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[DF] Hitman 3 PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Comparison

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No matter how many times you post this in this thread ... it’s still one area in the whole game. 🤷‍♂️

but if you need counseling I can get you some numbers. 🥺

exactly, what a weak attempt.

in fact, that seems like an unoptimised part of the code, the sudden drops happens when fast switch and zoom to sniper scope.

95% of the time, SX runs 4k at 60fps. Only during the modenza fields map it float between 55-60fps, nothing vrr cant assist.

The power of SX is beginning to lead 2021 as i always say. 🤷‍♀️



Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
In the words of Mark Cerny "pretty cool, right guys?"

4k vs 1800p :messenger_grimmacing_

Could you imagine this thread if it was the other way around?

The load times are very impressive, considering the huge difference between ssds. Applying the same logic sdf uses. XSX "wins" on that front as well right?

Now we're talking about waiting for patches for the Ps5. The irony after all the gloating when it was said XSX was said to need a patch.

No worries, im sure NX will cook up a whole video just using the part of the level where the xsx has some frame drops 😉

Do you or any rational person doubt for a moment that if those numbers were reversed the Sony Bros would all be celebrating a massive win over Series X? And praising DF instead of gearing up to start slandering them once again.

I seem to recall them also claiming victory in CP2077 even though Night City is lifeless and virtually empty on the PS5 compared to the Series X and even the Series S. Apparently it crashes frequently on the PS5 but not the XsX, but hey it runs a few fps higher in performance mode = massive win. 🤡🌎


The nicest person on this forum
World > Rise
I honestly love aesthetics and the mobility in Rise way more, when monster knocks you over, you can recover using Wire bug and if you have Hammer, in mid air while recovering you can use charge attack on the monster.

Edit: They also brought Khezu back which makes Rise automatically better than World.
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And thats a 100% okay. Threads like these are a good laugh but i dont think anyone is going to miss out buying either system. I hope by the end of the Gen everyone gets both systems and not miss out on the relative exclusives.
I kinda hope that Microsoft keeps bringing their titles to PC so I can spend that money on a better video card.


One of the green rats
TIL in this game you can only use the sniper in that one level.

Yeah, the res is better on XSX (tools!) But...what about those effects making XSX drop frames while they don't on PS5?


that field is full of objects with transparencies. XSX has to render those at 4K which is rendering around 40% more pixels than ps5. It’s more than likely just the gpu can’t handle all of that at 4K.
the devs opted that since the rest of the game runs at a constant 60 FPS that it was a good trade off for the one area.
Smooth 60 as all games should be enjoyed.
He's wrong though; there's some framerate drops on PS5 version too. Not in the same area though (it's a hallway segment).

I think there's too many wild inconsistencies to expect literal 100% locked framerates; even 60 FPS games on 2D powerhouses like SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Neo-Geo etc. had framerate dips very rarely here and there. Even "perfect" 60 FPS games in the "60 FPS Generation (6th gen)", had very small dips below 60.


Do you or any rational person doubt for a moment that if those numbers were reversed the Sony Bros would all be celebrating a massive win over Series X? And praising DF instead of gearing up to start slandering them once again.

I seem to recall them also claiming victory in CP2077 even though Night City is lifeless and virtually empty on the PS5 compared to the Series X and even the Series S. Apparently it crashes frequently on the PS5 but not the XsX, but hey it runs a few fps higher in performance mode = massive win. 🤡🌎

I wasn't aware CP2077 open world was empty on the Ps5. I guess there goes that narrative they spun there too .
Timdog's alter ego
He's not wrong though is he? Well apart from maybe one or two things.

Bluepoint vs Cyberpunk: One has a track record of delivering consistent results, the other has not.
Dualsense VS Xbox Controller: It's all subjective.
The Last Of Us 2 really does have crazy detailed weapons.
Hitman 3 does run consistently better than Series X but at a lower resolution as we all know.

The PS5, Xbox gif is a bit cringe and not sure about that claim that Codemasters downgraded anything for PS5.


the first of many

you cant mess with billions dollars corp like MS.

if they wants the most power at the most price competitive, they gets it.

physics is physics, money is money.

thank god the 'cerny magic asmr' meme is shortlived, shorter than i expect.

Out with the cringe, back to reality. 🤷‍♀️

Hopefully FUD'ers like geordiemp geordiemp takes the humble crow and stop with his server nonsense.


I think it was in the DF comparisons they mentioned it and also had screenshots showing the difference in assets.

I haven't been on here much lately. So I must have missed it. Funny that was not a big deal but I forgot what game faceoff they were laughing over some grass missing on the xsx version.
In the words of Mark Cerny "pretty cool, right guys?"

4k vs 1800p :messenger_grimmacing_

Could you imagine this thread if it was the other way around?

The load times are very impressive, considering the huge difference between ssds. Applying the same logic sdf uses. XSX "wins" on that front as well right?

