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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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So, you guys getting tired of winning yet? And we in Europe only have to start, soon we to will be winning all the time. All of us will be first all the time. All of us will be winners ;).

Gosh, it is like that preschool thing republican highschool kids love to complain about. That everybody get's a sticker :D.

But then in country form :p.

From Le Penn to Wilders... we'll all get stickers and "win" YAY :(.


i never thought id see someone go full facist american president... and people lapped it up just like nazis

im sure itll get blocked by good people but its becoming morbidly fascinating watching the facist playbook being run

I think this is just a symptom of a long running American belief that freedom only applies to certain Americans. Once other Americans started benefiting from it--or, worse yet, actually surpassing white Americans--it became a problem, and they're now willing to give up that freedom if it means putting those fake Americans "back in their place." Or, better yet, another place entirely.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

This is the same Jake Tapper who admonished the Obama White House for its treatment of "one of our sister networks [Fox]."

You know that you're arguing against yourself, right?


This is especially ironic considering how the altright and Trump bitch about deplatforming while the White House itself is doing it to news organizations.
This is especially ironic considering how the altright and Trump bitch about deplatforming while the White House itself is doing it to news organizations.

Did you know the economy was in the shitter until the second Obama came into office and then everyone felt the economy was better? I mean nothing actually changed, but terrible human beings that are irredeemable felt it changed.

Or you know, how states rights are great until I want to remove the rights of the states because they support things I dont like.

Basically Republicans and small minded people 101.
As pointed, all this Civil War talk is WAAAAYY to premature and shouldn't even really be entertained at this point. I want Trump out as much as everybody, but the way to do that is voting and protesting and speaking up at town halls. We see it already having an effect with Obamacare. If we just keep our foot on the gas pedal, eventually we'll run this pig over.


As pointed, all this Civil War talk is WAAAAYY to premature and shouldn't even really be entertained at this point. I want Trump out as much as everybody, but the way to do that is voting and protesting and speaking up at town halls. We see it already having an effect with Obamacare. If we just keep our foot on the gas pedal, eventually we'll run this pig over.

lol - voting.


If California tries to secede, you bet your ass the federal government will march on in there to prevent it. There is no way in hell they just allow all of that tax revenue and resources/industry to leave.

Russia would welcome you, though. And yes, the Calexit movement is part of Russia's game. Putin like seceding countries / regions as long as it's not in Russia. It's OK in the case of Crimea or even the occupied parts of Eastern Ukraine where they already acknowledged the "passports" of the "republics". It's like acknowledging passports from the IS, but the Kremlin does not need to mask its actions anymore. They also pushed Brexit and push for movements like Catalonia, by the way.

And you have the chance to give back Alaska, that's a sting Russia will never forgive the US.

lol - voting.

Yeah, 2018 is the last optimism these people have left. When that falls apart too, we gotta act and/or find an exit.

"Wait to vote" - people not realizing how many will die over these decisions and don't have that kind of time to act


I am not American, but how can this be illegal? As surely if they dont want them in then tough luck, it is private property?
Yeah, 2018 is the last optimism these people have left. When that falls apart too, we gotta act and/or find an exit.

"Wait to vote" - people not realizing how many will die over these decisions and don't have that kind of time to act

So are you gonna be the one to take up arms and fire the first shot? Where will be the next Fort Sumter?


Junior Member
As pointed, all this Civil War talk is WAAAAYY to premature and shouldn't even really be entertained at this point. I want Trump out as much as everybody, but the way to do that is voting and protesting and speaking up at town halls. We see it already having an effect with Obamacare. If we just keep our foot on the gas pedal, eventually we'll run this pig over.


Easy solution, tell them you're part of some tea party rag, get the press pass ask crap, report back to base. James bond that shit.
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