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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Right...I'm about to be done with that group and KF period. I like some of the stuff they do but the "God worship" mentality and mob mentality that exists on there is ridiculous...tonight is the last straw.

well that sucks that something you like was ruined that way for you


well that sucks that something you like was ruined that way for you

Eh it is what is....I've been distancing myself from KF for a while now...I see a lot of problems there and just got into other things like Easy Allies and back into GB.


I've tried (not specifically within the KF community) to reason with those people before. Nothing seems to work. Even when I try to approach the situation calmly, I can't get anywhere. It's disheartening, to say the least.

But you gotta keep trying!

Try to reach them! because that's the only option that's available even though it never fucking works and they dont give two fucks.

Other wise, you're not just as bad as them YOU'RE WORSE!

Do you want to be worse? no...so you gotta be spineless and innefective all your life while they trample you're rights away little by little.

But it's okay...You stayed the nice guy and that paid off....in...some way right?


I'm currently arguing with several people on KF's Facebook group who are defending Bannon and douchebag Milo so that tells you all you need to know about who laps up garbage like that video....

Already been called a "snowflake" "PC fuck" and "alt-left" so yeah....grrrrrreat bunch of people....

If they have a meme as their profile picture, use emoticons obsessively or say 'cuck', 'snowflake', 'liberals', etc. I don't bother after the first attempt to converse. It's not worth it.
Damn, that burn by Danny:


Every time I enter a thread about Colin Moriarty, I leave with a lower opinion of him.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I detected no lies in this post.
Because there are none.

I'm aware Clinton was a bad candidate. What happened with the Clinton Campaign and Michigan and Wisconsin was ridiculous.

But that's not enough to explain what happened by itself, because Trump was a horrendous candidate. He lost every debate. He made constant gaffes. He hurled insults at everyone. He was a NYC billionaire who said not paying his workers and taxes makes him smart. He constantly and blatantly lied. He bragged about sexual assault on tape.

And he won.

So what does that say about the people who voted for him? That seriously looked at a person like that and said "I think this guy is the right one for the job?" A lot of those same people are now cheering his decision to ban immigrants from countries based on... What?

This is what galls me about the whole "b-b-but Clinton" shit. I don't care if she made campaigning mistakes, it still doesn't explain her winning unless those millions of people are actually really fucking stupid (and/or assholes).

People just don't want to admit there are millions of stupid, misogyny-andracist-enabling fuckwits out there, I guess.

for someone with a penchant for politics it sure is strange that he would be clueless about who he is or what breitbart represents.

Ugh. Fuck off, Colin.


If they have a meme as their profile picture, use emoticons obsessively or say 'cuck', 'snowflake', 'liberals', etc. I don't bother after the first attempt to converse. It's not worth it.

I agree....I'm just pissed now lol and down to argue basically. They can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned...


Danny O'Dwyer is doing the lord's work.

Saying Stephen Bannon is intelligent is like saying a murderer is smart because he got away with it. It's something that is true in the most basic sense but isn't exactly something you should be congratulating.

I'm from a very similar Roman Catholic family as Colin and I don't fault him for being conservative, I fault him for going way, way out of his way to make excuses for fascists, white supremacists and bigots.
What the fuck does Trump need to do to make 'moderates' realize he's fucking insane? All I see is people crying about 'libruls and their PC attitude infringing on my freedom of speech :(' or 'Stop being angry about Trump or his supporters'. He just instituted a Muslim ban and is now going to make abortion and gay rights ILLEGAL with another EO. How are both sides remotely the same?


I see absolutely nothing wrong with what was said at the end. If one should come across those who are on the opposite political spectrum but are open to conversation, a dialogue should be had with said people. If you come across a clearly racist bigot, then thats when you can take them to task. I think thats the point here. I'm sure we all know Trump voters who are civil (and the opposite of civil, unfortunately), and those are the people we should be trying to communicate properly too.

As for the Bannon thing, what is wrong with what Colin said..? Look at the position the guy is in. You have to have some sort of brain whether its used for good or evil to get where he is. Same for Trump, he's the fucking President so obviously he's got some smarts to him. Thats not to say one has to agree with how he did it or what he's doing, but it worked.

