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Democrat Debate 7 [CNN] But...the electorate refused to change

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Disappointed at lack of foreign policy questions.

Do you really think Hitler just went straight from normal dude to the guy that started the Holocaust? It's the rhetoric that keeps getting the two of them compared. To deny that both of them exploit the racial fears of their populace is to straight-up ignore reality.

I was being facetious.


Not gonna derail any further, but every country should have an army like Costa Rica.

Well, it's a little different when you are the superpower and committed to protecting the free democracies in the world. If it wasn't for the U.S. and our military the Ukraine would be under total Russian control.


Frankly, if you don't want to engage with the discuss another poster has started, then you can do that really simply by not responding. If you do want to answer, do so without resorting to name calling. It's pretty simple.

But back on topic.

yeah I hear you, sorry VendettaRed07, I got carried away, my bad.


I know it's annoying to many of you but religion/Christianity is still pretty relevant to tens and tens of millions of voters.
I have a dream that one day the religious beliefs, or lack thereof, of a person will not have any bearing on his or her qualification for head of state.





i've been begging for over 5 years.
This show looks pretty decent.

Going to be kinda weird watching it coming straight off my marathon of HOC


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Eh both candidates were meh but Hillary came out slightly on top I feel.



Quite frankly "Who do you pray to?" is an inappropriate question to ask anyone and we all know that both candidates would give the fluffliest non-answers to it.

It was a waste of everyone's time.
You don't think the answers to that question mattered to even a single voter?


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
CNN Original, Race for the White House, narrated by Kevin Spacey. More hyped about this than the debate !


Do you really think Hitler just went straight from normal dude to the guy that started the Holocaust? It's the rhetoric that keeps getting the two of them compared. To deny that both of them exploit the racial fears of their populace is to straight-up ignore reality.
His guards were killing political opponents before he got into office.
Religion doesn't belong in politics, and the fact that so many cast their votes because of it, is a bit of a farce.

Exactly. As a lifelong republican who had a decision to make if it's Trump vs. Clinton. I'll have a serious decision to make on whether to cross the isle and vote for Clinton over emperor Trump. It's silly to a lot of Gaf but her religion matters to me. And I think it'll be important to other republicans when considering her.
im thankful hillary looks to be getting the nomination at this point. bernie focuses on just a few issues and always spins the conversation back to them. he's completely eclipsed in foreign affair knowledge by her and seems lost when specific attributes of some issues are brought up. id be happy with either but i really think hillary is more qualified via knowledge plain and simple
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