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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

Jesus fuck, these classic maps are some bullshit. They should add even more soldiers and pinky demons to every room. Got to the final room of Phobos Labs only to be annihilated by 4 pinkies and no less than a dozen soldiers. It's getting to the point where they just aren't fun. They didn't even try to balance it.

Luckily the main game is fantastic. Just beat level 8. Playing on Ultra Violence. Been finding all the secrets and everything in every level. Difficulty is pretty comfortable. maybe even a little easier than I'd like (except for those unfair classic maps).

Yeah, the classic maps are terrible gameplay-wise. They should've changed the enemies' health, damage, etc. to be more like in the original Doom instead of just throwing in Doom 2016's enemies and calling it a day.
Just finished on Ultra Nightmare... disappointed to find out that mission select remains closed even after completing the game. Was hoping to go back and work on a 100% UN file.


I ran into this yesterday in level 7. A lot of missing sounds. No footsteps, jump noises, etc. Gun shots worked though. It didn't last long though. I think it fixed itself after I died.

Had some weird mapping issues in Kadinger Sanctum too. Parts of my map weren't filling out when I walked there, and my cursor was too high and to the right of where I actually was. Had a few Lost Souls get frozen into place and say textures disappear a few times too. Just a buggy load in of the level i guess.

Dying didn't fix it. Oh well almost at the end of the level, I hope it doesn't continue.

Edit: Fixed it. I had to completely shut the Xbox all the way off, not just standby. Then I rebooted the whole thing and went in to the game and everything was fixed.


Guys and gals - I freaking suck at this game. The last three levels I've played (
the first hell mission, argent tower destroyed, and whatever the one after that is called
), I've died a combined total of AT LEAST fifty times. With the ungodly load times on XB1, this game has gone from "Woo, this rules!" to a string of expletives every time I play.

I'm only on Hurt Me Plenty, too! Granted, I rarely play FPS games, so this definitely is out of my normal forte, but still. DOOM Marine is so fragile, these midgame maps are throwing so many enemy types at you at once (each with different attacks you have to constantly juggle in your mind while trying to outrun them while getting a few side shots in), and not every area has enough room to properly maneuver these types of onslaughts (I'm looking at you, room where Pinky is first introduced).

I'm not outright faulting the game for any of this since it's my own skill level at fault, but with such limited free time, dying so often has really tanked my enjoyment. The environments also haven't stopped being red for more than like half of one single mission. Contrast that with the original DOOM (which I played for the first time in the leadup to me trying out this one), and that factor is extra disappointing. The original DOOM is really vibrant with a lot of nice colors that still fit the hell and mars motif - it would have been great if that had been an art decision for this one.

Oh well - still really like the lore and premise and general vibe enough to keep going through to the end. Though I'm sure I'll get destroyed on the last couple of levels if the difficulty keeps ramping the way it has been.


Guys and gals - I freaking suck at this game. The last three levels I've played (
the first hell mission, argent tower destroyed, and whatever the one after that is called
), I've died a combined total of AT LEAST fifty times. With the ungodly load times on XB1, this game has gone from "Woo, this rules!" to a string of expletives every time I play.

I'm only on Hurt Me Plenty, too! Granted, I rarely play FPS games, so this definitely is out of my normal forte, but still. DOOM Marine is so fragile, these midgame maps are throwing so many enemy types at you at once (each with different attacks you have to constantly juggle in your mind while trying to outrun them while getting a few side shots in), and not every area has enough room to properly maneuver these types of onslaughts (I'm looking at you, room where Pinky is first introduced).

I'm not outright faulting the game for any of this since it's my own skill level at fault, but with such limited free time, dying so often has really tanked my enjoyment. The environments also haven't stopped being red for more than like half of one single mission. Contrast that with the original DOOM (which I played for the first time in the leadup to me trying out this one), and that factor is extra disappointing. The original DOOM is really vibrant with a lot of nice colors that still fit the hell and mars motif - it would have been great if that had been an art decision for this one.

Oh well - still really like the lore and premise and general vibe enough to keep going through to the end. Though I'm sure I'll get destroyed on the last couple of levels if the difficulty keeps ramping the way it has been.

Lower the difficulty.
I'm only on Hurt Me Plenty, too! Granted, I rarely play FPS games, so this definitely is out of my normal forte, but still. DOOM Marine is so fragile, these midgame maps are throwing so many enemy types at you at once (each with different attacks you have to constantly juggle in your mind while trying to outrun them while getting a few side shots in), and not every area has enough room to properly maneuver these types of onslaughts (I'm looking at you, room where Pinky is first introduced).

