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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Keep in mind I'm not saying there is anything wrong with GAF leaning Left. Especially in the current climate where the Republican party has become extremely (this is an ideological use) toxic.

I was more making the point earlier how it's just interesting that reading this thread, and then looking at the actual video metrics and you see totally different things. Also, despite what many of GAF think I really don't believe Colin is a bad dude at all even if I don't agree with everything he says politically. I do agree with him on some of it.

Of course the "metrics" are fine. This video isn't really being shared outside of KFs demographic. It's not a highly viewed video for them.


Yeah, the whole reach across the isle shit doesn't work when the people across the aisle are advocating for "peaceful ethnic cleansing."

Fucking this.

The whole "let's hold hands and come together" doesn't ring true when for the last 40 years we have been dealing with the impact of right wing ideology frustrating and pushing back social growth and progress in the west.

I am happy for us to come together and come to a place of collaboration, as soon as people recognise that being the pocket of corporations, denying climate change, refusing womens reproductive rights, and religious and racial segregation are just wrong.

I am all for discussion but there are some things that are just wrong.

That being said, I like this video and this seems to be him making real efforts to analyse from a moral not policy perspective.
why would an insular community like kinda funny downvote one of their videos. i doubt this is making the rounds, lighting the internet on fire. i didn't even bother to downvote.

but i think by now i'm on someone's ignore list so eh

Why would you be on my ignore list? I've literally never, and will never use that button. I want to hear the opinions of every single person I can, even when I don't agree. Because frankly hell I'm wrong on stuff all the time and there's lots that can be learned from other people.


Unconfirmed Member
He really needs to change the name from "Colin was right" to something else. It's antithetical to the quality and effort he is trying to convey. It comes off as childish and immediately puts me in "defensive mode" before even watching.

Wow. Yes you're right. Did not think of that but yes.


I feel like this post by Colin should be read, because a lot of people seem to think that he's just about the economic issues, and not the other ones that are being discussed ITT.


...This is disruptive to people's lives and to the exercise of global commerce. This injures our national moral standing and can potentially bring harm to our economy....


Why would you be on my ignore list? I've literally never, and will never use that button. I want to hear the opinions of every single person I can, even when I don't agree. Because frankly hell I'm wrong on stuff all the time and there's lots that can be learned from other people.

because i explained to you why categorizing neogaf as "extreme far left" was nonsense and you continued trying to explain why it was true (it isn't)
Personally I would not look into the number of likes that video got as an affirmative assurance that people are okay with his stance.

The first 2/3rd of his video is spot-on and demonstrated a very level-head position. It's only in the last 3rd that it got people uncomfortable with his personal position on the matter.
because i explained to you why categorizing neogaf as "extreme far left" was nonsense and you continued trying to explain why it was true (it isn't)

Lol that's such an incredibly minor thing. Why of Earth would I ignore everything you will continue to have to say on this board over something like that? Come on that's not my style. Shit I learn different perspectives and ideas from people on here every single day. Me pretending I'm right all the time, or blocking out a dissenting voice would mean I'm never challenged on my own world view, which is never a good thing. I will never block anyone on here.

Again, I was referring to this board being very far left in terms of representation. Maybe I could have worded it better but it's not the end of the world. It is what it is. People can jump on me for it, but I don't really care


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.


Lol that's such an incredibly minor thing. Why of Earth would I ignore everything you will continue to have to say on this board over something like that? Come on that's not my style. Shit I learn different perspectives and ideas from people on here every single day. Me pretending I'm right all the time, or blocking out a dissenting voice would mean I'm never challenged on my own world view, which is never a good thing.

Again, I was referring to this board being very far left in terms of representation. Maybe I could have worded it better but it's not the end of the world. It is what it is. People can jump on me for it, but I don't really care

no, you misunderstand. i'm not saying you ignored me because i made that post, but rather i got the sense that you had me on ignore because i provided the exact answer you were looking for but you proceeded to quote everyone who had replied to you except me.

Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

easier to put you head in the sand than put in an ounce of introspection
no, you misunderstand. i'm not saying you ignored me because i made that post, but rather i got the sense that you had me on ignore because i provided the exact answer you were looking for but you proceeded to quote everyone who had replied to you except me.

Eh I read it but your reading into things that aren't there. Again this is about percentage. A breakdown of Demos. There is far more left leaning people here than right leaning. That can be described as extremely left.

It's a mountain out of a molehill though and really not something worth either of us getting caught up on.


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

Read through the whole thread and lol'd at Colin's passive aggressive dismissal of what Rami had to say without addressing any of his concerns.


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

holy shit, what is wrong with him? It's like he's missing the part of his brain that processes empathy/sympathy.

"It's a bummer you got bullied"


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.


So much for nuance and respecting the other side, I guess. He expressed reservations about part of the video, therefore they must've gotten to him!
for someone with a penchant for politics it sure is strange that he would be clueless about who [Steve Bannon] is or what breitbart represents.


feel free to look at the replies where when shown the racist garbage that breitbart puts out he asks multiple times if that was something bannon directly said or wrote...

Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'

He simply doesn't get it.

...easier to put you head in the sand than put in an ounce of introspection

As excelsiorlef pointed out:

I thought this exchange in that twitter thread was also really telling



Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

If you ever need proof that Colin Moriarty is a snake in the grass, there it is.


Unconfirmed Member
For me, Colin was just another comfortable white person with no self-awareness (but plenty of self-satisfaction) trying to lecture the oppressed about how to respond to their oppressors. I don't understand how these people can't see that the next four years are shaping up to be horrific for literally every minority in America.

Yeah the human cost... But our video games might get more expensive though *gasp*

And it says a lot that he feels like the 2046 tweet was aimed at him.

And now he's praising the "super smart" Bannon.

Yeah fuck Colin after all this today.

I unsubscribed from Kinda Funny and PS I Love You. I literally have zero respect for him as a human being at this point and although I like the other dudes, I simply can't listen to Colin's voice anymore.

I'm not even convinced that he didn't vote for Trump.

Also disappointed that Neil didn't type a short followup tweet like Rami did about the last part of Colin's video. Unlike Colin, Neil is far more influential to people and his full support is going to get a lot of people to feel like what Colin said was totally right for no other reason than their idolatry of ND's games and Neil.


Yeah fuck Colin after all this today.

I unsubscribed from Kinda Funny and PS I Love You. I literally have zero respect for him as a human being at this point and although I like the other dudes, I simply can't listen to Colin's voice anymore.

I'm not even convinced that he didn't vote for Trump.

Also disappointed that Neil didn't type a short followup tweet like Rami did about the last part of Colin's video. Unlike Colin, Neil is far more influential to people and his full support is going to get a lot of people to feel like what Colin said was totally right just because of the idolatry of ND's games and Neil.

see, i went to work today, listening to PS I Love You XOXO and was glad that i somehow managed to disconnect Colin - the games journalist - and Colin tough guy on Twitter.

But yeah, the whole "if someone disagrees with me / adds clarification, he was bullied into doing so" is such a crazy assumption. Doesn't he realize how disrespectful it is to make assumptions about whether or not Rami was being genuine in his followup?

"Friend and AMAZING indie-dev @RamiIsmail gets BULLIED by pathetic #NeoGAF for speaking his mind freely. So sad. Still appreciate him."


Why do gamers care so fucking much about a dev's sales? Why can't we see that there are things that are far more important? I know it used to be a measuring stick for console war threads to see which horse won the race the rest of the world gives no fucks about, but why is it still so relevant? At the end of that video, he basically asks the dev if he's worried about his sales and the dev says he doesn't care about that. And Colin is kinda dismissive as if he thinks the dev still doesn't realize this will impact his sales.
What I mean to say is - all of mainstream media, not any one particular outlet, is absolutely terrible, and unfortunately... that's what most of america sees, and thus most of america stays uneducated. Only now are americans, as an example, becoming aware of the fact that what Trump is doing with this "muslim" ban is mostly an enforcement of a law that Obama proposed and created two years ago. Something I already knew about, but basically got zero coverage. Obama never got blasted for what essentially is the law Trump is enforcing. Trump didn't make the law, he simply added Syria too it. Then he gets blasted for say, adding syria, and then not adding other countries that he has "business investments in" - never minding that he didn't create that list anyways.

