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Civilization: Beyond Earth announced, Fall 2014, PC [Trailer, Details]

Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth is not yet rated by the ESRB, and will be available for Windows PC, Mac and Linux in North America this fall for $49.99. Take a look at some of the debut screen shots below. If you're interested in finding out more, you can head over to its official Civilization website right here.

The Purity, Harmony and Supremacy paths sound realy cool, although as titles they are vague and open to interpretation. Supremacy does not mean what one might think it means for example.

I'm hoping that in some form the unit customisation returns, I thought that was really neat.

Also, not being bound by history means they can do interesting things with the various leaders. Hopefully ideology plays a much bigger role in this game than it does in Civ. I really liked the different tenets you could go for in Brave New World.


mhh... I really felt like communicating with real people/factions :) Would you agree that the diplomacy-system was great? :)

That i have to agree with it. The factions did have personalities, though it was more about excellent writing than the AI.
Of course, the behaviors supported this to an extent, for example, Miriam was bloodthirsty in the writing and when it came to the default AI for her faction.
Just read the PC Gamer interview, even more excited than I was.

The scope of the affinities and the philosophy behind them is fascinating. Supremacy definitely sounds the coolest to me, that transhumanism idea of leaving the frail human body behind, stuff like that. Harmony has interesting implications as well, being able to use alien breeds against your enemies, even bio engineering your own alien troops. I'm glad they've brought the unit customisation back as well.

It does sound like the team is dealing with pressure from two camps regarding how complex/accessible to make the game. One contradictory thing I picked up on was that they want the game to be much more replayable and the whole custom start thing is part of that. But the monsters on the different types of planet will be the same because they don't want new players to have to learn the rules again when they start a new game.

One last thing though, it really doesn't sound like it matters what faction you choose. You have a lot of freedom to pursue your own in game identity, so beyond perhaps boosts to different traits and a unique unit/building, it seems like the factions are there for the AI's benefit. Like, it won't matter whether you play as Brasilia or the American Reclamation Corporation but it will affect the AI because of the various flavours written into those factions.


I hope that they can get the same feeling of the factions as in Alpha Centauri. In AC I really got a feeling for the different persons behind the ideologies.


I hope that they can get the same feeling of the factions as in Alpha Centauri. In AC I really got a feeling for the different persons behind the ideologies.

I'm worried whether the can match the writing of Alpha Centauri, which is among the best in video games.

Oh, and does this have terraforming of any sort? I reckon it doesn't have height simulation like SMAC had (terroforming warfare, block rain to dry your enemies farmland!) :/
I'm worried whether the can match the writing of Alpha Centauri, which is among the best in video games.

Oh, and does this have terraforming of any sort? I reckon it doesn't have height simulation like SMAC had (terroforming warfare, block rain to dry your enemies farmland!) :/

The fuck...I did not know this was possible.

Also, yes some of the writing was very, very good for SMAC. THe wikiquotes page for the game is just a gold mine.


GAF parliamentarian
In a few years developers will only have to list "Steam support" and drop the whole PC monicker altogether. It'll be great!


All this talk about AI in a a Civ thread is amusing. I love CIv, it's one hell of a franchise despite its god awful AI.

There's nothing like battling against a civilization that spawns hundreds of gold per turn, whose science is almost double as yours, its culture larger than the skies, and has enough armies to fill the whole world. But then you conquer all its cities and realise they only have a shrine and a granary...
Isn't that just because most of the buildings are destroyed when taking over cities? The AI actually always tries to build every building. The same thing happens when you puppet a city.


The fuck...I did not know this was possible.

Wind blows to east always in SMAC. The manual notes that island/continent western sides tend to be more fertile.
SMAX's adds tectonic missile, which makes forming mountains much easier.
And then there's fungal warfare, use fungus to hide your units (unless the enemy has sensor pods) and to slow enemy movement.
Or dig waterways to create islands.
Terraforming was amazing tool in SMAC.


Do you have a citation or more details about this? It was my understanding that many of the games bearing "Sid Meier's" as part of the title really just had that as egotistical bullshit, when the bulk of the game design actually came from someone else, like Brian Reynolds in the case of both Civilization 2 and Alpha Centauri.

My "citation" is that is what the lead devs of this game told me about their process.

It's not ego. Apparently Sid also wrote Civ Rev pretty much by himself.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Doubt it. EU4 literally has an "attack natives" button for easy genocide when colonizing and it's rated E or whatever. The primary objective in DEFCON is to deploy WMDs on as many civilian population centres as you can. Not rated 18. You'd have to have really graphic or disturbing imagery to earn that kind of rating me thinks. They might have some intense gore for battles with mind worms or something to get a rating like that.

Maybe they explained the concept of nerve stapling to the ratings board.

Firaxis developed XCOM, which might be why it springs to mind.
XCOM soldiers were made into end game units in one of the Civ5 expansions, and Civ5-related hints were used in XCOM Enemy Within.

I wonder if we can import our Civ V saves. Once that game ends with a science victory this one begins, longest Civ round ever.
Back in the old days, we wanted Civ 2/3's end game screen to detect and then launch SMAC. The engine at the time wouldn't let you fiddle with that sort of thing, though, so I don't think anyone succeeded in modding that in.

