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CBOAT's latest update

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It really isn't reaching at all. What exactly differentiates the two other than resolution?

Well, a bunch of things, but they're all orders of scale really. More polys, higher resolution textures. Better versions of what was the norm last gen, rather than all new fancy stuff.

But we're only seeing all new fancy stuff from a few launch titles so far, so I wouldn't hit Forza 5 over the head too much. Clearly they took the existing tech, and used it to make a launch titles, and clearly it isn't a whole new engine... but I don't think that undoes all the positive reactions to it's graphics, even if it isn't doing as many things at once as Drive Club. Unless Drive Club hits 60 fps, it's going to be hard to say Forza couldn't have done those things by dropping down to 30 fps.

Even if it couldn't. We'll have little to no way of knowing.


No doubt; which leads me to believe he/she is very bitter for some reason.

Maybe the stress of working with a machine that he feels incompetent with some kind of deadline looming over his head has something to do with it? Just making an uneducated guess.

Hes someone right in front of us, that we never expected.

Having just watched that movie last night, this makes me lol


Well, I wouldn't use YouTube, but I've seen it in person, a couple of weeks ago.

Do you at least know what build it was? The E3 or Gamescom one? I think TGS had an even newer one!

I think the game looks fine, but boring as hell. And I doubt they will reach 60 FPS at launch...(doubt that they will make it post release as well unfortunately!)

I will check out the Plus version but I'm not holding my hopes up.

That said I was never a big fan of Project Gotham like racers so this might be the reason I'm not feeling DC.


I have always thought that same which sort of gives a "I've got a grudge" aspect to his posts. Not sure I could work for a company that long holding so much obvious contempt for it.

I don't see it as contempt, it comes across more as frustration to me.


Surely he's not implying another RROD like scenario....Microsoft wouldn't be that stupid. Besides there's a lot of room in that console case for cooling and airflow.
MS wouldn't be that stupid? Dude... They tried to force DRM... This happened mere months ago. That is stupid enough, for me.

As for airflow - boxes are best cooled when air has clear pathways to get a constant flow of cool air. Open space is far worse for cooling since air can and does get caught in negative space pooling heat instead of being moved as it should. You don't cool the air - you cool the heatsinks with air.


That's a fantastic article but really quite sad in a way. The corporate culture there seems awful, same as any big multinational I guess.

It's terrible I hear. I recently started working in the area and most of my co-workers are ex-MS. I've heard really bad horror stories from them on how shitty it is there. They're even reluctant to hire many other MS dudes because they are damaged goods from steeping in that hostile corporate culture for too long. It's a wonder that place is able to operate at all to be honest.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
"Cboat" lost all credibility a while ago as far as I'm concerned.

By "lost all credibility" you meant "upsets me and makes me fill his bidet with tears" yes?


The only thing I find odd about CBOAT's stuff is that he always seems to be enjoying the news he delivers. It's almost as if he likes telling us how the Xbox is going to be worse. Odd for an MS employee.

His info is usually solid though.

Doesnt everyone go home and talk about all the idiots and dumb shit that people do at their workplace do?? I mean if you work in a floundering office with an incompetant boss, you kinda likw to harp on it.

I know I do. I work with some real mouth breathers.


Just because you didn't read it or don't keep up with it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The thread where he talked about respawn's game (published by ea) being an x1 exclusive blew up (and sparked another thread about it, i believe, as it happens with most of his big posts).
You're just choosing to see what you want to see, but I can't say i'm surprised.
That thread about GI and titanfall (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=578141), even has people in the first page talking about how he was right.
People were saying he also claimed "timed exclusive". So good news alongside with not so good news. I'm still waiting for some big positive insider news from him.

Do you have a link for the respawn thread? Didnt find any. Just a single post from him saying not exclusives from Activision but one big from EA.


probably doesn't like watching the train wreak, especially if he/she advised a different roadmap & hardware design.

Hmm, that would make sense...there's no way that there weren't people inside MS that didn't like the DRM crap and the Kinect inclusion over better hardware design of the console.
Oh hey guys, what's up. I just woke u-

*sees bans being handed out like it's a warzone*


Imagine Sony in the place of Nash blindsiding MS from behind who is holding that trophy high above their heads, with the PS4 reveal.

Now where is Amir0x with his "The Microsoft brand is finally over. Maybe next decade!" speech?

DAMN YOU SONY, Microsoft had just won the X-Division Title~! :p

But seriously guys. Saying that CBoaT's:

Wrong all the time (I can count the amount of times in one hand. Over 9 years.)
Says vague guesses (called the 360 specs dead on and called Dead Rising 3 and Remember Me a full year before they were out. These are very specific)
Hates Microsoft (Releases game leaks and such for Microsoft all the time)

Need to either pay attention or explain their logic better because that's not the case. If it was, Bish would eat him.


I trust in CBOAT, but man, can't imagine the 'risks' he speaks of involve hardware issues due to upclocking. I mean, I know a case the size of a refrigerator isn't going to offer enough cooling if the chip just isn't built to support the speeds, but I was under the impression the CPU in the XB1 and PS4 were both rated at 2Ghz.

No desire to pick up an XB1 anytime soon, but for the sake of people who are buying them, I hope the translation is just a misunderstanding in that regard. As far as the 2014 drop, I don't think it's much of a stretch to believe that's probably the case.


probably doesn't like watching the train wreak, especially if he/she advised a different roadmap & hardware design.

