendo consoles, and thier sales are also very niche in the west. It would be a waste of money for everyone to make an X1 port.

I'm expecting MS to put a focus on new IP for thier Japanese output. I think they'll partner with developers to make new JRPGs or games that can appeal in any region. This way, if the game fails in Japan, they could still have success in other markets.


So much BOAThurt

Expanding said partnerships would be a challenge, imo. Especially in Japan.

My biggest ??? in regards to Xbox One from TGS was "where the hell were the multiplatform announcements?"

During Sony pre-TGS event announcements, I expected some of the games announced at that event to be revealed to also be coming to XB1, maybe the day after, or the week after... or slightly after TGS...

None of them mentioned an XB1 version, even in press releases or post-event reveals. No IDOLM@STER, no EDF, no Sengoku Musou, no Natural Doctrine... none.

What the heck, MS.

Is dream club even being ported? I always thought that was more xbox geared


I don't have the time to search threads from months ago, but watch after Cboat makes announcements how many people will randomly proclaim news as related to him.

For example, his new comment about "Microsoft should have waited til 2014". People are already attributing that to mean hardware reliability concerns for the XB1. The moment we hear about a single xb1 failing you'll see multiple posts saying "CBOAT!".

So because he's vague enough, his prediction will be interpreted as an accurate prediction of something at some point.

You're mixing CBOAT's facts with his comments.

When he says MS should have waited he has his reasons to think so. Some reasons we don't know, could be lack of polish on games, lack of system lasting proofness shortage due to bad yields. Once it's fully disclosed he will come back to explain, until then take it as a comment. He's an insider, up to you to trust him or not, but please do not look down on others for trusting the guy.
As ou said you have tour opiniin, allow others to have theirs.
I think there's been a lot of moving goal posts and downplaying the importance of this in this thread. Trying to pass off a sub 1080P console that is 499.99 is insane when the competitor has a cheaper console that will presumably not struggle to actually be next gen.


I think there's been a lot of moving goal posts and downplaying the importance of this in this thread. Trying to pass off a sub 1080P console that is 499.99 is insane when the competitor has a cheaper console that will presumably not struggle to actually be next gen.

this is honestly the first time ive questioned my preorder's existence.


I think there's been a lot of moving goal posts and downplaying the importance of this in this thread. Trying to pass off a sub 1080P console that is 499.99 is insane when the competitor has a cheaper console that will presumably not struggle to actually be next gen.

Lol, what's "actually be next gen"? Wii? Wii U?
it will happen 7 days later with Forza 5. Sorry to crush your console war dreams

I don't have a stake in the console war any more. I just find it hard to believe and disappointing that Microsoft would fumble on their next console release so badly. I don't see doom and gloom for them yet, but they are not doing themselves any favors. Enjoy whichever game system you like, last gen I had three, but this gen that list will be smaller. At least until a price drop or major hardware revision.
I think there's been a lot of moving goal posts and downplaying the importance of this in this thread. Trying to pass off a sub 1080P console that is 499.99 is insane when the competitor has a cheaper console that will presumably not struggle to actually be next gen.

People want to buy the new Xbox. If the tikes were reversed, those same people would be deriding the PS4. With that said, I'm sure the xb1 will have some great games, but it is time for some to stop trying to justify the lack of power and just admit they are buying it for the games, brand, etc. When they venture into power arguments and resolution discussions, it just gets ugly.
I think there's been a lot of moving goal posts and downplaying the importance of this in this thread. Trying to pass off a sub 1080P console that is 499.99 is insane when the competitor has a cheaper console that will presumably not struggle to actually be next gen.

I'm getting both consoles but to me the most important things are the games. The xbox has better launch titles for me and that is why I'm more excited about it. The ps4 has some great games coming up as well but it is without a doubt the more powerful console, but hey, I've never bought something just because it was a more powerful console alone.

Once the order shows up and killzone gets some good reviews I think the playing fields should be levelled for games.

