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Dragon Age Inquisition Launch Trailer (hot) and Release Date (October 7th)


I actually enjoyed DA2 farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr more than DAO, and this looks amazing. So I'm stoked here really.


Again, do NOT approach this as a pure action game or you will be SORELY disappointed. It definitely will have more action elements, but I suggest you look up Dragon Age 2 in order to get a better idea of what combat will be like.
So basically those expecting Dragon's Dogma will be sorely disappointed, but so will people expecting Dragon Age:Origins combat. This is not a pure RPG. It's an action RPG.

It's clear that Bioware is still pushing (silently) the whole "Think like a general, fight like a Spartan" ideology.

Aww, I guess I probably won't be interested in this now.
There are several shots of him in artwork. One of which shows him shirtless at a gallows snapping off what looks to be a Grey Warden pendent. Duncan is dead though, dude is total worm food and this guy is big and hulking warrior. Hope he's from Anderfels and not Orlais or anything.

Bioware hasn't shown much care for continunity in the Dragon Age franchise in the past, so I see no reason why they would suddenly care now. Also, Dragon Age is a land of monsters and magic, who's to say if that was Duncan's true death?

My guess? It's Duncan or someone related to Duncan.


Looking forward to this, with a few reservations. Mainly, I hope they keep combat tactical and engaging, atleast at higher difficulty levels. I don't want another button mashing snorefest with anime-like over the top bs, mean to tkeep 12 year olds interested.

But other than that: My PC is ready.

I think I might even replay some of DA:O for a bit before release.
Dunno whether to get this for PS3 or finally bite the bullet and get a PS4 for it.

From what Bioware has been saying, besides obvious graphical downgrade, the last-gen versions are a significant downgrade. Cities won't be as lively and over-all the game will feel just not as sweet. So I'd say bite the bullet and get the ps4 for this, it looks worth it.


The trailer looks great but so did DA2. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you. I tend to take this approach with EVERYTHING EA/BIO does now. I have been burned too many times and considering DA2 was one of my most disappointing games of last gen i am going to have to wait till i hear impressions.

I hope it turns out amazing because i love, love, love Dragon Age and would love another good Dragon Age. I think the "AAA" market needs more RPGs like the original DA.

I understand this point of view, but unlike Mass Effect where we came from a successful game in the series (ME2) and got disappointed, DA2 was practically universally loathed by the vocal fans and Bioware listened. The team seems to have fixed the major complaints of DA2 while keeping the less complained about/liked aspects of the second one. Like the combat. Sure some people preferred the KOTOR method of the first one, I actually enjoyed the second's combat system as I still froze time quite often.

Never played a DA game, and I know that it's been discussed already, but is it like hot key/KOTOR style gameplay?

DAO is, it's practically the exact same say playstyle as Kotor. DA2 is less and more actioney, unless you play it for PC as the console versions were made a bit more button mashey (but still fun combat). This looks to be going more towards the actioney side, but it should still retain classic Bioware stuff like freezing the screen to give commands which is what I care the most about.

From what we know, Leliana is not a companion. The only previous companion who is also a companion in DA:I is Varric.

Varric is the one I cared about, I was ultimate bros with him in DA2 and will be here as well. Though yeah I assumed that Leliana wouldn't be a LI considering she was already one in DAO, hence why I said I'd be willing to give the mage to the left of the table a chance.


So many announcements today (and they are all announcements I've been waiting for). I really do hope that DA3 is able to hold up to DA1


And just like that, this game is back on my radar. Should I play one and two or cab I just jump in?

You should 100% play 1 and 2.

1 to set the table and 2 for continuity going into DA:I and to get accustomed with the pace/battle.


They've said that
Players who do not have or choose not to import a world-state into Inquisition will be provided a default "canon" as in Dragon Age II: an "Ultimate Sacrifice" Dalish Warden, Alistair made King, and Hawke a mage who sided with the mages in DA2
. But, it's confirmed that he will not be playable in any capacity.
So this goes for consoles too? Be curious if they can get my saves onto my X1.
I'll probably get this because i like the Dragon Age World.... but I currently don't like the art style.

It seems to me that the art style focus is to show off next gen lighting effects/textures etc than it is to give a better feel to the world.

it may grow on me though.

Edit: I take it back after watching how the in game combat works in that old video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8xJMWRI-cA). will be too busy playing the game to care about graphics.


When this releases do you need dragon age 1 and 2 saves? my ps3 got corrupted and lost everything.

They're creating a web site called Dragon Age Keep where you can craft something that allows you set choices from the previous games that you will be able to import into DA:I.

It's their solution for how to import for people jumping to current gen systems. I assume you'll be able to import from the Keep on previous gen as well.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Couple of points of interest for people who maybe haven't been totally following this game.

1) It's not true open world. As in, full open world, the same way Elder Scrolls and Grand Theft Auto are. What it is instead is regional open world, so instead of one sprawling cohesive landmass you'll travel to a number of locations in the Dragon Age universe and each is built as an open environment. I believe regions will become accessible as you progress through the story and you'll be able to change between them, but yeah. Instead of walking from one area to another totally seamlessly on a relatively small sample of continent that houses the entire game, Inquisition has you travelling to various regions of the content that are each built with their open world landmass.

2) It's not Origins turn based tactical combat. It's not fully Dragon Age 2. It's a mostly action driven game, with real time based defense and attack systems, that seem to play surprisingly like any standard real time action game. You can however pause the combat and bring up an overhead tactical map. This does not allow for true Baldur's Gate style turn based combat, but does allow you to strategise squadmate positioning and spell usage. From the PAX demo it doesn't seem to be a throwaway feature, but instead a pretty decent addition to the real time combat, as it allows you to better pinpoint and strategise spell usage, position range units, and other such stuff.
I really need to watch some DA I & II summary videos, I've completely forgotten what happens in both of those games.

