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CBOAT's latest update

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Forza probably has to make a lot of sacrafises else where to get to 1080p.

I think one is the lighting in the game. People used the term 'baked lighting' (could someone explain in a sentence?) and I don't think there are different times of day. I could be wrong though.


If Forza can do 1080p now, then surely most games can in a year or two.

The Forza team has had access to the very darkest corners of the Xbox hardware for longer than just about anyone else, so it's no surprise they're pushing it harder than others and achieving more early on.

..We really need to see Gran Turismo on the PS4 for there to be a proper comparison of equally gifted teams and what the real differences are between Xbox and PS4.

All these comparisons between Forza & Drive Club are completely bogus if you ask me, the team behind DC is tiny in comparison to either Team Forza or Team GT.


I forget... What TF will the PS4 actually run at as opposed to the 2.4-3.2?

around 1.84 right?

I don't understand why it is so hard to realize that they easily could have delayed first party titles for the end of the 360 to make the One launch strong, which it is. They realized that they were the system for multiplat titles and built up the launch of One. Why is this so hard to believe?

Huh what? What first party titles is Xbone getting? Just Forza right?


"I hope you aren't fans of 1080P on Xbox One.When hardware is released you'll see what I mean about issues. Upclocks too risk everywhere, 2014 was a better idea."

"Sounds like there'll be problems a-la Xbox 360 with reliability and it was rushed out to be in 2013 rather than 2014 when planned."

Sounds like the final incoming crash at the end of what has been nothing but one long train wreck.


I didnt survive. I abandoned console gaming some time in 2010 and switched to PC only playing some exclusives on consoles and the low res and weak performance were always things I noticed.
2005 and 2006 were something else. I just had a HD ready display and 720p was fine but thnigs change and technology advances...

So in the PS2 days you didn't have a problem with not having cutting edge graphics and it was after 2010 that resolution/graphics became that important thing to you while art direction became also irrelevant.

I guess you're sticking to PC gaming next gen if resolution & performance is that important to you and use the consoles just for exclusives.
So people didnt make a big deal on this "positive". Havent read anything about Titanfall here on gaf before the GI reveal. Neither DR3.

I dont distrust him. I just think he reveals some things to looks worse than it is, and dont make a big deal when its positive, or even ommiting the good things.

Just because you didn't read it or don't keep up with it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The thread where he talked about respawn's game (published by ea) being an x1 exclusive blew up (and sparked another thread about it, i believe, as it happens with most of his big posts).
You're just choosing to see what you want to see, but I can't say i'm surprised.
That thread about GI and titanfall (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=578141), even has people in the first page talking about how he was right.


Companies care about their viability, while Sony have been steadfast with their commitment to the core, and MS have flipped and flopped with the trends at every step, it's not because Sony are committed to making quality core titles, it's because they're committed to being popular, and they believe that consistent core releases is a more effective way of achieving their goal.

I think Sony is right, I think attempting to expand the 360 audience just hurt it's core appeal, and lost brand strength with early adopters, but we'll see.


I didn't think cboat threads were still causing so many angry tears. It's just a console people, it's not the source of all your happiness in life that is being threatened by buttocks.

And saying that MS will leave the console market because of Xbone is just stupid. It will take a lot more than that to make them call it quits.
I'm not seeing how something like this can be predicted with a huge amount of confidence. We have at least one launch title at 60fps and 1080p (like CBOAT said, the exception, but still). Developers get better at utilizing hardware as time goes on, and we've all seen the news about MS improving the drivers, freeing up more GPU resources, etc.

As for the upclock risk, if we have another RROD that will pretty much be it for MS in the console space. Hard to believe they would risk something like that.


I don't understand why it is so hard to realize that they easily could have delayed first party titles for the end of the 360 to make the One launch strong, which it is. They realized that they were the system for multiplat titles and built up the launch of One. Why is this so hard to believe?

They did? I see like 4 exclusives on XB1 at launch and 3 of them are either 3rd party games or a 1st party game farmed out to a 3rd party developer. Their 4 year drought on 360 hasn't done wonders for their 1st party lineup on XB1. Sony has 3 big retail exclusives at launch despite pumping out a slew of PS3 games in those 4 years. It's clear MS was caught with their pants down.
Is he implying that most games will be 1080p on PS4? Great news if true but somehow I doubt it, especially as the gen progresses.

Sony have been steadfast with their commitment to the core,

I think Sony is right, I think attempting to expand the 360 audience just hurt it's core appeal, and lost brand strength with early adopters, but we'll see.

But didn't Sony expend effort and E3 time on PS Move? Don't you honestly believe that when the PS4 becomes the juggernaut we think it will also try to expand out and attract more casual gamers and media consumers? Of course they will.


Yep, a sim racer at launch, a remaking of a cult fighting game series from almost 20 years ago, and a spiritual successor to a Sega Saturn game definitely screams "casual gamer".

so people are supposed to forget 3 or 4 years of drought ever since microsoft released kinect?

I seem to recall 2007's microsoft being a phenomenal competitor towards it's userbase. Not much after it though. Same Halo, Forza and Gears year after year.