The lower resolution thing isn't really a huge deal breaker for me on either console.
Keep persuading yourself with downplaying the importance of this matter.
You dont buy 2000$ + displays, a 500$ console and wait 8 years for a supposed technically advanced console only to get sub native 1080p resolutions. Performance and image quality is a huge part of the immersion and surely a gamechanger for many people. Games today rely on 3D in every regard, they try to achieve realistic physics and realistic looks. Mario was an 2D 8 bit cartoony-pixel sidescroller that still looks fantastic because of its art style. Its simple and beautiful but games today rely on much more complex simulations and power IS key.

If visual prowess was all that the consumer cared for:
-they'd all be PC gamers
-Crysis would be an all time best seller
-CoD would have had a new engine years ago because nobody would buy a sub 720p game
-a bunch of other obvious situations that I honestly don't think merit being typed out.
-[Insert best looking game on either console] would be the best seller without fail.
-Minecraft would have died at pre-alpha stage
-Most indies would have given up the fight long ago
-Guild Wars 2 would have already taken the no.1 spot as MMORPG from WoW.

People buy games that they like to play. Maybe there are some gamers who buy games to watch them or validate their newest hardware purchase (i.e. PC gamers for the most part), but when the new shiny paint becomes invisible, its the actual game itself that keeps attach rates high.

The people who keep games like four editions of call of duty, a bunch of fifa games and a Kinect zumba game in Amazon UKs top ten best ever selling games list aren't going to all of a sudden turn from happily being sub 720p gamers into "I DEMAND 1080P FOR ALL OF THE THINGS" graphic whores just like that.

Give them a fun game, market it correctly and they'll play it. That's how its always worked and it isn't going to change based on arbitrary/non-existent resolution quotas created by people who do not represent the majority.
Based on what I've seen, this seems pretty true.

MS really goofed with the power on this thing if a cross-gen res bump is too much to ask for most titles.

About *this* close to buying a PS4 in early 2014, or just saying f' it and upgrading my PC.
I'm expecting MS to put a focus on new IP for thier Japanese output. I think they'll partner with developers to make new JRPGs or games that can appeal in any region. This way, if the game fails in Japan, they could still have success in other markets.

You're talking strictly first-party titles then.

Well, creating Japanese exclusive content isn't too challenging, there's more than enough mercenary developers in Japan who will develop for any platform so long as they're funded.

JRPGs would be a challenge though. The developers with the experience/capability to develop a JRPG have either died, moved on to 3DS/Vita/mobile, or are too entrenched within existing Japanese publishers ( Bamco, SE, etc )

MS needs to really build their own in-house talent if they're serious about Japanese content.
Plenty of salt coming from full members. = )
It's this attitude that sucks here. Sure I'm salty as I have a 100" screen and you better believe I'll be able to tell the differences in resolution. I'm not saying there's any secret sauce. I think it is what it is now and MS dropped the ball but posts like yours make it seem like its so black and white. "He likes MS consoles, get him!!!" Was about to reply to the post above yours that I'm also worried about the DS4(buying a PS4) as I'm more comfortable with MS controllers but you'd take it as I must be an XBot.


People want to buy the new Xbox. If the tikes were reversed, those same people would be deriding the PS4. With that said, I'm sure the xb1 will have some great games, but it is time for some to stop trying to justify the lack of power and just admit they are buying it for the games, brand, etc. When they venture into power arguments and resolution discussions, it just gets ugly.

Many have said they're buying an Xbox One because they prefer the games coming to Xbox One. They get perma-banned or they are told their opinion is wrong.


So dramatic.

Why? He's possibly quite right.

Many have said they're buying an Xbox One because they prefer the games coming to Xbox One. They get perma-banned or they are told their opinion is wrong.

What games aside from the known launch period? Look at this year, Sony had Beyond, TLOU, Puppeteer, Rain, Gran Turismo 6 and a bunch of other exclusives. What did 360 have this year? Only Gears and State of Decay or something?

What exclusives released for Xbox 360 in the last two years would make you purchase a potential sequel in the future?

I haven't seen a single exclusive from Microsoft these past few years that makes me comfortable in knowing MS will develop some interesting exclusives through the years.
I don't have the time to search threads from months ago, but watch after Cboat makes announcements how many people will randomly proclaim news as related to him.

