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Dragon Age Inquisition Launch Trailer (hot) and Release Date (October 7th)

Ploid 3.0

Oh my gawd, I never saw those screens posted on the 5th. Dat dragon, please have a ton of big monster fights, the kinds that test your party and may very well kill you.



Absolutely brilliant. Needs to be a new Dragon Age meme.

Ploid 3.0

I hope this game is not shallow. I need depth in my RPGs like Dark Souls 1/2, Baldur's Gate, and Dragon Age Origins.

Not hit "A" to win like Dragon Age 2...please don't have mindless gameplay and mechanics like that game.

You can set Dragon Age 2 to nightmare and use tactics (strategy not the gambit system tactics). Hitting A to win seem to not really be a case for me, I also like playing with friendly fire since it makes you work on setups and team synergy more. Dragon Age 2 can be just as tactical or more tactical than Dragon Age 1 from what I experienced. Especially on PC with the harder difficulty mods. Demon/Dark Souls are more hit A action rpgs to me (I always called Demon's Souls grown up Zelda).


Oh... so technically I do not even have to own the previous games and yet I can still dictate what plot points that I wish to apply on Inquisition so long as I connect Inquisition to this Keep?


Yep. They can't really worry about whether it not you actually played the games previously, but ideally you'd not wade though that kind of minutia without the original context, anyway. Inquisition seems to be staged as a jumping on point, so Keep is definitely aimed fans who are already invested.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Yep. They can't really worry about whether it not you actually played the games previously, but ideally you'd not wade though that kind of minutia without the original context, anyway. Inquisition seems to be staged as a jumping on point, so Keep is definitely aimed fans who are already invested.

Actually I am pretty happy they went on this route. That means I don't need to replay DAO and DA2 all over again, hahaha.

Good good. Now to consider whether I should get this for PS3 or PS4. The only problem for the latter is I need to buy a PS4 first, but I am gonna do it sooner or later anyways... and this is a game I *definitely* want to play.


i wonder if their decision to go back to being a (what seems like) a more traditional RPG has to do with all the negative feedback on 2 or them seeing the mainstream success of un-compromising RPGs like skyrim/the witcher 2.
Has there ever been any official response on whether this game will include any form of multiplayer? I see rumors, survey questions and other such postings on the topic, but don't recall reading anything official and the wiki page still says single player. Thoughts?


Has there ever been any official response on whether this game will include any form of multiplayer? I see rumors, survey questions and other such postings on the topic, but don't recall reading anything official and the wiki page still says single player. Thoughts?

Unconfirmed, but it's extremely likely. I'm like 95 percent certain it will have some form, and likely one somewhat similar to the ME3 MP.


You can but I don't know if they have any more beta phases.

Well, signed up for it. We'll see if anything happens. Though perhaps when they start spreading the net wider to let more in, I'll get in.

Glad that it's set to release for everyone before the game comes out as I'd really like to play around with it quite a bit.

Ploid 3.0

I didn't know there was a beta. :( Just now signed up, oh well I suppose I don't really need to play it until it's over and gold. Would be nice to shoot out feedback though.

Feedback for Bioware people watching.

Add 50% more big enemy/monster battles. Then add 10 extra big battles. You can make it as a side quest chain for people that don't want to fight awesome things.


not me
Not hit "A" to win like Dragon Age 2...please don't have mindless gameplay and mechanics like that game.

What difficulty did you play on? To me, DA2 required more strategy than Origins. Cross-class combos also promoted diverse parties instead of "mage it to win" like Origins. It was also more difficult to break the game, whereas in Origins there was an entire specialization that did this (Arcane Warrior).

Waves are just another layer of strategy. Instead of planning your moves before engaging, you had to think on the fly. Keeping enmity on a warrior was more difficult as I was rounding up multiple waves of enemies. You also had to do well to set up smart mage CC tactics slots to keep them alive in the meantime.


I probably should go back some day and finish Dragon Age 2 as I sort of got a combined case of being rather bored with it and having school taking priority. Though I'd be annoyed as hell to not have an Origins save as my old complete one got erased.


People are actually disappointed about a possible lack of romance options? Romances are probably the worst thing to happen to Bioware's games. Not only are they cringe-inducingly awful, but they're also completely disconnected from the rest of the game (both plot-wise and thematically).

The only one that seemed to make sense contextually, is the Morigan
romance due to reasons revealed near the end of the game.


What difficulty did you play on? To me, DA2 required more strategy than Origins. Cross-class combos also promoted diverse parties instead of "mage it to win" like Origins. It was also more difficult to break the game, whereas in Origins there was an entire specialization that did this (Arcane Warrior).

Waves are just another layer of strategy. Instead of planning your moves before engaging, you had to think on the fly. Keeping enmity on a warrior was more difficult as I was rounding up multiple waves of enemies. You also had to do well to set up smart mage CC tactics slots to keep them alive in the meantime.

Everyone who complains about the press A to win thing played DA2 on easy. Its the only explanation really...
Based on that image, I think it's safe to say this would be the first bioware game that I wouldn't be bothered about the romance features. Not only do they give you only 3 girls to choose from but they are all none relationship material based on looks alone. I'm sad Bioware, from the greatness when I first played ME1 & DAO to the massive failure of ME3 and now this. If come October I still don't get a glimpse of some good looking potential love interest, this will not be day one!

Go play a dating sim then not an epic open world rpg.


I can't help but think that launch trailers kind of belong in the same half of the year as the launch.

I mean, call me old-fashioned...


