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CBOAT's latest update

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Neo Member
Seems overly harsh/critical to completely dismiss his comments due to a couple of recent misses/misreads, especially when you consider his track record. Looking forward to some more truthfacts in the near future!


How can anyone not believe that CBOAT is legit and almost always right. That's like denying or questioning physics. You can't win this fight. Every CBOAT post feels like christmas, with alcohol. <3


Maybe CBOAT works for a division of MS that would rather the XBOX dvision be shut down or just don't care much for it. It's not entirely unheard of for there to be internal conflicts within a company.
PS4 launch date. He's not a Sony leaker so meh. Probably shouldn't have went out with it though.

And yeah, I'm betting like two people saw the ending to that Halo trailer but they showed the rest to everyone else.

It's still surprising to me to see Ubisoft working on a franchise they put out to pasture (PoP) while they're putting one out to pasture now (Assassin's Creed) to get their new franchise up and running (Watch_Dogs) :p

Oh right. The October date.

Did he start that? That date bounced around quite a bit now that I think about it.

Anyway Cboat probably works of MS and MS has shown they dont have a clue what Sony has been doing. No wonder he got that wrong.

And I think PoP is like Ubi Montreal's Rayman. They are always working on one. It will always be around. Heck didnt a concept / teaser trailer already like for next gen PoP?


How can anyone not believe that CBOAT is legit and almost always right. That's like denying or questioning physics. You can't win this fight. Every CBOAT post feels like christmas, with alcohol. <3
Yeah... Well... How physics applies to our universe might not be true for other universes in our multiverse. OK, buddy? OK?


Why do people keep calling CBOAT an MS employee? I don't remember that being confirmed at all.

In the quote in the OP he says "Things are crazy around here" more or less.

I mean while there is no direct proof that pretty much confirms it for me that he works for MS in some fashion.


Why do people keep calling CBOAT an MS employee? I don't remember that being confirmed at all.

He always knows high level Xbox info and his track record on stuff outside of Xbox is pretty rough. That implies at least a mid-level MS employment. That or he's so popular and well connected that he has people from all over MS telling him all sorts of sensitive info all of the time.


How can anyone not believe that CBOAT is legit and almost always right. That's like denying or questioning physics. You can't win this fight. Every CBOAT post feels like christmas, with alcohol. <3

He's wrong in 5% of cases. Therefore he's fake.
He always knows high level Xbox info and his track record on stuff outside of Xbox is pretty rough. That implies at least a mid-level MS employment. That or he's so popular and well connected that he has people from all over MS telling him all sorts of sensitive info all of the time.

Maybe he's like that guy that gloated about how much money he spent at restaurants, paying meals for ms employees, so they give him some nice info.


People were saying he also claimed "timed exclusive". So good news alongside with not so good news. I'm still waiting for some big positive insider news from him.

Do you have a link for the respawn thread? Didnt find any. Just a single post from him saying not exclusives from Activision but one big from EA.

Who gives a crap on whether CBOAT only posts negative leaks or also positive news? CBOAT doesn't have to be "fair and balanced", we have Major Nielsen and Albert Ponello to post positive PR spin.

The uncomfortable stuff is what Microsoft doesn't want out in the open, but is the most interesting.
Two things wrong over a years of accurate spoilers is not a bad.

It's more than that. Just off the top of my head I can remember at least four in the last year...

- PoP for E3

- Indie developers only getting 3GB app partition for games

- PS4 launch date

- Contradicting himself with saying there is a Sept. surprise not Kinect-less SKU related then saying the surprise was MS considering a Kinect-less SKU

Still, most of this stuff can be excused in some way (PoP may have been confused with Halo, Indie program was never finalized etc...). I don't think cboat's leaks should be taken as Gospel, but I agree his track record certainly isn't bad.


I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically. While Panello has been a solid poster around here and is forthcoming, there is nothing like the juice that Cboat spills out.


I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically. While Panello has been a solid poster around here and is forthcoming, there is nothing like the juice that Cboat spills out.

Panello was a PR puppet, the difference is simple.
Cboat gave some infos from behind the doors, Panello only spit out the usual PR spin.


the juice that Cboat spills out.



all of the rumors, including CBOAT's, combined with me having 4 360s die on me this gen is enough for me to wait and see on the XB1, all my dead 360s means I no longer give MS the benefit of the doubt, then you add in the insider info from CBOAT and others about this system being rushed or at least coming in hot and I will just get PS4 at launch and then pick up XB1 later when I see what people say when its out and in people's homes.

CBOAT may not be 100% on stuff, but he seems to be right a lot, at least enough for me to take what he says in to consideration...
I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically. While Panello has been a solid poster around here and is forthcoming, there is nothing like the juice that Cboat spills out.

Penello is a PR clown who did nothing more than damage control here on this board. Didn't even hesitate to spread disinformation.
He's a solid shit poster, I give him that.


I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically. While Panello has been a solid poster around here and is forthcoming, there is nothing like the juice that Cboat spills out.

I wouldn't really use the phrase 'forthcoming' when describing Panello's posts in the AdAge thread. More like avoidance.
Because you'd think an MS employee would be at least a bit proud of the things he/she worked on and not be enjoying telling us how the Xbox is going to suck.

People work for a paycheck. There are many of those. Since when does working for a company means that anyone is going to be their unabashed promoter or apologist?
To celebrate CBOAT's early return, I made a stupid little thing.

The internet occasionally proves its worth; this is one of those times.

Who gives a crap on whether CBOAT only posts negative leaks or also positive news? CBOAT doesn't have to be "fair and balanced", we have Major Nielsen and Albert Ponello to post positive PR spin.

The uncomfortable stuff is what Microsoft doesn't want out in the open, but is the most interesting.

His posts are only noticed by them when he gets actually gets something wrong.

The bad news is only noticed by them when they lament no good news.

The good news isn't noticed period.
I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically.

That doesn't work when you think about it.

That would be a very easy way of forcing a response that can possibly benefit a competitor by confirming/denying something because what someone said on the net. Plus his latest news isn't groundbreaking, xbox 1 is vastly inferior? Tell us something we don't know. :)


Because you'd think an MS employee would be at least a bit proud of the things he/she worked on and not be enjoying telling us how the Xbox is going to suck.

Just saw a documentary about McDonalds in Germany yesterday, there were quite a few people who spilled what's wrong behind the closed curtains.
Doesn't mean they were not proud of their own achievments (urgh, should have taken another example).
It's good to have someone giving us another viewpoint or basically more solid info than the typical PR stuff...


So the Xbone was actually planned for 2014?

While you are never going to hear that from an official channel it should be pretty obvious through all the missteps this year that is was initially planned for sometime in 2014 and they had to rush because of Sony.

The wanted to ride kinect as long as possible on the 360 but Sony put a stop to that in Feb of this year.


I still find it hard to believe that they changed launch to this year from holiday 2014 just because of Sony's February announcement.
Forget the in-house R&D - how can they manage to put in supply chain and retail in this short time? Never mind the earlier leaks showing it launching this year (some power point presentation leaked in 2012).
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