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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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Or, "It's ok if we do it, but it's not ok for you to do it."


The right is pushing the "Well, Obama did it too with fox" narrative. Are there any credible sources that has truth in this or is it FUD?

It's FUD. Fox bitched and moaned because Obama wouldn't give them an exclusive sit down interview until well into his presidency, not because he blocked press access.


The ultimate invocation of Streisand.

It's hilarious how little Trump's dick is. He can't handle shit.

The more he tries to pretend he is in control the more acutely aware his supporters are eventually going to be with his failures since he will no longer have anyone else to blame.
I hadn't signed up for NYT because the WP already gives me more info than I can get through but I just subbed because fuck this fascist piece of shit administration.
I'm reading some reports that BBC is banned too, is that true?


And the BBC's Washington bureau chief, Paul Danahar, said: “We understand there may be occasions when, due to space or circumstances, the White House restricts press events to the established pool.

“However, what happened today did not fit into that pattern. On this occasion selected media were allowed to attend the briefing and the selected media, including the BBC, were not.

"The BBC has a representative at every daily White House briefing so we are not clear why we were barred from today's. We have sought clarification from the White House Press team. Out reporting will remain fair and impartial regardless.”
Trump is smart. He's painted the media as dishonest and his supporters eat that shit up.

Now, any credible news story on corruption or anything else can easily be dismissed as fake news.

Meanwhile he can curate whatever bullshit he wants about his numbers, his actions, and spoon feed it to his supporters directly through Twitter.

It's terrifying.

Trump is not smart. He's a cry baby who can't handle criticism.


The right is pushing the "Well, Obama did it too with fox" narrative. Are there any credible sources that has truth in this or is it FUD?
There's always been nice little incentives for being on the good side of the administration. 1 on 1 interviews, an exclusive here and there, Q&A priority, easier access to the President/VP/etc. That is why most news orgs try to be on the good side of the administration.

This is different though. This isn't an incentive being taken away. It's not a news org being prioritized less, not given interviews and such. This is straight up blocking information from an news organization and basically making them take a hit because they've been reporting things that you don't want the public to know.

I didn't mind Trump calling CNN and the like fake news. Obama did something similar to Fox. But that's pretty much where the similarity ends. And Obama wasn't as harsh as Trump was.


Most of the Trump supporters and conservative comments I'm seeing are "Obama did this to Fox news too! Where was the liberal outrage THEN?"

If there's one thing I've noticed about this election cycle from republicans, it's that they just love to try and pull the "both sides" excuse.
Most of the Trump supporters and conservative comments I'm seeing are "Obama did this to Fox news too! Where was the liberal outrage THEN?"

If there's one thing I've noticed about this election cycle from republicans, it's that they just love to try and pull the "both sides" excuse.

Was just scanning twitter..and that seems to be the go to...
So tired of this garbage..
Most of the Trump supporters and conservative comments I'm seeing are "Obama did this to Fox news too! Where was the liberal outrage THEN?"

If there's one thing I've noticed about this election cycle from republicans, it's that they just love to try and pull the "both sides" excuse.
It's at the point where I figure out the "what about when Obama" line before I post anything on facebook to make sure I address it upfront before the kooks show up to try to educate me about how because Obama considered doing something not as bad as what the Trump administration actually did, that I shouldn't criticise it.

It's insanely predictable at this point.


The press better not take this lying down like the video game journalists do with publishers and information access.

I think you may have inadvertently summed up the new press relationship going into the next decade. Next thing you know, the failing New York Times won't be getting any more electricity to their building until they start putting out reports that are at least 90+ on Trumpacritic.
I saw some tweets accusing the banned news media of "seditious conspiracy" because apparently reporting on what the WH does may make some people want to overthrow the government. Took me a while to figure out who they were saying that about since if anything the WH's fascist behavior looks a lot more like seditious conspiracy to change our form of government than the media reporting what the WH is doing.
Most of the Trump supporters and conservative comments I'm seeing are "Obama did this to Fox news too! Where was the liberal outrage THEN?"

If there's one thing I've noticed about this election cycle from republicans, it's that they just love to try and pull the "both sides" excuse.

Setting aside the fact that Fox News by and large is a conservative propaganda arm (Fox and friends, Tucker, Hannity, etc) Obama never followed through on removing Fox from the press pool.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Obama went on fox news himself plenty of times and i dont recall him ever trying to actively ban the media he did not want to hear reporting on his info

they need to fight this tooth and claw.

If obama had done this, the hypocritical right would have been screaming their ass off, but now they are hypcorites


Setting aside the fact that Fox News by and large is a conservative propaganda arm (Fox and friends, Tucker, Hannity, etc) Obama never followed through on removing Fox from the press pool.

Yeah, but the supporters NEED to believe it's the same thing. If they acknowledge that what's going on is worse, then they have to entertain the epiphany that "We're the baddies."

No one wants to be the bad guy. Even when they like doing bad things. They've built up a particular image in their minds now of being a persecuted demographic that is finally reclaiming their freedom, and they can't--and won't--entertain the idea that they may in fact be doing questionable things, and they'll double down on that.
Obama went on fox news himself plenty of times and i dont recall him ever trying to actively ban the media he did not want to hear reporting on his info

they need to fight this tooth and claw.

If obama had done this, the hypocritical right would have been screaming their ass off, but now they are hypcorites

He did, and he had every right to complain about some of their coverage of him, too. It was largely ridiculous. Despite that, he was still on their network and never tried to shit them down or exclude them from events.

What's happening here is different, and even Chris Wallace said that when Preibus tried to do that "But Obama!" shit during that interview.

This is a fucking disgrace, and all media outlets including Fox should be outraged.



Fake news gets treated as such.

People like you who want to be ruled by a dictator are some of the most cowardly, brainwashed, un-American fuckers I've ever seen in my entire life. Congrats, your racist cuntstain of a candidate won. Please continue cowering in fear of refugees, Mexicans, the constitution, and anyone/anything else that dares "threaten" your sense of white superiority. The rest of us--you know, real Americans who actually give a fuck about the constitution, free speech, and human rights--will continue to fight for the country we love rather than hand it over to Putin and act like a fucking pussy all the time.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Trump is smart. He's painted the media as dishonest and his supporters eat that shit up.

Now, any credible news story on corruption or anything else can easily be dismissed as fake news.

Meanwhile he can curate whatever bullshit he wants about his numbers, his actions, and spoon feed it to his supporters directly through Twitter.

It's terrifying.

Not really. His approval rating is on average -10 already if you discount Rasmussen which is an outlier.


Unconfirmed Member

I doubt this is really why they're doing it but this is an important point. Some of the accusations being made go way beyond insider gossip. Some of it is literally treason if true and yet it's presented as "our anonymous sources say x" and Trump can just go "fake news. sad!" and that's the end of it. "three sources tell us" is quickly becoming the new "some people say". CNN and other 24/7 channels can drop a half story and spend the entire day talking about. It's been used and abused so much it's becoming too easy for Trump to just brush it aside now. I hope in some way that these attacks have the opposite effect of stifling the media and instead makes journalist more determined to get to the bottom of something so that it can't just be waved away.


Even pundits and personalities on Fox News have admitted that never once did Obama declare them a threat to the people despite their many philosophical differences. There is a massive gulf between favoring news outlets that give you positive praise and declaring democratic institutions the "enemy of the people".

The press is an accountability arm that is protected under law because it can be a public check on our government. Declaring a potential voice of the people as an enemy of the people is a de facto shift towards authoritarian politics. I mean, fuck man. Even Fox News agrees with that.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Oh wow. How many weeks again? This is a dicatorship in fast forward.
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