I can recognize that they played a different game than anyone else and it worked. Doesn't mean I like it.


Eeeeeesh. It's kind of indicative of the fall out of conservative ideals in politics - here we have a White man explaining how everyone should've voted for Romney and now, for whatever reason, is praising Bannon. I think as we all are getting older, these videogame personalities expose themselves slowly but surely. I bet there's a ton of Gamer Gate people that feel like they want someone like him on their side, towing the line dangerously between not understanding privilege and having a larger audience outreach.

I think the worst part of it all is that he just seems oblivious. That might be the most egregious offense, or he's just playing idiotic. "Let's all unite, put aside our differences and work together to make video games!" And for those developers who can't travel from Muslim banned countries, and others who live generally in fear of a president who plays lightly with White Supremacist support, it just sounds like a crock of shit.


I'm aware Clinton was a bad candidate. What happened with the Clinton Campaign and Michigan and Wisconsin was ridiculous.

But that's not enough to explain what happened by itself, because Trump was a horrendous candidate. He lost every debate. He made constant gaffes. He hurled insults at everyone. He was a NYC billionaire who said not paying his workers and taxes makes him smart. He constantly and blatantly lied. He bragged about sexual assault on tape.

And he won.

So what does that say about the people who voted for him? That seriously looked at a person like that and said "I think this guy is the right one for the job?" A lot of those same people are now cheering his decision to ban immigrants from countries based on... What?

I've said this many times since election day. Sure Hillary messed up but the bigger onus should be on the people who voted for Trump even though he was obviously the worst candidate this generation has ever seen.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with what was said at the end. If one should come across those who are on the opposite political spectrum but are open to conversation, a dialogue should be had with said people. If you come across a clearly racist bigot, then thats when you can take them to task. I think thats the point here. I'm sure we all know Trump voters who are civil (and the opposite of civil, unfortunately), and those are the people we should be trying to communicate properly too.

As for the Bannon thing, what is wrong with what Colin said..? Look at the position the guy is in. You have to have some sort of brain whether its used for good or evil to get where he is. Same for Trump, he's the fucking President so obviously he's got some smarts to him. Thats not to say one has to agree with how he did it or what he's doing, but it worked.

I can recognize that they played a different game than anyone else and it worked. Doesn't mean I like it.

feel free to look at the replies where when shown the racist garbage that breitbart puts out he asks multiple times if that was something bannon directly said or wrote. not sure why you'd want to absolve him in that way.


How did you hear about it then?

Because no person who actually wants to know what's really going on this country should consume their "news" from mainstream media. Obama was a media darling. A vast majority of main stream media are left leaning, if not entirely on the left. The few main stream places that are right leaning or entirely on the right, have the same issues too. It's hilarious every time I hear fox news get blasted for made up bullcrap, when CNN, MSNBC, and so many others have their own "alternative facts".

What I mean to say is - all of mainstream media, not any one particular outlet, is absolutely terrible, and unfortunately... that's what most of america sees, and thus most of america stays uneducated. Only now are americans, as an example, becoming aware of the fact that what Trump is doing with this "muslim" ban is mostly an enforcement of a law that Obama proposed and created two years ago. Something I already knew about, but basically got zero coverage. Obama never got blasted for what essentially is the law Trump is enforcing. Trump didn't make the law, he simply added Syria too it. Then he gets blasted for say, adding syria, and then not adding other countries that he has "business investments in" - never minding that he didn't create that list anyways.

Granted, it's much more intricate than all of that, and it's something we'll never really known the full story on because of how much behind the scenes bullshit occurs at the top.

It's always hard to even choose lesser known news outlets, because there really isn't one that's truly unbiased. It takes a lot of research to really get down to as close of the truth as we can based on publicly known evidence. I wish I had a simple answer for you, but I don't. It's why I find following news so difficult. After consulting 20 different oulets all giving you different variations of the truth that fits their agenda, you're left deciphering the actual facts for yourself and trying to figure it all out - and when something like what obama did didn't get the mass media attention, it also got looked at less and less by those with the resources to dig deeper.

