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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump



Fuck this guy

I love how both the arms are white. Subtle, probably unintentional, but speaks volumes

Are we just going to pretend that everyone with white skin is white now? We have a lot of material to shit on this guy's views, Trump/Trump supporters/etc. Let's not act silly for reaction posts.


Here we go.

The left take the blame for literally everything.

When they're in power, they're responsible. When they're out of it, they're also responsible. And apparently they're now responsible for electing a white supremacist.

Maybe we should start treating the ADULTS who voted for Dump as ADULTS. They are responsible for their actions, no matter how "uninspiring" Clinton was.

Hiliary was a bad candidate. The echo-chamber seems to not realize that. I knew she was going to lose after Bernie lost to her--a trip back to the Midwest and out of the LA bubble told me that.

We are responsible for it. 100% responsible, we have to realize that and act. Some of us let the DNC nominate her and then bitch about the electoral college without seeing the hypocrisy.

Some of those adult may have issues that you may not be aware of that Trump spoke to though? Isn't that the point of democracy? Yes, they let the media talk Trump's way into the office, but what were Democrats doing about it? Laughing him off, like he didn't have a chance in hell? Well, look where that got us--a lunatic in the White House.


A bad candidate that lost due to Russian hacking and a rogue FBI.

first google comment I looked at was "Trump = Hitler"

Btw, Hitler's first move was to have an armed, non-governmental terrorist militia under his complete control. His second move was to destroy democracy.

So the difference is Trump has reversed the move order?
first google comment I looked at was "Trump = Hitler"

Btw, Hitler's first move was to have an armed, non-governmental terrorist militia under his complete control. His second move was to destroy democracy. The Trump = Hitler, or Trump voters = Nazis works no better than those who labeled Obama Kenyan Muslim communist in 08-09.

Would you expect American nazis in 2017 use the same methods as German nazis in the 1930's to take power and implement their agenda?


I'm sure he didn't. But he himself said he'd rather vote for Trump over Hillary.

That alone speaks volumes about his views.

A lot of people voted for Trump because Hilary was a terrible option. Hilary lost states that Obama had no problem winning.
first google comment I looked at was "Trump = Hitler"

Btw, Hitler's first move was to have an armed, non-governmental terrorist militia under his complete control. His second move was to destroy democracy. The Trump = Hitler, or Trump voters = Nazis works no better than those who labeled Obama Kenyan Muslim communist in 08-09.

XXX's entry into politics was him pushing a populist message blaming his country's economic woes on immigrants, political opponents, and minorities.

Who am I referring to?
A lot of people voted for Trump because Hilary was a terrible option. Hilary lost states that Obama had no problem winning.

I'm so sorry. I don't really give a shit about that. If you would rather vote for Trump over Hillary, that speaks volumes about you.

End of story.
Hiliary was a bad candidate. The echo-chamber seems to not realize that. I knew she was going to lose after Bernie lost to her--a trip back to the Midwest and out of the LA bubble told me that.

We are responsible for it. 100% responsible, we have to realize that and act. Some of us let the DNC nominate her and then bitch about the electoral college without seeing the hypocrisy.

Some of those adult may have issues that you may not be aware of that Trump spoke to though? Isn't that the point of democracy? Yes, they let the media talk Trump's way into the office, but what were Democrats doing about it? Laughing him off, like he didn't have a chance in hell? Well, look where that got us--a lunatic in the White House.
No. The left are not responsible for creating dump. Unless you're about to start on about "pc culture"...
I feel like it's very difficult to have a meaningful conversation about this without being attacked. Despite what many of you are saying in your replies, I do understand what's happening, and I too have people I care about in my life who are affected by it. I also understand white privilege and how I benefit from it. I know from experience why that's a difficult thing for many people to come to terms with.

The truth is, however, none of you know who I am or what I actually believe, because I've never expressed those opinions on here. I'm open-minded and try to be as objective as I can be, and as a result, I find few who'll sit on the log with me. That's OK. I don't want to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did, but I wish people would actually talk respectfully with one another.

I'm out. It's clear I'm my perspective doesn't mean anything here.


Agree with most of ya'll in here about the video. Kumail said it best IMO

Trump cannot be discredited. Nothing will make his followers turn on him. Key is to activate the majority of the country that doesn't care.


