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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Who is Colin, and why should I care?

He lost me at "poor publishers don't make much money". He also seems to rely on a lot of "anonymous sources". Are any of them verified by a trustworthy third party?


Who is Colin, and why should I care?

He lost me at "poor publishers don't make much money". He also seems to rely on a lot of "anonymous sources". Are any of them verified by a trustworthy third party?

He knows who they are, they're just off the record comments.
My take:

A bit of protectionism when combined with significant corporate tax cuts could make an economy as large as the US explode with opportunity and jobs.

This is real incentive to bring manufacturing back to the US.

If Trump can also somehow force China to float its currency the US will be rolling in gold and may even have a shot at paying down its crippling debt.

Taking a simplistic view, If it costs Microsoft $50 in tarriffs to import an XBOX manufactured in China into the US - that right there is $50 they could pay an American worker instead. That is $50 extra in the pocket of Americans to buy Xboxes. If the tax rate is 15% instead of 30% (or whatever it presently is in the US), there will be less incentive to funnel profits to low taxing nations such as Singapore or Ireland which means more Government revenue for vital infrastructure, hospitals, policing, education..

America is too big to ignore when it comes to a multinational's bottom line and frankly China has been taking the world for a ride for far too long.

Oh and the travel ban is temporary until the Trump administration can figure out how to properly vet travellers from nations linked to terrorism (Obama's list). Such executive orders have happened in the past without rioting in the streets nor outpourings of outrage.

If they can manufacture something for say 100$ per unit elsewhere and to do it in America cost say (and I'm being on the low end here) 250-300$ unit, where do you think they are gonna makeup that lost 150-200$
prices are going to skyrocket

Not to mention such policies would likely just accelerate automation which is going to gut the manufacturing industry jobs.

Given that Trump's less than personable attitude with foreign leaders, I'm not sure how he's going to get China to completely change how they run their currency.

Also when has the GOP shown any interest in spending tax money on infrastructure, healthcare, education, etc...

As for the muslim Ban and you shifting this to but Obamat: http://www.businessinsider.com/big-...ration-ban-obamas-2011-policy-2017-2/#scope-1
Ever since his tone deaf tweets after the election I did a complete 180 on Colin Moriarty. I was, for years, a huge fan of his and his brash style. He always has been patronizing, he always has been abrasive but when he tweeted all the bullshit he did I had to tell myself that nope, I can't support this person anymore.

I even got into little arguments on Gaf defending this person on the PS I love You thread. But nope fuck this guy. He is full of shit, he is very insensitive, he in incapable of admitting when he is wrong, he is condescending and worst of all to me he is very very smug. Violence is never, ever the answer and maybe it's because I'm old school in that regard but there is no arguing or trying to convey a point with a person like Colin. A dude like this you need to punch in the fucking face. It won't solve anything or change his mind, but damn will it feel good.
yeah, that's the one, did i misread what he was implying?
Seems clear to me, Colin is saying that he and many in the gaming industry are 'free thinkers' and are above getting dragged into some apparent 'group think' that is prevalent outside of the industry.

Basically, Colin thinks that people on Twitter, Gaf and other places are full of people who only argue the points they do, often against his, because we have either been bullied into submission or we are so desperate to be part of the herd we agree with whatever the general consensus is.

Not because people use logic and facts and try to think of things from others perspectives and not just our own insulated, out of touch bubble where were pat ourselves on the back and feed our desperate followers holier than though morsels while proclaiming everyone else is wrong, even when confronted with the truth.

It seems clear that every time Colin is confronted with an opposing viewpoint from someone other than his inner circle he dismisses it as baseless group think or runs away to have his wounds licked by his adoring fans who think he can do no wrong. There is no point in trying to have a civil discussion with him as he just ignores logic and if need be focuses on the most negative or attacks and claim every response is like that and claim that's why he wont respond.
How much do KFG coin in from Patreon each month?

Its crazy for me to see this super successful group producing content with someone like Colin on their team.

*disclaimer, I've only ever seen a handful of there videos*


Neo Member
Ever since his tone deaf tweets after the election I did a complete 180 on Colin Moriarty. I was, for years, a huge fan of his and his brash style. He always has been patronizing, he always has been abrasive but when he tweeted all the bullshit he did I had to tell myself that nope, I can't support this person anymore.

