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Coke Zero Is Dead. Long Live 'Coca-Cola No Sugar'


If you're going to drink soda you might as well drink the original. Coke zero/diet tastes like crap. All diet sodas do.


So like some other Yuros have said, is this (pic i made below) already the "new" zero/no sugar version? Because it has the "new:improved taste" label (germany). Or are they stopping this one for a complete new "no sugar" one? Because if that is the one to stay, then i'm good. Taste is pretty close to OG Coke. I drink only this or water, with an energy drink (sugar free) here and there.



Considering that the whole purpose of coke zero is to mimic the taste of regular coke, I have no idea why people are calling this dumb. A coke zero that's even closer to the flavour of regular coke? Count me in


So like some other Yuros have said, is this already the "new" zero/no sugar version? Because it has the "new:improved taste" label (germany). Or are they stopping this one for a complete new "no sugar" one? Because if that is the one to stay, then i'm good. Taste is pretty close to OG Coke. Drink only this or water with the an energy drink (sugar free) here and there.

Edit: After reading up a bit, this one will really go for another "no sugar" version. How stupid.

Actually, I think you were right. A new version of Coke Zero was introduced in markets like Germany 6 months ago. The name was changed from Coke Zero to Coke Zero Sugar, featuring "new improved taste".

"Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is the new and improved Coca-Cola Zero. Coke Zero has already had a great taste, but we have continued to work on the recipe to get even closer to the original Coca-Cola taste - with zero sugar. We have succeeded with the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar."

Outrage cancelled.

Seems idiotic to change the name to "Coca-Cola No Sugar" instead of "Coca-Cola Zero Sugar" in some markets, though. The way they did it in Germany makes sense.


Actually, I think you were right. A new version of Coke Zero was introduced in markets like Germany 6 months ago. The name was changed from Coke Zero to Coke Zero Sugar, featuring "new improved taste".

"Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is the new and improved Coca-Cola Zero. Coke Zero has already had a great taste, but we have continued to work on the recipe to get even closer to the original Coca-Cola taste - with zero sugar. We have succeeded with the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar."

Outrage cancelled.

I read that too, but german outlets are reporting the same news as the OP (zero going away for "no sugar" label), but stating that it's only Australia so far. So maybe Yuros have it already but other parts of the world not? Doesn't seem clear yet. Most german outlets use the bild.de source...

A "new" Coca-Cola Zero Sugar was launched overseas, including in the UK, almost a year ago. Advertising for the drink claimed it was the closest taste to regular Coke that had been developed.

It's not yet known if this is the same flavour which is about to be rolled out in New Zealand, but Ms Pillay told Newshub we're the third country to get Coca-Cola No Sugar, following Mexico and Spain.

The new drink hits shelves on June 12.


So there is still a chance that nothing will change here in germany/UK...


Buddy of mine is going to be pissed. he lives on Coke Zero and strong identifies with the brand.

Scroll up a few posts. Sounds like several markets may already have had it for more than 6 months, called Coke Zero Sugar. No idea why they'd call it Coca Cola No Sugar in some markets instead of just going with Coke Zero Sugar everywhere.


I like a Cherry Coke Zero on occasion, not a big fan of the standard flavor though. Seems like an odd move but perhaps the sales weren't there or were declining or maybe this is just a rebranding of sorts?


Oh yeah my industrial engineering group when to a Coke bottling factory last month or so and they mentioned that this coke is supposed to replace both Zero and Life, quite interesting.


We've had the zero sugar label for a month or two now in Canada. Not sure if it's the bew product or not...I never really realized they had changed anything other than the label.
Scroll up a few posts. Sounds like several markets may already have had it for more than 6 months, called Coke Zero Sugar. No idea why they'd call it Coca Cola No Sugar in some markets instead of just going with Coke Zero Sugar everywhere.

Aye, I think it's still Coke Zero around here with the typical black can and same branding.

The Lamp

Mr.Shrugglesツ;239747707 said:

The black rim represents the amount of money they saved on not using sugar.

Do you think aspartame or sucralose is cheaper than HFCS?

You know, I bought a Pepsi Max the other day, thought it tasted fine at first, but then a creeping taste of mold started to overtake my senses and now I can't drink it without thinking of mold. It's nasty

lol this plus the "Coke Zero tastes like asshole" guy: Some dramatic-ass people in this thread.


Wait, is this just that? that happened here in Sweden as well a few months back. I could barely tell the difference in taste, used to it now.

Oh shit, I looked at an empty bottle I had, it does say zero sugar on it.

Well my outrage is canceled
Yea it's the same thing as far as I can tell, really not that big of a deal, nothing is changing really, we would have gotten the "improved taste" regardless of the branding.

Vanilla Coke Zero is godtier. It's what I always get from the Freestyle machines. You can pry it from my dead hands.

Yup, shame it's so hard to find here, I have to go find a big morrisons to get any because Sainsburys/Asda/Tesco don't stock anything but the small bottles.

I'll be sad to see Vanilla Coke Zero go away. This just seems like a dumb move though, for reasons like Coke Zero being popular, the reasons people pointed out surrounding the name (Did anyone seriously put any thought into trying to ask for one of these and how dumb it will sound to say to a waitress "Yes, I'd like a Coca-Cola No Sugar please"), and then also how the 'Zero' branding crosses over to many of their other drinks like Sprite Zero and Pibb Zero and now it will seem odd that there is no equivalent Coke product.
Barely any resteraunts around here have Coke Zero though, which is always irritating because I don't quite care for Diet Coke, especially fountain drink Diet Coke. Oh well, Diet Coke it is from now on.
This shit's gonna be the Wii U of Coke products.

I've got a bottle of "Vanilla Coke Zero Sugar" right next to me, where do you think it's going?


It'll still have that poison aspartame in it? Oh ok, so it's just a name change. It'll never taste like regular Coke.


It'll still have that poison aspartame in it? Oh ok, so it's just a name change. It'll never taste like regular Coke.

Have read up a lot on aspartame since my gf said "POISON!!!!" and the volumes you have to consume so that it's "poisonous" is really ridicoulus. People throw the same researches around while others have said time and time again that it's not a problem.

If your are a healthy person without issues, you will have no problems dinking this.


I remember when they advertised Coke Zero with the slogan "real taste, zero sugar". I guess the taste wasn't so "real" after all.

We already got the "improved taste" Coca-Cola Zero Sugar where I live, and that doesn't taste anything at all like normal Coca-Cola either. It's good but they still have ways to go, if that's the same drink as what Coca-Cola No Sugar will be. Then again, I think normal Coke is too sweet for my tastes, so it not tasting exactly the same isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I prefer Pepsi Max nowadays.


Gold Member
I'll give it a try when i find it, but so far in my experience with all diet drinks including Coke Zero, the aftertaste just ruins it completely. You get maybe a second of the good taste, and then the sour nasty aftertaste immediately kicks in reminding you that you're drinking something with no sugar in it.
I wonder if this is the same as the Coke Zero Sugar I had in London recently - I thought it didn't quite taste the same and that would make sense if it's a different formula altogether.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Wow, how many people worked for how many hours to come up with "coca cola no sugar" as a brand name?


I wonder if this is the same as the Coke Zero Sugar I had in London recently - I thought it didn't quite taste the same and that would make sense if it's a different formula altogether.

That's what some of us suspect but it's not clear yet. The Coke Zero Sugar is new since the beginning of 2017 (with "new better taste") in parts of Europe.
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