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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump

There's a thread on OT talking about the leaked executive order that would protect "religious freedom" in all walks of life:

Yep, exactly...Pence did it here in Indiana, and he will push for religious freedoms federally now, across the map...

Notice our legislatures aren't entertaining protecting the civil rights of other groups, just protecting the "rights" of religious groups...
Fucking this.

I'm a half-black, half-asian muslim that looks Mexican. Under Trump's administration I'm being attack on all three fronts.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with racists? Why is the onus on me to reach out and come to a compromise with them? How do you even reason with racist bigots? Give them a hug and kiss them when they make a boo boo?

Colin can fuck off with this "coming together" bullshit. That's easy to say when you're in the position of privilege and power (aka being a white American)
Have you tried inviting them over for dinner? Maybe stop calling them "racist" when they try and deport you.


It's probably true all the nazi sympathizers/racists voted for Trump, but not all Trump voters are inherently bad people or racist themselves. It's really narrow-minded and ultimately dangerous to continue to think this way because it's not really looking at the whole picture. Clinton was the weakest candidate the Democrats have nominated in my lifetime, even going back and watching Gore speak--who everyone said was stiff and a horrible speaker back then--was way more passionate and emotive than she ever came close to. Her messaging was terrible when directing it to middle America and it really seemed like the party that used to be about the people, forgot about that.

But I think we're past the time of pointing fingers and really need to look at why the Democrats got the shit kicked out of them this past election. Some of it has to deal with this type of culture, all the liberals saying Trump supporters are idiots or racists; they hold certain values and voted for who they thought was the more ideal candidate, that's it. Some people scream white power and voted for him, they're terrible, a decent chunk of Trump supporters even said they're horrible. NPR has been interviewing people in flyover land for months saying that they don't like the neo-Nazi movement, yet they voted for Trump for economy or whatever, or harden Republicans voting Clinton. This election wasn't black and white like some people are making it out to be. Continuing to call people who aren't racists, racist is a pretty quick way to piss them off and get them to ignore your message though.
It's probably true all the nazi sympathizers/racists voted for Trump, but not all Trump voters are inherently bad people or racist themselves. It's really narrow-minded and ultimately dangerous to continue to think this way because it's not really looking at the whole picture. Clinton was the weakest candidate the Democrats have nominated in my lifetime, even going back and watching Gore speak--who everyone said was stiff and a horrible speaker back then--was way more passionate and emotive than she ever came close to. Her messaging was terrible when directing it to middle America and it really seemed like the party that used to be about the people, forgot about that.

But I think we're past the time of pointing fingers and really need to look at why the Democrats got the shit kicked out of them this past election. Some of it has to deal with this type of culture, all the liberals saying Trump supporters are idiots or racists; they hold certain values and voted for who they thought was the more ideal candidate, that's it. Some people scream white power and voted for him, they're terrible. Continuing to call people who aren't racists, racist is a pretty quick way to piss them off and get them to ignore your message though.
Here we go.

The left take the blame for literally everything.

When they're in power, they're responsible. When they're out of it, they're also responsible. And apparently they're now responsible for electing a white supremacist.

Maybe we should start treating the ADULTS who voted for Dump as ADULTS. They are responsible for their actions, no matter how "uninspiring" Clinton was.
It's just an inside joke that actually means the opposite of the sentence's literal meaning. I totally get your point though.

Is it because he says "as I said years ago", "it's like I said" in every episode? Because it's an annoying habit and most of the time not even true. It's a super dumb name.
I wish they had someone on Kinda Funny to challenge Colin on some of his political beliefs. Whenever they get into politics everybody but Colin goes quiet and he just takes over the conversation.

On a video nominally about how Trump might affect the gaming industry, Colin spent 10 minutes complaining about how an indie dev told Trump supporters to fuck off. To me Colin's behavior is part of a concerted effort among the right to cast liberals as heartless fascists who can't have a conversation. It's the national expression of Trump's reliance on projection and spinning things around, e.g. "I'm not the puppet, you're the puppet!"

Personally I don't buy Colin's affectation of being this impartial centrist for one second, since he often rationalizes the most odious Trump's policies, and like in this video portrays the other side as the actual problem. Just drop the act, Colin.
It's probably true all the nazi sympathizers/racists voted for Trump, but not all Trump voters are inherently bad people or racist themselves. It's really narrow-minded and ultimately dangerous to continue to think this way because it's not really looking at the whole picture. Clinton was the weakest candidate the Democrats have nominated in my lifetime, even going back and watching Gore speak--who everyone said was stiff and a horrible speaker back then--was way more passionate and emotive than she ever came close to. Her messaging was terrible when directing it to middle America and it really seemed like the party that used to be about the people, forgot about that.