I even got into little arguments on Gaf defending this person on the PS I love You thread. But nope fuck this guy. He is full of shit, he is very insensitive, he in incapable of admitting when he is wrong, he is condescending and worst of all to me he is very very smug. Violence is never, ever the answer and maybe it's because I'm old school in that regard but there is no arguing or trying to convey a point with a person like Colin. A dude like this you need to punch in the fucking face. It won't solve anything or change his mind, but damn will it feel good.



I've been a big fan of Kinda Funny Games and Colin always seemed to have a lot to contribute to the group. It was obvious as day that he was a conservative but that never mattered (nor should it). Just because you're a conservative doesn't mean you're an asshole with nothing of value to contribute. There have been multiple conservative voices I've enjoyed listening to and reading recently even if I didn't always agree with their stances (basically the #NeverTrumpers that actually meant it to the bitter end). But some of the shit on display in this thread that I'm learning about.......is hard to excuse? I might have to take a break from Kinda Funny Games. Being a conservative is perfectly fine. Being an unempathetic douche? Playing footsie with Trumpism? Yeah no thanks. Not right now.


My take:

A bit of protectionism when combined with significant corporate tax cuts could make an economy as large as the US explode with opportunity and jobs.

This is real incentive to bring manufacturing back to the US.

If Trump can also somehow force China to float its currency the US will be rolling in gold and may even have a shot at paying down its crippling debt.

Taking a simplistic view, If it costs Microsoft $50 in tarriffs to import an XBOX manufactured in China into the US - that right there is $50 they could pay an American worker instead. That is $50 extra in the pocket of Americans to buy Xboxes. If the tax rate is 15% instead of 30% (or whatever it presently is in the US), there will be less incentive to funnel profits to low taxing nations such as Singapore or Ireland which means more Government revenue for vital infrastructure, hospitals, policing, education..

I wish world economics were really that simple. We could all just go home and have a picnic. First of all, Trump can't make China do shit without causing a trade war that fucks everybody over. He is screaming at the Australian PM over the phone for Christ sake. He can't even deal with our allies properly. You think he can properly negotiate with the Chinese? Also, China is only one country out of many where the cost of tariffs are going to need to offset the cost of manufacturing inside the U.S. These multinational corporations are much smarter than Trump and his administration on where to take advantage of his "teflon" trade policy. In the meantime the price goods are going to inflate as corporations figure that out. They are not going to play the good little girls and boys role you think they are especially with a GOP congress that is content on letting them get away with murder.

Oh and the travel ban is temporary until the Trump administration can figure out how to properly vet travellers from nations linked to terrorism (Obama's list). Such executive orders have happened in the past without rioting in the streets nor outpourings of outrage.

Oh but you're full of shit! Most of those previous EO's didn't ban a bunch of people based on religious affiliation of a country that is disrupting/destroying the lives of citizens and non-citizens alike. I'm glad the protests are bothering you because they're just getting started.
It seems clear that every time Colin is confronted with an opposing viewpoint from someone other than his inner circle he dismisses it as baseless group think or runs away to have his wounds licked by his adoring fans who think he can do no wrong. There is no point in trying to have a civil discussion with him as he just ignores logic and if need be focuses on the most negative or attacks and claim every response is like that and claim that's why he wont respond.

The most hilarious thing is he talks about reaching across the aisle and having a dialogue with others.
Well, he ran away from Gaf spitting his dummy out when there was a normal back and forth discussion with gaffers over some issue and said he's never coming back lmao.

I can't remember if it was over the PS4 Pro or playing games for a really short time before giving up so apologies.

How much do KFG coin in from Patreon each month?

Its crazy for me to see this super successful group producing content with someone like Colin on their team.

*disclaimer, I've only ever seen a handful of there videos*

$30k a month alone for Kinda Funny games I believe, so the other KF channel probably rakes in more dough.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I just don't think he can recover from that 'Bannon is super smart' tweet. It is revolting. But unless this results in an actual decline in Patreons he will just think it is Neogaf's hive mind bashing him for no good reason.
OléGunner;229632247 said:
The most hilarious thing is he talks about reaching across the aisle and having a dialogue with others.
Well, he ran away from Gaf spitting his dummy out when there was a normal back and forth discussion with gaffers over some issue and said he's never coming back lmao.