It sucks, really. I wish this wasn't how things were.

Please do enlighten us, what exactly is the legitimate reason to vote Trump? I get that these people don't necessarily exhibit racist behavior, but "voting on the party line" is not an excuse to elect this disease. Economic anxiety and homeland security aren't legitimate reasons, they are based on fear.

I am not on the right, so I can't entirely empathize with their position, but one thing I do empathize with them on is the massively negative impact Obamacare has had on many people, including myself, in rural areas. FOr all the good it has done for so many, it has also screwed so many others. Many people in rural areas are making little. They don't consider themselves poor because cost to live is so much cheaper, but reality is that's what they are. When obamacare kicked in, it essentially changed the entire way Wisconsin's state health insurance plan worked (the free healthcare that obamacare built itself upon but never lived up too). Several states, like wisconsin, already had such plans practically in place for anyone under a certain income level. That income level was essentially very inclusive. Once obamacare kicked in, the state was forced, due to the affordable care act, to change the income limits to favor obamacare. So, the income limits for state health care got knocked down to what essentially amounts to having to only work a part time job to qualify for (especially if you don't have kids), Full time work you would figure comes with healthcare, right? Well, not always, but they typically offer health insurnace partially covered. The problem? That full time job health care, after the affordable care act, skyrocketed. So if you had a full time job, suddenly health insurnace became so expensive, premiums went so high, that act just screwed you.

Then if you were on state health care and worked full time and make crap for money, you got kicked off that too. Forced into either getting the now really expensive private insurance through your company or through your own insurer, or you had to turn to obama care.

Obamacare, if you don't have kids, gets rid of basically all discounts, and thus the monthly rates can get really out of hand. However, even when you get something affordable - it created a wage gap.

Let me give you an example:

Hypothetically (the numbers fluctate), lets say before if you made 15 to 20,000 a year before taxes without kids, or up to 40,000 a year with kids, you qualified entirely for state health insurance. Affordable care act kicks in. Those rates drop to 13,000 a year without kids at most, 18,000 a year with kids (no joke). You make 20 to 25,000 a year. Obamacare, when you apply, rejects you, saying you should be covered by the state.

But you're not. Thus there is a huge wage gap (a very common wage gap in rural areas) where your only option for insurance is the now massively increased private sector. You just got screwed over.

I can talk about this, because it happened to me. And now that it's entirely illegal to not have health insurance at all, it doesn't matter that for an entire year I just didn't have health insurance because I can't afford it and that i never once visited a doctor that year. I got a massive charge at tax time that not only ate up my entire tax return - i OWED MONEY on top. All because I didn't have insurance, because I couldn't afford it, and I didn't qualify for obama care or state because they just kept bouncing you between them with no real answers.

This, to the right, makes obamacare and the affordable care act, be such a hot button topic that the thought of putting someone into office that is basically going to keep it and probably not do anything about that wage gap issue, is completely unthinkable. Because now we're talking about something that massively impacts your life.

I have kids now, so it's mostly a mute point personally, and I fully understand that the affordable care act helped millions of people out. But it also hurt millions of people. It fixed some problems, then created all new ones.

Personally, I think we shouyld have free health insurance period, something that is definitely not a "right" way of thinking.

But it is what it is.

As I said, there is so many intriacies. but if I was a republican unsettled by trump, but he promised he would abolish the affordable care act and get things back to how they use to be where I personally didn't get screwed every year and can go back to not having to choose to have food ont eh table or pay expensive premiums? Trump starts to look like a really great canidate, because not every republican candidate was promising to get rid of obamacare.

This is just one of several issues, it's just one I personally can empathize with, even as it's something that no longer affects me.

I apologize if this seems rambly and hard to follow. It's late and I should probably be sleeping already. Just glad to start a conversation. I honestly expected to be blasted for what I said. Seems more controversial, imho, than anything Colin said.
What's crazy is if you read this thread the impression would be, wow man this Colin guy must be really fucked up, and you would think the vast majority of people disagree with him.

