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CVG: Microsoft to reveal 'major 3rd party game' comes free with X1 [MCV: FIFA 14]


MS' strategy to win video gamers is powered by cash handouts and lawyers. Sony's is powered by new game budgets and developers. Why does it surprise you that a hardcore community like NeoGAF can see through their bullshit and therefore refuses to take the bribe and forget just how anti-consumer they are, were, and will continue to be?

By your logic Sony should never have been forgiven for installing root kits and the ps3 launch

PC only future!

REV 09

So between a $25 headset and a $60 game MS has added $85 of stuff to the box...competition is good. Hope US gets Forza.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
I don't think their FIFA license would allow them to not release on PS4.

I don't know what details are in the license agreement, but I'm not sure it says that EA has to release a FIFA on all platforms.

But I'm just saying that in order for this deal to make an impact, it has to be something like this, just pack in with the machine does not make sense, even you have to agree with this.


The part of the rumor I don't see discussed much is the bit about possibly the US getting a pack in game as well. If this move costs Microsoft money then it is going to cost Sony as well as they certainly can't let MS toss in a pack in game in two major territories at launch. I expect some sort of announcement before launch. I just hope gamers get their free game Day 1 and don't have to wait for it as this all seems a bit rushed.
If this Fifa rumor is correct, it's probably going to be Madden is North America.

Although, I really have no idea how much Fifa sells in the states, but I imagine Madden would be a bigger draw.
Called it, the deal ran deeper than that exclusive Ultimate Team thing.

This is insane, you need one hell of a money
to pull this off.


This bundle simply tells me that MS *could* have a bare bones console for less than $500, but they simply won't because they refuse to.


Junior Member
Except it says this...

It's not only on Xbox 360 or Xbox One, it's also on PC. So that alone makes it false.
It's also on PS4 (and maybe PS3? Idr). So labeling it as an "exclusive" is just straight up bullshit.

It's bullshit like them claiming to be the "most powerful console ever made."


"But da cloud." Except, not all Xbox's are guaranteed online now. Not only that but IF they were allowed to include the "cloud" processing as part of the in box product description, Google would be able to list any and every android phone as the most powerful as they have the largest "cloud" network in the world.

But they don't, because they aren't full of shit.

Yes, I'm mad. It's blatantly wrong and yet they keep trying to get away with this shit.

You know what else is wrong?

Using AA batteries in 2013.


I don't even know who that is playing. I know though that Sony is the official partner of the 2014 World Cup, but I wonder if that will stop Microsoft from getting ads up in international matches.

You don't know who that is playing and you are in a FIFA thread.

What more is there to say.

It's just the Champions League final. Maybe you heard of it.


Neo Member
What would the cost per unit of fifa be to MS, no retailer margin to add in, bulk discount from EA. could only be costing them £20ish per unit, but they get to state they are adding £55 worth of value.

Wonder what the US will get? Madden?
Jesus, are Microsoft's pockets endless?

This is not that big considering their botched launch in Europe but I am kinda surprised how much Microsoft is willing to spend on Xbone.


So between a $25 headset and a $60 game MS has added $85 of stuff to the box...competition is good. Hope US gets Forza.

The headset should have been included from the jump. They get no bonus points for doing what they should have done in the first place.

A free game is nice, but not as nice as dumping the camera and dropping the price.
If this Fifa rumor is correct, it's probably going to be Madden is North America.

Although, I really have no idea how much Fifa sells in the states, but I imagine Madden would be a bigger draw.

I would imagine Microsoft would include a clause barring EA from making a deal with Sony to match their offer to gamers. If not, I would simply match the games if I were Sony to nullify it. really the only thing to do to match this kind of impact without EA's help is to offer Call of Duty.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Whatever happens, EA and Microsoft in-bed together is not good for the industry.

Sony needs to start getting similar deals on Ubisoft/TakeTwo titles. Third-party games shouldn't come to this.

Sony appear to be in bed with Activision (Destiny exclusive content, Diablo 3 marketing) already.

It better be FIFA or this is going to be so dumb.

I'm actually not convinced it's even true. I feel like it's crossed wires with the 'delayed territories get a free game' thing.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So this confirms it right?


And i do not know where to put it because not related to playstation but there is for sure something going on with EA/MS and FIFA. They are not only located directly beside of each other but EA(!) has a huge XBONE banner on their booth and are showing FIFA banner only with XBONE on it. And the text on them is hidden with black fabric.
How exactly does saying they caved on DRM carry negative connotations? To me it's positive news. The only negative here is that they stared us straight in the eye and said you are going to take this and love it and there is no other way (DRM, Kinect), only to go back on their words again and again. That's worth some negativity in my book, and ANY company would be hearing it if they did the same. But still, the changes are positive and most rational people here see that.

MS was ripped before the DRM changes and equally ripped after the DRM changes. As I said, it has become in vogue to simply trash anything MS does. Free game? Better find a way to spin it as a negative.

At this point, I won't continue the back-and-forth with you because, like I said, trying to convince someone whose position is firmly entrenched is recipe to go nowhere. You seem stuck in your beliefs, and I simply will not engage in a debate with someone who has an inflexible opinion. Cheers.
Except it says this...

It's not only on Xbox 360 or Xbox One, it's also on PC. So that alone makes it false.
It's also on PS4 (and maybe PS3? Idr). So labeling it as an "exclusive" is just straight up bullshit.

