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COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush

there's no need to make a "system of genetics". Doom just willed things into being with molecule man's power. We saw this during secret wars a few times. Yes, it's life- but it's "life" that's artificially created out of thin air. This is why you have 30+ year old heroes running around on a world that's only been around for 8 years. Edit: I'm pretty sure Franklin Richards is canonically older than 8 years old anyway, so Doom pretty much would have had to be cheating for him to exist.

the system of genetics would have to be made for Victor to be genetically their father since his genes would have to read like Richard's is what I meant.
It's not about whether it's artificial but whether they can be considered his kids when they are for all intents and purposes identical to Richards.

I don't think this kind of thought is worth arguing much about, even though it can be fun, to get back to the start. Secret Wars was my first major exposure to comic book Doom and while people were mostly gushing about his awesomeness, I just saw a petty, consumed by envy man with an Ego larger than life. In this case probably literally.
I really wonder what Bendis original ending for the event was if this was "a much better one written" due to the event being extended and getting more pages per issue. The fact it matches a leak from months ago points to this being the exact same ending and they just extended it since it was one of the few consistent 100K sellers and they could get 5$ more from everyone.


I really wonder what Bendis original ending for the event was if this was "a much better one written" due to the event being extended and getting more pages per issue. The fact it matches a leak from months ago points to this being the exact same ending and they just extended it since it was one of the few consistent 100K sellers and they could get 5$ more from everyone.

Link to said leak?


He's really really not.

But sometimes he is. It all depends on the material. He writes street-level stuff like few other writers can.

Bendis writing a Defenders book with the Netflix lineup would be interesting given his history with the characters.

He writes great Daredevil and Ultimate Spiderman plus some decent Avengers stuff and Jessica Jones. Bendis is just a limited writer that would better given a street-level character so he can do whatever he wants without fucking up anything else. he has no business being Guardians.

Though i'm liking his Infamous Iron-Man


He's really really not.

But sometimes he is. It all depends on the material. He writes street-level stuff like few other writers can.
He has missed so much more than he's hit at this point.

Averaging out his work I don't think I am wrong calling him a bad writer.

There is no way he should ever of been given the keys to the Marvel kingdom as it were. Because he has no idea what he is doing.


He has missed so much more than he's hit at this point.

Averaging out his work I don't think I am wrong calling him a bad writer.

I feel like that is partly due to marvel putting on whatever book regardless whatever he fits or not since his books tend to sell well.
He writes great Daredevil and Ultimate Spiderman plus some decent Avengers stuff and Jessica Jones. Bendis is just a limited writer that would better given a street-level character so he can do whatever he wants without fucking up anything else. he has no business being Guardians.

I would highly suggest checking out Scarlet and Powers if you haven't already. Both great books.
Bendis' strength is like others have said. Solo, street level books. In general he's bad on team books, and events. His talents I think are similar to Brubaker's. And Brubaker was heading down a similar path. Any team book he got hold of was really bad. The difference? Brubaker seemed to realize it and pulled back and now stays in his Interest area and in his "safe area" and consistently produces great work. He's now the noir, crime writer.

Bendis and marvel by extension just blindly ignores his weaknesses and is given whatever marvel property he wants and then stay on for a very long time.

But I still think Brubaker is an overall stronger writer. He doesn't meander his plots, avoids "similar voice guy", and sticks the landing much more consistently


Bendis' strength is like others have said. Solo, street level books. In general he's bad on team books, and events. His talents I think are similar to Brubaker's. And Brubaker was heading down a similar path. Any team book he got hold of was really bad. The difference? Brubaker seemed to realize it and pulled back and now stays in his Interest area and in his "safe area" and consistently produces great work. He's now the noir, crime writer.

Bendis and marvel by extension just blindly ignores his weaknesses and is given whatever marvel property he wants and then stay on for a very long time.

Currently he seems to be cutting back on those kind of books for ones that better fit him.


So Bendis is sort of really only good at smaller scale books but he was pushed to be marvels Geoff johns?

I liked Bendis's Avengers books even though I felt that he should have left with Seige and not stayed on for the heroic age.


Bendis' strength is like others have said. Solo, street level books. In general he's bad on team books, and events. His talents I think are similar to Brubaker's. And Brubaker was heading down a similar path. Any team book he got hold of was really bad. The difference? Brubaker seemed to realize it and pulled back and now stays in his Interest area and in his "safe area" and consistently produces great work. He's now the noir, crime writer.

Bendis and marvel by extension just blindly ignores his weaknesses and is given whatever marvel property he wants and then stay on for a very long time.