Then you look at the video and it has nearly 50k views, over 5k likes, and less than 300 dislikes


What's crazy is if you read this thread the impression would be, wow man this Colin guy must be really fucked up, and you would think the vast majority of people disagree with him.

Then you look at the video and it has nearly 50k views, over 5k likes, and less than 300 dislikes
They have an extremely loyal fanbase.
Just clearly not a smart one...


Extreme far left?

We can;'t even have a consensus that it's ok for black folk to block traffic during a protest.... GAF is not the extreme far left lol.

i was in full support of hillary clinton. i don't think the extreme far left (wherever that is) will accept me
Extreme far left?

We can;'t even have a consensus that it's ok for black folk to block traffic during a protest.... GAF is not the extreme far left lol.

In general this forum leans extremely far left. I'm not sure how that can even really be up for debate

Keep in mind I'm saying extremely in terms of percentage of users not beliefs. This forum is majority in the camp of Democrats. There are very few conservatives or Republicans on here

Far left of what, thinking Bannon "is a really impressive individual"?

Nah, I get disagreeing with Colin on a lot of stuff but this video in particular is solid work as was his last one

TIL: Opposing literal fascism makes you an extreme far left ideologue.

Good stuff.

You are misunderstanding. As I said in my above post.

It's extremely far left in number of users in comparison to say Conservatives or Republicans. I'm referring to the percentage of users here


Nah, I get disagreeing with Colin on a lot of stuff but this video in particular is solid work as was his last one

Good work that immediately means fuck all when a privileged-ass white dude tells minorities that they should be extending an olive branch with people who voted for a party that very vocally dislikes minorities. And the poor. And women. And anyone who wasn't born in this country. And anyone who is gay, or trans, or however else they may identify. I mean the GOP may be stripping these people of their rights but don't forget to extend an olive branch is all I'm saying.


You are misunderstanding. As I said in my above post.

It's extremely far left in number of users in comparison to say Conservatives or Republicans. I'm referring to the percentage of users here

there's no misunderstanding, you're just doing a poor job of explaining your point. "extreme" or "far" left describes a position within the political spectrum. saying we're extremely far left isn't the same as saying that the majority of the users identify as liberals.
In general this forum leans extremely far left. I'm not sure how that can even really be up for debate

Keep in mind I'm saying extremely in terms of percentage of users not beliefs. This forum is majority in the camp of Democrats. There are very few conservatives or Republicans on here

Nah, I get disagreeing with Colin on a lot of stuff but this video in particular is solid work as was his last one

Extremely Far left actually means something.... and it is 100% not what you're saying.
Good work that immediately means fuck all when a privileged-ass white dude tells minorities that they should be extending an olive branch with people who voted for a party that very vocally dislikes minorities.

At some point if Democrats want to win in 2020 ya'll have to stop with the narrative every Trump vote is a racist. It's just not going to work come election.

As someone who is very much against Trump I just can't help but feel a lot of the left is completely missing the narrative.

Belive it or a not a lot of the people who voted for Trump very likely did it under total false pretenses of "Making America Great Again" and promising things like jobs. It's all horse shit but that's really what won him the election. The problem is the left has been so all in on identity politics for years now that it's not picking up on that but instead running the racism theme (which is without a doubt an element)

If Dems are going to win 2020 it's to say we are the party for everyone, and will also go in on economic woes even if some of it is just really a lie. They aren't going to get there yelling at white people (who are still the largest group in the country) that they are all racists.

Extremely Far left actually means something.... and it is 100% not what you're saying.

It's exactly what I'm saying.....I've been a vocal opponent against Trump since Day 1.

I'm saying this board is very heavily Democratic / Left leaning. Are there people that don't believe this?
At some point if Democrats want to win in 2020 ya'll have to stop with the narrative every Trump vote is a racist. It's just not going to work come election.

Not every Trump voter is a racist, but they were OK with the racism because the emails.

