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CVG: Microsoft to reveal 'major 3rd party game' comes free with X1 [MCV: FIFA 14]


Junior Member
My thought exactly. Would be a little weird unless this deal, if it happens, runs over the entire next year.

Or they just prepare of a SKU without Kinect or for less money earlier next year. ;-P

They could run the deal into the second launch next year for the countries that were dropped. Maybe that's the free game Major Nelson promised?
A digital download would actually be pretty smart from their business perspective though.

I'm sure it would drive a lot of people to connect their consoles to the internet, which is what they wanted from the start.


Um, but yield issues has lead to halting pre-orders. How are more people going to buy the console?

Nobody knows the state of Xbox 1 in Europe really right now from all I have read. Most impressions I have gotten is its struggling to sell through all its launch day allotment in many areas? IF MS is making this deal its to push consoles in Europe because it sees the weakness they have their is showing again. Additionally, if this becomes a standard bundle for next gen X1's in europe beyond launch it is huge and has implications beyond just the launch units.

We also don't know what the cut is MS is giving EA on this bundle... Could very well be that EA is getting their full cut plus advertising from MS for this. Thats a win win for EA.
Not from a marketing standpoint. "Comes with a free copy of the most popular sports series in the world" looks a lot better than "You can also buy a copy of that game" even if the latter is cheaper.

It's also worth nothing that this probably isn't happening in America with Fifa or otherwise because of the Xbox 360-Xbox One upgrade deal that Amazon and other retailers are participating in over there.

People aren't that stupid to not realize its cheaper. This is appealing to those who were on the fence hard between the two, but for the countries in europe where ps has been dominant this will do nothing.
ps3 beat the 360 despite coming later and more expensive and people think xbone will win? ha.

Yep, no shot whatsoever.
Everyone here with a job can afford both.

Uh... yes, technically, I could afford both. But in the real world I have obligations and responsibilities. I also have a fiancee who would be rather pissed with me if we had two very similar (GAF-goggles off) consoles under the TV.

Maybe if you're 22 and have no one to answer to but yourself. But some of us have mortgages, weddings to save for, debts and HPs to finance...

For the record, if it was my choice, I'd get the One first as I think it has the better launch line-up.

But blanket statements about the real world never go out of fashion, I guess.


Junior Member
I wouldn't call losing 70% marketshare this generation "winning". But whatever floats your boat.

I don't think anyone expected the PS3 to match the 360 in WW sales. The system costed twice as much, had a very barebones online infrastructure, and there were little to no compelling games to play for the first year or so.


Except it says this...

It's not only on Xbox 360 or Xbox One, it's also on PC. So that alone makes it false.
It's also on PS4 (and maybe PS3? Idr). So labeling it as an "exclusive" is just straight up bullshit.

It's bullshit like them claiming to be the "most powerful console ever made."


"But da cloud." Except, not all Xbox's are guaranteed online now. Not only that but IF they were allowed to include the "cloud" processing as part of the in box product description, Google would be able to list any and every android phone as the most powerful as they have the largest "cloud" network in the world.

But they don't, because they aren't full of shit.

Yes, I'm mad. It's blatantly wrong and yet they keep trying to get away with this shit.

I was going to stay out of this topic, but I'm sorry that's hilarious! The mere fact that people can get this worked up about videogames...

Oh and on topic, good on MS for the free game. Whatever it ends up being.
It doesn't reek of desperation, it reeks of a desire to increase profitability and install base. This is a business, and they make decisions that will afford them the greatest opportunity to make profit. A free game is a free game, no matter how you shake it. FIFA or Ryse or DR3. Free is free. And it is hard to complain about free.

I'm not complaining as a consumer that free is bad. It's good for us... well as long as you seek value in the freebie. FIFA is a great catch for a lot of people. I wouldn't value it because I hate sports games. If it was RYSE or Forza or DR3 than absolutely for me.

Of course it's a long term goal to try and increase profit and install base, that's why they are doing it but it reeks of desperation because they are having to do that in the face of a steep price. MS are panicking and they need to up the value on a very expensive product because people so far it seems (pre-order numbers) are showing that the product is overly expensive and they aren't putting their money down in any hurry. Therefore people don't think it's good value which MS hoped. MS would not be doing this if a) pre-orders were going swimmingly and b) it wasn't so expensive and/or people deemed it value for money. This sweetens the deal somewhat but the lengths MS have gone to deliver on that (taking a big seller away from retailers and MS having to fork out the expense for this deal) shows that they needed drastic action to try and turn it around, what has so far for them been nothing short of a disaster. So whilst MS will be looking at long term in trying to get the console into as many homes as possible over the PS4, it's costing them, perhaps EA and retailers in the short term.

Also the fact that they are having to do all this now. Before the console is released. They know the pre-order numbers, they know interest from retailers/consumers, they know the perception is that the console is expensive and isn't garning good value for money. But launch systems will be (should be) sold out anyways, especially if they are truly struggling to manufacture units. Because they know they are in a bad spot and that Sony will have more systems out there, in more countries and more pre-orders at a cheaper price which people do considering delivering on value. They need to desperately try to turn that around so things look better for them. And that's why it's desperation. They've come to that point now they need to do something. They can't drop the price (far too costly), they won't drop Kinect yet (too much on the line with it and backtracking is more embarrassing/meaning people will lose all faith in MS). They need to do it now so they can try to win back some momentum or else it could be too late to gain traction after launch.

