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Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 |OT|

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Misanthropy said:
I liked this episode but it had less connections than previous episodes. In past ones even a small sentence came full circle at the end. In this case the only two things which were connected were the pills with the bow. Nothing about the research about the bow, or the baseball thing were connected. Kind of an open episode.
Dude. Watch it again. Everything tied together perfectly.

"You're not getting in"

Probably my second favourite episode of the season after the Palestinian chicken ep. Rosie was actually very good and the juicing angle was brilliant. Leon was a bonus.
cacophony said:
Fantastic episode. I loved Jeff's laugh after Susie said she was in great shape

yeah I love it when Jeff laughs in the show, it's like he's genuinely finding the comments funny.

And also it's high pitched as fuck.


Discotheque said:
yeah I love it when Jeff laughs in the show, it's like he's genuinely finding the comments funny.

And also it's high pitched as fuck.

Most of the show is adlibbed, so he probably is genuinely laughing.


I actually didn't think this ep was too hot, it was alright in places but felt uneven for me and people flying off the handle too easily at Larry

I did enjoy the having ugly wife=trustworthy guy expectation

One armed man thing was kinda meh so when the ending came around it wasn't that great

But I do like the idea of that Car Parascope

And good catch with the Seinfeld reference


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Margalis said:
The one-armed man is a lot funnier if you know it's from The Fugitive.

I swear, I knew that sounded so familiar when he said it...and then they started chasing him I lost it. LMAO


works for Gamestop (lol)
markot said:
I was waiting for Larry to remember that the car periscope was an idea from seinfeld >.<

Yeah, that's the first thing I thought of. I was sure he was gonna say he thought of the idea during Seinfeld
Wario64 said:
Yeah, that's the first thing I thought of. I was sure he was gonna say he thought of the idea during Seinfeld
that's what makes it so brilliant, that he did indeed think up that idea, which he mentions he did, just didn't seinfeld specifically.


-Pyromaniac- said:
that's what makes it so brilliant, that he did indeed think up that idea, which he mentions he did, just didn't seinfeld specifically.
I just rewatched the ep, you're right, Larry does mention he did come up with the idea before but did not allude to Seinfeld directly wow :O
I don't know why, but the car periscope was just one of the funniest conceits ever. Just seeing Jeff holding onto those fucking handles and gleefully predicting traffic. Shit killed me stone dead.


Larry with Janice at the restaurant followed by the guy mentioning he'd misjudged him..I lost it. Just absolutely perfect.
I didn't remember that Seinfeld ep. Great callback.

I wish we got to see the judge call Wanda a coon and her reaction. That's the only thing that was missing!

Great ep again. LOVING this season.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I wish we got to see the judge call Wanda a coon and her reaction. That's the only thing that was missing!
I don't think he did. Just ruled against her because of his racism. If he had, Wanda would have bitched out Larry and kept the time and trainer.
Episode 8 was my favorite this season, if not of the entire series. Can't remember the last time I cracked up out loud as often as I did.


see5harp said:
AWESOME interview with JB Smoove regarding his entire career. I had no idea he wrote for Conan and SNL back in the day. http://www.avclub.com/articles/jb-smoove,61191/1/
Good stuff, especially about Leon...

Curb Your Enthusiasm (2007-present)—“Leon”
JBS: Man, I’ma tell you how Leon started. Leon is a weird story, man, and this is all about a journey, and it’s all about [how] you really don’t know how you prepare yourself. I would jump back a little bit. Because the first thing I ever did when I wanted to do stand-up was, I took an improv class at the Improv Comedy Club in New York, just before they closed down. That summer, I took an improv class. Because I wanted to find out who I wanted to be onstage, and my presence onstage. I remember Marty Freeman was the teacher. And I took that class not even thinking remotely connecting that one day I would be on one of the greatest improv shows ever. You know, I just took the improv class just for my stand-up.