Yes, obviously the POTUS candidate in 2020 shouldn't say that, but I see no reason why commentators and POC and member of the LGBT shouldn't state the truth that if you voted for Trump, you were basically OK with bad things happening to those groups.

Also, yes, this board is left-leaning. But, in a much more 'brogressive' way than an uber-super-left way. There's even center-left quasi-neoliberal Hillary supporters around.

But yes, it is hard to be on a message board which explicitly say it's not OK to say things that were part of the Republican platform as of this year.
I'm saying this board is very heavily Democratic / Left leaning. Are there people that don't believe this?

K but that's not what saying GAF is extreme far left actually means.

What you meant is the userbase is made up of a lot of Democrats, which is true.

What you said is NeoGaf is extremely far left on the ideological scale, which is false.

I just recommend using a better phrase next time.
You are misunderstanding. As I said in my above post.

It's extremely far left in number of users in comparison to say Conservatives or Republicans. I'm referring to the percentage of users here

If the political climate right now was run-of-the-mill left/center left liberals versus right/center right conservatives, this video would be ok.

The issue is that as it stands, the video is treating the oppressed and the oppressors as equals on opposing ideological sides. This isn't the case. One side feels threatened by the policies, actions, and rhetoric of the other. The other side feels threatened by push back against their attempts to oppress the first side. This is not an equal and opposite fight. It's not (supposed to be) "liberal" or "left leaning" to hate fascism.


At some point if Democrats want to win in 2020 ya'll have to stop with the narrative every Trump vote is a racist. It's just not going to work come election.

As someone who is very much against Trump I just can't help but feel a lot of the left is completely missing the narrative.

Belive it or a not a lot of the people who voted for Trump very likely did it under total false pretenses of "Making America Great Again" and promising things like jobs. It's all horse shit but that's really what won him the election. The problem is the left has been so all in on identity politics for years now that it's not picking up on that but instead running the racism theme (which is without a doubt an element)

If Dems are going to win 2020 it's to say we are the party for everyone, and will also go in on economic woes even if some of it is just really a lie. They aren't going to get there yelling at white people (who are still the largest group in the country) that they are all racists.

It's exactly what I'm saying.....I've been a vocal opponent against Trump since Day 1.

I'm saying this board is very heavily Democratic / Left leaning. Are there people that don't believe this?

democrats are nowhere left, or even a bit center right from the european viewpoint. Americans have a skewed viewpoint of left and right. Not disagreeing or agreeing with anything just trying to explain excelsiorrefs point.
democrats are nowhere left, or even a bit center right from the european viewpoint. Americans have a skewed viewpoint of left and right. Not disagreeing or agreeing with anything just trying to explain excelsiorrefs point.

I'd also note that GAF isn't extremely far left even on the American political scale either.
I fail to see the ideological difference between nationalism and nazism.
Bannon claims he is a nationalist as if thats not a big deal.

NaZi is short for national socialism, but the problem was't the socialism part. Germany under Hitler wasn't any more or less socialist than it is now or any other European country was back then. Many of the socialist policies Hitler introduced are even still intact in todays Germany and in similar form around the world, because they are good.

The ideology that caused all that harm was the nationalism.

Germany is in the unique position to have first hand experience with right wing and left wing extremism and I can tell you that the US is greatly underestimating the threat nationalism poses and greatly overestimating the point at which socialism becomes dangerous.


Nah, I get disagreeing with Colin on a lot of stuff but this video in particular is solid work as was his last one

Read the thread before you start to dismiss the legitimate criticisms by especially marginalized groups who are told by Colin to come together with neo-nazis and racists.
democrats are nowhere left, or even a bit center right from the european viewpoint. Americans have a skewed viewpoint of left and right. Not disagreeing or agreeing with anything just trying to explain excelsiorrefs point.

If the political climate right now was run-of-the-mill left/center left liberals versus right/center right conservatives, this video would be ok.