There's your problem! DOOM is pretty difficult for a modern FPS. I'd go as far as to say it's the most difficult big-budget shooter to be released in the past decade since your health never regenerates and you're juggling a large arsenal while fighting a wide variety of highly aggressive enemies. Since you're dying so often, you really need to lower the difficulty as lxion suggested above. Start small and work your way up. Thankfully, one of the great things about this game is that you can change the difficulty on the fly (via the Options menu) without having to start a whole new campaign.


fun, totally doable platinum.

Very good game for completionists and "let's just fuck shit up" players alike


It's especially great with difficulty related and multiplayer trophies.
Making you only do like ... ~3 multiplayer matches and the first mission in ultra-hard makes you give those game modes an honest try, without forcing you to grind hours of content you're not enjoying (if you're platinum hungry)

i didn't find it particularly hard on normal difficulty though. The only times i died were when going for some awkward weapon masteries or challenges that hurt the flow of the otherwise smooth combat.
"oh, there's a summoner, better use my rocket launcher" - "oh, there's a bunch of enemies, let's try lining them up and shooting them with the railgun gauss cannon
This is the only game I ever actually tried to Platinum, I got almost all the SP trophies just running through the game, I was enjoying it so much.

I now have all of them except the Ultra Nightmare one.

Fuck Ultra Nightmare. I can't do it.


This is the only game I ever actually tried to Platinum, I got almost all the SP trophies just running through the game, I was enjoying it so much.

I now have all of them except the Ultra Nightmare one.

Fuck Ultra Nightmare. I can't do it.

it's only the first level with maybe 3 or 4 arenas, it will work sooner or later.


I'm just constantly dying in the first fight

on what difficulty did you finish the game?
nightmare is a bit harder, especially in the beginning, actually, you definitely need to learn to avoid some instant death attacks of the enemies. I finished the game on nightmare but it still took me like ten tries to get the achievement for ultra nightmare.
on what difficulty did you finish the game?
nightmare is a bit harder, especially in the beginning, actually, you definitely need to learn to avoid some instant death attacks of the enemies. I finished the game on nightmare but it still took me like ten tries to get the achievement for ultra nightmare.

Medium, I forget the Doom name. Yeah, I'm having so much trouble dodging attacks


Finally finished this last night. That last boss was pretty tough at first (playing on Ultra Violence) but I thoroughly enjoyed every second of my playthrough.

Going to try and get all of the secrets now, then play through on Nightmare. I rarely, if ever, replay games but Doom is truly special.

Definitely my GOTY so far.
Just beat the game, such a brilliant experience and my goty so far!

Is there anyway to practice certain battles? I'd really like to do ultra nightmare run after i practice some encounters!
Finally started this yesterday. Just got the double jump.

Game's pretty good.

My only complaint, aside from the load times being a little too long for the pace of this kind of game, is that the pistol is traaaaash. Does it ever get better? Bad pistols hurt my soul.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Finally started this yesterday. Just got the double jump.

Game's pretty good.

My only complaint, aside from the load times being a little too long for the pace of this kind of game, is that the pistol is traaaaash. Does it ever get better? Bad pistols hurt my soul.

A well placed charge shot can instantly stagger most non huge enemies, even from full health. It's still pretty useless though.
I can't get into this game.

I love Doom, even 3 I thought was great but ugh this game is just not clicking.

Ive just got the chainsaw, so I am early on, but its poor pistol that really bugs me as its that or the shotgun.

Is there any chance to miss weapons?

Mr. Sam

Finally started this yesterday. Just got the double jump.

Game's pretty good.

My only complaint, aside from the load times being a little too long for the pace of this kind of game, is that the pistol is traaaaash. Does it ever get better? Bad pistols hurt my soul.

The pistol is meant to be trash, it's a design choice, which is why you have infinite ammo. You're only meant to use it on absolute scrubs or if you're literally out of ammunition for every other weapon.


The pistol is meant to be trash, it's a design choice, which is why you have infinite ammo. You're only meant to use it on absolute scrubs or if you're literally out of ammunition for every other weapon.

it's ok to be weak, but it's really no fun, same goes for the first shotgun
easily my biggest problem with this game, the first 2 weapons are no fun
The pistol is meant to be trash, it's a design choice, which is why you have infinite ammo. You're only meant to use it on absolute scrubs or if you're literally out of ammunition for every other weapon.

Yeah I get it... but no. Give me a super revolver that rips and tears.


How is it possible that MP is completely dead?

I am not able to find any games, or even a single player, in any of the modes available. This is on Xbone.


How is it possible that MP is completely dead?

I am not able to find any games, or even a single player, in any of the modes available. This is on Xbone.

I wonder if it's really dead or if there's just server/matchmaking issues. After all, the main issue with the beta was that people couldn't find matches at certain times.


I can't get into this game.

I love Doom, even 3 I thought was great but ugh this game is just not clicking.

Ive just got the chainsaw, so I am early on, but its poor pistol that really bugs me as its that or the shotgun.

Is there any chance to miss weapons?