What happened was, I was working at SNL in ’04, 5, and 6. Season four of my contract, I didn’t get renewed. So I’m just sitting at home, watching Curb. I mean, we would always talk about Curb before we started writing on SNL, and I loved the show. And I was sitting on the couch one day, me and my fiancée at the time, she’s my wife now, and we were just talking about the show. I’m sitting there laughin’ my ass off at Larry David. I said, “I love this damn show! I would love to be on this show one day.” Then my wife said, “You know what, you gonna be on that show one day. You would be so perfect on that show.” Chris Williams played that character Krazee-Eyez Killa [in the episode], and we’re sitting there laughin’ our ass off, man. So I’m lookin’ for a new agent, I’m tryin’ to find a new agent, right? I met these guys from APA, and then they came to New York, and then I went on the road to do some stand-up. And I’m in Atlanta, and I found out that a buddy of mine had passed away in L.A. He was a producer and he did the song, I know you know the song, “This Is How We Do It.” It’s a party song. So I said, “You know what, I gotta go to L.A. for at least a day or two,” because they had a jam session here for him.

While I was in L.A., I said, “You know what, I’m gonna meet with my new agents. They want to meet me, and I can tell them what I want to do for the future, since I’m a new client.” So I came in town. That same night, they had the jam session for my buddy who passed away. So I go, the next morning, I go to APA. And they assembled a bunch of people, so I’m in the office of the head guy, and we’re talking about what I want to do for the future. And I say “I’ve been on the computer for a while. I think I’m gonna step out from behind the computer, right in to get back in front of the camera.” So then while we’re talking, an agent comes in late, right? And he says “Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. Good to meet you, JB. I have an audition, are you free?” I said, “Well, I’m just in town because a buddy of mine passed away. I leave town in the morning.” He said, “Well, I have an audition… Do you think you could make it over there now?” I said, “Yeah, I can go right now. What’s it for?” He said, “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” I said, “What?! Fuckin’ man! You’re fuckin’ kidding me, right? I fuckin’ love that show!” They said, “Man, they got a character… a Katrina family moves in with Larry.” I said “Man, I can go. I can go right now. I’m on a redeye tonight, but I can go right now and get in there.”

So I head over there. There’s tons of other actors and stuff in there going in for the Vivica Fox role, going in for the Leon role. I saw two comics I knew, I said, “Damn.” You know I’m thinking like, once I read the signs, I said, “Man, I know exactly who this dude is. I know exactly who Leon is, because I know people like Leon.” And Leon comes in all shapes and colors, man. You know, Leon’s a dude that lives day to day, who’s looking for the come-up. You know, some people are in a certain place in their life where they need a little nudge to get going? So I said “I know this dude.” So I waited around, they called me in the room, and I’m thinking I’m gonna go on tape. You know, the producers put you on tape, and they review it later on, and they give your agent a call if they want you to come back for a callback. I had no idea what the situation was. So I get into the room, and Larry is standing in the middle of the room. And they say, “All right, JB, now you gonna improv with Larry.” I said, “Oh shit!” I have this thing I do where I always come into the room as the character I want to portray. So that way I’m already turned on. I come into the room as the character all the time; they get an initial feel for who the character is before I even read the signs.

So I came in the room as Leon, basically. I came in there doing the Leon head-tilt, the little Leon hand-on-the-chest thing, you know, that little one-eye-halfway-closed, wrinkles-above-my-eye look. You know what I mean? That skeptical look and shit. So Larry immediately started to smirk, right? I said, “Okay, I got him. I said I got his ass now. He already smirking, so I already know that what I’m giving off before I even say anything is fuckin’ funny to him.” So I said “All right, Larry, you want improv, right? Let’s do this shit, Larry.” That’s exactly what I said. “Let’s do this shit, Larry.” I said, “I don’t know what the fuck gonna happen, Larry. I may fuck around and slap you. I don’t know, man. It’s improv. Anything can fuckin’ happen.” Larry just started busting up laughing, right? So I sat down in the chair and we’re gonna start the scene. And I just sat in the chair, and he just stared me for like, it must’ve been two to three minutes, he just stared at me fuckin’ laughing. And he said, “This guy is fuckin’ crazy, right?” And from then on, we had the funniest fuckin’ audition I’ve ever been in, man. We laughed. There was one point that was so fuckin’ funny, Larry had to turn around and walk into a corner and turn his back and say “All right, gimme one minute, gimme one minute.” Everybody’s getting mad at Larry, “Come on, Larry!” “Wait a minute! Wait a minute! This guy’s killin’ me!” And from then on, it was like a match made in heaven, man. Leon and Larry hit it off, man.