Maybe they are like most of us, and just gave up trying to reason with people like this. You literally can't debate with them, there is no dialogue.
If you follow him on twitter, this seems to be the case. He's dismissive and reductive to any and all reasoning. Even to people who are old friends and former colleagues, he's extremely condescending. Can't have a dialogue with a person like that.


If you follow him on twitter, this seems to be the case. He's dismissive and reductive to any and all reasoning. Even to people who are old friends and former colleagues, he's extremely condescending. Can't have a dialogue with a person like that.

Classic behavior from an ignorant, unintelligent person who mistakenly believes that they are well-informed and intelligent.


He's a self-interested prick, and completely tone-deaf to the real issues. He's worried about goods pricing and tariffs.
That's what the video was about though.. I think you guys are missing the forest from the trees. It's a news article NOT a political mouth piece.
I feel like it's very difficult to have a meaningful conversation about this without being attacked. Despite what many of you are saying in your replies, I do understand what's happening, and I too have people I care about in my life who are affected by it. I also understand white privilege and how I benefit from it. I know from experience why that's a difficult thing for many people to come to terms with.

The truth is, however, none of you know who I am or what I actually believe, because I've never expressed those opinions on here. I'm open-minded and try to be as objective as I can be, and as a result, I find few who'll sit on the log with me. That's OK. I don't want to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did, but I wish people would actually talk respectfully with one another.

I'm out. It's clear I'm my perspective doesn't mean anything here.

I understand how you feel. It's ok.


A lot of people voted for Trump because Hilary was a terrible option. Hilary lost states that Obama had no problem winning.
"Hilary isn't very good. I'm going to vote for the guy saying Mexicans are rapists, is under scrutiny for having admitted to sexual assault, and talks about banning muslims from entering the country."

But shit, those e-mails....


If you sat down and had an extended conversation with a nazi, in that time do you think they could convert you into becoming a nazi?

No, because Nazi racial ideology has no basis in fact and it requires a damaged psyche to support suicidal warmongering govt policies.

If not, why would the reverse be true?

The reverse might be true if they are open to facts and havent had their empathy crushed under the boot of an abusive, tyrannical father or other such trauma.
So the lead developer at Naughty Dog thinks fascists deserve sympathy and understanding.

I don't think you can call all Trump supporters "fascists". For starters, I'm willing to bet that a significant percentage of those who voted for him did so simple due to the party he was representing. You have your two party system dog and pony show to thank for that.


I feel like it's very difficult to have a meaningful conversation about this without being attacked. Despite what many of you are saying in your replies, I do understand what's happening, and I too have people I care about in my life who are affected by it. I also understand white privilege and how I benefit from it. I know from experience why that's a difficult thing for many people to come to terms with.

The truth is, however, none of you know who I am or what I actually believe, because I've never expressed those opinions on here. I'm open-minded and try to be as objective as I can be, and as a result, I find few who'll sit on the log with me. That's OK. I don't want to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did, but I wish people would actually talk respectfully with one another.

I'm out. It's clear I'm my perspective doesn't mean anything here.

no one attacked you. if challenging your statements and correcting your errors is what you see as being attacked then the issue is on you not us. instead of responding to the points made about your original post you play the victim and bail out of the thread. you don't really seem opened minded and certainly don't want to engage in any meaningful dialogue.
TOS said:
Negative commentary and minority opinions are not frowned upon, but members are expected to be able to substantiate their positions.

That's not an attack.
If you follow him on twitter, this seems to be the case. He's dismissive and reductive to any and all reasoning. Even to people who are old friends and former colleagues, he's extremely condescending. Can't have a dialogue with a person like that.

Don't forget that when people do call him out and he has nothing to respond with he just leaves the conversation. He has taken multiple break from different social media sites.
A lot of people voted for Trump because Hilary was a terrible option. Hilary lost states that Obama had no problem winning.

Some of these people cast their vote like its American Idol. "I voted for Trump because I just don't like Hillary." Who gives a shit about her likeability? She's not here to have beers with you. This is about the future of the country and also the world.


He's reporter doing a piece on how current political policies may have an impact on the video game industry. Not a political mouth piece. He's doing his job.

You can find plenty of that shit on CNBC or Fox News...

This was quite refreshing actually.

The description of the video and what he actually says explicitly is political, I have no idea how you can come up with such an argument to dismiss my criticism of his entirely economic analysis of the games industry.

This is the very definition of a political mouthpiece


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
A lot of people voted for Trump because Hilary was a terrible option. Hilary lost states that Obama had no problem winning.

