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College Football 2016 Week Four - Off-Season Thread - tOSU wins it all

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Ugly ass win but we haven't won in the state of Arizona in a decade.

I'll take road conference wins. Will be a lively week of practice if this team wants to be ready for Stanford, to say the least.


Top ten predictions? I see some movement in the bottom half but the top 6 is staying put.


Troy proved themselves tonight! 5 ints, A punt block td, a kick return td, and a 52 - 6 victory! with clear waters until the App state game, we might be playing them at home as a ranked team! We're back!


Top ten predictions? I see some movement in the bottom half but the top 6 is staying put.

Looks fairly solid. I'm not abundantly confident in Stanford or A&M so I'd probably put Wiscy above them.

Week 5 is basically three huge games and a bunch of snoozers:

Stanford @ Wash (Friday, for dominance over the Pac-12 North trash heap.)
Wiscy @ Michigan
Louisville @ Clemson
The bettors at the South Point hotel went nuts after the Stanford TD and the LSU non TD. Crazy games today. I figured UCLA would choke at the end as usual. Did anyone see the score to the Memphis game? Lol embarrassing
E: it wasn't as bad of a blowout as mizzou game.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Honestly, nothing like that Iowa State game will probably happen again in our lifetimes.

But I'm willing to give a team this benefit of a doubt until they prove me wrong. There is clearly a different energy and poise around this squad compared to last year's accident prone group

I can feel it, too. I don't think we have all the pieces for a championship run, but if we win the West, I wouldn't be shocked.

I think a lot of it is buy-in, and I think some of that comes from the Michigan State win last year, hanging with Iowa until the end, and then the bowl game win over UCLA. We proved we could play with anyone after we got beat by everyone. Having a bye week in the middle of the season instead of at the very end will be good for us this year, too. That schedule was a nightmare after we were already so banged up.


The good news is that the Huskies showed that they could win against a major opponent.

The bad news is, that was a bunch of tacky silliness.


Browning's block on UW's first touchdown rofl.
So some (presumably) LSU nut set fire to one of the Auburn oaks tonight. There's video on al.com of the whole thing ablaze. I've been pretty upset at losses in football before but not enough to commit arson/vandalism. This is the second time LSU has tried to burn Auburn down, btw.


Poet Centuriate
So some (presumably) LSU nut set fire to one of the Auburn oaks tonight. There's video on al.com of the whole thing ablaze. I've been pretty upset at losses in football before but not enough to commit arson/vandalism. This is the second time LSU has tried to burn Auburn down, btw.

here we go again


Poet Centuriate
If you guys are still itching for one last dose of CFB before the weekend ends, there will be a Division II game on Sunday at 5pm Central:

Oklahoma Panhandle State (1-2, 0-1) @ D2#10 Midwestern State (2-0, 1-0) (Watch via MwSt.)

The game was supposed to happen Saturday night, but was delayed, and later postponed, due to heavy as fuck rain and thunder: https://twitter.com/MSUMustangs/status/779861793879363584



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
So some (presumably) LSU nut set fire to one of the Auburn oaks tonight. There's video on al.com of the whole thing ablaze. I've been pretty upset at losses in football before but not enough to commit arson/vandalism. This is the second time LSU has tried to burn Auburn down, btw.
This is such a wonderful gift.

Now, they (LSU fans) have to shut the fuck up about Harvey Updyke.



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Wow. Aren't those trees finally new this year? Or was it that they had lost so many home games that they hasn't had the chance?
I think they were new last year. This was the first home SEC game they've won since 2014.


Let us review ESPNs preaseason FPI rankings shall we

I know I've heard Bill Connelly talk about it before, and he thinks they put way too much weight on recruiting rankings. So you'll see SEC teams very overrated. :jnc @ Oklahoma's 17% chance to win out for the season.
I know I've heard Bill Connelly talk about it before, and he thinks they put way too much weight on recruiting rankings. So you'll see SEC teams very overrated. :jnc @ Oklahoma's 17% chance to win out for the season.

I mean you've gotta start somewhere. Recruit expectations, previous year success and attrition to the pros are the only places you can start in sports that don't have any sort of meaningful pre-season, where talent constantly rotates to new faces every few years.

I don't know why it matters. The shit tends to sort itself out after a few weeks anyway. Impostors will show themselves out.


Is their formula available anywhere
No, it's proprietary. Connelly made that determination after seeing teams like Vandy ranked highly pre-season, when the only thing going for them was recruiting.

For his personal S&P stats, he keeps pre-season in for the first few weeks, but diminishing over time. They should either be gone or down to 25% after this week. FPI seems much slower to adjust to changes between perception and reality.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I mean you've gotta start somewhere. Recruit expectations, previous year success and attrition to the pros are the only places you can start in sports that don't have any sort of meaningful pre-season, where talent constantly rotates to new faces every few years.

