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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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What do you guys think of:
The Great Pacific
or another indy book

I pick up a lot of DC/Marvel, but I'm looking into getting one or two independents. Also thinking about getting into Sweet Tooth, because I read all of Lemire's DC stuff.

The first issues of Saga and Fatale are free on comixology. I downloaded the both along with Dancer. Have yet to read any of them but free is a good thing.


"Concept art". That's #2. One more and I'm buying this book.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Saga and Fatale are both fantastic. I love Fatale's mix of crime drama and Lovecraftian horror. I think Saga's good fun, I like that the universe is always providing new surprises. It's sometimes a little too pointedly topical or edgy, but it's usually just for a panel here or there.

I'll be checking out The Great Pacific too.

so what the hell am i supposed to write about for this Situation review

like i didnt even know what was going on 90% of the time and could hardly tell the difference between Situation and his two brothers

i think the highlight of the book was when one of the girls he had in his bed had a sticker on her butt that said "USDA Approved"

Who the hell is the market for this stuff?


So I bought the first TPB of Revival today.


Really, really impressed. I had held off on reading it because I don't really find zombies very interesting as a threat or even a way of looking at humanity - the whole "mindless evil/crowd mentality" thing doesn't appeal.

The basic premise is that in a small town over a twenty four hour period twenty or so recently dead people suddenly come back to life - and stay alive. They're in full possession of their mental faculties (it seems...) but regenerate from virtually any harm done to them. The protagonist, a single mother cop, is drafted onto a special task force to deal with any issues that arise from the "revived", but although she's the focal point there's a large, well-defined cast of characters. Suffice it to say, there has been a murder, and she has to solve it - but I'm not telling you who...

I wouldn't call this "noir", not when I'm reading Fatale at the same time, but it's got a wonderful tone - a close-knit town unsettled by the undead, and a great contrast between the "normal" artwork and the creepier elements, like the unnamed ghost thing wandering the town that can possess people with its memories, or the disturbing faces of the undead at various points.

It reminds me of Rachel Rising in many ways, but with a less... "butch" feel, perhaps? It's creepy in similar ways, despite being in colour, but it's not as dry in its characterisation (despite some slightly cliche plot points revolving around cop families, say).

Definitely recommended.
I think im cool with beast new look. also cant wait for the 2 schools to interact.

Batman inc was craazy good.

New Avengers might be the black panther book we all wanted


Thanks every for the feedback about covers. Yeah, most of the time the kids are going to be drawing hot garbage
Like I'm one to talk
but it'll be good to show 'em some classic Marvel that really show what a good cover's meant to do.

Then I'll finish with telling them they need to do two fully penciled and inked pages a day to make modern deadlines. :p


I'm hoping Scalped is worth that recommendation. I just started it and am hoping for it to be great.

Scalped is one of the best series of the last few years. I bought the first volume completely on blind faith and was blown away by it. Speaking of Scalped I've fallen behind since my local Borders closed (I read it in trades like Walking Dead and Chew).


I had a hard time following New Avengers #1 because I apparently have no idea as to what Panther's skillset is.
Hey comic folks. Subbing up here as I intend to be digging in deeper into comics this next year. I popped into GAF comic threads a few times this last year as my boss at work kept pushing comics onto me, was my first real year of reading them at all as a 30 year old (never was into them as a kid, the X-Man animated TV show was as close as I ever got).

And I tell ya, I like 'em a lot. I don't sub to any, and as of now I've just been reading what I can get from our library system (which is pretty dang well stocked, most everything major is there). I've hit a bunch so far, with my favorites probably being Fables, Hellboy, Invincible, and Sandman. I also read a bunch of the Claremont era X-men Essential collections, which I'm not sure if they are really "good" or not, but I did enjoy them due to the associations with the aforementioned 90's TV show. Also gave up on a couple of series that I kinda liked, but were just too dark for me to enjoy much (Locke and Key, The Walking Dead).

So a couple of questions for more of the regular type folks.

1. How are the digital all-you-can-read services, particularly for Marvel? Do they actually have a pretty solid part of the back catalog? With all the runs that I'd like to catch up on I was thinking that it might be worth $10 or $20 for a month or two of Marvel Unlimited and then just go nuts reading. But I really have no clue as to what is on the service or how readable it is.

2. Any good recommendations for kids? This is something that I've really been enjoying. Comics actually make such better books for youngins (my oldest is 5) than most kids books. Fun art to look at, continuing stories to keep them excited for storytime before bed each night, word bubbles so they actually have an easier time following who is saying what as I read and as they try to read along.

So far I've done these:

Which are great. And I also picked up the first Mouse Guard collection, which I really like, but I'm considering if I think it's a little too dark for a five year old.

So if anyone has any more early kid / reader recommendations I'd love to hear them.


I've been on a bender watching all the animated comic movies Netflix has to offer. They are of varying quality. Planet Hulk sucked but Under The Red Hood was quite cool.

Sadly, most of the Marvel animated movies are a bit sucky.

The DC ones tend to be better


Comixology is giving me problems loading my purchases....redeemed a marvel digital code and it went through, but it won't show up on my purchase list. Now when i restarted my ipad all i get are loading images for my purchases Xo
1. How are the digital all-you-can-read services, particularly for Marvel? Do they actually have a pretty solid part of the back catalog? With all the runs that I'd like to catch up on I was thinking that it might be worth $10 or $20 for a month or two of Marvel Unlimited and then just go nuts reading. But I really have no clue as to what is on the service or how readable it is.