For example, his new comment about "Microsoft should have waited til 2014". People are already attributing that to mean hardware reliability concerns for the XB1. The moment we hear about a single xb1 failing you'll see multiple posts saying "CBOAT!".

So because he's vague enough, his prediction will be interpreted as an accurate prediction of something at some point.

Are you for real? He wrote way more than just "ms should have waited for 2014". If there is nothing to idicate realtively big problems with XBone, it will mean it is a miss for CBOAT. But weak launch already says probles so it is a moot point... Only when what he writes can be read two way becames problems with legitemacy of that particular leak... But most of the time it is other people who suck at reading as was with "ps4 free online, not confirmed" and somehow people took it mean p4 free online confirmed. He is not most of the time vague atall.


Many have said they're buying an Xbox One because they prefer the games coming to Xbox One. They get perma-banned or they are told their opinion is wrong.

Dat persecution complex. No one gets banned on GAF for saying they prefer the games of any console.


Many have said they're buying an Xbox One because they prefer the games coming to Xbox One. They get perma-banned or they are told their opinion is wrong.

I'm much more interested in the X1 due to the intriguing software. Sunset Overdrive, QB both look unique and look to offer something new.

In comparison I've no real interest in Infamous or The Order, as I've played many games like them this gen.
True. If games likes Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive are good, I don't care about 900p. Heck, Killer Instinct looks pretty damn good to me and that's only 720p

PS4 first for me though. Not so much because of the extra horsepower (I already have a good PC), but because of its price, first party studios and indie love.

I'm buying a PS4 first and possibly not a Xbone until maybe years from now but I think people look too much into the specs of things than into the games and what they bring to the table. The Xbox being underpowered does not mean great games can not be made for it. I hate MS with a burning passion but I'm just about tired of the Xbone derails. Like we get it now, it's underpowered, cost more for being that way blah blah blah.. But I can see people buying it because of the games. If they can muster up the money like Sony to create their own third party relations team to help third party developer make games look amazing on their system, we wouldn't be talking about power but how much they actually care to dismiss those facts. When we are playing the games, the only bad things that going to come out of our mouths is whether the games are overrated, terrible and the latest review score. This power argument is lame now.


I'd be in the dick
Many have said they're buying an Xbox One because they prefer the games coming to Xbox One. They get perma-banned or they are told their opinion is wrong.

Oh come on. Those people get permed for other things, not saying they prefer XBO games. This is also a discussion forum, you can disagree with an opinion. I prefer the PS4's launch line up and I'm told I'm wrong all the time.

I'm much more interested in the X1 due to the intriguing software. Sunset Overdrive, QB both look unique and look to offer something new.

In comparison I've no real interest in Infamous or The Order, as I've played many games like them this gen.
Those are the only two games on XBO right now that I have any serious interest in. I hope they turn out well.
Many have said they're buying an Xbox One because they prefer the games coming to Xbox One. They get perma-banned or they are told their opinion is wrong.

I won't get into the banning discussion, but some act like the PS4 has no games coming out. Forming an argument that is factually wrong does the poster no favors. Say that you like killer instinct. Say that you want to play gorza, but don't say that there are no games for the other console. Enjoy your purchase without being disingenuous in your arguments. This war had been extremely bloody and no one has a console in their possession yet. DF face off these will be graveyards on both sides.


Keep persuading yourself with downplaying the importance of this matter.
You dont buy 2000$ + displays, a 500$ console and wait 8 years for a supposed technically advanced console only to get sub native 1080p resolutions. Performance and image quality is a huge part of the immersion and surely a gamechanger for many people. Games today rely on 3D in every regard, they try to achieve realistic physics and realistic looks. Mario was an 2D 8 bit cartoony-pixel sidescroller that still looks fantastic because of its art style. Its simple and beautiful but games today rely on much more complex simulations and power IS key.

I wonder how you survived last gen, with graphics being that much important to you I bet you didn't touch the PS2...and don't try to twist this by saying that the graphical differences weren't important or noticeable that much back then, the difference in IQ and resolution when compared to GC and especially Xbox was like night and day even in the most common CRT sets let alone better TV sets that supported progressive scan.
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