But that's just me. I seem to have an incredibly high standard when it comes to choosing which console I will buy.


It's just a console people...

Just ... a ... console !

Oh man... this thread is hilarious. I've been pissing myself reading some of the posts. All the console war checkpoints being crossed :D

That PS4 "no game" narrative sounding more and more desperate every time I see it. Hitting the point of outright delusion now.

But it's heartening to see Microsoft fans now (Much like myself) don't really care about game resolution... which is funny because I can recall them caring a LOT about game resolution in many Digital Foundry article reactions over the course of this gen. Rare to see such dramatic reversals outta camp MS.

Also, we are apparently at a point where we can fully assess gameplay of games where literally no gameplay has been seen at all. Truly we are in the future and everyone has access to Denzel Washington's time tunnel viewing CCTV network from the hit movie "Deja Vu".

Two of those were delayed from last gen though.

Technically 3 considering Capcom said DR3 was already in development for current gen at first.


They did? I see like 4 exclusives on XB1 at launch and 3 of them are either 3rd party games or a 1st party game farmed out to a 3rd party developer. Their 4 year drought on 360 hasn't done wonders for their 1st party lineup on XB1. Sony has 3 big retail exclusives at launch despite pumping out a slew of PS3 games in those 4 years. It's clear MS was caught with their pants down.

Right; they may have held off Ryse, Dead Rising 3 and Forza to save them for launch on One. We will see what their first party studios have cooking; the pressure is on them for sure.


So in the PS2 days you didn't have a problem with not having cutting edge graphics and it was after 2010 that resolution/graphics became that important thing to you while art direction became also irrelevant.

I guess you're sticking to PC gaming next gen if resolution & performance is that important to you and use the consoles just for exclusives.

But the poster doesn't have to stick to PC gaming: Buying a PS4 is a viable option, the low-powered Xbone isn't the only console option available. And we also get the great indie and F2P support in concert with the PS4 that MS lacks dearly.

Right; they may have held off Ryse, Dead Rising 3 and Forza to save them for launch on One. We will see what their first party studios have cooking; the pressure is on them for sure.

But even at launch, Sony has a much more diverse games line up if you look beyond traditional retail boxed product.


So as far as I can make out, he's saying that even though an Xbone launch title will be rendered at 1080p, this is only an exception and most games on the console will render at 720/900p. That's the big scoop he's making with those posts.

Am I missing something or does that not really make sense? Given time, developers are able to take advantage more of a system's specs and improve their games' capabilities over the course of a generation. If Forza can do 1080p now, then surely most games can in a year or two.
I agree buti can easily see this situation wh en it comes to third party games. They made a game that runs 1080p 30fps on ps4. Obviously the xb1 can't run it at same settings since its the weaker console. The easiest thing to do to decrease the resolution to900p. Also not sure if this is accurate but some poster previously mentioned that due to how esram works its harder to push 1080p at the level of graphics the new consoles are pushing.


Yep, a sim racer at launch, a remaking of a cult fighting game series from almost 20 years ago, and a spiritual successor to a Sega Saturn game definitely screams "casual gamer".

The spiritual successor was originally on 360 and had such a shitty time development-wise that they had to go to the one. Neither company has great exclusives coming for launch but fuck if Sony hasn't supported the PS3 and its past consoles wayyyy better than Microsoft. If you don't agree with that you're even more blind than I thought.

Ryse is the only one I know of 100%; which is the other confirmed 360 title that is now launching w/ One?

Crimson Dragon.


All people talk about Forza 5 in 1080p and 60fps but I think Forza 5 use forward rendering. And if I I remeber correctly Timothy Lottes blog about PS4 and Xbox rant, he was thinking deffered rendering and 1080p on Xbox One will be difficult.

And many modern engine use deffered rendering partially or fully(KZ SF). Frosbite 3.0 is tiled deffered shading, Cry Engine 3.0 (partially deffered), UE 4.0 (tiled deffered shading). Far Cry 3 (deffered rendering), Watchdogs (deffered rendering???).

And if Forza 6 implements a cycle day/night, I think they will change the engine from Forward rendering to deffered rendering.


I meant exclusives; Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Forza, Crimson Dragon.

Right, so how exactly did they delay or transfer development of 360 first party exclusives to beef up their Xbone launch?

Aside from Ryse which was a third party Kinect based 360 title obviously.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
You ask me they've been headed in the wrong direction since shortly after the X360's launch and living off 3rd party support.
About the same for me. 1st 1-2 yrs with the 360 were fun, but they never did manage to justify Gold paywall for most of the things locked behind it, arbitrary restrictions placed on XBLA games was assinine, peripheral pricing was insulting and the RROD saga couldn't help but leave a bad taste in your mouth.


Ryse is the only one I know of 100%; which is the other confirmed 360 title that is now launching w/ One?
Crimson Dragon, in fact, it actually released on 360 in Japan, kind of.

EDIT: Not to say Sony isn't above doing this. The Last Guardian will be a PS4 game. Although probably moved platforms for technical reasons, not a weak first party showing.


I don't understand why it is so hard to realize that they easily could have delayed first party titles for the end of the 360 to make the One launch strong, which it is. They realized that they were the system for multiplat titles and built up the launch of One. Why is this so hard to believe?