It's bullshit like them claiming to be the "most powerful console ever made."


"But da cloud." Except, not all Xbox's are guaranteed online now. Not only that but IF they were allowed to include the "cloud" processing as part of the in box product description, Google would be able to list any and every android phone as the most powerful as they have the largest "cloud" network in the world.

But they don't, because they aren't full of shit.

Yes, I'm mad. It's blatantly wrong and yet they keep trying to get away with this shit.

Ignoring the obvious hyperbole surrounding most powerful console, you're focusing far too much on what is essentially a mistake and if you'd bother to read the page, they clearly state at the bottom that Titanfall will be on PC and 360.

Mistakes happen. It's not part of some crazy Microsoft conspiracy to misinform gamers. I'm sure if/when someone notices or reports the mistake, it will be corrected.


2014 Norway release: Priceless.
Which actually gets my to ask: Will FIFA14 still be included if Xbone releases in the eight "missing" European countries? It will be rather old then.

So, if you're Dutch, do you import a Xbone from Germany because you get FIFA or do you wait and hold on your pre-order because there's some (other? additional?) game promised for your domestic launch? What if FIFA won't be included? Would be really funny not only to get the console late but at a worse value-for-money ratio.


I don't know what details are in the license agreement, but I'm not sure it says that EA has to release a FIFA on all platforms.

But I'm just saying that in order for this deal to make an impact, it has to be something like this, just pack in with the machine does not make sense, even you have to agree with this.

Oh sure I agree. It's a simple bundle deal. It'll provide some incentive to someone on the fence and who wanted Fifa. But that's about it.

Tbh this makes me think MS haven't even sold out of their European launch allocations - otherwise you wouldn't need to incentivise launch sales. That's pretty bad if true.

What would the cost per unit of fifa be to MS, no retailer margin to add in, bulk discount from EA. could only be costing them £20ish per unit, but they get to state they are adding £55 worth of value.

Wonder what the US will get? Madden?

Not much. No retail markup, waive MS license fee, assume digital download to save printing costs.


You don't know who that is playing and you are in a FIFA thread.

What more is there to say.

It's just the Champions League final. Maybe you heard of it.

If you continue to read the thread, you'll see that I acknowledged that. I can't read whatever language the broadcast picture was in and colors aren't my strong suit. Thanks for your educational critique, maybe next time you can teach me why they pass the ball.
This isn't good will, this is a bribe. It's how MS has planned to push the XB1 all along.

Don't like DRM? Well XB1 has Halo, bought timed exclusivity of Titanfall, etc. They then saw that those weren't enough to overcome DRM and backtracked, but originally their presumption was that consumers were all mindless whores who'd bend over in order to play a handful of worthwhile titles.

It's the same as their perpetual deal for CoD timed exclusivity on new content, the similar deal they struck for GTAIV content last generation, and what they've now paid for with both Battlefield 4 and FIFA.

None of this adds to the industry. None of it creates new meaningful content. Shit, it doesn't even employ more developers. It builds arbitrary walls and that's it.

MS' strategy to win video gamers is powered by cash handouts and lawyers. Sony's is powered by new game budgets and developers. Why does it surprise you that a hardcore community like NeoGAF can see through their bullshit and therefore refuses to take the bribe and forget just how anti-consumer they are, were, and will continue to be?

Sony's bribe, I mean PS+ is the bomb. Nothing wrong with bribes.
Everyone here with a job can afford both.

Hardcore fanboyism is funny though. Just buy both.

Alot worse u can do with a grand in a year.


formerly cjelly
Playstation is a sponser of fifa.trust me, it wont be exclusive

Not anymore, they aren't. Sony let Microsoft take over the co-marketing deal from FIFA 14 onwards.

Plus, nobody said FIFA 14 is exclusive. Just that this is an exclusive bundle. When combined with the co-marketing deal it makes perfect sense.


Redmond's Baby
Tbh this makes me think MS haven't even sold out of their European launch allocations - otherwise you wouldn't need to incentivise launch sales. That's pretty bad if true.

This is quite possible. I think that only UK preorders are on levels, but mainland Europe is far below threshold.

Everyone here with a job can afford both.
With 900 € salary?

Just had a small chat.

Main points.

Retail are going to be shellshocked tomorrow if it pans out like this, they have had no notice of anything like this. Losing one of their main SKUs for this year means they will be asking for a larger trade discount on XB1 according to him to make up for lost revenue. He also says that they will still use the PS3/360/PS4 version as a loss leader in the first week of sale.

Will they really be that put out? It will sell most on current gen platforms, not next-gen. If the X1 pre-orders aren't performing as expected, this would help and a buyer would also be likely to pick up another game anyway.


Except it says this...

It's not only on Xbox 360 or Xbox One, it's also on PC. So that alone makes it false.
It's also on PS4 (and maybe PS3? Idr). So labeling it as an "exclusive" is just straight up bullshit.

It's bullshit like them claiming to be the "most powerful console ever made."

"But da cloud." Except, not all Xbox's are guaranteed online now. Not only that but IF they were allowed to include the "cloud" processing as part of the in box product description, Google would be able to list any and every android phone as the most powerful as they have the largest "cloud" network in the world.

But they don't, because they aren't full of shit.

Yes, I'm mad. It's blatantly wrong and yet they keep trying to get away with this shit.

Poke the UK advertising standards authority about it, they have told off websites before.
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