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Congress overrides Obama's veto of Saudi lawsuit bill; Blame Obama for their override

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I never get the fear that everyone is going to sue USA over drone strikes, if anything US will just have to make a restitution system, like how they pay out families to hush them when soldiers rape on foreign bases.
Already tons of money thrown around to cover up stuff from the public.


I never get the fear that everyone is going to sue USA over drone strikes, if anything US will just have to make a restitution system, like how they pay out families to hush them when soldiers rape on foreign bases.
Already tons of money thrown around to cover up stuff from the public.

US is mostly covered on drones. What a lot of people seem to forget is that these countries are the ones asking for the strikes on their territory. So first they'd have to go through their own government before they go after the US.


I never get the fear that everyone is going to sue USA over drone strikes, if anything US will just have to make a restitution system, like how they pay out families to hush them when soldiers rape on foreign bases.
Already tons of money thrown around to cover up stuff from the public.

I'm with you. Plus we've got to take care of these people we blow up accidentally too. It will hopefully ease down our involvement in bullshit we have no business doing. But I'm sure they'll just bleed tax payers more and continue business as usual. For John q public, it's no real loss. It's not like money is going towards education infrastructure or anything else really..


“I think it was just a ball dropped,” McConnell added. “I wish the president — I hate to blame everything on him, and I don’t — but it would have been helpful had he, uh, we had a discussion about this much earlier than last week.”

Bitch you blame everything on him!
Congress: oh great we mess up, Obama ! do your chaos emeralds shenanigans!.
Obama: it doesn't work that way.

Congress: ... FUK IT! we blaming you!


Being this petty and pathetic.


It's hilarious that Obama will get the "thanks Obama" treatment until the very end. This will probably continue even after he's not the president anymore.


Even Republicans in Congress think that Obama has all the power and can enact any law on a whim. I get enough of this shit from Facebook. Get rid of these clowns in government and get somebody who will actually do something, please.

Rebel Leader

Today in Congress: Congress once again does not know how Congress works.

There were a lot of Democrats here who pushed for this bill too. Hillary supported it.
It was a pure political bill.

If those dems said no, they would be put ina "against 9/11 families" ad.
Andbthat would put a stigma on them that they could never get rid of.


I'm sorry, I'm having trouble following anything you're saying. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, is blaming Obama for the veto override that he, Mitch McConnell, supported and Obama did not.

Please explain your example of something similar occurring during a Republican presidency, and like all good students, cite your sources.
That dude is the perfect example of the idiocy of "both sides are bad" argument. Just look at the extremes and mental gymnasitics they will take it just to try and argue that they are both bad.


Did he just admit that they signed a bill into law without thinking about what that bill would do once it became law? Are they fucking idiots?


The override isn't the point of this thread, the DC is. If you want examples of Democrat DC over dumbass senate voting though and then turning around and blaming the president look no further than the Iraq AMF. Hell, Clinton herself has some pretty sleezy damage control spin fuckery on that one.
The Iraq War vote was stupid and has absolutely nothing to do with this situation.


I cannot digress enough that people need to focus more on who they vote for congress than who the president is. They aren't even owning up to their own bullshit (don't think they ever did actually).

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Wow, what a bunch of idiots! And F my own senior senator Chuck Schumer for sponsoring this moronic and shortsighted bill.


The override isn't the point of this thread...
Correct. Overriding the veto and then blaming the president that vetoed the bill for letting him allow you to override the veto is the point of this thread.

As has been stated multiple times within the first 100 posts.

As stated in the thread title and the original post.

As everyone else in the thread intrinsically understands.

If you think this thread is about something different you are having a misunderstanding and you will need to create a new thread to continue your line of reasoning.

Please do not further try to drag this thread off topic.


Cornyn bitching about Obama not doing enough to stop it after they voted again to override his veto:

Cornyn bitching about Obama doing too much to stop it 6 months ago:

Shit for brains.
Nope, he's smart enough to know his voters have shit for brains and will be fooled by this.



Hardly the same situation. Prior to the Iraq vote, you had the Bush administration lying about intellegence to justify the war, and manipulating the media. The backlash and "spin" came years later as the lies became pretty obvious.

In this case, Obama overrode legislation initiated by Congress and honestly told them in detail why he thought it was a bad idea, multiple times. Then he gets the blame a day later for a decision he vetoed. It's next level stupid.
Just shows how useless congress is when they can't stand by a decision moments after making it. Totally wrong to even try to blame Obama, if they weren't informed they should be as it's their job to make informed decision. Useless senators.

Caja 117

Wait, They are blaming Obama on the decision they made?...is this real life?? how does this..so they are against this bill...or what is their angle now? I need a tequila shot....


Wait, They are blaming Obama on the decision they made?...is this real life?? how does this..so they are against this bill...or what is their angle now? I need a tequila shot....
A decision they made twice, that he warned them about both times:
1st time when they initially passed the bill
2nd time when he vetoed the law
I wonder who that one person who voted no was

Also seeing as Congress will try and Pass anything Obama is against and also has the name 9/11 on it without any thought and consideration

you Americans need to make actual legitimate bills with 9/11 in the title to fool them
"We thought shitting the bed sounded nice. No more getting up in the middle of the night, don't have to assume a sitting stance which is good for bowel health, seemed like a great idea. No one even told us it'd make us all gross and stinky!

Thanks Obama."


I wonder who that one person who voted no was

Also seeing as Congress will try and Pass anything Obama is against and also has the name 9/11 on it without any thought and consideration

you Americans need to make actual legitimate bills with 9/11 in the title to fool them

Harry Reid voted no. Coincidentally, he's retiring anyway so doesn't have to worry about reelection.


They really didn't think this shit through? Like Obama was saving them from themselves and they pull this foolishness.

Now it could have other countries removing diplomatic immunity from people in the us and or have other countries sue the US for things.

Again why the hell are Republicans majorities better at govt again? All they have done is obstruct or help to inact shitty policies or break bills that could have been land mark changes for shitty intrests.
yes yes democrats arent blameless either but spare me the both sides are the same. They arent


Isn't this more likely to be another stupid political ploy? In order to address the uninformed people that is for the bill, he votes for the bill, then in order to address another group of uninformed people against the bill he blames it on someone else. To uninformed people it's win-win for him.


I say this as a staunch democrat... The comments from both sides of the isle are moronic and infuriating.

Pelosi is an idiot.

Schumer is being willfully obtuse. Chuck, my heart bleeds for the families as well. That doesn't mean that the bill had to be pushed through.

and McConnel is a fucking douchebag.

Politicians and CEOs - "We have all the power but nothing is ever our fault"

This shit makes me sick.


It was a pure political bill.

If those dems said no, they would be put ina "against 9/11 families" ad.
Andbthat would put a stigma on them that they could never get rid of.
But you got retiring demo voting for this. They really got nothing to gain
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