But I think we're past the time of pointing fingers and really need to look at why the Democrats got the shit kicked out of them this past election. Some of it has to deal with this type of culture, all the liberals saying Trump supporters are idiots or racists; they hold certain values and voted for who they thought was the more ideal candidate, that's it. Some people scream white power and voted for him, they're terrible. Continuing to call people who aren't racists, racist is a pretty quick way to piss them off and get them to ignore your message though.
That's all well and good, except by voting from Trump you voted for someone who is raicst, who is sexist, who is self-serving, why do the people who voted for him get off lightly when they caused it?


It's probably true all the nazi sympathizers/racists voted for Trump, but not all Trump voters are inherently bad people or racist themselves. It's really narrow-minded and ultimately dangerous to continue to think this way because it's not really looking at the whole picture. Clinton was the weakest candidate the Democrats have nominated in my lifetime, even going back and watching Gore speak--who everyone said was stiff and a horrible speaker back then--was way more passionate and emotive than she ever came close to. Her messaging was terrible when directing it to middle America and it really seemed like the party that used to be about the people, forgot about that.

But I think we're past the time of pointing fingers and really need to look at why the Democrats got the shit kicked out of them this past election. Some of it has to deal with this type of culture, all the liberals saying Trump supporters are idiots or racists; they hold certain values and voted for who they thought was the more ideal candidate, that's it. Some people scream white power and voted for him, they're terrible. Continuing to call people who aren't racists, racist is a pretty quick way to piss them off and get them to ignore your message though.

what are these certain values?
It's a lose-lose situation.

On the one hand, fuck every asshole who bought into the fear-mongering Trump's bid for presidency was based on, and voted for him despite him being insanely racist, disrespectful, duplicitous and largely incompetent.

On the other hand, if you're just going to say "fuck you" to every asshole that voted for Trump, you're just going ostracize them further, and you'll never actually pull one back to the rational side.


Has anyone done a synopsis of the video? Not giving this any views.


Fuck this guy

I love how both the arms are white. Subtle, probably unintentional, but speaks volumes


I wish they had someone on Kinda Funny to challenge Colin on some of his political beliefs. Whenever they get into politics everybody but Colin goes quiet and he just takes over the conversation.

They are pretty ignorant in respect to politics, like most people, they would only help to make Colin think he is right.
Great video.

Theres a lot I agreed with in the video including the final message, but the 2064 ROM thing is where i'm not sure I can agree with.

Stories of families being torn apart and people not being able to receive medical attention, sanctions being lifted on the country that knowingly meddled with our newly elected leader, the list goes fucking on. They've shown time and again they will outright refuse to hear out opposing views or non-alternative facts.

It hasn't even been a month yet.


Its interesting that this video is not touching on the actual process of immigration for people in the industry that came to work here.

With the change immigration on Visas i think this will impact in big ways the way that people can come into the US to work. I believe that one of the toughest Visas i've seen some artists come in, the H1B Visa.

I will say that its important for people here to know how to do the tasks, rather than bring outside talent. But the amount of people that come to work into the country is pretty large. The game industry relies in that kind of exceptional talent.

The rigorous process for someone to come into the US is already pretty thorough. Its just not easy to come here, specially under work.

Its too bad the conversation didn't go there, and instead in the video it turned into a well, lets just find a space for people to have the benefit of the doubt and respect each other. Which is totally fine. Not sure if that is just his style, but i was more interested in the data and facts presented, rather than an opinion.
They are pretty ignorant in respect to politics, like most people, they would only help to make Colin think he is right.

That's what I mean, they're not heavily political guys so they aren't able to talk about issues at length, and it results in them simply staying quiet and nodding in agreement with Colin as he expounds conservative viewpoints uncontested.


That's what I mean, they're not heavily political guys so they aren't able to talk about issues at length, and it results in them simply staying quiet and nodding in agreement with Colin as he expounds conservative viewpoints uncontested.

Taking pride in being a conservatist. Goodbye Kinda Funny.


That's what I mean, they're not heavily political guys so they aren't able to talk about issues at length, and it results in them simply staying quiet and nodding in agreement with Colin as he expounds conservative viewpoints uncontested.

Maybe they are like most of us, and just gave up trying to reason with people like this. You literally can't debate with them, there is no dialogue.
How do you propose educating those deceived and ignorant people when they only believe sources that reinforce their own beliefs?

Still waiting on an answer here, moderate gaf.

How do you propose building a bridge of rational discourse with those who brush off boasting about sexual assault? With those who support legislation that is clearly rooted in racism? Why is it my job to do better, not their's?