Please indicate which law you are referring to. Can't let this go without comment. The administration line keeps trying to deflect blame by claiming Obama did the same thing, generally trying to equate lighting a cigarette with lighting a person on fire.


There are shitloads of people- even progressives- who voted for Obama who nonetheless have ignorant or outright hostile views about black people as a whole (ignorant racism is still racism), in the same way that Madam CJ Walker becoming the first self-made black millionaire back in the 1800s didn't mean white people didn't have a problem with the rest of the recently-freed slaves, or even with Walker herself.

Individual exception and achievement on part of minorities is not an indication of the cultural norm that those minorities experience. This is an argument that is self-evident. If you do want some sort indication of cultural norms, look at polling and statistical analysis which, surprise surprise, show a majority of Trump voters tend to have extremely hostile racial views. Imagine that the guy scapegoating brown people as having stolen the American Dream from innocent, good-natured white folk would appeal to the section of our population that's more racist than the norm!

Regardless, "a majority" doesn't mean "all," which means for the Trump voters who pass the "are they called black people or negroes?" test, we're back to the argument of what the election meant from a moral or ethical context. If you vote for a racist in spite of their racist views, if you ignore Trump calling Mexican rapists because you think you're getting a tax cut, you cannot easily argue that you aren't aiding and abetting the spread of racism from that government's platform. At the absolute best, you don't care about the quality of life of minorities, which at the end of the day still has the same effect as voting to actively instill harm on minority communities. Apathy to evil aids evil. To run away from the implications of this is to not take responsibility for your vote. It is childish. It eschews individual responsibility. It is hypocritical. It needs to stop. All Trump voters who "didn't vote for the racist things" need to self-reflect hard. If they're not, they're no better than the actual racists.

Couple all of this with the absolute social, systemic, and diplomatic disaster that has only resulted from less than two weeks of his administration being in office, and the unrelenting shame is the least Trump voters deserve. I honestly hope that every time they buy something from a vending machine from now on, their shit gets stuck. I hope every piece of tape they pull from the roll bunches in on itself. I hope they always step on a Lego in the middle of the night. I hope they all get glitterbombed daily. I hope every time it rains they can't find their umbrella. I hope dogs continuously shit in their yard. I hope their favorite games only score an 8.8 from now on.

"I hope they miss everything cool in life and die angry."

This is a really phenomenal post and squarely paints the type of nose-thumbing jackass Colin Moriarty is. Minorities? Civil rights? Who cares, cause I think the gubment is taxing me too much. So I'll support phenomenal individuals like...the Romneys and Rubios of the world and then offer the heartiest, most emphatic shrug when racist demagogues seize control.


Unconfirmed Member
see, i went to work today, listening to PS I Love You XOXO and was glad that i somehow managed to disconnect Colin - the games journalist - and Colin tough guy on Twitter.

It's not just his twitter. I wish he would showcase the side more that all the people that know him personally who champion him as a very compassionate and kind guy. I just don't get why he needs to make certain statements he makes during all the shows he's in. It's not about dropping the truth there are hundreds of times he just makes 0 empathy statements.

My inability to tolerate that stuff anymore is very much a result of years of exposure to it as well the climate we're currently in. I liked most of the guys over there and I appreciated Colin for his different perspective in several cases as well but I don't know.

I feel like Colin is smart enough to try understand where the negative reaction comes from and should be capable of responding to it without necessarily changing his own stance. That he constantly chooses not to practice what he preaches for whatever reason is what just sucks as someone that likes a lot of their content. But whatever he made it clear that people like me aren't welcome anyway. So I'm not even sure why I'm writing this out.
see, i went to work today, listening to PS I Love You XOXO and was glad that i somehow managed to disconnect Colin - the games journalist - and Colin tough guy on Twitter.