Sometimes you can get weapons "early" in secret spots but most of the time they make it plainly obvious and unmissable, similar to the chainsaw. Hang in there, you should be getting the Assault Rifle (the missle alt fire is amazing) and the Plasma Rifle pretty soon iirc. Everything ramps up pretty quickly after that.


Downloaded the ps4 demo just to see how it runs and I'm surprised it runs much better than what my laptop can manage. What's with the left stick deadzone though? I can't be the only one irritated by it. It's like 90% is dedicated to walking, then moving past that immediately shifts to sprinting.


What is the name/code for the good RPG? There's like 90 in the search.

Sorry for the lateness


The maker of the map is awesome. I would say to avoid the +3 difficulty button haha. I have played this map for about as long as the campaign, it's really good. Pretty damn difficult and requires a bunch of learning.

All other SnapMaps seem to be very easy and straightforward in comparison.


Was going to get this regardless, but man is the demo good. Does anyone know if when you buy the game on steam, the demo progress carries over?


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
it's ok to be weak, but it's really no fun, same goes for the first shotgun
easily my biggest problem with this game, the first 2 weapons are no fun

Naw. The first shotgun is fantastic, even through to the end of the game. Triple shot and the grenade mod are both very powerful and consume way less ammo than the double barrel. It was my most used weapon by far. Found myself switching between it and the rocket launcher (with triple homing rockets) mod a lot.

Just finished the game on Ultra Violence with 100% completion. 17 extra upgrade points is kinda odd. Ran through the first level on Ultra Nightmare for the trophy and did the Snap Map tutorials and submition trophies too. All I gotta do now is play 5 Snap Maps and the 2 multiplayer trophies.


Sorry for the lateness


The maker of the map is awesome. I would say to avoid the +3 difficulty button haha. I have played this map for about as long as the campaign, it's really good. Pretty damn difficult and requires a bunch of learning.

All other SnapMaps seem to be very easy and straightforward in comparison.

Thanks I'll give it a crack.

So I found out earlier today that one of the boys wanted to start a new game of Doom and deleted their old save, except it was my save that was 100% complete. Oddly enough I'm not even mad, I'm kind of into the idea of playing through again. Might even try Nightmare this time but I have a feeling it may be too much.


Awesome game. Towards the end it gets a bit repetative due to sameish environments (especially in Hell) and inherent lack of new enemy types.

Completed the game in Ultra-Violence (Only exception being Rich Get Richer rune, which is completely bollocks) and for me it was pretty much perfect. I have a feeling that on Nightmare I would've been too careful on how I approach combat situations, which in turn doesn't really suit the flow of the game.

Hopefully we'll see SP DLC.


Naw. The first shotgun is fantastic, even through to the end of the game. Triple shot and the grenade mod are both very powerful and consume way less ammo than the double barrel. It was my most used weapon by far.

again, not talking about strength here, it's about how fun they are to use and in doom that means how they sound and feel, and the standard gun and shotgun just feel lame to me.
the super shotgun was not perfect either, it just does not sound and feel as awesome as the classic doom suprshotgun, but it's much better than the standard one. I'd say the supershotgun was by far my most used weapon in the game, it's satisfying against every single enemy.


again, not talking about strength here, it's about how fun they are to use and in doom that means how they sound and feel, and the standard gun and shotgun just feel lame to me.

I guess it's just down to preference, because I think the Combat Shotgun has a nice, deep, meaty sound to it, as well as some recoil to make it feel powerful. The enemies also react to shotgun blasts appropriately. The problem is that a standard blast from the Combat Shotgun just isn't very powerful unless you're blasting zombies, or maybe Imps up close. I think it could have used a slight damage increase.

As for the pistol, I hardly ever used it to be honest. I only used it to headshot zombies to save ammo, which was actually pretty satisfying.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
again, not talking about strength here, it's about how fun they are to use and in doom that means how they sound and feel, and the standard gun and shotgun just feel lame to me.
the super shotgun was not perfect either, it just does not sound and feel as awesome as the classic doom suprshotgun, but it's much better than the standard one. I'd say the supershotgun was by far my most used weapon in the game, it's satisfying against every single enemy.

The triple shot feels sooo satisfying though. Different strokes I guess.


Really want to get this game digitally and found this website:


Are these digital version legit? Anyone ever done this before?

I realize I need to load a new account on my xbox, but after that the game loads then you can delete the old account, or so they say.

$32 for digital version seems too good to pass up.

Please don't do this. Afaik they are just selling profiles that bought the game from cheaper currency.


Please don't do this. Afaik they are just selling profiles that bought the game from cheaper currency.

Ya, did a little more research and it doesn't seem right at all. Ill just wait for a discount, but I am having quite a bit of fun trying to pass the first level on Nightmare difficulty for now (demo).
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