I only see this as hitting the panic button in an attempt to make it look as though they are delivering on value in the face of cheaper competition. Kinect has had the opposite affect to that, so they have to pull out the good old free game trick. If things were hunky dory than none of this would be happening. That's not how it's happening though, so they are having to pull out the stops. Great for the consumer again but again, I question it at the risk of other parties involved.
I wouldn't call losing 70% marketshare "winning". But whatever floats your boat.

Exactly. Sony lost most of their marketshare this gen and not to mention barely passed MS even with that total failure they had with 360 in those asian markets. 360 does only half as well as ps3 in those markets, and Sony is back in second.


I don't think anyone expected the PS3 to match the 360 in WW sales. The system costed twice as much, had a very barebones online infrastructure, and there were little to no compelling games to play for the first year or so.

Which actually proves my point.

There's no reason Xbox One can't outsell the PS4. I don't think it will personally based on my personal perceived value, but what do I know?
I've seen this argument posted ad nauseam so I'll give a short rebuttle:

If you already have Fifa 14 on 360/PS3 in late September, and you're going to be buying a nextgen console in 2013, having a nextgen version of that game for free is probably going to sound like a really good deal. Afterall, no one likes switching consoles once its plugged into the tv.

For who? A ps3 owner who would rather buy the next playstation with fifa for 30/40euros cheaper than the Xbox One, or, a Xbox360 user that now will see the cost of kinect more bearable?

I don't see it being attractive for the former.


Well this would at least change that, now wouldn't it :p

Why? Because the more expensive console comes with FIFA? Sony still has a much stronger marketing footprint across the competitive football world. They have a bigger marketing deal with FIFA/World Cup than EA by a sizable margin.

People are also forgetting that for a good chunk of the PS2/Xbox/GC generation PES was the primary football franchise. Football fans buy FIFA because it's the best football game currently available. They buy it on a Sony console because Playstation is the brand they associate with video games.
PS3 beat the 360 despite coming later and more expensive and people think the Xbox One can't win?

Everything the xbox 360 did to even get what they did is being done worse. People just don't switch for no reason.The real battleground is america not europe


The point of this tactic is for MS to gain brand association with Europes biggest series. Now, it's not going to happen over night, but slowly by releasing bundles with free copies packed in, and marketing Fifa as on the X1, then MS will gain marketshare in Europe.


I've seen this argument posted ad nauseam so I'll give a short rebuttle:

If you already have Fifa 14 on 360/PS3 in late September, and you're going to be buying a nextgen console in 2013, having a nextgen version of that game for free is probably going to sound like a really good deal. Afterall, no one likes switching consoles once its plugged into the tv.
I would think if you already have FIFA 14 on current gen, you're less likely to want the next gen version, given FIFA 15 will be along in less than 12 months time.

Those who do want FIFA 14 on next gen, can buy it on PS4 for less than an Xbox One bundle.


Junior Member
Which actually proves my point.

There's no reason Xbox One can't outsell the PS4. I don't think it will personally based on my personal perceived value, but what do I know?

But Microsoft has ALWAYS struggled in Sony's home territory. What makes you think the Xbox One will be any different? I have not seen any Japan-oriented games and all of the services the Xbox One is based around are targeting the US. If Sony can pull the strings and do what's right to win the hearts of Americans, then they have it in the bag. Brand loyalty does not exist that far outside of the hardcore audience.


Honestly, fair fucking play to Microsoft over the years for funding or co-developing, co-publishing or being instrumental in funding original titles, ideas or generally taking chances on new IP (Gears, Crackdown (1) Halo, Forza, Mistwalker games, wide array of fantastic XBLA titles) that either become huge commercial or critical successes. I applaud any manufacturer or publisher or backer who invests in new shit.

But idk, this shit, on this scale always feel so unearned, so skeevy, so cheap, like throwing money at problem until it corrects itself at the eleventh hour.

I really hope Microsoft didn't also weasel the PS4 date back to be in line with their (EU) launch date. Fuck that noise!


Probably because Sony bothered to release games in the past 4 years.

As they say, not how you start, it's how you finish.
But Microsoft has ALWAYS struggled in Sony's home territory. What makes you think the Xbox One will be any different? I have not seen any Japan-oriented games and all of the services the Xbox One is based around are targeting the US.

I don't really think Microsoft cares about Japan anymore. It's population base is much smaller than something like Europe or the US, so it's pretty clear with the FIFA pack in they are targeting European markets to gain marketshare rather than Asian.


I don't think anyone expected the PS3 to match the 360 in WW sales. The system costed twice as much, had a very barebones online infrastructure, and there were little to no compelling games to play for the first year or so.
Yeah but I guess the blu-ray was an appealing feature especially after the price drops. Sony might end up with more sales but I think MS has been by far more profitable this generation, due to the success of Kinect and Xbox Live.
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