I can't remember if it was over the PS4 Pro or playing games for a really short time before giving up so apologies.
It was regarding the PS4 Pro, many called out very logical points in support of the system after Colin dismissed it using faulty logic and baseless facts. He then turned up to address his critics, asking us to list the issues and time stops. Most wrote their points in polite and accommodating posts while one also included the time stops and Colin came back and used one negative post as an excuse to leave Gaf and never come back.

Its clear that Colin gets a lot of shit online and I can imagine how hard that must get over the years, especially some of the nastiest comments you can get. However, that doesn't give you the excuse to go out and claim you are willing and open to discussion with people and then antagonistically say things that many have ethical and logical problems with and then paint all of the people who disagree with you as sheep, unable to think as clearly and greatly as he does. You either focus on the good posts that deserve responses or admit that you don't give a shit what other people think and that you aren't willing to change your opinions and aren't really up for debate.

I think if he simply showed some humility and acknowledged that his position in life may make him unable to understand why some people have such a serious issue with some aspects of life (especially political) or that he was wrong on something he wouldn't have as many people complaining about his opinions as he does but he doesn't! Instead he stands his ground, puffing out his chest proclaiming him to be wiser and better than everyone else when he thinks his opinion has won and then hides in his echo chamber other times when he realises that he doesn't have a valid response.


It's hilarious every time I hear fox news get blasted for made up bullcrap, when CNN, MSNBC, and so many others have their own "alternative facts".

Fox News is perhaps the most mainstream of news outlets in America outside of USA Today. You still didn't say where you heard about whatever it is you're talking about, if not from headlines.

Only now are americans, as an example, becoming aware of the fact that what Trump is doing with this "muslim" ban is mostly an enforcement of a law that Obama proposed and created two years ago.

100% false. Literally no truth to this statement whatsoever. But please continue on your rant about needing to be extremely critical of your news sources.

Bold One

Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.
this guy

Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'

He simply doesn't get it.

I have been thinking about this for a bit, and am still trying to figure out how someone asking "Did you watch the last five minutes?" is "bullying."

PS: The suggestion for the show to be called "Colin Was Alt-Right" is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Thanks.
That is so fucking condescending.

"There's no way you don't agree with me 100%! You must've been bullied into your opinion."

Exactly lol. What an arrogant dude. No wonder he went for Collin is right as the name for his skit. Ridiculous. And what about his Twitter handle? He's obviously so full of himself.
Yes. Rightfully so if you've actually been paying attention. And no not all Trump supporters are nazis.

Thank you for the last bit. Anyone who truly wants to have an influence or become an activist in American politics must know that you can not generalize half the country as one thing or the other. This is especially true in America where elections typically come down to two parties rather than a multi-party system you see in Europe typically where there are multiple left/right groups with varying views and priorities.

I don't want to run a page on my views of Trump and where we go from here, but I think there is always room for discourse with those who voted for Trump. Granted, not the far right/Tea Party/KKK's of the world, but those independents who sided for him. There is a discussion to be had based on reason, especially with the past two weeks providing the preview of what is to come.


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

Oh boy! I bullied a dev on Twitter!!! Yay! I feel like I finally popped my internet cherry. I should be the leader of gamergate, look how good I am at it:



Im kinda lad Colin is doing his own thing away from the normal kinda funny. Dude just hasn't been fun for like the last year +. When Greg brings X amount of energy and Colin just sits there staring it just doesn't work. Now they need to just get another person with actual personality because Tim is not cutting it at all


Yes. Rightfully so if you've actually been paying attention. And no not all Trump supporters are nazis.

True, but here is the thing. I think Hasan Minhaj of The Daily Show said it the best.

On Dec. 7, 2015, Donald Trump called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. Seriously, how is that not instantly disqualifying? Even if that’s not why most people voted for him, open racism should just be a deal breaker. You may not personally be a racist, sexist xenophobe, but that comes with the package… so if you take that deal, what you’re telling me is, ‘Hey man, I don’t hate you. I just don’t care about you.'

And if you don't speak up for your fellow humans when someone discriminates them. I have some issues with that person.


Yes. Rightfully so if you've actually been paying attention. And no not all Trump supporters are nazis.

They're either despicable or uncaring. Create a new label for them if it makes you feel better but makes sure it encapsulates either/or.


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

Colin deserves praise for perfectly encapsulating everything that's wrong about him in one tweet. He's the Kellyanne Conway of gaming coverage.