They better get Leonard Nimoy back as the narrator. Or even Shatner.
Nimoy did Civ4. He had nothing to do with SMAC. The SMAC narrators were the faction leaders, who were nobodies. The only one who ever did much of anything else was President CEO Captialism Man.

Sid Meier has repeatedly said he's embarrassed by the "Sid Meier's ..." stuff. He'd be the first guy to take them off if it was up to him.
Yeah, he's no American McGee.


Nimoy did Civ4. He had nothing to do with SMAC. The SMAC narrators were the faction leaders, who were nobodies. The only one who ever did much of anything else was President CEO Captialism Man.

Nobodies but so much better than many other narrators, i think.

I really hope this will have leaders with distinct personalities and excellent voice work.
Any word on wether or not this will be out for Mac? Civ 5 is pretty much the only thing I play on my mac and would love to play this.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Nobodies but so much better than many other narrators, i think.

I really hope this will have leaders with distinct personalities and excellent voice work.

Oh, I agree with you. They were nobodies but they did some of the most evocative work ever put in a game. At that time, there was nothing else like it. Nowadays people want to pay $1m to have Sir Ben Kingsley come in and tell everyone "STOP CLICKING ME YAH TOSSER". I'm not sure if that's warranted. Though the idea of a Sexy Beast GTA V DLC just came to me, and I am telling everyone that it's my idea and if you steal it I'll kick you in the teeth.
I for one am shocked that they had the Somali language in the beginning

usually games only choose the same old nations rising for glory

Civ games leading the pack


Double post because, it's been confirmed:

[...] As many of you fans know, [Alpha Centauri's] intellectual property rights belong to a different publisher, but we'd like to think that the heart and soul of that game lives at Firaxis. And for all you fans out there that love Alpha Centauri this is the game that we've made for you. [...]


It's like 1999 called and wants to make up.
Miriam gives a better trailer read though so we're already behind on that front :]

I'll have to watch that interview. Like others have said the story and world of AC were just as important as anything else. A crucial comment on this came from Reynolds (iirc) saying something like, 'Most sci-fi doesn't have many memorable lines so we had to create our own.' Somewhat biting, but honest.

So I went looking for that podcast and I found it.
The beginning was much more poignant and funnier all things considered.
Three Moves Ahead Episode 134 – The Alpha Centauri Show
Everything has come full circle.


new preview with some new screens (they're labeled 'E3')

"You may have your next 15 moves planned out but when a siege worm shows up on the border it changes the entire calculus and you really have to stay on your toes," added Miller. "Civilization 5 goes to great lengths to make sure that every system is as transparent as possible but in this game we're diverting course from that. We want to introduce this non-deterministic player versus environment perspective in to Civ. We wanted it to feel like a different game and so we have really mixed it up at a fundamental level."

sounds good. It does look like a reskin of Civ5 though :b


RPS Interview: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/05/20/civilization-beyond-earth-impressions-interview/

I think fundamentally Beyond Earth is a much more optimistic perspective on our future in space. I mean, in Alpha Centauri you get to a planet on the Starship Unity and you’re already at each others throats. It’s kind of a pessimistic way to start everything, but this is a much more optimistic view. And of course there’s conflict, but we wanted to present this aspirational product, and that has influenced a lot of the decision making.

McDonough: I’m much more irreverent when it comes to Civ. My favorite Civ was Civilization Revolution, actually. There’s a drama there and a speed there and a liveliness that the core Civ kind of lacks, and we’re try to bring some of that into this project. So these two different perspectives I think work very well together, and we respect each other a lot. That makes for a great working relationship.

Thus there's no point in creating console version, as it will never work anywhere near as good as on PC. Caring about making highest quality games is another reason not to port it.

Also..there's no self-fulfiling prophecy here. Devs tried countless times to bring strategy genre to consoles, both in RTS and TBS variety and sales always were dissapointing. There might be some audience for this type of games on consoles, but it's obviously not a big one.

Xcom did okay. Turn based works fine. No reason this game couldn't be on ps4.


Ohmigawd. How did I miss this. HOW.

That said, I'll probably start it once or twice and then proceed to watch streams of the game since I fuck up royally every single time. I lack the tactical skill required for Civilisation management. Still won't stop me from buying this.

Also, more space exploration themes in vidya games is a damn good thing.

Now excuse me while I drown myself in the trailer/interviews/other goodies.


So, customize your colony ship, stations, quests, tech web, satellites, units, affinity, and virtues?

I like the cut of their jib. Their space jibs. That's a lot of jibs.

Technology research is arranged into a branching web that begins in the center, and features both “stem” and “leaf” technologies. Stem techs represent the first level of a given area of research, while leaf techs provide more advanced exploration of that same field, with different bonuses for each different leaf.

Oh hell yes. That sounds like they're making tech work a bit more like social policies where you can just focus in one area. So pumped.
So, customize your colony ship, stations, quests, tech web, satellites, units, affinity, and virtues?

I like the cut of their jib. Their space jibs. That's a lot of jibs.

I'm going to make the hell out of amphibious settler units and siege units.
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