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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

After working smooth as silk and being awesome for the two weeks I've had the game, since yesterday it hangs on loading profile forever. Music still plays and the title background still animates but it just says loading profile and never actually loads and let's me play. Even quitting the game and restarting my XBone doesn't help. Every other game and app work fine.

Anyone else have this issue? Any fix?!


Beat the game on PS4 this evening. Game of the generation for me so far. Brilliant gameplay and an awesome campaign. I don't know how I'll go back to other shooters now.

Loved the
glory kill on the last boss, Hayden's final monologue, and the credits. Grinning the entire time.
My copy arrived a couple days ago and I've been having a blast with it!
It's so great how fast it is, and refreshing to have these big, non-linear levels. Love the hidden level rooms, and the little riff that plays when you find one of the mini Doom Guy figurines. And, man, just the soundtrack and sound design in general is excellent!

I noticed it went back up to $60 on Amazon, so I'm glad I bought it while it was on sale. I got it on PS4, but I could see myself doubledipping on PC for cheap down the line.

Really appreciate the spreading of the good word on GAF, I would have passed it up, otherwise! Sold me on Wolfenstein, too!


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Just got the Platinum Trophy, Great game. Feels like it was over too soon even though I also felt it was a long campaign. Hope we get some single player DLC that continues where this left off, or maybe a prequel that acts as a remake of the original Doom/Doom II. I wanna fight the Titan and the Icon of Sin.


Just got the Platinum Trophy, Great game. Feels like it was over too soon even though I also felt it was a long campaign. Hope we get some single player DLC that continues where this left off, or maybe a prequel that acts as a remake of the original Doom/Doom II. I wanna fight the Titan and the Icon of Sin.

Did you come across any bugs for "What else ya got?" trophy I have completed the game & all the challenges, but for some reason the Challenge "Time well spent" does not show as completed I have played the level twice now its the only thing stopping me from getting my Platinum.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Did you come across any bugs for "What else ya got?" trophy I have completed the game & all the challenges, but for some reason the Challenge "Time well spent" does not show as completed I have played the level twice now its the only thing stopping me from getting my Platinum.

Mine popped immediately when I killed those 2 Barons with a single BFG shot in the last level, which was my final challenge. The Time Well Spent challenge completed for me immediately upon exiting from that Demon Bejeweled computer game in Olivia's office. Didn't have any problems with it.


Mine popped immediately when I killed those 2 Barons with a single BFG shot in the last level, which was my final challenge. The Time Well Spent challenge completed for me immediately upon exiting from that Demon Bejeweled computer game in Olivia's office. Didn't have any problems with it.

I did some googling and it seems to be bug other people have the same issues, "Time well spent" popped up as soon as i finished the mini game but has not registered :(


Finally got this game! I'm totally loving it, except for glory kills. The animations and the pause that comes with them really kills the pacing for me. Are they necessary at all? It seems like I get health more frequently when I do them?


I got over the glory kills thing. I only use them occasionally, and they're not so bad anyways. I'm on the fourth (?) level and holy shit, I'm having so much fun with the plasma rifle and it's overcharged wave blast thing. Such a cool secondary use.

I can't say I'm loving the game yet, but I do like it. I think I need to play when I'm less tired. I'm playing on the third hardest difficulty and I already can't wait to hone my skill and try the harder ones. 😎
I've heard the Giant Bomb crew gushing about this game on various podcasts and videos, and the game is on sale right now, so I bought it. Played the first three levels so far and it's really good. Strong opening for sure. I love the fact that you don't need to reload, you run fast as fuck and the chainsaw kills giving you additional ammo is a really cool idea.

edit: Just finished the Foundry level. If I wasn't sold on this game before, I am now. So good.
hey there :)



Just finished the campaign. It's really solid. The way it has you learn how to fight demons in increasingly larger groups and combinations, and you get this flow where you're strafing projectiles and using the demons attack and movement patterns against them.

It had a bit too much going on terms of combat options - the grenades could probably do with being weapon mods instead, or a grenade launcher weapon with those grenade types - I just found myself not using them near the end. The platforming can be naff at times. And the upgrade system is too disparate for my liking. And the load times (on Xbox One) could do with being half as long - they aren't terrible, but in a fast-paced game that kill the momentum of dying and retrying.

But overall it's great. You couldn't ask for much more from a DOOM single-player.
I've savored the campaign as long as I could, but I finally beat it last night. Truly phenomenal game. The final few levels were the most fun I've had in a game in a long time.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
For some reason, I am playing on multiplayer and out of nowhere I get locked at the Loudout, Setting and Exit Game screen.

I can't do anything but exiting the game. What the hell is that?


Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to put restart mission and restart checkpoint right next to each other? Hour of progress lost and now I don't feel like touching this game for another year.
Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to put restart mission and restart checkpoint right next to each other? Hour of progress lost and now I don't feel like touching this game for another year.
Bro it's not a super long WRPG, and you play DOOM for the gameplay.


The multiplayer...

it isn't shit, but everything I enjoy about it comes from the campaign, but there's less to enjoy overall.

