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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Hopefully it will sort itself out.

@Colonel Nasty did you email marvel support or comixology? Comixology has been pretty quick when I contacted them before.



Super Member
As it turns out Action Comics #13 was the best issue of the entirety of 2012.

If you missed it, you missed the best of comics in the current era.

THE most heartfelt issue, and does not need any point of reference to enjoy. It even has a bonus sighting of the Superman Blue costume for easter egg hunters.

Grant Morrison
and Travel Foreman slay all know comers, from this galaxy or beyond in the main story.

Sholly Fisch and Brad Walker will tear your heart out, show it to you, and put in gently back in your chest in the backup.

True Comics Heroes™
Wow didn't notice the containment suit. :p

My favorite part about the issue was how Krypto was drawn. He was big and imposing, but not an exaggerated wolf/tiger-thing like this:


The story itself was very nice, but as a bonus made the goat ruse with Lex Luthor even funnier.


That Flash #15 image looks neat but....I stopped buying it after issue #13 because i wasn't enjoying the last several issues :(
That Flash #15 image looks neat but....I stopped buying it after issue #13 because i wasn't enjoying the last several issues :(
How come? I've heard people don't like the story, I can see how people view the story as serviceable but is it in no way off putting. But with this art, I can't see how anyone can drop for any other reason than budget.


How come? I've heard people don't like the story, I can see how people view the story as serviceable but is it in no way off putting. But with this art, I can't see how anyone can drop for any other reason than budget.

Budget + i never buy books just for art, same reason Batwoman is getting dropped. If the print copies i get from dcbs came with digital copies so i could look at the art easily later...maybe...but if i buy a book it has to have a good story too, otherwise i'd rather just buy someone's art book.
As it turns out Action Comics #13 was the best issue of the entirety of 2012.

If you missed it, you missed the best of comics in the current era.

THE most heartfelt issue, and does not need any point of reference to enjoy. It even has a bonus sighting of the Superman Blue costume for easter egg hunters.

Grant Morrison
and Travel Foreman slay all know comers, from this galaxy or beyond in the main story.

Sholly Fisch and Brad Walker will tear your heart out, show it to you, and put in gently back in your chest in the backup.

True Comics Heroes™

I think I liked that single issue better than anything in All Star. And that's saying something.
I also have a soft spot for man's best friend.

it was that god huh, i dropped Action a while back but i guess i pick it up

Don't bother picking up the other issues. 8? (or is it 9?) and 13 are easily the best of the run.


What a superhero art display by Ryan Ottley, cliff Rathburn and John Rausch. Too many Kirkamn word bubbles this issue though.
Have to wait until Friday to read, so bummed :(

I picked up the first volume of The Sandman on a whim today, am I in for something good?
Slowing down and digging in to ANXM a bit more now, and overall I find myself not liking how Bendis has been handling Wolverine in this series. First, there was the "mind whammy for laughs" thing a few issues back; and now comes this issue, with its... confrontation. I mean, the whole
seeing Young Scott and going "all those years I was this close and never snikt'd ya" part I'm actually okay with; to me, that's heart over brain, it's emotion ruling you, and that's definitely a Logan character trait. But then Bendis follows it up with "show of hands, who wants me to kill this little sh*t?", and that doesn't sit right. We're meant to feel for Young Scott being put in that situation, sure, but the vote to kill a kid thing was just overkill and it doesn't seem like something the Logan we're seeing in other X-books would do, especially after UXF and WatXM.
I'm hoping once things settle down a bit his characterization will improve... was his Wolverine like this in his Avengers books too?

Loved the
small little moment between Young Jean and Logan there, though; it wasn't much but my old shipper's heart will take it. ;p


Slowing down and digging in to ANXM a bit more now, and overall I find myself not liking how Bendis has been handling Wolverine in this series. First, there was the "mind whammy for laughs" thing a few issues back; and now comes this issue, with its... confrontation. I mean, the whole
seeing Young Scott and going "all those years I was this close and never snikt'd ya" part I'm actually okay with; to me, that's heart over brain, it's emotion ruling you, and that's definitely a Logan character trait. But then Bendis follows it up with "show of hands, who wants me to kill this little sh*t?", and that doesn't sit right. We're meant to feel for Young Scott being put in that situation, sure, but the vote to kill a kid thing was just overkill and it doesn't seem like something the Logan we're seeing in other X-books would do, especially after UXF and WatXM.
I'm hoping once things settle down a bit his characterization will improve... was his Wolverine like this in his Avengers books too?

Loved the
small little moment between Young Jean and Logan there, though; it wasn't much but my old shipper's heart will take it. ;p

Bendis has been shitting on Wolverine for more than 6 years. He turned Logan into a joke character.

He just hates him. If Tom Brevoort or Axel Alonso allowed I bet Bendis would make young Jean fall for Luke Cage.

Seriously he just hates the guy.