The issue is that as it stands, the video is treating the oppressed and the oppressors as equals on opposing ideological sides. This isn't the case. One side feels threatened by the policies, actions, and rhetoric of the other. The other side feels threatened by push back against their attempts to oppress the first side. This is not an equal and opposite fight. It's not (supposed to be) "liberal" or "left leaning" to hate fascism.

Not every Trump voter is a racist, but they were OK with the racism because the emails.

Yes, obviously the POTUS candidate in 2020 shouldn't say that, but I see no reason why commentators and POC and member of the LGBT shouldn't state the truth that if you voted for Trump, you were basically OK with bad things happening to those groups.

Also, yes, this board is left-leaning. But, in a much more 'brogressive' way than an uber-super-left way. There's even center-left quasi-neoliberal Hillary supporters around.

But yes, it is hard to be on a message board which explicitly say it's not OK to say things that were part of the Republican platform as of this year.

Keep in mind I'm not saying there is anything wrong with GAF leaning Left. Especially in the current climate where the Republican party has become extremely (this is an ideological use) toxic.

I was more making the point earlier how it's just interesting that reading this thread, and then looking at the actual video metrics and you see totally different things. Also, despite what many of GAF think I really don't believe Colin is a bad dude at all even if I don't agree with everything he says politically. I do agree with him on some of it.


Keep in mind I'm not saying there is anything wrong with GAF leaning Left. Especially in the current climate where the Republican party has become extremely (this is an ideological use) toxic.

I was more making the point earlier how it's just interesting that reading this thread, and then looking at the actual video metrics and you see totally different things. Also, despite what many of GAF think I really don't believe Colin is a bad dude at all even if I don't agree with everything he says politically. I do agree with him on some of it.

why would an insular community like kinda funny downvote one of their videos. i doubt this is making the rounds, lighting the internet on fire. i didn't even bother to downvote.

but i think by now i'm on someone's ignore list so eh


At some point if Democrats want to win in 2020 ya'll have to stop with the narrative every Trump vote is a racist. It's just not going to work come election.

As someone who is very much against Trump I just can't help but feel a lot of the left is completely missing the narrative.

Belive it or a not a lot of the people who voted for Trump very likely did it under total false pretenses of "Making America Great Again" and promising things like jobs. It's all horse shit but that's really what won him the election. The problem is the left has been so all in on identity politics for years now that it's not picking up on that but instead running the racism theme (which is without a doubt an element)

If Dems are going to win 2020 it's to say we are the party for everyone, and will also go in on economic woes even if some of it is just really a lie. They aren't going to get there yelling at white people (who are still the largest group in the country) that they are all racists.

It's exactly what I'm saying.....I've been a vocal opponent against Trump since Day 1.

I'm saying this board is very heavily Democratic / Left leaning. Are there people that don't believe this?

Except none of Trump's deplorable-ass shit is a fucking secret. There wasn't some "SURPRISE" moment where everyone's face gets all shocked and full of disbelief. Breitbart being an alt-right cesspool isn't a fucking secret. Trump was shouting this shit at the podium. And people cheered back. The people concerned about their jobs heard all of it. And despite that, they still fucking voted for him. It doesn't matter that it's a wildly uninformed decision that had no basis is actual plausibility. They heard all that shit, and they found it fucking acceptable. At worst, they "took issue" with it, but like in the way I don't like that my kitten scratches at my exposed feet in the morning.

So for Colin to fucking sit there and act like the last two weeks are like some fucking drop that's maybe an inconvenience "for some," or to go to Twitter and be like "Omg chill the sun is still gonna rise tomorrow guys. Jeez..." like nothing is fucking wrong? Nah. Fuck that. And fuck the people that think a casual shrug or a finger wag is about all the criticism this shit warrants. The people that were willing to jump ship on Trump's crazy could've done so 3 months ago. They didn't.

And Colin wants to act like the people being split from their families, from their homes, or are under threat of another executive order just need to suck it up? Like their lives aren't at risk of being ruined? And that they should just be cool with the people stepping on their throats? That they're being unreasonable for being fucking angry about it?

Trump's voters are getting exactly what they fucking wanted. And everyone else is getting punished for it. Fuck being nice about this.
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