The aesthetic of the maps are nice. Being a demon is cool. Movement and shooting are solid. And... that's it. I guess I don't mind the loadouts - the weapons all seem viable.

The armour customisation is nice, but I don't see how it's DOOM; it seems like they were trying to pack as much as possible in even if it didn't fit.

It's obvious it comes from another developer. There are some short-term fixes that would help, like some Mick Gordon music, cleaning up the UI and just general polish. Hopefully Bethesda can pull it together into something that rivals the campaign and feels distinctly 'DOOM'. If the potential of the core gameplay can be more fully tapped it could be great.


Gold Member
LOVE this game but the load times after death are way too long....hell i even have to wait before the game lets me hit X to restart checkpoint after i die!

Anyone know if they are addressing load times in a patch?


Neo Member
Got the game today. Spent the better part of an hour setting it up. Spent the rest of the night dying. Not quite up there with the joy of playing rocket league for the first time but dammit! It's close! I'm enjoying every second of it. If I were to make a list between games and... GAMES! DOOM is right up there on my GAMES! list. That kind of game that brings you joy just by booting it up. Not every developer can do this. Thank you all for giving me a game I didn't even know I wanted... Until I saw that Nvidia showcase


Just started playing this last night at long last. I think the game is genuinely going to give me a heart attack. It's so frigging intense. Every new scenario I come across there's just more and more enemies at the same time, and they're getting bigger. Every new fight I just sit there and think 'really, I actually have to somehow kill all of these'? Running around like a complete loon really is the way forward.

I'm loving it though, pure fun and adrenaline. I'm currently on the (first?) hell mission. Just came across the barons of hell :(


The multiplayer...

it isn't shit, but everything I enjoy about it comes from the campaign, but there's less to enjoy overall.

The aesthetic of the maps are nice. Being a demon is cool. Movement and shooting are solid. And... that's it. I guess I don't mind the loadouts - the weapons all seem viable.

The armour customisation is nice, but I don't see how it's DOOM; it seems like they were trying to pack as much as possible in even if it didn't fit.

It's obvious it comes from another developer. There are some short-term fixes that would help, like some Mick Gordon music, cleaning up the UI and just general polish. Hopefully Bethesda can pull it together into something that rivals the campaign and feels distinctly 'DOOM'. If the potential of the core gameplay can be more fully tapped it could be great.

I still haven't bothered to jump into the MP. I tried the beta and found it pretty boring.

I'm waiting to see what id do to patch the experience. Do we know if they are still working on it? Any idea when they will make the necessary changes?


I still haven't bothered to jump into the MP. I tried the beta and found it pretty boring.

I'm waiting to see what id do to patch the experience. Do we know if they are still working on it? Any idea when they will make the necessary changes?

As for changes, they're adding three free-for-all modes (which was missing from the launch version) for free 'later this summer'. Hopefully they'll rid it of some of its Halo influence, which was inevitable given that Certain Affinity developed it. Sadly they are also doing paid DLC, which will probably be the point at which I fully jump out.


Oh jeez, I'm so embarrassed. I've had to put the game onto the lowest difficulty. I dont know what the hell has happened to me. This is the second game this month I've had to play on the easiest setting. I've been playing games for years, I should be good at them. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME :'(

P.S The checkpoint system on this game is pretty rubbish.


Oh jeez, I'm so embarrassed. I've had to put the game onto the lowest difficulty. I dont know what the hell has happened to me. This is the second game this month I've had to play on the easiest setting. I've been playing games for years, I should be good at them. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME :'(

P.S The checkpoint system on this game is pretty rubbish.

Don't stop moving. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. You probably just need to shake off the 'stop and pop' way of playing that's ingrained in the DNA of modern shooters.
Oh jeez, I'm so embarrassed. I've had to put the game onto the lowest difficulty. I dont know what the hell has happened to me. This is the second game this month I've had to play on the easiest setting. I've been playing games for years, I should be good at them. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME :'(

P.S The checkpoint system on this game is pretty rubbish.
Hop. Everywhere. Watch those imp fireballs pass right over or under you. More Mario Bros., less CoD/Gears of War.
Finally beat the game. I thought it was very solid, but not great. The game simply doesn't have enough diversity in enemies, encounter design, level design, pacing, or environments to sustain a game of its length. It uses up all its tricks about 2/3d's of the way through, and most of the fights and levels kind of blended together. It was all very well designed and fun, but it didn't quite hit it for me. Despite having much better combat and level design, I think I prefer Wolfesntein TNO to this because it was a more engaging and varied experience.
I haven't gotten any crashes like a lot of people have experienced, but the game seems to frequently lock up while loading. I have to alt tab out and force quit the game.

Anyone else here experiencing that?

Mr. Sam

Grenades (yes, you have grenades!) or a rocket are the best way to handle shields, or you can brute force them with certain weapons, like the assault rifle's minirockets.
Arena format is getting a little repetitive. I'm at the Titan's Realm. Game kind of feels more like Quake with the movement and constant weapon switching, rather than Doom's circle strafing and prioritizing enemies. I feel like the fights could do with more Imps and Hell Knights, rather than 3 boring, bullet spongey Mancubi showing up a few waves into every arena.