Now we're talking about waiting for patches for the Ps5. The irony after all the gloating when it was said XSX was said to need a patch.

No worries, im sure NX will cook up a whole video just using the part of the level where the xsx has some frame drops 😉

TBF, that's 1800 as in 3200 x 1800, and 4K as in 3840 x 2160. 44% difference, basically, which matches the CU difference.

Meaning this game is likely saturating the full CU spread of the SX GPU IF we assumed it were running at the highest clock on PS5's GPU, which maybe it is. I dunno.


TBF, that's 1800 as in 3200 x 1800, and 4K as in 3840 x 2160. 44% difference, basically, which matches the CU difference.

Meaning this game is likely saturating the full CU spread of the SX GPU IF we assumed it were running at the highest clock on PS5's GPU, which maybe it is. I dunno.

Bu bu bu but Mark Cerny said it runs at 2.23ghz "most of the time".... all the time. So taking his word on it would mean it could only be a bigger gap rather than smaller.

Or was Mark Cerny lying? Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Gold Member
So happy all of you are here arguing about graphics for a game you don't intend to buy. (The OT is tiny compared to this thread, come on guys).


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
Looks like they should have lowered the resolution on XSX to rectify those FPS drops. Maybe just don’t use the sniper rifle?

The fact that PS5 doesn’t have any FPS drops at all indicates that they could have pushed higher.

In any case, great showing by the PS5.


Get used to it
Because it's not a real performance advantage, if the Series X only drops frames in one area of game... which could be the result of glitch or some other hitch and is not indicative of performanc. DF points things out like this so devs can fix it.
This. The Frame lock will be patched before a res upgrade, I guarantee it


Looks like they should have lowered the resolution on XSX to rectify those FPS drops. Maybe just don’t use the sniper rifle?

The fact that PS5 doesn’t have any FPS drops at all indicates that they could have pushed higher.

In any case, great showing by the PS5.
One could argue that the ps5 version is locked at 1800 because. ...frames would drop if devs target higher?


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
Yes, massive win for SX.
It renders a constant 44% more pixels and shadows.
fps may float between 50-60fps, which is at worst, a 17% deficit.
The SSD is nearly a tie.
As i was saying, the jump from HDD->SSD is so massive, it overshadows the ps5 ssd numbers vs SX ssd numbers.

Imo ps5 will not hold constant 60fps either, surely there are scenes where fps will dip.
Probably large crowds and explosions, it is hard for DF to catch them all unless they play through 100%.

When SX wins, the power advantage gives it quite a lead, it seems. 🤷‍♀️
So in this fantasy where the PS5 resolution dips, how much worse is the XSX in the same scenario?
Bu bu bu but Mark Cerny said it runs at 2.23ghz "most of the time".... all the time. So taking his word on it would mean it could only be a bigger gap rather than smaller.

Or was Mark Cerny lying? Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Hmm, 'ya know it could be running at the peak GPU clock for the most part but maybe having some of the percentage drops he spoke about at Road to PS5. And even if it could be running at or near the peak clocks, doesn't necessarily mean it's optimized for the system; he did also say that in some cases game code would need to be adjusted for optimized performance on the system and to avoid those GPU frequency drops given as examples back in March.

All in all though it's still perfectly playable on both systems and this isn't a competitive-driven game, so things like (very slight) framerate drops or one having lower resolution than the other doesn't hurt the experience.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
One could argue that the ps5 version is locked at 1800 because. ...frames would drop if devs target higher?
Is that 1801p?

Given that DF didn’t see any drops at all on PS5 it’s safe to say it could have been pushed somewhat higher than 1800p.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a believer in FPS over resolution, especially at resolutions that high.


How’s the VR performance on the Xbox?!?....🤪

yoinks! I’m outta here!

Jokes aside, resolution over framerate is not a choice id be personally making. I win!
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Neo Member
I’m not gonna lie it’s gonna be real funny when two things happens and people realize. 1. The ps5 has a vr version therefore it’s required to use 1800p and that’s why that’s the case for every game that has VR they run at either 1800p or less. 2.digital shill foundry won’t report on the Xbox running immortal fenyx rising in dynamic 4K mode while the ps5 runs it in native 4K mode. Funny how they still haven’t made a video on that don’t you guys think?

They plaster the Xbox running better for this video yet haven’t been done immortal fenyx rising yet. Pretty obvious where the bias and shilling is. PlayStation fans don’t need to worry we all know what’s gonna happen the next game where the ps5 is running better. It’s gonna be a “bug” or wait for tools again.

that’s all I came here to say just a good for thought it’s gonna be hilarious when it all happens and I’m gonna be on the resetera thread laughing at all the Xbox fans who were saying the tools weren’t a lie.

see you guys on the next comparison it’s gonna be hilarious don’t miss it 🤣
Wow some serious Coping Cringe going on this page:

Looks like they should have lowered the resolution on XSX to rectify those FPS drops. Maybe just don’t use the sniper rifle?