So strong that Sony dropped/are dropping several major first party titles on PS3 (The Last of Us, Beyond, and Gran Turismo 6) and still have a more impressive first party line-up, where MS had to buy 3rd party exclusives to fill the gaps.

Even then the pedigree on Sony's titles speak for themselves while the XB1 lineup has serious question marks throughout.

I'm not seeing how something like this can be predicted with a huge amount of confidence. We have at least one launch title at 60fps and 1080p (like CBOAT said, the exception, but still). Developers get better at utilizing hardware as time goes on, and we've all seen the news about MS improving the drivers, freeing up more GPU resources, etc.

As for the upclock risk, if we have another RROD that will pretty much be it for MS in the console space. Hard to believe they would risk something like that.
The one 1080p/60 game you're talking about is a title that is basically a X360 up-port. It does nothing "next-gen" technically other than resolution.

So what happens when 3rd parties start making games that utilize the PS4 at 1080p? They get downgraded on the XB1. That's the point. People cry "least common denominator" all the time not realizing that it's incredibly easy to build the same core assets but to flex on things like resolution, framerate, and AA. The PS4's hardware edge will likely make those elements of "polish" really stick out.

Consider Grand Theft Auto 5. It's a bit of a stuttery mess on both 360 and PS3. So what if next gen the PS4 version of GTA6 runs at a locked 30fps, 1080p, and superior anti-aliasing to the XB1's 20-30 fps, 900p, and mediocre AA version? Console game design is all about riding a thin line of performance v. visual spectacle. This gen we've sacrificed performance for visual spectacle and it pisses a lot of gamers off. If the PS4 ends up not making those sacrifices because of "least common denominator" design for XB1 that will actually be a tangible edge that a lot of people will care about.


The only thing I find odd about CBOAT's stuff is that he always seems to be enjoying the news he delivers. It's almost as if he likes telling us how the Xbox is going to be worse. Odd for an MS employee.

His info is usually solid though.

I have always thought that same which sort of gives a "I've got a grudge" aspect to his posts. Not sure I could work for a company that long holding so much obvious contempt for it.
Consumers and the internet can't handle another RROD epidemic. If that happens, the consumer laws are going to be all like "cya later shitlords" and fly to outerspace where there is a law of "I told ya so" and people are going to be stuck with a 10 ton brick and it's power brick. Obviously this can happen to PS4 too and why not Wii U even, but anyone who says that YLOD was anywhere near as common as RROD is nuts.


I have always thought that same which sort of gives a "I've got a grudge" aspect to his posts. Not sure I could work for a company that long holding so much obvious contempt for it.

He/she probably got passed over numerous times for a promotion/raise and now feels this is his/her way of getting back at them. That is, if they work for MS.


But didn't Sony expend effort and E3 time on PS Move? Don't you honestly believe that when the PS4 becomes the juggernaut we think it will also try to expand out and attract more casual gamers and media consumers? Of course they will.
But Sony did that without hurting core productivity.

Formula One Championship Edition
Heavenly Sword
MLB 07: The Show
NBA 08
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Everybody's Golf: World Tour
MLB 08: The Show
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
NBA '09: The Inside
Siren: Blood Curse
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation
Resistance 2

Demon's Souls
Killzone 2
MLB 09: The Show
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


God of War III
Gran Turismo 5
Heavy Rain
MLB 10: The Show
Modnation Racers
White Knight Chronicles

DC Universe Online
Infamous 2
Killzone 3
LittleBigPlanet 2
MLB 11: The Show
MotorStorm: Apocalypse
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
Resistance 3
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
White Knight Chronicles 2

LittleBigPlanet Karting
MLB 12: The Show
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault
Twisted Metal

Beyond: Two Souls
God of War: Ascension
The Last of Us
MLB 13: The Show
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Gran Turismo 6
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus

Their core releases, it fluctuates, but there is no notable difference between before or after Move, or any other initiative.

Jack cw

So in the PS2 days you didn't have a problem with not having cutting edge graphics and it was after 2010 that resolution/graphics became that important thing to you while art direction became also irrelevant.

I guess you're sticking to PC gaming next gen if resolution & performance is that important to you and use the consoles just for exclusives.

In 2001 I had an CRT and it was fine with SNES, PSone and PS2 because resolution is handled differently with CRT tech. I had a PC in 98 to play UT, Quake and HL (CS) because LAN experiences were something only PC offered, Rares shooters on the N64 came close to this. Thing is, many of the PS2 exclusives were not available on PC or any other device so there was no choice but to live with their image quality. There were great games without doubt but could have helped the immersion with better IQ. After 80 hours of FFX with its flickering and jaggies I was dizzy...

Art direction is this context is simply an euphemism for bad IQ. MGS 2 and 3, KH 1 and 2, FFX and FF12, GT3 and 4, GoW 1 and 2 had incredible art direction but rather bad IQ.

I'll stick with PS4, Vita and PC as my main game devices.


Surely he's not implying another RROD like scenario....Microsoft wouldn't be that stupid. Besides there's a lot of room in that console case for cooling and airflow.
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