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Digital Foundry Performance Analysis: Fallout 4



Not sure how the fuck a game can score so high with bullshit like this. Wtf reviewers?????

Because people don't notice, or just consider it a one off instance / not enough to be something catastrophic?


Fuck this has made me so depressed. My copy should be arriving today.
I dont know whether to send it back for a refund. Or keep it and hope for patches.
Framerate problems give me a headache when playing.


Surely that can't be true for all outlets though, right? I mean, an Xbox site / magazine would surely cover the Xbox version........... I suppose that's why I'm not seeing Xbox review sites in the OP then

Eurogamer's review was based off the xb1 version


Y'all are overestimating how much the minor dips for the PS4 version factor into an experience for many people and even how much the stuttering on Xbox affects some people's perceptions. We've loved Bethesda games always despite their tech. Not everyone is sensitive to it, as we know from similar releases in the past.


Wait what, I'm not seeing the parity in any version.

The performance difference it's not what it should be between Xbone and PS4 considering both consoles are running on the same settings. It's obvious this was an Xbone first developed game.


Wow looking at the reviews thread and this thread is a striking difference
Another reason to ignore these reviews journalists they know fuckin nothing


I've seen that be the case so many times now it's looking like a trend.

Of course its a trend the i3 CPU runs laps around the CPU in console, this shouldn't surprise anyone. It will always be the case, but for some odd reason people make the comparison.

Not sure how the fuck a game can score so high with bullshit like this. Wtf reviewers?????

I mean, shit, not that you're not right (shit like that is the bane of my existence), but do you think that it's right for people to consider it a free pass for Bethesda when reviews purportedly enjoyed the game enough to rate them highly for their other aspects, despite these flaws? I could go one way or another there, because I'm totally familiar with the feeling of buying a highly rated Bethesda game only to eventually find out that it's got less going for it than I would have liked.


How is the PS4 dropping frames when nothing is happening?
Whatever engine they are using is a mess.

MGS5 ran at constant 60fps for fuck sake.
Give me a 900p downgrade with more stable 30fps and no 0fps drops and I'll be okay with it.

I think it has nothing to do with resolution. When it drops to 0 it must be because the engine is loading something and all the operations are stopped until the section is loaded.


Good to see a game that hits zero frames per second getting high reviews!

Maybe it's just so much fun? /jk

Probably not gonna get the game tomorrow. Don't feel like wasting money on such a crappy job. Maybe in a few months if they get around to iron out the flaws.
Cant decide if i want to cancel my preorder or not. Wish DF would have released results with external drives at the same time.

With hitching so severe on the X1, really curious to see what an external drive would do. However, I don't necessarily want to be that guinea pig.


The 750 ti is such a beast for a lower end GPU that I've seen for <$100 multiple times.

If you have an older PC then I would recommend just picking one up as it frequently runs multiplatform games better than the PS4. Even if you are worried about an older CPU, the industry has essentially stagnated since 2010 in that regard and the PS4/XBO aren't pushing the envelope.
Yeah I built my little cousins PC with that GPU since he was on a budget. That thing handles anything I throw at it at high settings and 1080p30.
I do? I think there's an almost perfect correlation between me posting a lot in Digital Foundry threads (because tech interests me) and the fact that PS4 has the best versions in almost all multiplats this generation.
But you always seem to ignore the PC version in all these DF threads you post in and call PS4 the winner. Interesting.
Par for the course with Bethesda. Their output has never shown much care for performance or stability, especially on consoles. Not a great looking game either, just GameBryo / Creation bs.

For those saying they need to fix it, they don't. It will sell well. People will still say their next game won't suffer the same problems. It likely will, and it will sell well, too. Rinse, repeat. They have no incentive to change.

And definitely echo the 750 ti love. I don't use it but it's my go-to when constructing on a budget for a friend or family member. Great price/performance ratio.
What's wrong with 0 FPS?
I went to an art gallery this weekend and all of the art was presented at 0 FPS.

Are you not cultured, gaf?


Buying this for Xbox One because I don't care, but that's a bummer, hopefully they patch the serious glaring issues, otherwise drops from 30 FPS to 20s at momentary spots don't irk me much.
No big shockers here, but it is a bit funny because of all the people who seemed so positive that Bethesda would have dropped the ball on PS performance.

Seems like both versions need some patching, but in general it seems like they start off in a decent place performance-wise.
So a Bethesda game runs like shit on both consoles and is fine on PC. I'm shocked. Zero FPS is a new low though. People were really gloating over sub-30 FPS advantages of one console over another on the first page? Fuck. My gaming laptop is getting kind of old. I wonder if I should get this for PS4, which it would probably look better on, or my PC, which it would perform better on. I need to build a new PC asap.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
So xbox hitches when traveling and lower fps in cities, ps4 bogs down in fire fights. No deal breaker for me on either console but I'll get Xbox cause I prefer the controller lol.


I'm more upset with that LOD shown in the vid. Shit was popping in 15 feet in front of you.

Fix your shit, Bethesda.


Gold Member
So they patched it and now the V.A.T.S won't slow time... but will freeze it... ONLY ON XBOX ONE
Glad to hear that the PC performance is good, have my copy pre-loaded and ready to go.

The X1 version, woof...though I suspect there is some sort of bug that is causing this so hopefully Bethesda says something about it soon.
Yeah it kinda baffles me, especially with reviews like the Polygon one where they give 9.5 to all the 3 versions

Hell if i was stucked with a game that has console performances like this one i'd be pretty pissed

Remember Polygons game review policy, they were going to score games differently based on performance? That was why they have scores for different platforms...At launch, they scored Call Of Duty Ghosts on PS4 lower than the Xbox One version because the PS4 had a less stable framerate...

What ever happened to that policy??


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
How is the PS4 dropping frames when nothing is happening?
Whatever engine they are using is a mess.

MGS5 ran at constant 60fps for fuck sake.

people really need to stop using this argument. MGSV doesnt have half the shit most open world games have. MGSV is bare as fuck compared to witcher and fallout
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