AVC: The speech a lot of people point to with Leon is, “You gotta get in that ass and spray-paint it.”
JBS: [Laughing.] “Get in that ass” is words to live by!

AVC: Because of that audition, is that why he let you go off and be all the Leon you could be?
JBS: I think so, man. The first day of work, we had the funniest fuckin’ day. We did the cum-stained-blanket scene, where there’s cum on the blanket and I’m like, “I gets mine, Larry.” You know, the ejaculate scene. And that day, we had a break, and he told me, he said “Man, it feels like we’ve been working together for years.” He had no idea who Leon was. I heard from one of the writers that Larry had no idea who Leon was until walked into the room. Sometimes I guess when you’re casting, you really don’t know what you’re gonna get until someone gives it to you. Sometimes you have an idea of a character, but you don’t know the character behind the character. So there’s a character behind the character. They had signs that, the description of what type of character they wanted. They wanted someone to play Loretta’s brother who lived in L.A., who came over because he heard that this family from New Orleans were living in Larry David’s house. And from then on, I played it like I didn’t know who the fuck Larry David was. I didn’t know who the fuck Seinfeld was.

I played it like I didn’t know shit about anything, but the come-up. You know, we call it the come-up. You know, I get a chance to live in a mansion, I get the chance to just walk into a white man’s house and take over, and live there. So for me, it was okay, once we started working together, it became like Larry just allows Leon to be Leon. I think that’s what was genuine about our scenes. It is an improv show, and because we do get an outline, I don’t find out anything. I kinda prefer it that way. I prefer coming to work that day, I don’t get sides sent to me early, I don’t get outlines sent to me, I don’t get shit. I like coming to the set, getting my Leon clothes, my Leon wardrobe, I like walking to the set, I like getting on the set, I like finding out what the fuck is going on, and action! You know what I mean? I don’t want to overthink it. I go from, once I’m Leon, I automatically start thinking like Leon. I don’t think about anything else. I just come on set and I automatically, I am Leon once I put those dirty sneakers on, them jeans, and a tank top. You know what I mean? So for me, once Larry found out who Leon really was, he allowed Leon to be Leon. Which I think is a smart way to do it.

AVC: How much of what you say as Leon is Leon, and how much of it is JB? How much is your life philosophy in there?
JBS: Most of the time, it’s Leon’s philosophy. Once I get the character in my mind, I can only, while I’m taping, I can only speak like Leon for some reason. I just automatically channel him, and I just automatically think how he would think, or I would say something, or I would act how he would act. I mean, once I start walking around that house in those slippers, and I’m like taking over Larry’s house, I’m in “take over Larry’s house” mode. My brain can only think about drinking out of a milk carton, and hanging out, and giving Larry fucked-up advice, or fucked-up takes on what he did today, or ask him why he did something when he shoulda done this. Or how Leon woulda done it. You know? “Oh, I wouldn’t done it like that. Here’s what I woulda did. You know what I mean?”

AVC: Is it a surreal feeling to be on this show that you enjoyed for the first half of its run, and now you’re on the show and people have become fans of yours because of Leon?
JBS: Yeah! Yeah, it’s a great feeling that for some weird reason, this character connects with a lot of people. And a lot of different types of people. I mean, I get stopped by businessmen in first class who fucking live by Leon. They absolutely get it, and they say they apply what he says to their life, it feels like. One guy told me, he said before he goes into meetings, the first thing he thinks of is gettin’ in that ass. He said it just puts him in the right frame of mind, because he knows that at any point, all that shit could be over. So he just feels like, if he goes in there full-throttle all the time, he can take that philosophy of going in high and having someone pull you back a little bit rather than going low and try to turn it up. It’s harder to turn it up than it is to turn it down, for some reason. If someone says “Turn it up,” you don’t know how high. You can’t gauge how high. Then you go so high that you irritate them. So if you already come in high and they say, “Fall back a little bit,” you can. Then they get you.