Edit: Marvel in general has been shitting on Wolverine for quite awhile. It would take no editorial influence and years and years for someone with love for the character like Jason Aaron to fix him.

By the way making him and Storm a couple is out of character for both of then. (I mean, even Claremont alluded that they had fun with each other, but they are not a couple.)
Yeah, Bendis' Wolverine characterization has been flat-out horrid. Logan spent most of 2011 being a dick, so uh yeah...not a great start for the new year for the guy!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Slowing down and digging in to ANXM a bit more now, and overall I find myself not liking how Bendis has been handling Wolverine in this series. First, there was the "mind whammy for laughs" thing a few issues back; and now comes this issue, with its... confrontation. I mean, the whole
seeing Young Scott and going "all those years I was this close and never snikt'd ya" part I'm actually okay with; to me, that's heart over brain, it's emotion ruling you, and that's definitely a Logan character trait. But then Bendis follows it up with "show of hands, who wants me to kill this little sh*t?", and that doesn't sit right. We're meant to feel for Young Scott being put in that situation, sure, but the vote to kill a kid thing was just overkill and it doesn't seem like something the Logan we're seeing in other X-books would do, especially after UXF and WatXM.
I'm hoping once things settle down a bit his characterization will improve... was his Wolverine like this in his Avengers books too?

Loved the
small little moment between Young Jean and Logan there, though; it wasn't much but my old shipper's heart will take it. ;p

Fucking bendis. I wish I could say I'm surprised. But that seems incredibly out of character.
Just caught up with Spidey. I think Peter some how won but it's going to take some time or him to take he body over. Spidey Doc is already confused if Avenging is anything to go by. The ending of 700 was great though.



Sandman is amazing. Keep in mind though that volume 1 is one of the weakest volumes in the whole series. Gaiman takes most of volume 1 to find his voice for the series. It starts off as a horror series within the DCU, and quickly morphs into one of the most unique comic series ever written. There's still a lot to like in volume 1, but you need to hold off your judgement on whether the series is overrated or not until you hit the longer arcs in later volumes.

Volume 2 and 5 are my favourites, though 4, 7, and 9 are amazing as well. Volumes 3, 6 and 8 are collections of one and done stories. Volume 10 is mostly an epilogue.
yea Wolverine in ANXM is really off base and just a little baby in #5.

Aaron and Remender should be the only ones writing the character
So is anyone going to pick up Savage Wolverine?
I have ~0% faith that Cho can deliver that book on anything resembling a monthly schedule, but I may look into a trade later for the dino and babe art. I'm more interested in what Cornell is doing with the other book, there's more potential there I think. I just wish Alan Davis weren't doing the art... NOT that I don't love Alan Davis; I've just never liked his Wolverine all that much.


Edit: Marvel in general has been shitting on Wolverine for quite awhile. It would take no editorial influence and years and years for someone with love for the character like Jason Aaron to fix him.

By the way making him and Storm a couple is out of character for both of then. (I mean, even Claremont alluded that they had fun with each other, but they are not a couple.)

I just ignore (or skip) the stories/writers I don't like. There have been several solid Wolverine stories in the last few years, as well as several shitty ones. Wolverine is too ubiquitous to go through any meaningful change, so just stick to what you like.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Sandman is amazing. Keep in mind though that volume 1 is one of the weakest volumes in the whole series. Gaiman takes most of volume 1 to find his voice for the series. It starts off as a horror series within the DCU, and quickly morphs into one of the most unique comic series ever written. There's still a lot to like in volume 1, but you need to hold off your judgement on whether the series is overrated or not until you hit the longer arcs in later volumes.

Volume 2 and 5 are my favourites, though 4, 7, and 9 are amazing as well. Volumes 3, 6 and 8 are collections of one and done stories. Volume 10 is mostly an epilogue.

Volume one is an incredible descent into one of the most realized mythologies ever created. It also has issue 4, Morpheus' stroll through Hell, and that itself makes it one of the stronger volumes. Seriously, Morpheus' exchange with Lucifer is required reading for anybody interested in great writing.


Superior Spider-Man is a good jumping in point I suppose but no guarantee on quality. If you're going to read it just read up on the back story.

Hawkeye is currently the best Marvel book, IMO.

Aquaman/Justice League just started a crossover that seems promising.

Read #1 and #2 of Hawkeye, and damn I like. Thanks for the suggestion.


Currently spending my time catching up on Secret Avengers' last Remender arc, I'm liking it but i won't miss it when i'm done. #31's digital code got chewed up by comixology, i hope marvel sends me another one or it registers when comixology fixes their junk.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
parallax how did you get that avatar

ive seen like a million people with them and i want one

Check out neoriceisgood in mangaf. He does manga characters, so you should probably get one in mind
I hope at the end of this flash arc Barry Allen has to try and stop grodd using his brainwaves and in a few issues it will be revealed that
grodd brain swapped with Barry and wil be the new flash going forward!
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