Just beat the cyberdemon, that was some intense fun!

I hope he appears just the once, can't really be bothered to fight him again.

I'm starting to understand the criticisms of the game feeling repetitive :(
I haven't gotten any crashes like a lot of people have experienced, but the game seems to frequently lock up while loading. I have to alt tab out and force quit the game.

Anyone else here experiencing that?

I moved the game over to my HDD and haven't had any issues in a couple of hours since. So if you're having the same problem and have the game installed on an SSD maybe give that a try.


What's the third secret on Resource Operations?

I figured it was
the plasma rifle, but I went back to the location where I found it and it's not there.
Afraid something didn't pop for me and is now bugged...


I beat it Friday and it still crashed four times in the last level. Didn't realize it was a widespread issue.

it makes replaying levels for collectibles/achievements next to impossible because you don't get the "resume" button on replaying missions, if it crashes you have to restart it. they could have at least patched in that resume function on replays as a soft fix for those crashes.
I played most of the game on borderless windowed, and when I switched back to fullscreen it stopped doing the loading lockup after beating a level in mission select. Still needs to be patched, the game has too many loading lockups and crashes.

I finished it though, so:
-Double jump is good and more games should have it.
-Length and difficulty were just right.
-Boss fights were alright, though
Cyberdemon second phase
went on a little too long. Boring, bullet sponge bosses are too common in FPS (Shadow Warrior), and while Doom doesn't do anything particularly great with its bosses, they're all at least good.
-Praetor upgrades weren't very interesting. Though it does mean Doomguy starts off strong rather than beginning the game completely gimped, I feel like maybe there should have been some better abilities in there rather than passive upgrades you don't need at all.
-UAC design is pretty good. Not really a distinct identity for each area, but some of them look really good. Hell areas seem uninspired.

The main thing I noticed about the game is that it kind of feels more like Quake than Doom. In Doom, every weapon other than the pistol has a use all the way through the game. Each enemy is susceptible to certain attacks, and you count out the damage you're doing so you know just when an enemy is going to die and when to switch weapons. There's a very methodical way of approaching each fight. In this game, fights are messy and frantic. You never stop moving, new enemies are constantly appearing, you have no idea if that's the same imp you saw 30 seconds ago. You're constantly running and jumping in circles shooting at everything in sight. And as such, it feels like the weapons and enemies lack identity. They're all just various means of dealing damage to the enemies or to the player. Shoot the shotgun's secondary fire, immediately switch to rocket launcher, secondary fire, switch to Gauss Cannon and finish them off with secondary fire. Enemies are constantly spawning and some of them have so much health that it kind of turns into a battle of attrition, where you simply spam your strongest attacks until enemies stop spawning. There's no methodical whittling down of a distinct group of enemies as in the best parts of Doom I, II, and various mods, you simply keep jumping and shooting until the fight is over.

And while that's fine on its own, it misses what one of the best parts of Doom is and why maps coming out for them still feel fresh 20 years later. I get that it's also partially a technical limitation; we can't have huge arenas that segue into each other with 30 enemies onscreen at once. And while I'd say Doom paces its arenas in a much more enjoyable way than say, Serious Sam, it still comes out feeling messy and repetitive. Even if it's still fun thanks to the movement and the feel of the weapons.


Just finished on ultra violence. Felt like the right difficulty for me. Really only had a lot of trouble with
the last demon spider thing
Game was really incredible. Didn't really feel like Doom I guess but that doesn't mean it wasn't one of the most fun and satisfying games I've played in the last few years. The story backdrop was interesting without being too in your face. The level design was great most of the time. The exploration, the secrets, all the little nods to the previous games were great but that all takes a backseat to the game play. Yes it did feel like you moved from arena to arena a bit much but it was so damn fun I really didn't mind at all.

Fake edit - great soundtrack and credit sequence as well.
I'm right near the end of the game I think and I still haven't found the super shotgun.

I heard it's an awesome weapon and I'm feeling kinda bummed I can't get it.

edit: just found it :D


Cross posting from the snap map thread in gaming because it's pretty dead:

Cacotroid Dread: Tourian


DooM ID: Vagrant B

This is my Doom spin on Tourian from Metroid. It's pretty linear, like Tourian, so no auto map. You're either going down or up depending on if you killed the boss or not. No fail states and plenty of health and ammo, since I wanted anyone that plays it to be able to beat it. More of an experience map than anything. Enemies are annoying but hopefully in a not too frustrating way. There's no way that I could find with the logic to differentiate from an enemy hitting you and hazard/splash self damage, so try not get close to the Cacotroids with your missiles (rockets). Freeze em with the Ice beam (plasma gun stun mod) and lay into them with missiles from mid distance for the best experience. If anyone plays feel free to give feedback. If people like it I'll do the "prequel" mission on Zebes to get to Tourian.

Here's a video of the level but I wouldn't watch it if you're planning on trying it out.
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