K but that's not what saying GAF is extreme far left actually means.

What you meant is the userbase is made up of a lot of Democrats, which is true.

In most Western countries, the Democratic party would be considered centrist. Center-right in some cases.

The Republicans are the most extremely right-wing mainstream political party in the developed world.


Not every Trump voter is a racist, but they were OK with the racism because the emails.

Yes, obviously the POTUS candidate in 2020 shouldn't say that, but I see no reason why commentators and POC and member of the LGBT shouldn't state the truth that if you voted for Trump, you were basically OK with bad things happening to those groups.

Also, yes, this board is left-leaning. But, in a much more 'brogressive' way than an uber-super-left way. There's even center-left quasi-neoliberal Hillary supporters around.

But yes, it is hard to be on a message board which explicitly say it's not OK to say things that were part of the Republican platform as of this year.
It's not just the emails though. She's been in this scene since the 90s and there are people who have strongly disliked her since then.


I think there is always room for discourse with those who voted for Trump. Granted, not the far right/Tea Party/KKK's of the world, but those independents who sided for him.
Wait, so you can't work with people who are far-right or tea party, but you can work with people who vote far-right or tea party? By being part of a voting block, you are making a voluntary decision to be grouped with those people. It's literally the only thing you're saying by casting a vote: "this side best represents my interests and ideals."

It's not just the emails though. She's been in this scene since the 90s and there are people who have strongly disliked her since then.
Well yeah: she dared to have a career and wear pants! PANTS! And let's not forget this disqualifying controversy:

”I suppose I could have stayed home, baked cookies and had teas," she said.
Many traditionalists—as well as women who might otherwise have supported the Clintons—were outraged. ”If I ever entertained the idea of voting for Bill Clinton, the smug bitchiness of his wife's comment has nipped that notion in the bud," one New Jersey voter told TIME back then. ”I resent the implication that those of us who stay at home just bake cookies. We hardly have the time!" said a Wisconsinite.


I just don't think he can recover from that 'Bannon is super smart' tweet. It is revolting. But unless this results in an actual decline in Patreons he will just think it is Neogaf's hive mind bashing him for no good reason.

It won't...they have a hive minded hero worship group set of fans that'll lap up anything they say or do...


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I just think that while maybe the 2064 dev tweet made him not feel welcomed to play that game, I hope he can use that same negative feeling and empathize with various groups of minority who might similarly feel they're not welcome in America.


I just don't think he can recover from that 'Bannon is super smart' tweet. It is revolting. But unless this results in an actual decline in Patreons he will just think it is Neogaf's hive mind bashing him for no good reason.

I'm pretty far left and I'd happily forgive Colin if he owned up to his mistakes and showed genuine regret...

But then he'd have to admit he was wrong and I don't see that happening
why would an insular community like kinda funny downvote one of their videos. i doubt this is making the rounds, lighting the internet on fire. i didn't even bother to downvote.

The KF community isn't against downvoting their videos when they have an issue. It's happened before multiple times in the past where certain videos have a bunch of dislikes. Most of the core community doesn't have much a problem with this video, though.
OléGunner;229632247 said:
The most hilarious thing is he talks about reaching across the aisle and having a dialogue with others.
Well, he ran away from Gaf spitting his dummy out when there was a normal back and forth discussion with gaffers over some issue and said he's never coming back lmao.

I can't remember if it was over the PS4 Pro or playing games for a really short time before giving up so apologies.

$30k a month alone for Kinda Funny games I believe, so the other KF channel probably rakes in more dough.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Wow, $30k shared between four folk from Patreon alone?

Do the people paying into it or subscribe to their channels understand the kind of views he has or are his political thoughts not really discussed - apart from this (topical) video?


Wow, $30k shared between four folk from Patreon alone?

Do the people paying into it or subscribe to their channels understand the kind of views he has or are his political thoughts not really discussed - apart from this (topical) video?

more like 54k

kinda funny has 30k and kinda funny games 24k

they earn a shitload of money


I know we're all kinda fixated with Colin right now. But let's kinda talked like other points he brought up about the potential price hikes and the impact on game development with the EO on immigration
I don't really follow console gaming (PC only guy) so I'm not as familiar with Colin Moriarty as some of the people here although I've heard his name bandied about before. I don't have a PS3 or 4 so I never really listened to his podcasts either. I'm only going to judge him on this video.

