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DC Rebirth |OT| It's not a reboot, and it always was [SPOILERS for Rebirth #1]

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First off, he still is. Secondly, doesnt DC discriminate by not allowing gay kisses/marriage? Sad!

They didn't allow a gay marriage because DC and comics in general hate marriages(and characters being content or happy for any extended time)
Spiderman & MJ
Superman & Lois
Batman & Catwoman(even when she was basically a full hero, they kept trying to drive a wedge between them.)
Speaking of the red hood is that him next to the flash? Or we don't know yet.

No idea who that is. Maybe Roy Harper since I don't see him mentioned anywhere else.
This is some a+ reference game you've got going here. Had go pull up the TvTropes page for that shit.

Yeah, true. I dunno.

Hmm, yeah, it's possible.

That general costume is a lot closer to the silhouette than Supergirl's though. If it is anything, I'd wager it's the JLA team. Especially with her flying with the Blue Angels up there.

Maybe it's PG's new costume, they got rid of boob window a while back. I could see 90's kon el being earth 2 Superman's son as well.

She's apparently from Titan Hunt. Can't recall her name quite this moment, I'm not reading it myself.

I'm guessing it's M'gann (Miss Martian), Lee & Didio mentioned her being part of the event after last year's SDCC.


Just noticed Baz is holding a gun in that promo piece.

Yeah check his origin story because it undoubtedly emboldens the far right....


Why are they relaunching titles again? Tell me how much about the following is wrong:

Marvel has a major event every 12 to 16 months.
DC relaunches/reboots every 12 to 18 months.

As a fan of Grayson I'm pissed. Grayson is soooo damn good. Why are they bringing back Nightwing and constraining Dick to superhero rules again? Dick Grayson minus the bat moral code is a great character. His bat allegiance is more of an anchor at this point. How would this work anyway since everyone knows his identity?

Super Sons looks dope.
I'm pumped for Teen Titans. About time someone let Damian be great and wreck shit on a team. This series has to include Damian's pet dog and bat.

Where's Tim Drake-Wayne?
Where's Cassandra Cain?
Disappointed there's no mention at all of the Question. Worst thing about the New 52 was negating Renee Montoya as the character after having a brilliant character arc into taking the role. I'd take Charlie or her at this rate.

Also Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is the worst title for a comic ever.


Yeah check his origin story because it undoubtedly emboldens the far right....


Why are they relaunching titles again? Tell me how much about the following is wrong:

Marvel has a major event every 12 to 16 months.
DC relaunches/reboots every 12 to 18 months.

As a fan of Grayson I'm pissed. Grayson is soooo damn good. Why are they bringing back Nightwing and constraining Dick to superhero rules again? Dick Grayson minus the bat moral code is a great character. His bat allegiance is more of an anchor at this point. How would this work anyway since everyone knows his identity?

Super Sons looks dope.
I'm pumped for Teen Titans. About time someone let Damian be great and wreck shit on a team. This series has to include Damian's pet dog and bat.

Where's Tim Drake-Wayne?
Where's Cassandra Cain?

Tim Drake and Cass are both in Detective Comics.
The costumes in that banner look like shit.

Yeah, Lee kinda screwed the pooch on a couple of those.

Like, check out what the Super-Suit is actually going to look like:


Why are they relaunching titles again? Tell me how much about the following is wrong:

Marvel has a major event every 12 to 16 months.
DC relaunches/reboots every 12 to 18 months.

As a fan of Grayson I'm pissed. Grayson is soooo damn good. Why are they bringing back Nightwing and constraining Dick to superhero rules again? Dick Grayson minus the bat moral code is a great character. His bat allegiance is more of an anchor at this point. How would this work anyway since everyone knows his identity?

Super Sons looks dope.
I'm pumped for Teen Titans. About time someone let Damian be great and wreck shit on a team. This series has to include Damian's pet dog and bat.

Where's Tim Drake-Wayne?
Where's Cassandra Cain?

Marvel relaunches more like every 6-12 months, fwiw :p

Grayson is pretty clearly wrapping up. Nothing wrong with letting a character arc conclude. And he's stuck to hero rules this whole time. Man keeps throwing his gun at people.

Not sure how/if they're going to do the identity thing, but they opened the door a couple of issues back for some global-scale Spyra memory alteringl shenanigans.

Tim Drake is on Detective. Ditto Cass. It's a Batfamily team book now.
I would have accepted Kyle and the GLC or even Hal Jordan is dead but here's the Green Lantern Corps. Last one is admittedly wordy but I'm sure they'd work something out.
I admit I find the idea of Hal being front and center boring and would prefer Kyle or Stewart myself. It just seems odd this book is going to be the Green Lantern centric with all member of the corps and yet has Hal's name plastered on it. The one called Green Lanterns focuses only on two members.


Yeah check his origin story because it undoubtedly emboldens the far right....


Why are they relaunching titles again? Tell me how much about the following is wrong:

Marvel has a major event every 12 to 16 months.
DC relaunches/reboots every 12 to 18 months.

As a fan of Grayson I'm pissed. Grayson is soooo damn good. Why are they bringing back Nightwing and constraining Dick to superhero rules again? Dick Grayson minus the bat moral code is a great character. His bat allegiance is more of an anchor at this point. How would this work anyway since everyone knows his identity?

Super Sons looks dope.
I'm pumped for Teen Titans. About time someone let Damian be great and wreck shit on a team. This series has to include Damian's pet dog and bat.

Where's Tim Drake-Wayne?
Where's Cassandra Cain?