The fact that PS5 doesn’t have any FPS drops at all indicates that they could have pushed higher.

In any case, great showing by the PS5.

People have already pointed out a hallway segment where it has some dips on PS5. Hardly any game will literally always run at 60 fps no matter what. Dips happen.

How’s the VR performance on the Xbox?!?....🤪

yoinks! I’m outta here!

Jokes aside, resolution over framerate is not a choice id be personally making. I win!

I’m not gonna lie it’s gonna be real funny when two things happens and people realize. 1. The ps5 has a vr version therefore it’s required to use 1800p and that’s why that’s the case for every game that has VR they run at either 1800p or less. 2.digital shill foundry won’t report on the Xbox running immortal fenyx rising in dynamic 4K mode while the ps5 runs it in native 4K mode. Funny how they still haven’t made a video on that don’t you guys think?

Can you provide some receipts for the resolution difference between XsX and PS5 for Fenyx Rising? Are you just making this up too? What are the specifics?

PS5 doesn't have native VR. To play Hitman 3 in VR on PS5, you have to download the PS4 version separately and play it in BC. So I have no fucking clue what point either of you are trying to make, or what you are trying to joke about (maybe it just wasn't funny? Yoinks! So clever!) but I just dropped a metric shit ton of truth on both of you. Cope Accordingly.

Trying to blame this on a PS4 VR mode that has nothing to do with the PS5 is fucking stupid. Hilarious desperation goal post shift attempt though.

Yoinks! I'm outta here!

VRR aint helping much with 60-40fps.

That's exactly what is designed to help with, I think?


I got a little salty here, and I apologize, but thread after thread the hypocrisy gets a little annoying. Every single time ANYTHING goes MS' way, whether it is a studio acquisition, a Game Pass addition, or a head to head analysis win, the same people try to hyper-spin the truth into some bullshit excuse for Sony or the PS5. Knock that shit off. XsX will win some, PS5 will win some. It's okay
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Given that DF didn’t see any drops at all on PS5 it’s safe to say it could have been pushed somewhat higher than 1800p.

If it could've, they wouldn't of used medium shadows for PS5, considering it's a resource hog.

I’m not gonna lie it’s gonna be real funny when two things happens and people realize. 1. The ps5 has a vr version therefore it’s required to use 1800p and that’s why that’s the case for every game that has VR they run at either 1800p or less. 2.digital shill foundry won’t report on the Xbox running immortal fenyx rising in dynamic 4K mode while the ps5 runs it in native 4K mode. Funny how they still haven’t made a video on that don’t you guys think?

They plaster the Xbox running better for this video yet haven’t been done immortal fenyx rising yet. Pretty obvious where the bias and shilling is. PlayStation fans don’t need to worry we all know what’s gonna happen the next game where the ps5 is running better. It’s gonna be a “bug” or wait for tools again.

that’s all I came here to say just a good for thought it’s gonna be hilarious when it all happens and I’m gonna be on the resetera thread laughing at all the Xbox fans who were saying the tools weren’t a lie.

see you guys on the next comparison it’s gonna be hilarious don’t miss it 🤣

Wonder who's alt this is 😂
Finally got around to watching the video. I have to give the nod to the XSX personally based on most of the game being 60 fps and 4k with better shadow quality. Based on the benchmarks it does seem the PS5 should be able to run this better but w/e. I dont think the chest bumping ive read these last 12 pages is warranted though. There are real drops on the XSX, basically the entire field level and every time you fire a sinper rifle. Either way congrats Xbros you got one!


Neo Member
Wow some serious Coping Cringe going on this page:

People have already pointed out a hallway segment where it has some dips on PS5. Hardly any game will literally always run at 60 fps no matter what. Dips happen.

Can you provide some receipts for the resolution difference between XsX and PS5 for Fenyx Rising? Are you just making this up too? What are the specifics?

PS5 doesn't have native VR. To play Hitman 3 in VR on PS5, you have to download the PS4 version separately and play it in BC. So I have no fucking clue what point either of you are trying to make, or what you are trying to joke about (maybe it just wasn't funny? Yoinks! So clever!) but I just dropped a metric shit ton of truth on both of you. Cope Accordingly.

Trying to blame this on a PS4 VR mode that has nothing to do with the PS5 is fucking stupid.

Yoinks! I'm outta here!

That's exactly what is designed to help with, I think?
Bud look up immortal fenyx rising comparisons . The ps5 has a next gen our grade obviously but it’s hindered by VR it’s a constant trend in games that have Vr support and next gen upgrades

Go to the comments Xbox is dynamic ps5 is native. You wouldn’t see that on shilling foundry’s channel
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