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CBOAT's latest update

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I have always thought that same which sort of gives a "I've got a grudge" aspect to his posts. Not sure I could work for a company that long holding so much obvious contempt for it.

Well I assume he's in a pretty high up and well paying spot to have this kind of info all of the time but that doesn't mean he has to like the company. Hearing all we've heard about how much of a mess MS as a whole can be with all of the infighting and scummy business tactics it's not hard to imagine someone getting sick of it and wanting to do something about it.
He/she probably got passed over numerous times for a promotion/raise and now feels this is his/her way of getting back at them. That is, if they work for MS.

We need a cboat fanfic thread. There is so much material.

Well I assume he's in a pretty high up and well paying spot to have this kind of info all of the time but that doesn't mean he has to like the company. Hearing all we've heard about how much of a mess MS as a whole can be with all of the infighting and scummy business tactics it's not hard to imagine someone getting sick of it and wanting to do something about it.

I can't imagine he's THAT high up with the occasional misses.
Oh, I only just realized through this discussion that the only internally developed Microsoft Studios games at the system launch are Forza and LocoCycle (and Xbox Fitness I suppose). What on earth have they been doing?

Jack cw

It is really reaching to say Forza 5 is nothing more than an up-rezzed Forza 4.

Forza 5 looks and runs great. But if you look at it from a tech perspective and compare it to Driveclub its relatively current gen with baked lighting and static reflections, no weather changes etc. Also suffers from ailaising. These are the trade offs to get it run at 1080p.
But Sony did that without hurting core productivity.

Their core releases, it fluctuates, but there is no notable difference between before or after Move, or any other initiative.

Just like with the PSP/Vita, Sony has rarely ever dedicated core resources into entertaining their secondary products.

Within WWS, arguably the only team that kinda got the shaft into doing the gimmicky stuff was Sony London, and they've been struggling since the beginning of the gen to do core games, which ended up having their games being canned.


I have always thought that same which sort of gives a "I've got a grudge" aspect to his posts. Not sure I could work for a company that long holding so much obvious contempt for it.

Speaking from personal experience its possible to enjoy working for a company (or your job) while still disagreeing with certain policies. By whistleblowing or "leaking" certain policies you can highlight to customers what you perceive as the more destructive path.

A lot of time higher ups in big companies are more inclined to listen to customer feedback rather than their employees.

[edit] not to say CBOAT is an MS employee, of course just thinking aloud.
I have always thought that same which sort of gives a "I've got a grudge" aspect to his posts. Not sure I could work for a company that long holding so much obvious contempt for it.
He is probably a mid level guy who does the grunt work and has his suggestions ignored by the higher-ups who disregard those below them... welcome to the real world where decisions are made by people with power (who often lack vision).


He is probably a mid level guy who does the grunt work and is ignored by the higher-ups who disregard those below them... welcome to the real world where decisions are made by people with power (who often lack knowledge).

Evey company has one of those types of people; Sony included.
7 games in the last 4 years screams they don't care. I don't want to hear what they're doing at the very start of a generation when all of a sudden they need those core gamers again.

Yep. You nailed it. Not to mention that this is a pattern for them. They lull people to sleep by masquerading as a console that will have a consistent stream of software and then about midway through the generation they start to run on fumes and focus on non-gaming features.


As an outsider, that lurks, GAF doesn't look much different than that. Albeit less crass in execution but pretty much shaking the ass at MS and calling all negatives with anyone defending it being unreliable, and embracing everything Sony does.

I am not a fanboy of either company (if anything I prefer Sony consoles and my gaming history will back this up). But I want parity in discussion. That we don't have on the internet at all, including here.

XboxOneDev's history on Reddit to me is much more satisfying and telling than CBOAT. Sorry to step on your god's toes but spreading vague rumours that when are wrong are excused and when are right or kind of right are held up as the 'truthfact' aren't exactly my cup of tea.

XboxOneDev's history speaks in great detail about console(s) and are posted to inform. THAT'S substance. And I can't help but agree with his response to CBOAT, in that, there can't be a response as he is not SAYING anything but is rather throwing out accusations.
CBOAT has been leaking things since a generation ago, and he tends to be right more than wrong. I believe I've seen here on GAF that he was leaking 360 information before it released. I don't think there is anything wrong with folks giving him the benefit of the doubt. He's easily more reliable than anyone else I've seen when it comes to the amount of information he leaks and how right he is. I don't remember him getting much wrong to be honest. People hold 'Prince of Persia' against him but one can see how that misunderstanding may have occurred with the Halo trailer. Plus, PoP is in development so he's not entirely wrong. And the PS4 release in October is understandable too since there were documents floating around with that target so maybe someone passed him that info without realising there is another actual date for November.

Fact is, folks should be happy that he does leak what he does. He's probably only here for a short time period before he disappears again. And even at these companies, a lot of the time, the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing just due to the amount of people involved and the dynamic nature of it.


I think cboat must be mad at the direction microsoft is going. That might be why hes posting more than usual. cboat must be really mad and has to vent.


We need a cboat fanfic thread. There is so much material.

I can't imagine he's THAT high up with the occasional misses.


Hes someone right in front of us, that we never expected.


Forza 5 looks and runs great. But if you look at it from a tech perspective and compare it to Driveclub its relatively current gen with baked lighting and static reflections, no weather changes etc. Also suffers from ailaising. These are the trade offs to get it run at 1080p.
Every time I've seen DC, it's been jaggy as hell, and not even maintaining 30fps.