This looks pretty awesome though!


No bald cap? Lies!
So this goes for consoles too? Be curious if they can get my saves onto my X1.

Dragon Age Keep.

No one will be importing saves. You will be using an HTML5 based browser app to create a custom world state by answering questions and choosing events, which will all be in the cloud so it wont matter what games you have played, what systems they were on and what system you are on now.

So if you've played the games but want to see a different outcome of choices you didn't make you can do that in the Keep without issue.


I'm kind of surprised people were that into this trailer. The art direction is pretty generic. Any of the scenes in the game could have been swapped into an Elder Scrolls Online trailer and I'd be hard pressed to tell any difference in terms of setting or art design. "The Breech" looks exactly like the Oblivion gates popping up, and the script was pretty cheesy.

I was already sold on getting the game eventually after they showed some of the gameplay a while ago, but I thought this was honestly the worst trailer yet for the game. Super generic western fantasy setting.


I'm kind of surprised people were that into this trailer. The art direction is pretty generic. Any of the scenes in the game could have been swapped into an Elder Scrolls Online trailer and I'd be hard pressed to tell any difference in terms of setting or art design. "The Breech" looks exactly like the Oblivion gates popping up, and the script was pretty cheesy.

I was already sold on getting the game eventually after they showed some of the gameplay a while ago, but I thought this was honestly the worst trailer yet for the game. Super generic western fantasy setting.

I don't believe the Dragon Age series has ever had anything approaching a good trailer. Compared to DA:O's and DA2's trailers, this was great.


So Dragon Age Origins combat system is not making a return? I know it's probably not considered mainstream, but the original game was much more enjoyable than the sequel.
I'm always down for another Dragon Age, doesn't matter how many times I've been burned.

And...that's a whole lot of humans in that cast.
Can I play this without DA 1/2. I mean I know I can but is this like a Mass Effect3 deal where I won't be completely lost but pretty much everything won't have an emotional ring it due to previous history with the series


So Dragon Age Origins combat system is not making a return? I know it's probably not considered mainstream, but the original game was much more enjoyable than the sequel.

Game got too big for that type of combat to 100% return. It'd alienate some people. We are the minority, not the people EA makes games for.


So Dragon Age Origins combat system is not making a return? I know it's probably not considered mainstream, but the original game was much more enjoyable than the sequel.

It's not making a return. See EatChildren's post above.

Can I play this without DA 1/2. I mean I know I can but is this like a Mass Effect3 deal where I won't be completely lost but pretty much everything won't have an emotional ring it due to previous history with the series

Yes. Dragon Age is not designed as a trilogy in the same way as Mass Effect was. You'll definitely miss some things, but it should be easier for a newcomer to the series to play this than it would be for a newbie to play Mass Effect 3, for instance.


Just speaking for myself, I would rather have a more real-time system that is hybridized with being able to pause and play tactically. Seems like a nice marriage to me.


1) It's not true open world. As in, full open world, the same way Elder Scrolls and Grand Theft Auto are. What it is instead is regional open world, so instead of one sprawling cohesive landmass you'll travel to a number of locations in the Dragon Age universe and each is built as an open environment. I believe regions will become accessible as you progress through the story and you'll be able to change between them, but yeah. Instead of walking from one area to another totally seamlessly on a relatively small sample of continent that houses the entire game, Inquisition has you travelling to various regions of the content that are each built with their open world landmass.

2) It's not Origins turn based tactical combat. It's not fully Dragon Age 2. It's a mostly action driven game, with real time based defense and attack systems, that seem to play surprisingly like any standard real time action game. You can however pause the combat and bring up an overhead tactical map. This does not allow for true Baldur's Gate style turn based combat, but does allow you to strategise squadmate positioning and spell usage. From the PAX demo it doesn't seem to be a throwaway feature, but instead a pretty decent addition to the real time combat, as it allows you to better pinpoint and strategise spell usage, position range units, and other such stuff.

So structurally similar to The Witcher 2 ?


Gold Member
Looks decent. After getting DA2 for $0 from an Origin promotion, there's no way I'll get this day 1.


It's not making a return. See EatChildren's post above.

Yes. Dragon Age is not designed as a trilogy in the same way as Mass Effect was. You'll definitely miss some things, but it should be easier for a newcomer to the series to play this than it would be for a newbie to play Mass Effect 3, for instance.

Damn it. I thought Origins was awesome when it released, but 2 was just awful. Could only stand to play it until you got to the first major city. Felt like a Dragon Age Skin for a Mass effect game. Well, unless this just ends up being amazing I think i'm sitting this one out.


EA take my money!
Shadows of mordor can wait as can alien isolation this gets got first hopefully I'll have time to play it
Seems like the protagonist will be Morrigan's child.

Not sure if the timeline checks out, but hey it's Morrigan, the kid might have come out at 25.

I've always found Bioware to be pretty average at constructing stories, they are usually quite derivative. Where they do excel is creating characters and crafting short memorable moments around them. They have characters that will live forever from every game, OK maybe not Jade Empire, even if you don't remember what the hell they were doing in the story.

Fingers crossed it will be good!
Looks gorgeous!

I will still hold my judgement until the final game is released. I had a hard time getting into the first game and I steered clear of the second based on reviews. I hope the formula for Inquisition works because it's a game I really want to like.


Damn it. I thought Origins was awesome when it released, but 2 was just awful. Could only stand to play it until you got to the first major city. Felt like a Dragon Age Skin for a Mass effect game. Well, unless this just ends up being amazing I think i'm sitting this one out.

First major city? That's like the only location in the whole game, lol.
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