Great episode, but I hate how Colin always includes the "both sides do it" bullshit false equivalence.

No, the rightwing in this country has been fucking insane on unprecedented levels for the last 8 years, and now is enabling a conman and his white nationalist advisor. Oh but liberals are too PC, that's totally the same thing right?


One side is more to blame than the other, it's undeniable.

Colin was also calling Hillary a "criminal" throughout the last election season, but now says goddamn nothing about Trump and his staff's email practices.
Colin does have a point that America needs to come together and stop this fascist President in office whether you are a liberal or conservative. We need to talk to each other because our Democracy is being threatened right now.

I would have like to see him take this a step further and truly mean what he is saying. At the end of the video, it would have been great if Colin announced what Kind Of Funny is doing to help the cause or even told viewers what they can do to help the industry that we love.

Something like instead of bitching, moaning, and tearing the house down over this Muslim ban and its threat to the video game industry, Kind Of Funny donated some of its proceeds to the ACLU. You can too.

Even raising money for the ACLU would go a long way to making his argument stronger and more meaningful. At the very least, there should be a link to the ACLU. Maybe they did, but Colin should have announced it to show that something positive can be done.

America is coming together against Trump. That's what the protests the last two weekends were.

boiled goose

good with gravy
"Keep it Civil"

Is a very common tone-policing micro aggression.

Ban Muslims! Mexican Rapists!! Normal political opinions.
Fuck Trump supporters who say horrible shit! "Keep it civil"
Fucking this.

I'm a half-black, half-asian muslim who looks mexican. Under Trump's administration I'm being attack on all three fronts.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with racists? Why is the onus on me to reach out and come to a compromise with them? How do you even reason with racist bigots? Give them a hug and kiss them when they make a boo boo?

Colin can fuck off with this "coming together" bullshit. That's easy to say when you're in the position of privilege and power (aka being a white American)

Go have some conversations with the 99% of Trump voters who aren't racists?


The way that he talks about the Muslim ban through entirely economical optics reeks of privilege and that he doesn't actually have any skin in the game.
He's reporter doing a piece on how current political policies may have an impact on the video game industry. Not a political mouth piece. He's doing his job.

You can find plenty of that shit on CNBC or Fox News...

This was quite refreshing actually.
Fuck this guy and reaching across the isle.
Trump ran on a fucking platform of all the bad ISMS under the sun and now he is DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD.

How the fuck do we reach across the isle for people who first liked his words so much THEY VOTED FOR HIM!


And where have you seen people say Trump is literally Hitler?

What I have seen is lots of people parallel the steps his admin is taking to the ones Hitler's took and they are frighteningly similar.

It's not like Hitler first move on the scene was to start building the gas chambers you know.

first google comment I looked at was "Trump = Hitler"

Btw, Hitler's first move was to have an armed, non-governmental terrorist militia under his complete control. His second move was to destroy democracy. The Trump = Hitler, or Trump voters = Nazis works no better than those who labeled Obama Kenyan Muslim communist in 08-09.


I wish they had someone on Kinda Funny to challenge Colin on some of his political beliefs. Whenever they get into politics everybody but Colin goes quiet and he just takes over the conversation.

This kind of dynamic is very common. So common that after Asshole won the presidency, I started to think it was because the self-righteous conservative shitheads are just inherently more willing to run their mouths in public. Who's going to stop them? The guys fighting for compassion, empathy, and understanding?; non-confrontation is core to their very being.

I still don't know the right way to handle this but now I know that staying quiet and trying to be understanding about the other side is not it.
first google comment I looked at was "Trump = Hitler"

Btw, Hitler's first move was to have an armed, non-governmental terrorist militia under his complete control. His second move was to destroy democracy. The Trump = Hitler, or Trump voters = Nazis works no better than those who labeled Obama Kenyan Muslim communist in 08-09.

Except for all the literal Nazis that were emboldened to come out of the woodwork by Trump and do support him.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Go have some conversations with the 99% of Trump voters who aren't racists?

You don't have to be in the KKK to be racist. Also, it is not a choice to be racist. We live in a racist society. If you had racist parents, it is impossible not to internalize any racism. Trump supporters skew HEAVILY white, uneducated, rural, older. Not being racist is almost impossible.

Maybe there are some supporters who believe "I didn't think he would do the horrible things he was saying, I just wanted change, but I regret my vote now". Those people can join the protests.

If you still "support" Trump... there's little hope for you.
If you sat down and had an extended conversation with a nazi, in that time do you think they could convert you into becoming a nazi?

If not, why would the reverse be true?
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