2. Any good recommendations for kids? This is something that I've really been enjoying. Comics actually make such better books for youngins (my oldest is 5) than most kids books. Fun art to look at, continuing stories to keep them excited for storytime before bed each night, word bubbles so they actually have an easier time following who is saying what as I read and as they try to read along.

So if anyone has any more early kid / reader recommendations I'd love to hear them.

1) comixology is really great for day and date digital with a good back logue as well. each publisher also has their own app that is more extenisve.

2) jeff smiths bone is perfect for kids.
id also recomend the marvel adventure and x-men first class as well.
As it turns out Action Comics #13 was the best issue of the entirety of 2012.

If you missed it, you missed the best of comics in the current era.

THE most heartfelt issue, and does not need any point of reference to enjoy. It even has a bonus sighting of the Superman Blue costume for easter egg hunters.

Grant Morrison
and Travel Foreman slay all know comers, from this galaxy or beyond in the main story.

Sholly Fisch and Brad Walker will tear your heart out, show it to you, and put in gently back in your chest in the backup.

True Comics Heroes™


As it turns out Action Comics #13 was the best issue of the entirety of 2012.

If you missed it, you missed the best of comics in the current era.

THE most heartfelt issue, and does not need any point of reference to enjoy. It even has a bonus sighting of the Superman Blue costume for easter egg hunters.

Grant Morrison
and Travel Foreman slay all know comers, from this galaxy or beyond in the main story.

Sholly Fisch and Brad Walker will tear your heart out, show it to you, and put in gently back in your chest in the backup.

True Comics Heroes™

This man knows what the fuck is up AND he has a fantastic mustache.


As it turns out Action Comics #13 was the best issue of the entirety of 2012.

If you missed it, you missed the best of comics in the current era.

THE most heartfelt issue, and does not need any point of reference to enjoy. It even has a bonus sighting of the Superman Blue costume for easter egg hunters.

Grant Morrison
and Travel Foreman slay all know comers, from this galaxy or beyond in the main story.

Sholly Fisch and Brad Walker will tear your heart out, show it to you, and put in gently back in your chest in the backup.

True Comics Heroes™

I don't even get into Supes all that much and I couldn't agree more. Hands down my favorite single issue of last year.


Not impressed with New Avengers #1. Anemic is how I'd describe it. I like more content to my comics.

It thought it was a decent set up issue. I sort of wish this book was the double shipped book though. I'm more interested in this line up than I am the giant line up in the main Avengers title.

I had a hard time following New Avengers #1 because I apparently have no idea as to what Panther's skillset is.

Basically Batman mixed with Dr Doom (minus the sorcery and being evil).


it was that god huh, i dropped Action a while back but i guess i pick it up
It's self contained so it's not like you have to read the rest.

Anyone going to keep picking it up after Diggle takes over? I'm going to wait on impressions before I keep buying.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Reading about
Beast's new look
here didn't bother me too much, but I hope we can reach a consensus regarding spoiler tagging some types of information, as even older stuff can benefit from it if it's a huge sensitve development that's being mentioned. For TV series threads "once it's out" is an ok rule, but comics are
a different beast
(jk). I'm not one of the old regulars, but I think we can agree that openly talking about an unexpected change within the first couple of days of a release is bad form and just makes people avoid the thread like kswiston said, and it's not like tagging is difficult. :p

Anyway, interesting developments in ANXM #5, now it's clear how Bendis plans to keep this going by
having the mind-wipe ready to not completely mess with the continuum and Jean being aware of everything that happened. Jean is having it hard but I'm feeling bad about past Scott the most with everyone on his case for shit he didn't do (yet). Looking forward to how they'll account for one of the past kids kicking the bucket, surely this will come up eventually in some way.
So far it's very exciting and feels tightly knit, here's hoping it stays this way.


It felt like he
was doing some odd nightcrawler style teleporting.
Is this just some wakandan supergadget?

Yeah. The teleportation and force fields were just technology. Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country on Marvel Earth, and is full of geniuses. Black Panther does have some powers given to him from the gods of his people, but they are on the scale of Captain America's powers. Just beyond peak human ability.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I know nobody cares, but I bought last months issue of the MLP comic and seriously, everyone who's into the show should check it out. It's really, really good, some great drawings, some great dialogue, I laughed out loud multiple times. The comic artstyle is a bit different to the cover art, too, so don't be put off by the cover (as I was).

It relies heavily on Season 2 stuff, so I can't really say it's a great entry for non-believers though. General storyline:
Chrysalis is back! Pinkie is hilarious!
Anybody have problems redeeming digital copies on their account? Both comic redeemed but didn't show up it my account. When I try to enter the codes again theyve already been redeemed. This has happened before and I emailed support only to never hear back.
So I bought the first TPB of Revival today.

Really, really impressed. I had held off on reading it because I don't really find zombies very interesting as a threat or even a way of looking at humanity - the whole "mindless evil/crowd mentality" thing doesn't appeal.

The basic premise is that in a small town over a twenty four hour period twenty or so recently dead people suddenly come back to life - and stay alive. They're in full possession of their mental faculties (it seems...) but regenerate from virtually any harm done to them. The protagonist, a single mother cop, is drafted onto a special task force to deal with any issues that arise from the "revived", but although she's the focal point there's a large, well-defined cast of characters. Suffice it to say, there has been a murder, and she has to solve it - but I'm not telling you who...

I'm an issue behind but I'm loving it so far. Norton is one of my favorite current artists and him and Seeley are cool dudes.
Anybody have problems redeeming digital copies on their account? Both comic redeemed but didn't show up it my account. When I try to enter the codes again theyve already been redeemed. This has happened before and I emailed support only to never hear back.

I'm having the same problem, that other time did they eventually show up?
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