The stuff about Trump's potential effect on the industry is fine and worthy of discussion for a topic.

The minute he starts chastising people for taking a hard stance against Trump supporters is where he comes off as - at best, ignorant to the point of being socially irresponsible. If you're a "moderate" who can't see why people are so enraged at Trump supporters right now, you're probably more sheltered and stuck in an echo chamber stronger than the ones you accuse the "Left" of being in.

It's like this guy is incapable of viewing the world through the eyes of anyone other than a white dude. It's unreal how much of a useful idiot he is.
That last tone-deaf tweet from Colin is completely indefensible, holy shit. He's really that entrenched in his hope that everyone is doing OK, civil, and not needing to resort to violence even though he doesn't, huh? What an idiot. Can't believe he ruined the video with the last bits and aftermath,


I know we're all kinda fixated with Colin right now. But let's kinda talked like other points he brought up about the potential price hikes and the impact on game development with the EO on immigration

The EO effects so many more important things than how smoothly games are made or how much they'll cost. That's what Colin doesn't get. This is so much bigger than video games.


Maybe the premise of Colin's video is flawed. Although it is certainly always interesting to consider how political upheaval impacts the gaming industry and how that industry goes about its business, opposition against Trump is about more than 'bizness,' it's about civil rights, racism, sexism, cronyism, a campaign run on lies, communication with the press full of lies, etc.

When the latter are in play, it's time to put down the controller and resist, but yeah Gaf bullied me into thinking this.

Colin's jumped the shark. I wish Kinda Funny all the best, but I won't watch their content anymore.
So the end sucked. But the piece about the economics was legitimately really good work with some nuance to it.

Let's not lynch the dude for being caught in the two-sides thing, I've seen reasonable people get caught there often, and there is a spectrum betwren doing what he did here and being an outright alt-right troll.

The comment to Ismail's tweet was way worse in that regard. Is there any more context than the "did you see the final five minutes?"-tweet?


The EO effects so many more important things than how smoothly games are made or how much they'll cost. That's what Colin doesn't get. This is so much bigger than video games.

Video games is the point of their content and why their viewers watch and support them. I'm not sure you get that. There's always something bigger than video games. Plenty of news sources someone can go to for broader effects of the immigration ban.


My take:

A bit of protectionism when combined with significant corporate tax cuts could make an economy as large as the US explode with opportunity and jobs.

This is real incentive to bring manufacturing back to the US.

If Trump can also somehow force China to float its currency the US will be rolling in gold and may even have a shot at paying down its crippling debt.

Taking a simplistic view, If it costs Microsoft $50 in tarriffs to import an XBOX manufactured in China into the US - that right there is $50 they could pay an American worker instead. That is $50 extra in the pocket of Americans to buy Xboxes. If the tax rate is 15% instead of 30% (or whatever it presently is in the US), there will be less incentive to funnel profits to low taxing nations such as Singapore or Ireland which means more Government revenue for vital infrastructure, hospitals, policing, education..

America is too big to ignore when it comes to a multinational's bottom line and frankly China has been taking the world for a ride for far too long.

Oh and the travel ban is temporary until the Trump administration can figure out how to properly vet travellers from nations linked to terrorism (Obama's list). Such executive orders have happened in the past without rioting in the streets nor outpourings of outrage.
This sounds good on paper, but let's be logical the idea that the US economy will explode is silly. It's already the number 1 economy in the world. Corporations and the stock market are already rolling in cash.

Protectionism and Trickle Down Economics sound good on paper the same way something like blindly taxing the rich does or socialism does.


So the end sucked. But the piece about the economics was legitimately really good work with some nuance to it.

Let's not lynch the dude for being caught in the two-sides thing, I've seen reasonable people get caught there often, and there is a spectrum betwren doing what he did here and being an outright alt-right troll.

The comment to Ismail's tweet was way worse in that regard. Is there any more context than the "did you see the final five minutes?"-tweet?

Go back a page and read all the tweets that was in response to that.

Colin felt that he was "Bullied" into being critical of the last five minutes of the video instead of praising it like he was before.

And that even though he disagrees with him, he "Appreciates being a part of this" which is some condescending shit talk.

The Steve Bannon tweet is the MOST damning evidence of his scumfuckery it shouldn't be ignored.
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