I actually likes Bazes reasoning for carrying a gun. The rings seem unreliable enough to warrant carrying a back up.

No one actually cares about Tim Drake do they.


I admit I find the idea of Hal being front and center boring and would prefer Kyle or Stewart myself. It just seems odd this book is going to be the Green Lantern centric with all member of the corps and yet has Hal's name plastered on it. The one called Green Lanterns focuses only on two members.

Unless he's suddenly running the corps I think the name is pretty stupid as well. Honestly though I've been done with Hal since Blackest Night. Shame that they aren't capatilisng on the breadth of alien characters they could use or even create, it would certainly be interesting to get a character who isn't human front and centre. Maybe next relaunch we'll get something better and with a better writer even!

Was I the only one that remembered Baz uses a gun?

I wouldn't be surprised tbh

It's the only thing I remember about him. Dude might as well be a walking construct he's so lifeless.


These serialized superhero comic books are always so complicated.

OT question, but does DC publish any books with original IPs not related to any of these characters?

edit: forgot about their other labels like Vertigo so nevermind on that question, heh.


love on your sleeve
Robert Venditti will write Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, working with artists Ethan Van Sciver and Rafa Sandoval. Venditti said the story will show how Sinestro wins the war against the Green Lanterns and parks Warworld where Oa once was. John Stewart and Guy Gardner will also be in the book and "all the Lanterns."

I see no difference in terms of hidden ears from spandex strain.

Talking about the ears on her costume from when she was Batgirl. It just feels like it's missing something now. Kinda like how a lot of people felt about Tim's Red Robin costume before the reboot.

Even if they don't want two Batgirls running around, they could just call her Black Bat again!


In the press event after the live stream yesterday, they said they will have more major announcements at ECCC in a couple weeks. Wonder if that's when we'll get the Super Sons creative team and the writer for JLA (Hitch has said on Twitter multiple times he's still drawing it).


In the press event after the live stream yesterday, they said they will have more major announcements at ECCC in a couple weeks. Wonder if that's when we'll get the Super Sons creative team and the writer for JLA (Hitch has said on Twitter multiple times he's still drawing it).

Geoff Johns is not yet listed as a writer for any of the ongoings, is he? If not, I'd guess he'd be the JLA writer.


I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. After a pretty long hiatus I may finally be returning to Batman and DC in general.


No idea who that is. Maybe Roy Harper since I don't see him mentioned anywhere else.

Maybe it's PG's new costume, they got rid of boob window a while back. I could see 90's kon el being earth 2 Superman's son as well.

I'm guessing it's M'gann (Miss Martian), Lee & Didio mentioned her being part of the event after last year's SDCC.
Isnt that Roy Harper with the Titans. With his trucker hat.lol
I'm super excited for so many of these books. Several of the pitches from the creators on the panel made me go from an initial pass (from reading the solicits) to a pull, like Nuperman.

I was wondering why Tim was wearing his old Robin costume and then I noticed the RR symbol. I'm so confused.

Because every outfit he has ever had has been terrible besides the original Robin one. Yes, even and especially the pre-52 Red Robin one.
I will admit at first I didn't know what to think about the new 52. Then comes along Rebirth, and the jury is still out for me. A few points though:

  • I don't understand why, if they are bringing in pre-Flashpoint Lois and Clark (with a kid no less), and restoring Terry McGinnis as Batman Beyond, brought back Spoiler and Cassandra Cain as Batgirl, why in the hell they aren't touching / bringing back pre-Flashpoint Wally West (a.k.a. Best Wally). The entire idea of how they are 'fixing' the things people didn't like about the new 52 universe but won't fix that honestly bugs the ever loving crap out of me, especially considering that the Wally West the new 52 has wastes so much about Wally (this comment on r/DCcomics goes into the issues better than I ever could: Why the new Flash Run is bad) .
    All of this wouldn't bother me nearly as much if they had introduced the new black Flash (which I actually like, its putting DCs strength having a large number of mantles multiple characters can inherit to good use) as anyone else.

  • One of Marvel's biggest strengths now was (ironically) losing access to their big 90s franchises, and having to build up B and C Tier franchises to the big leagues. Rebirth does little to address the biggest problem I have with DC, which is that they continue to be the company of the 'Trinity and those other people'. Omega Men has been great, the Starfire solo series has been amazing, and I've honestly liked Grayson. Instead of continuing to make more titles like that which would help diversify their lineup, Starfire is canceled and rolling back into the Titans, Grayson is canceled and going back to Nightwing, and Omega Men is finishing its run and ending (and seemingly not being replaced with anything).
I'm not seeing a ton of things for me as to why, if I had stopped reading most DC comics (especially Flash), I should start now. But it will be interesting to see if their newest round of changes pans out (and which titles get canceled again). At least if they stick to their 2.99 pricing change, it will be more affordable to get titles I wouldn't have been interested in at all at a higher price point.

The Adder

Huh, they went with the old version of Aqualad. They must be wanting to appease older fans that got alienated by some character changes and didn't think the other version would be smart.

You can have Garth and Kaldur'ahm at the same time since, unlike Wally, they're two different people.


Holy shit, those creative teams.

King heading the Bat-Family now? Seeley on Nightwing? Rucka Wonder Woman? Jurgens Superman and Terry? Abnett on Aquaman? Manapul doing art for Trinity? Giffen on Blue Beetle?

Gonna drop a bunch of Marvel books I'm not in love with to try these out; I'm really excited for how great this all sounds.
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