And a lot of people lost their shit after a black man became president. When he said his son could have looked like Trayvon Martin and the reactions that came afterwards said it all.


I feel like it's very difficult to have a meaningful conversation about this without being attacked. Despite what many of you are saying in your replies, I do understand what's happening, and I too have people I care about in my life who are affected by it. I also understand white privilege and how I benefit from it. I know from experience why that's a difficult thing for many people to come to terms with.

The truth is, however, none of you know who I am or what I actually believe, because I've never expressed those opinions on here. I'm open-minded and try to be as objective as I can be, and as a result, I find few who'll sit on the log with me. That's OK. I don't want to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did, but I wish people would actually talk respectfully with one another.

I'm out. It's clear I'm my perspective doesn't mean anything here.
Yeah it's a shame. GAF truly is a shell of what it used to be.. there still a few good people posting as well as a few good mods here and there but, alas.


I don't think you can call all Trump supporters "fascists". For starters, I'm willing to bet that a significant percentage of those who voted for him did so simple due to the party he was representing. You have your two party system dog and pony show to thank for that.

It's not my system, and his whole campaign and now his presidency was based on commonly understood fascist principles.



When you gotta reach this far.........

So you're going to make ridiculous assumptions about me (No, I'm not white) just because I pointed out something I found ridiculous considering I have non-white friends who could easily be a hand in that picture....Okay.

No, because it's a simple visual representation that was shown very briefly. If he wanted to display diversity in that visualisation it would have been incredibly easy to do so.

I made no assumptions about you other than that you were reaching to defend an incredibly poor use of imagery
I didn't click on the video. Simply pointing out dumb reaction bait isn't defending anything. Idk about you, but I'd rather see more well thought out posts than a bunch of GIFs and one liners.
The next time I have a white person call me a dirty nigger to my face, I'll be sure to reach out with peaceful negotiation so that maybe we can come together and be friends.

I mean, it'd be wrong of me to do anything else.
If you follow him on twitter, this seems to be the case. He's dismissive and reductive to any and all reasoning. Even to people who are old friends and former colleagues, he's extremely condescending. Can't have a dialogue with a person like that.

I just found out that he has me blocked on twitter and I have no idea why or how given that I don't actively seek out people or businesses I have zero interest in. Glad he did the work for me.


Hiliary was a bad candidate. The echo-chamber seems to not realize that.
I'm aware Clinton was a bad candidate. What happened with the Clinton Campaign and Michigan and Wisconsin was ridiculous.

But that's not enough to explain what happened by itself, because Trump was a horrendous candidate. He lost every debate. He made constant gaffes. He hurled insults at everyone. He was a NYC billionaire who said not paying his workers and taxes makes him smart. He constantly and blatantly lied. He bragged about sexual assault on tape.

And he won.

So what does that say about the people who voted for him? That seriously looked at a person like that and said "I think this guy is the right one for the job?" A lot of those same people are now cheering his decision to ban immigrants from countries based on... What?


Would you expect American nazis in 2017 use the same methods as German nazis in the 1930's to take power and implement their agenda?

Interesting question. I don't think it would be possible without similar circumstances to 1920s Germany.

So, we would need two years of literal starvation immediately following a horrific 4 year long world-wide war that Americans lost; the imposition of onerous war reparations on American taxpayers and the loss of a couple of states, e.g. Texas and Ohio; then two economic collapses (hyper inflation and a depression); and finally a change in child rearing policies that encouraged child abuse.
I feel like it's very difficult to have a meaningful conversation about this without being attacked. Despite what many of you are saying in your replies, I do understand what's happening, and I too have people I care about in my life who are affected by it. I also understand white privilege and how I benefit from it. I know from experience why that's a difficult thing for many people to come to terms with.

The truth is, however, none of you know who I am or what I actually believe, because I've never expressed those opinions on here. I'm open-minded and try to be as objective as I can be, and as a result, I find few who'll sit on the log with me. That's OK. I don't want to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did, but I wish people would actually talk respectfully with one another.

I'm out. It's clear I'm my perspective doesn't mean anything here.
OK bro, let's see what you said

Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

Now let's see what everyone else said to you

So you don't think that they told Trump supporters to fuck off due to the fact that Trump is signing anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT EOs?

And you continue to not understand what discrimination really is.

They aren't discriminating.

They aren't a bakery refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, they are saying that Trump supporters can fuck off, but they can't stop them from buying their game.