I don't know why it matters. The shit tends to sort itself out after a few weeks anyway. Impostors will show themselves out.

Just don't do it? I mean it won't happen cause people click on shit and buy preseason mags, but if we could get by that then it would be nice.

If you want to do other polls ahead of the playoff polls then just do it so like AP/Coaches are released after 3 weeks, and CFP poll after 5-6 weeks.


Unconfirmed Member
Troy proved themselves tonight! 5 ints, A punt block td, a kick return td, and a 52 - 6 victory! with clear waters until the App state game, we might be playing them at home as a ranked team! We're back!

I like Neal Brown, he was a good hire for you guys. Tuberville putting the reigns on his offense at critical moments got him some bad press while he was at Tech but I thought he was pretty good overall and his recruiting was very underrated (especially versus what we were doing on defense at the time).
Is their formula available anywhere


B_{S} represents the amount of utter bullshit that this equation is. The subscript is there to make it look a bit more sciency.

PA^2 represents public appeal, which has no sensible unit, and is squared because most people remember the squared symbol from when they were at school and it looks really sciency without being too threatening. The PA term is also included because the P and A don’t kern properly for some reason and it will make graphic designers angry.

CI represents column inches, which has the unit of inches and is the only term with a unit, meaning that the final unit of utter bullshit is \textnormal{inches}^{\frac{\Delta}{\pi}} which is, as expected, utter bullshit. It and the PA term also represent the failure of bullshit equation-makers to understand that quantities in equations are only ever represented by individual symbols.

N_e represents Not Understanding What An Equation Is. The lowercase subscript e represents failing to take a consistent approach to the use of subscript in bullshit equations.

\Delta represents Not Understanding Dimensional Analysis. It’s an uppercase delta because that symbol already has a well-understood meaning and there is therefore no reason to use it but it looks sciency and hey, we’ve come this far, right?

The CI and N_e terms are multiplied together and added to the PA^2 term because any equation worth its salt has got to have some pluses and timeses in, otherwise it doesn’t even look like an equation.

The pi-th root of the PA^{2} + \left ( CI \times N_{e} \right )^{\Delta } term is used because by this stage it can’t make the equation any worse than it already is, nor any worse than any of the bullshit equations that have come before it.

\delta_{ij} is the Kronecker delta where i=4 and j=4 and is included because it looks really sciency whilst making absolutely no difference to the final result. The i and j terms were determined by rolling a die. I used the Kronecker delta rather than an Iverson bracket because I don’t really know what Iverson brackets are.


Wow, what a day yesterday. My picks were almost all wrong.

I'm assuming the conclusion of the UGA @ Ole Miss game was that "Georgia sucks." And yeah, not too far off. The team has a couple years to go before they can win that game without everything going right. If everything went right yesterday they had a chance. Eason made a true freshman throw which led to a pick six. Receivers dropped two TD passes and 4 more passes hit them in the hands which would have moved the chains on each one.

Lorenzo Carter missed on 2 attempts to tackle Kelly for a sack. One miss led to a completed pass for a TD. So when I say the team doesn't suck, I mean they're really close but that doesn't win games.

The team is very uneven talent wise. We've had good recruiting rankings for a years now. Unfortunately the good players were always concentrated in the skill positions, except for receiver. Our offensive line is really, really bad. They have a few good true freshmen but I think they're being redshirted this year, and more good ones are on the way next year. They need to get a true LT, and hopefully they will. I know all the OL they have committed now are over 6'5" 350. Richt seemed to recruit guys a few inches shorter and 50 or more pounds smaller.

ut the real problem this year is that the 2013 class that should be providing senior leadership this year is a smoking crater. Every player from that class has either transferred, given up football, or has underachieved. With exceptions to Mauger and maybe one other starter. Brice Ramsey was the big QB prospect that year and he's 3rd string now and can't even make first string punter.

Our WR's are trash outside of Terry Godwin. And he's not the biggest kid out there. McKenzie is ridiculously fast but he's 5'7" and 170. They're recruiting much bigger WR's next year and going forward but that won't help us this year. It's going to take a couple years to get where Kirby wants this team to be.

Curious if they adapt the playcalling to the roster they have now, knowing that this isn't how they want to play going forward. Right now it's square pegs in round holes.

Tennessee will be a challenge for this year's team. Definitely doable at home. We'll have to see the reaction of being punched in the mouth by Ole Miss.


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Coaches Poll

2. Ohio State
3. Clemson
4. Louisville
5. Michigan
6. Stanford
7. Houston
8. Wisconsin
9. Washington
10. A&M
11. Tenn
12. FSU
13. Baylor
14. Miami
15. Nebraska
16. Mich State
17. Ole Miss
18. Utah
19. TCU
20. UGA
21. Gata
22. Arkansas
23. UNC
24. San Diego State
25. Texas
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