That's my impression as well. It has to be frustrating to see this disaster coming and knowing you can't do anything about it...especially when you know the generation is going to last another 5-7 years. FIVE TO SEVEN YEARS....


Well, a bunch of things, but they're all orders of scale really. More polys, higher resolution textures. Better versions of what was the norm last gen, rather than all new fancy stuff.

But we're only seeing all new fancy stuff from a few launch titles so far, so I wouldn't hit Forza 5 over the head too much. Clearly they took the existing tech, and used it to make a launch titles, and clearly it isn't a whole new engine... but I don't think that undoes all the positive reactions to it's graphics, even if it isn't doing as many things at once as Drive Club. Unless Drive Club hits 60 fps, it's going to be hard to say Forza couldn't have done those things by dropping down to 30 fps.

Even if it couldn't. We'll have little to no way of knowing.

But wouldn't you consider that disapointing? Turn10 are not Evolution. The fact that there are discussion of Forza vs. Driveclub and which is the most technically impressive is very worrying for Microsoft. Forza has roughly a team size of 3x Driveclub and is the Premier Microsoft racer, yet many people believe Driveclub to be technically superior.

Many of the launch games are doing "fancy stuff":

Knack - GPGPU physics for body
Driveclub - Dynamic lighting
KZ:SF - Look Beautiful, many techniques such as reflections
Resogun - Voxels not particles.

I think Forza is one of the only launch games that deserves to be called an up ressed iteration of the series.
What was the Sony prediction he got wrong that people keep bringing up as the sole reason to not trust him anymore?

I forget. It was for gamescom wasn't it?

I remember he got PoP wrong at E3 but that was pretty minor. I know they are working on next gen PoP and have been for a while. Wouldnt be shocked if it was pulled after Cboats posts for any number of reasons.


Well, plenty of MS employees hate working there. I highly recommend reading this article from Vanity Fair.

A very good article, shortly after reading that I watched a really good documentary on Enron, another company that used a stack ranking system in it's corporate culture, albeit a much harsher one from what I've heard.

Note I'm not comparing MS to Enron, just noting the similarities in a part of their corporate culture from what I've read/seen.


Because you'd think an MS employee would be at least a bit proud of the things he/she worked on and not be enjoying telling us how the Xbox is going to suck.

beuacse he th gouht i twas gdoo) sport. because emos menrae n't looking f roanythnig loigcal, like moni. theacy n't b ebou,hgt ubllied, erasoned or engotiated whit. some menuj st wn at to wtch the wurdl brnu.
- alfred epnnyworth.
What was the Sony prediction he got wrong that people keep bringing up as the sole reason to not trust him anymore?

I forget. It was for gamescom wasn't it?

I remember he got PoP wrong at E3 but that was pretty minor. I know they are working on next gen PoP and have been for a while.

PS4 launch date. He's not a Sony leaker so meh. Probably shouldn't have went out with it though.

And yeah, I'm betting like two people saw the ending to that Halo trailer but they showed the rest to everyone else.

It's still surprising to me to see Ubisoft working on a franchise they put out to pasture (PoP) while they're putting one out to pasture now (Assassin's Creed) to get their new franchise up and running (Watch_Dogs) :p


He also said PS4 was launching in October..

I didn't see CBOAT say that. I saw him say that the PS4 system software was far enough along that games could go gold in time for a late October launch. That doesn't mean Sony had enough units manufactured to launch on that date.


Because you'd think an MS employee would be at least a bit proud of the things he/she worked on and not be enjoying telling us how the Xbox is going to suck.

Lol whats wrong? We desere to know the bad things, if it wasnt for CBOAT, we would never know some of the lies microsoft has said.


What was the Sony prediction he got wrong that people keep bringing up as the sole reason to not trust him anymore?

I forget. It was for gamescom wasn't it?

I remember he got PoP wrong at E3 but that was pretty minor. I know they are working on next gen PoP and have been for a while. Wouldnt be shocked if it was pulled after Cboats posts for any number of reasons.

Yeah, the Sony call, which I didn't understand, since he clearly isn't a Sony insider, maybe just something he heard off hand from someone inside Sony that turned out to be false.

As others have said the PoP is understandable, that trailer had all the earmarks of a Prince of Persia title up until the dog tags. It's possible he just said a screenshot or a small piece of the trailer leading up to the tags.

Either way, I think the amount of accurate data he's dropped over the last year has hugely outweighed the mistakes.
But wouldn't you consider that disapointing? Turn10 are not Evolution. The fact that there are discussion of Forza vs. Driveclub and which is the most technically impressive is very worrying for Microsoft. Forza has roughly a team size of 3x Driveclub and is the Premier Microsoft racer, yet many people believe Driveclub to be technically superior.

Many of the launch games are doing "fancy stuff":

Knack - GPGPU physics for body
Driveclub - Dynamic lighting
KZ:SF - Look Beautiful, many techniques such as reflections
Resogun - Voxels not particles.

I think Forza is one of the only launch games that deserves to be called an up ressed iteration of the series.

of those, the only two I'd give you are what Knack and Resogun are doing. We had racing games last gen that had dynamic lighting. It doesn't jump out as a 'wow, this is NEXT GEN' thing to see a day -> night transition in a racing game, the same way armageddon in Resogun does.

like I said, only a few games at launch are showing us such things. that's pretty normal for launch. it was the same with 360 launch titles. Kameo and a couple of others had some stuff that made you go 'wow'. most were just pumped up versions of what we'd seen the gen before, but now in HD.

in time it'll come. on both systems... but more often on the PS4.
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