AVC: Where did that speech come from, the “Get in that ass” speech?
JBS: “Get in that ass” is just something that, you know what? I’ve had like, I write down little things I think of during the day, right, and I put it in my Blackberry, or I’ll put it in my little notebook. And I’ll say, you know what, “One day I’ma be able to use this ‘get in that ass.’ I’m gonna use this one day.” I think I did it onstage maybe once ever. Like somewhere way out in a comedy club somewhere real far, where I needed it. Because I’m also a comic who flies on never going onstage with a plan. I like going onstage with bullets in my holster, but I also like to have my mind open. I always had it in my book. Then, you know, I was on set and we were about to do this scene, and I said “Larry let this skinhead call him a Jew faggot.” So immediately, I’m thinking like, first of all, “You’re a man. Right? You’re a man first. Then you’re Jewish. And then you gotta defend who the fuck you are. First. First of all, you’re a fuckin’ man. So first of all, you gotta get in his ass for disrespecting you as a man. Then you gotta get in his ass for calling you a faggot. Then you gotta get in his ass for calling you a Jew faggot.” So all these different things Larry had to work with. So the first thing that came to my mind was, “Larry gotta get in that ass.”

Now I’m gonna tell you, that scene is funny because Larry had no idea what “get in that ass” meant. A lot of times I surprise Larry with shit, and it’s a natural reaction on camera to what he thought about it. We don’t go over this shit beforehand. We don’t do any rehearsal. All we do is block the shot. And all we do is say “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” We don’t say anything. We just hold it, right? So when the scene started, the first take on that was, “You gotta get in that ass, Larry.” And Larry was like, “What do you mean?” “You open his ass.” But then he caught on. So the way I would explain it to him, he knew. He caught on that you gotta defend yourself as a man, you know. Although I said it in a metaphoric kind of fucking phrase, a Leonism way of seeing it, how I thought he’d explain it to me, I’m taking it how I woulda handled it and how I see it. And he, that first take was, his face looked like he didn’t know what the fuck I was talkin’ about. [Laughing.] Which is fuckin’ hilarious to me. A lot of people didn’t know what “get in that ass” meant until I started explaining it and breaking it down to them. But he caught onto it, and the second take, he knew what the hell I was talking about.


Yea, actually the whole part about his audition just cracked me up. I really wish they would have taped those to get an idea of how he came up with it on the spot. His whole journey from stand up, to improv classes, to writer on SNL with Tina Fey, to Conan, and finally to his role on one of his favorite shows was awesome. I really do hope he gets more variety in the future, I actually did watch Date Night and thought the taxi scene was one of the better in the entire movie just because of JB.


Goldrusher said:
"One guy told me, he said before he goes into meetings, the first thing he thinks of is gettin’ in that ass. He said it just puts him in the right frame of mind"

Fuck, I'm stealing this idea.
So I wanted to get into this show for the Seinfeld reunion last season but I didn't want to just jump in at season 7 so I had to wait for the DVDs to go on sale (HBO series are super expensive in Canada).

Finally got seasons 1-3 a few months ago and I blew though them in no time. Then I went to the states a few weeks ago specifically to get more on sale at Best Buy and got 3-7 and finished those off this week.

Then I caught up to the current ep thanks to HBO OnDemand and I need MORE. I already miss Larry and I just watched Car Periscope this morning. I don't know what I'm going to do when the season ends in 2 eps.


drawer by drawer
Such an amazing episode. Bill Buckner with the catch and being lifted on the shoulders of NYC firefighters is an amazing image.

The "Black man with glasses" parts were so good.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
-Pyromaniac- said:
Leon has reached that point where literally everything he says is hilarious.
This seat is a FUCK MACHINE!


I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Fucking Leons facial expression when he was in the car...god damn tears.
Bill fucking Buckner!

That was easily the best episode of the season maybe top 5 ever.

Damn Buckner such a good sport to do this show.
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