It's not like you have to fill out a quiz on your political standings before ordering ROM on Steam.

There's a vast difference between people who "disagree with you" and people who support policies that aim to destroy your livelihood and strip you of rights based off of your ethnicity or orientation, because supporting facist policies is not a valid political opinion.

if the only discrimination i ever faced was a video game developer telling me not to play their game and fuck off holy shit would i be happy

In a perfect world where both parties are acting in good faith, then yes, pushing people away who disagree with you is counterproductive to the goal of unity.

In a scenario where one side has no intention of ever acting in good faith, and will gladly fight and oppress you to your literal death, no matter what respect you extend to them, then no, fuck them.

That's true to a degree. Sadly, there are many of these people out there who aren't going to be reached either way.

1) You said discrimination. That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
2) White Supremacy is not an opinion. Fascism is not an opinion. This is not a difference of opinion, stop pretending it is.
3) You and Colin are both wrong.

Remind me, why are you running away again? What did they say to you here, besides dantevsninjas, that makes you want to run away?


Go have some conversations with the 99% of Trump voters who aren't racists?

You mean the guys who pop into my mentions to call me a "cuck libtard faggot" for saying we should punch nazis and not randomly ban muslims? Seem like nice guys. I can't imagine they'd harbor racist beliefs with their meme images of pepe committing the holocaust. Real nice dudes.

I'm aware Clinton was a bad candidate. What happened with the Clinton Campaign and Michigan and Wisconsin was ridiculous.

But that's not enough to explain what happened by itself, because Trump was a horrendous candidate. He lost every debate. He made constant gaffes. He hurled insults at everyone. He was a NYC billionaire who said not paying his workers and taxes makes him smart. He constantly and blatantly lied. He bragged about sexual assault on tape.

And he won.

So what does that say about the people who voted for him? That seriously looked at a person like that and said "I think this guy is the right one for the job?" A lot of those same people are now cheering his decision to ban immigrants from countries based on... What?

This is the core problem. They didn't jsut not vote for shitty hillary, who was shitty. They voted for an absolute monster--and they love him. Trump supporters are not reluctant.
It's not my system, and his whole campaign and now his presidency was based on commonly understood fascist principles.


The Washington Post said:
He is semi-fascist: more fascist than any successful American politician yet, and the most dangerous threat to pluralist democracy in this country in more than a century, but — thank our stars — an amateurish imitation of the real thing.

I don't understand?

Regardless, my point is "...but not all", which is practically unassailable. Unless you really want to argue about the merit of my argument in regard to whether or not people vote according to party lines?


No. The left are not responsible for creating dump. Unless you're about to start on about "pc culture"...

We lost the election. We are responsible for letting him, congress and 2/3rds (?) of state legislation into republican power.

I'm aware Clinton was a bad candidate. What happened with the Clinton Campaign and Michigan and Wisconsin was ridiculous.

But that's not enough to explain what happened by itself, because Trump was a horrendous candidate. He lost every debate. He made constant gaffes. He hurled insults at everyone. He was a NYC billionaire who said not paying his workers and taxes makes him smart. He constantly and blatantly lied. He bragged about sexual assault on tape.

And he won.

So what does that say about the people who voted for him? That seriously looked at a person like that and said "I think this guy is the right one for the job?" A lot of those same people are now cheering his decision to ban immigrants from countries based on... What?
I don't claim to know why people voted for him, I really don't. But we can't pretend that every person cares about their politician's personality, because it clearly doesn't matter to some.

I mean absolutely, I already said every racist probably voted for Trump, but do keep in mind not all of them are racists.

Before I talked her out of it, my mom nearly didn't vote because of she didn't like Hiliary (she hasn't since the 90s and was very against her back in 2008 too), she's a music teacher in the inner city of Columbus. We have to understand how unlikeable of a candidate she really was and why the other option may have been better in some people's eyes, rather than questioning their intent or morality without knowing much about them.

I feel we need to stop trying to paint the country with a broad ideal brush if we really want to win the midterms and next election. Not everything falls into one of two categories, it's a very large spectrum.
So you're going to make ridiculous assumptions about me (No, I'm not white) just because I pointed out something I found ridiculous considering I have non-white friends who could easily be a hand in that picture....Okay.
No, because it's a simple visual representation that was shown very briefly. If he wanted to display diversity in that visualisation it would have been incredibly easy to do so.

I made no assumptions about you other than that you were reaching to defend an incredibly poor use of imagery
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