But I still think Brubaker is an overall stronger writer. He doesn't meander his plots, avoids "similar voice guy", and sticks the landing much more consistently

Brubaker is the better Bendis for sure though i remember liking his Daredevil run over Brubaker. Bendis should learn from Brubaker's example, yeah he is limited but he releases consistent good books so that balances out. Greg Rucka seems to be more versatile version of both of them

Does Bendis books sell well because that is the only reason i can see them giving so many books he has no business being on. That and he seems to be able to multitask better than other writers because i'm pretty at one point he was writing like at least 4 books at once.


Junior Member
He writes great Daredevil and Ultimate Spiderman plus some decent Avengers stuff and Jessica Jones. Bendis is just a limited writer that would better given a street-level character so he can do whatever he wants without fucking up anything else. he has no business being Guardians.

Though i'm liking his Infamous Iron-Man
I feel like Bendis does better with character studies than large-scale books (cosmic or otherwise).
So Bendis is sort of really only good at smaller scale books but he was pushed to be marvels Geoff johns?

That's exactly it. He's a character actor who got promoted to A-list leading man status for whatever reason, and now everybody thinks he cant act because he's terribly miscast all the time.

Like Johnny Depp.


So Bendis is sort of really only good at smaller scale books but he was pushed to be marvels Geoff johns?

I liked Bendis's Avengers books even though I felt that he should have left with Seige and not stayed on for the heroic age.
Geoff Johns can handle team books and events though.
In fact Johns wrote some of the best events ever at DC.

He isn't perfect, but he's worlds away for Bendis.
Does Bendis books sell well because that is the only reason i can see them giving so many books he has no business being on. That and he seems to be able to multitask better than other writers because i'm pretty at one point he was writing like at least 4 books at once.
Going by how little International Iron Man sold his name alone doesn't have the pull it had before.
that Moon Knight book he did with Maleev flopped as well. It wasn't until the Ellis/Shalvey reboot that it found an audience and a creative approach to ape.
I've never found a 100% dedicated comic book site/community that I liked to be at. They always seemed really angry and toxic about everything. I always ended up finding good stuff from sites like this one or in the early 2000s IGNs comic book board was excellent. That board was a huge help to opening my eyes away from the narrow cape book "hot thing" reading I was doing (outside things like Sandman that I found on my own) and branching out to a lot of other great books in cape books and outside it.


I've never found a 100% dedicated comic book site/community that I liked to be at. They always seemed really angry and toxic about everything. I always ended up finding good stuff from sites like this one or in the early 2000s IGNs comic book board was excellent. That board was a huge help to opening my eyes away from the narrow cape book "hot thing" reading I was doing (outside things like Sandman that I found on my own) and branching out to a lot of other great books in cape books and outside it.

That's because a notable part of the community is terrible.


If anyone wants to know how insecure comic fans can get when they feel their favorite character is getting slighted should check out the Tim Drake Appreciation thread in CBR.


Bendis GotG was better than Abnett and Lanning GotG becuase Bendis GotG at least had good art

Don't @ me

Bendis has a fantastic stable of artists. But you are extremely biased. You are friends with Marquez and I seen you hanging with him in a photo. How can you be objective. Bendis Stan.
And Brubaker was heading down a similar path. Any team book he got hold of was really bad. The difference? Brubaker seemed to realize it and pulled back and now stays in his Interest area and in his "safe area" and consistently produces great work. He's now the noir, crime writer.

Rise and Fall of Shiar Empire is one of my favorite X-Men stories since Morrison left. Brubaker can write quality superhero action comics but he needs to be in control of action.
those D'n'A cosmic books were Valiant-tier artistically, and they were 6/10 comics at best.

@ me all you want, Im right

Newbury Comics had the flintstones issues in their kid friendly comics section.

How does that happen?

People who havent actually read the Flintstones comic


those D'n'A cosmic books were Valiant-tier artistically, and they were 6/10 comics at best.

@ me all you want, Im right

You are 1000% wrong. They were the best cosmic Marvel has been to date.
And probably will be for some time.

And I don't get the knocks on the art. I remember all the art being quite good.

I want to see the Parent faces when they buy the comic for the 6-10 year old before realizing the kind of book it is.
Kids would be lucky to get a book as good as the new Flintstones.


im sure the venn diagram for "middle age superhero comic fans afraid of change" and "turbo conservatives" is probably just one big circle

Which if true will be funny considering how comics at least the big two are obviously liberal and don't even attempt to hide it. Especially when Sam Wilson and Green Arrow exists.
Which if true will be funny considering how comics at least the big two are obviously liberal and don't even attempt to hide it. Especially when Sam Wilson and Green Arrow exists.

and literally every single bad guy in literally every comic in the past three weeks talks about about making ____ _____ again.
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