But yeah, the whole "if someone disagrees with me / adds clarification, he was bullied into doing so" is such a crazy assumption. Doesn't he realize how disrespectful it is to make assumptions about whether or not Rami was being genuine in his followup?

"Friend and AMAZING indie-dev @RamiIsmail gets BULLIED by pathetic #NeoGAF for speaking his mind freely. So sad. Still appreciate him."

I would again point to something far more remarkable than mere ‘toughness’, with respect to Colin’s activity on twitter. Someone took issue with Colin’s praise of Steve Bannon by identifying Bannon as a white nationalist, and Colin responded to the charge in the following way:

I thought this exchange in that twitter thread was also really telling

Also, can we lay off, "but Colin's friends like him" BS.

I mean, I'm sure he's a great guy to his friends and family. But, I'm sure every single Republican in the House & Senate is nice 'n' loving to his family and friends, before he turns around and votes against spending that will keep millions of people's lives that are in poverty just a tiny bit better or restricts access to abortion or limits immigration and so on and so forth.

Or as was said about Gerald Ford, ”The problem with him," commented his first press secretary, Jerald terHorst, ”— he doesn't like to be kidded about it — but the fact is, this guy would, if he saw a school kid in front of the White House who needed clothing, if he was the right size, he'd give him the shirt off his back, literally. Then he'd go right in the White House and veto the school lunch bill."

Having empathy for the people closest to you is basic human interaction, not something to point to as proof that a person doesn't have crappy beliefs.


I would again point to something far more remarkable than mere ‘toughness', with respect to Colin's activity on twitter. Someone took issue with Colin's praise of Steve Bannon by identifying Bannon as a white nationalist, and Colin responded to the charge in the following way:

yeah, again, there seems to be 3 different Colin Moriartys out there:

* his games journalist persona - an insightful pundit with a lot of inside info and experience into the games industry.

* his twitter persona - an obnoxious, wilfully polarizing, positively arrogant, privileged conservative know-it-all that discredits or ridicules dissenting opinion while pretending to be hyper-respectful, actually failing to show empathy when it'd be most needed,

* his private persona - a caring, loving, positively amazing guy; which we'll likely never get to see

This episode of Colin was right, sadly had #2 leak into #1.
I'm not gonna boycott KF now - i'm not supporting their patreon in the first place, so whether or not i stop listening to their coverage of games doesn't really send out any meaningful signal and all it is, is a net loss for me :/


Also disappointed that Neil didn't type a short followup tweet like Rami did about the last part of Colin's video. Unlike Colin, Neil is far more influential to people and his full support is going to get a lot of people to feel like what Colin said was totally right for no other reason than their idolatry of ND's games and Neil.

Whatever, cult of personality is stupid in the first place.
Just because you liked Last of Us, doesn't mean Neil Druckmann is your buddy or that you know him, it's unfair to you AND to him.
This whole idea of role models in people you know just from a very shallow, and public standpoint, is incredibly misguided, in society at large.
* his twitter persona - an obnoxious, wilfully polarizing, positively arrogant, privileged conservative know-it-all that discredits or ridicules dissenting opinion while pretending to be hyper-respectful, actually failing to show empathy when it'd be most needed,

OK, just to be clear, I feel that this portion of your description does not come close to adequately capturing what is most salient about the exchange below:

I would again point to something far more remarkable than mere ‘toughness’, with respect to Colin’s activity on twitter. Someone took issue with Colin’s praise of Steve Bannon by identifying Bannon as a white nationalist, and Colin responded to the charge in the following way:

I thought this exchange in that twitter thread was also really telling

Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'

He simply doesn't get it.

Anyone who's followed Rami's activities and the things he's done and spoken out for in the past several years will know that Rami is a man of integrity and isn't afraid to speak his mind and defend himself.
The thing with Colin is that he's pathologically incapable of walking back his positions. Dude won't admit he's wrong, won't reflect and introspect about his ideas.