I didn't know there was a beta. :( Just now signed up, oh well I suppose I don't really need to play it until it's over and gold. Would be nice to shoot out feedback though.

Feedback for Bioware people watching.

Add 50% more big enemy/monster battles. Then add 10 extra big battles. You can make it as a side quest chain for people that don't want to fight awesome things.

The beta is for Dragon Age Keep, not Dragon Age Inquisition. So it's a beta for a web site, not a game.


I probably should go back some day and finish Dragon Age 2 as I sort of got a combined case of being rather bored with it and having school taking priority. Though I'd be annoyed as hell to not have an Origins save as my old complete one got erased.
Act 3 isn't as bad as advertised, but you'll still probably appreciate just rushing through on easiest difficulty.


Everyone who complains about the press A to win thing played DA2 on easy. Its the only explanation really...

I played normal in both games and DA2 was easier to me. I only remember having issues with the Deep Roads boss because it took me a while to recognize the pattern. About halfway through the game, I just let the mages die unless it was a boss battle because it was more of a hassle keeping them alive than just whirlwinding everything until it stopped moving.


Everyone who complains about the press A to win thing played DA2 on easy. Its the only explanation really...

Having to play in Nightmare just to get friendly fire was stupid in the first place.
Very few enemy types, overall less ways to develop characters than Awakening, lazy as fuck 'here pop up reinforcements out of thin air' encounters...

DA2 reeks of lazy/rushed/etc design on every aspect, combat and RPG mechanics included.


No bald cap? Lies!
Having to play in Nightmare just to get friendly fire was stupid in the first place.
Very few enemy types, overall less ways to develop characters than Awakening, lazy as fuck 'here pop up reinforcements out of thin air' encounters...

DA2 reeks of lazy/rushed/etc design on every aspect, combat and RPG mechanics included.

Lazy no, rushed most definitely. DA2 had a dev time of barely a year and it didn't reuse any assets from DAO, itself technically took 7 years to develop, which kind of shows in the final game as well.


not me
Having to play in Nightmare just to get friendly fire was stupid in the first place.
Very few enemy types, overall less ways to develop characters than Awakening, lazy as fuck 'here pop up reinforcements out of thin air' encounters...

DA2 reeks of lazy/rushed/etc design on every aspect, combat and RPG mechanics included.

I disagree. I find the combat in 2 to be much better. I'm not sure how waves are lazier than simply having all the enemies standing around at the start of the fight. It's simply a different way to handle encounters, and waves work better in confined spaces, which is the type of arena in which you fight most DA2 battles.


I disagree. I find the combat in 2 to be much better. I'm not sure how waves are lazier than simply having all the enemies standing around at the start of the fight. It's simply a different way to handle encounters, and waves work better in confined spaces, which is the type of arena in which you fight most DA2 battles.

Part of what made games like Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate series combat interesting was the placement of the enemies itself and non linear approach of encounters (not just go through the expected corridor to trigger it). In DA2, many times they just pop up out of nowhere or you are forced into the fight with a cutscene

Especially if you worry about friendly fire and crowd control, enemies appearing out of nowhere right next to you works against it.

So, to sum it up, both the encounters and arenas in DA2 are examples of bad combat design.


not me
Especially if you worry about friendly fire and crowd control, enemies appearing out of nowhere right next to you works against it.

But I liked that. I liked that I had to pause and think about my strategy mid-fight. Where did they spawn? What mage CCs are up? Are they after my mages? Better use a move to lose hate, or get Isabela to pull it off them. This simply sounds like a different sort of increased difficulty, but I can definitely understand disliking it if you valued the type of pre-fight strategizing possible in a game like BG2.

I won't defend the arenas. They were boring for the most part. Terrain was hardly utilized in Origins either, though. From what I've seen of Inquisition it really does look to be an improvement of both Origins and 2 meshed together, especially regarding the role your surroundings play in a fight.


Has there ever been any official response on whether this game will include any form of multiplayer? I see rumors, survey questions and other such postings on the topic, but don't recall reading anything official and the wiki page still says single player. Thoughts?

Unconfirmed, but it's extremely likely. I'm like 95 percent certain it will have some form, and likely one somewhat similar to the ME3 MP.
Wow that would definitely get me got and bothered I loved me 3 mp


That pencil/fine point drawing style of the darkspawn is unsettling

The little guy needs to go to the dentist to address that overbite


No bald cap? Lies!
I see we're moving right to GoT from LOTR for design influence.

Because since when have Genlocks been zombies?

Ehh it's an improvement to me. I never understood the Darkspawn designs since they're supposed to be deformed Dwarves/Humans/Elves and Qunari and I never liked how they were green and goblin/orcish looking. I like the pale design, though I prefer the face of DAO Ogres over DA2. I also like the armor design a bit more, it's rough and unrefined which makes sense, the Darkspawn shouldn't have highly decorative and detailed armor like they did in DAO.



The Darkspawn design is almost same as in DA2.

Oh, I knock it, but I think it's actually better than in DA2. Hopefully the in-game stuff retains a similar look, because I still couldn't help but always feel the darkspawn in DA2 were the Putty Patrol.


I also like the armor design a bit more, it's rough and unrefined which makes sense, the Darkspawn shouldn't have highly decorative and detailed armor like they did in DAO.

The armor design is the only thing that really bothers me. They're mutated elves, orcs, etc so their armor should be reflective of that. Just tattered, rusted, and overall run down looking. Not all of the sudden rocking giant shoulder spikes like the Road Warriors
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