5% of the market care about graphics. For 95%, the graphics of both PS4/XB1 will be "good enough".

The #1 factor in sales is games. Franchises, exclusives, killer apps, etc. That's what matters.

Then you go to #2 Price and Marketing.

Then #3 Online/OS/Interface/Controller.

Comparative Graphics is much lower than any of those three factors. The PS4 is the better built machine, but XB1 is far from out of it. It all comes down to how badly Microsoft wants marketshare vs. where they draw the line in terms of ROI.

Jack cw

Every time I've seen DC, it's been jaggy as hell, and not even maintaining 30fps.
Yes. Jaggies are a problem that need tons of raw power to be solved. Neither PS4 or Xbone have enough of it but Sony is at least working on TMAA for games. And 30 fps isnt so bad for an arcade racer but indeed not ideal. Still it uses the more advanced tech and offers something many racing fans are waiting for. Pretty solid for a launch title.
I know you didn't; just saying that in general.
It is pretty shitty though... CBOAT is clearly in a position inside the industry where his employer would have a confidentiality agreement as part of his contract... and he is breaching it.

I like getting info leaked, but he's walking a dangerous line.

Red Mage

It's this attitude that sucks here. Sure I'm salty as I have a 100" screen and you better believe I'll be able to tell the differences in resolution. I'm not saying there's any secret sauce. I think it is what it is now and MS dropped the ball but posts like yours make it seem like its so black and white. "He likes MS consoles, get him!!!" Was about to reply to the post above yours that I'm also worried about the DS4(buying a PS4) as I'm more comfortable with MS controllers but you'd take it as I must be an XBot.

I said you were salty, I didn't say you were an XBot. In fact, I've never used that term. In fact, I've stated before that I have nothing against the X-Box Brand or MS. Also, I've been open about getting a 360 in the future, because it has a few RPGs I really want. I just dislike the XBO, for what they tried to do with it, and what I believe they'll try to reintroduce with it later on down the road.

Oh, and I don't "like" the bad news, but I will admit that most of the enjoyment from CBOATs' threads is derived from some XBOT fans going into denial over his posts. You sound like you've moved on to anger or acceptance at this point.


It is pretty shitty though... CBOAT is clearly in a position inside the industry where his employer would have a confidentiality agreement as part of his contract... and he is breaching it.

I like getting info leaked, but he's walking a dangerous line.

No doubt; which leads me to believe he/she is very bitter for some reason.
Whats Nintendos excuse with the Gamecube, Virtualboy and Wii U?
Please understand
I've become less and less caught up in CBOAT's posts as we've moved past E3. Everything is out on the table, I'm not going to start panicking my Xbox is going to fail because what, the upclock is too risky?

Hasn't CBOAT been wrong a lot lately?

Two things wrong over years of accurate spoilers is not bad.
I guess you didn't see the latest vid/build.

I'm looking forwards to seeing if the PS+ version warrants buying the extra cars and tracks, but I'm not sure that I've seen the latest build. I saw the day -> night transition video. Is that the latest or is there a newer one out there? Just curious here.


I think cboat must be mad at the direction microsoft is going. That might be why hes posting more than usual. cboat must be really mad and has to vent.

he always says it's strictly about the gamer/ end-user experience, not console bias, so if he thinks something can be seen as anti-gamer, then he might feel a greater need to divulge information

5% of the market care about graphics. For 95%, the graphics of both PS4/XB1 will be "good enough".

The #1 factor in sales is games. Franchises, exclusives, killer apps, etc. That's what matters.

Then you go to #2 Price and Marketing.

Then #3 Online/OS/Interface/Controller.

Comparative Graphics is much lower than any of those three factors. The PS4 is the better built machine, but XB1 is far from out of it. It all comes down to how badly Microsoft wants marketshare vs. where they draw the line in terms of ROI.

i agree with all this, but on neogaf, we do care, that's why we signed up, above average interest in these things, and on the whole, what gaf want is generally good for the consumer.


This is a CBOAT leak thread so I am giving my thoughts on the CBOAT leaks.

I can't see a more constructive discussion here than what I am doing. "omg no 1080p games, xb1 pwned" or "omg 2014 was original date? ms pwned" seems to be the trend here so I came into a CBOAT thread to talk about CBOAT leaks and what they actually do or stand for.

But I will submit now, as you and even I said believers will believe, the rest won't and I guess there is no point taking it any further.

I gotta agree with this, even as someone disappointed in MS's direction of late. Plus the drooling and fawing over him/her gets tiring as well.


But the poster doesn't have to stick to PC gaming: Buying a PS4 is a viable option, the low-powered Xbone isn't the only console option available. And we also get the great indie and F2P support in concert with the PS4 that MS lacks dearly.

To be honest personally I don't give a fuck about high end graphics and that's why I always was a console gamer and why I'll be happy for the next 6-7 years with my PS4, Xbone and Wii U but as I see it the PS4 and of course more so the Xbone are not viable options if someone wants cutting edge graphics and resolution/performance affects his/her experience with games that much as the poster above implied, high end PC gaming is the only viable option there IMO.

Also PS4 has great indie support there's no doubt about that but the vast majority of the indie/f2p titles announced are also coming to PC and most of them will be perfectly playable even at a low end PC thus making someone who's already into PC gaming continuing sticking to it even easier.
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