You can see it clearly in that Pockets Full of Soup interview: even though the interview is deep and sincere, when talking about his falling out with his sister, he has a hard time accepting that he was at fault and when he does so, hedges it by making it so both were at fault.

I've dealt with people like that before and almost always was a consequence of pretty fragile self-image.


My take:

A bit of protectionism when combined with significant corporate tax cuts could make an economy as large as the US explode with opportunity and jobs.

This is real incentive to bring manufacturing back to the US.

If Trump can also somehow force China to float its currency the US will be rolling in gold and may even have a shot at paying down its crippling debt.

Taking a simplistic view, If it costs Microsoft $50 in tarriffs to import an XBOX manufactured in China into the US - that right there is $50 they could pay an American worker instead. That is $50 extra in the pocket of Americans to buy Xboxes. If the tax rate is 15% instead of 30% (or whatever it presently is in the US), there will be less incentive to funnel profits to low taxing nations such as Singapore or Ireland which means more Government revenue for vital infrastructure, hospitals, policing, education..

America is too big to ignore when it comes to a multinational's bottom line and frankly China has been taking the world for a ride for far too long.

Oh and the travel ban is temporary until the Trump administration can figure out how to properly vet travellers from nations linked to terrorism (Obama's list). Such executive orders have happened in the past without rioting in the streets nor outpourings of outrage.


Geez guys, aside from that one comment that you all disagree with him on, this was a really great episode that provided useful and insightful information on what Trump might actually mean for the video game industry. I don't think Colin is the racist bigot you're all making him out to be, his choice of words was incredibly poor during this time of tumultuous politics. I hope he believes that everyone should be nice to everyone, including Trump supporters being nice to others. The argument he put forward was ill-thought out but is a common argument of the "hypocrisy" when left leaning people want everyone to be nice to everyone (as they should), yet have changed that stance on Trump. No, I don't think that is right. I don't think Colin thinks that is right. I think he wants everyone to be nice to everyone but just phrased it completely incorrectly (sigh).
I also think that comment about how he would have voted for Trump proves nothing except that he was (and perhaps still is, given his misguided comment in this video) not completely educated on the political standings of Trump. I can only hope that if he had known what has happened recently he would not have voted for Trump.
That being said, the rest of the video is great and the facts presented seem to point to Colin being anti-Trump now.
Don't hurt me I'm Australian. We've had only negative news here, although my dad went to America during the campaign and said he heard much more positive Trump stuff over there so I'm probably not as educated on this as I could be. It's just my two cents.
Edit: Also I only read up to page 5 before posting so don't hurt me if Colin has fucked up majorly since then and there's evidence I haven't seen that he actually holds those views.

Edit 2: Having just read back on some more recent developments I can see that Colin lacks empathy for people and even bullies them. I'm annoyed that I wrote all that when it had already been proven that he wasn't empathetic towards others and perhaps meant what he said about being nice to Trump supporters, not just everyone.


oh man


Y i k e s

don't bother reading what he responded to someone commenting on Druckmann's retweet.

He literally called disagreeing with his video "groupthink", meanwhile Druckmann is a free thinker.
(not gonna screenshot tweets right now, i don't feel there's any point in digging up everything @notaxation posts on twitter that reinforces how people already think of him)

Maaan first part of the video was good and on point, but the end of it was a fucking mess.

I like Colin a lot since the Beyond days but the shit he's been saying politically lately is pathetic.

Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

Jesus Colin, this is embarrassing.
Why the fuck can he not accept it's the mans opinion and he has not been bullied into anything.

Very disappointed in him.


don't bother reading what he responded to someone commenting on Druckmann's retweet.

He literally called disagreeing with his video "groupthink", meanwhile Druckmann is a free thinker.
(not gonna screenshot tweets right now, i don't feel there's any point in digging up everything @notaxation posts on twitter that reinforces how people already think of him)


Did he? I only saw this one.
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