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Dragon Quest 11 Announced! [PS4/3DS (simultaneous), NX (tentative)]

Maybe it's because I don't have any history with 8-bit/16-bit JRPGs, but I think that the way the character moves in different planes is distracting rather than looking good.

Maybe you're thinking too deep. Think of it like a map view, with an oldschool 16bit style, it's no more than I guess.


Well its obviously going to be a tentative announcement under consideration considering the thine thing wont be announced till next year.

Banking your successes or investments on something like that i think would be flawed, considering the fanbase doesn't even know what it is.

Yeah, I just saw in the OP that the word "consideration" wasn't used, even if it might actually come to Nintendo's next console.


Having slept on it a little my only reservation with this PS4/3DS setup is them not including the extra elements that made DQVIII an extra special game which was presentation and main characters that had personality to back up the player. Hopefully they can capture this, especially for the PS4 version like they did with DQVIII and DQX. DQIX was probably the least enjoyable DQ game to me and definitely the worst out of the last few mainline games.

Why would that be influenced by the platform setup? It's not like characters with personality are somehow impossible on a handheld.


Horii: I want to say one more thing. I want to bring Dragon Quest X and XI to the NX!
Nintendo: Wait! The console's not been officially announced yet!

LOL, Horii really jumped the gun on those NX announcements. I mean, give the platform owner a chance to actually announce what NX actually is, right? I love it. Horii seemed really pleased when he was on stage after DQXI was shown.


What are you talking about Ps4 selling best worldwide doesn´t mean anything DQ sells best in Japan. Yuji Horii most likely thought he could get away with just releasing it on ps4 but as time went he saw he can´t because no matter what some people here think Ps4 is not gonna save japans console industry.

You answered your own question. Since you are right in Japan not adopting home consoles like they use to, wouldn't it be a smart move for a company to get the game to sell in other regions that are starting to adopt Japanese titles again?

Dragon Quest heroes sales will be a factor in gauging the brand. But seeing how they are being smart in having a dynasty warriors type game set in the world of Dragon Quest help get people interested in the brand. Also add in their Minecraft dragon quest builders.

I can see Dragon Quest getting streamed and getting popular.


A strong visual identity is important for storytelling. Do you think Cloud would be Cloud if he was the equivalent of a Gaia Online avatar? His spiky blond hair and mako eyes are a contrast to the characters surrounding him - would the story even make sense if he looked like Krillin?

Faces, color schemes, hairstyles, clothing, mannerisms, these are important pieces of characterization, which are narrative tools.

DQ5's hero needed to look rough around the edges due to his troubled childhood. DQ6 needed to be a prettyboy because he's a prince. DQ7's needed to be kind of a derpy country bumpkin. This falls apart when you give the player a character creater and say 'have at it'.

It would be a narrative tool if they described the characters appearance, unlike your FF7 which they do for Cloud which by the way has his own specific personality, so this example really doesn't work for the Dragon Quest protagonists.

In fact even in Dragon Quest VIII which had voiced lines, they never directly reference the Hero by appearance, for example Yangus always simply refers him as "guv" or which is gender neutral, being British slang for "The Boss" or with Trode always saying "My boy" which could have just as easily been replaced for "girl" instead.

A narrative tool generally uses a characters identity or descriptors in the narration itself. This makes sense for FF7 because of specific identifiers for Cloud such as Reno mentioning he has Mako eyes, or Barret calling him Spiky.

These sorts of things generally don't happen for any of the Dragon Quest titles.
LOL, Horii really jumped the gun on those NX announcements. I mean, give the platform owner a chance to actually announce what NX actually is, right? I love it. Horii seemed really pleased when he was on stage after DQXI was shown.

With this and the VII/VIII french announcements the next time they let him speak it'll be on a tape delay lol


Maybe it's because I don't have any history with 8-bit/16-bit JRPGs, but I think that the way the character moves in different planes is distracting rather than looking good.

Yes imo it is a bit distracting because the details are slightly different, it's not a 1:1 2D representation of what you see on the 3D screen so it's not immediate to spot where what is represented in the 2D map is located in the 3D world and viceversa. Idea is cool but should be refined.


Maybe you're thinking too deep. Think of it like a map view, with an oldschool 16bit style, it's no more than I guess.
The difference is that maps have the same orientation as the main screen in games unless they have a 3D rotatable camera. This doesn't seem to be the case with DQ XI so it just looks disorienting.
Yes imo it is a bit distracting because the details are slightly different, it's not a 1:1 2D representation of what you see on the 3D screen so it's not immediate to spot where what is represented in the 2D map is located in the 3D world and viceversa. Idea is cool but should be refined.

Hopefully, they'll let you opt to never see one iteration or the other. Like, the 3DS "look" is one I don't care for, so if I can play it in pure SNES mode, I'm down.


Why would that be influenced by the platform setup? It's not like characters with personality are somehow impossible on a handheld.

It's about characters and the presentation. All the DQ games before DQVIII had characters with personalities but DQVIII, and then DQX, combines them with a little bit of modern presentation to make it a more engrossing experience. It basically takes it to the next level. Once you get a taste of that you want more, lol.


So, what's the likelihood we might see a trailer for the PS4 version at TGS or some other Japanese event towards the end of the year?


I gotta say I'm pretty unimpressed by the the staticness of DQ11 3DS battle scenes. I mean really, there's more going on in Etrian Odyssey.

The PS4 version looks very, very early. Having a town with zero NPCs is a huge give away that they are super early.

EDIT: Oh man I just realized there are two different battle styles. Lol I missed that on first watch.


It's about characters and the presentation. All the DQ games before DQVIII had characters with personalities but DQVIII, and then DQX, combines them with a little bit of modern presentation to make it a more engrossing experience. It basically takes it to the next level. Once you get a taste of that you want more, lol.

DQ8 is the most engrossing/immersive game I've ever played, so I need my fix too.


So, what's the likelihood we might see a trailer for the PS4 version at TGS or some other Japanese event towards the end of the year?

Well there is the pre-TGS press conference Sony holds every year, i think the chances of having a proper trailer there is quite high, even if i'm expecting a CGI-only one.
Then maybe another gameplay segment like today's during TGS about combat, and a real gameplay trailer at Jump Festa.


It's about characters and the presentation. All the DQ games before DQVIII had characters with personalities but DQVIII, and then DQX, combines them with a little bit of modern presentation to make it a more engrossing experience. It basically takes it to the next level. Once you get a taste of that you want more, lol.

Erm... DQ3 had you create your party, and DQ9 was a throwback to that.
For home consoles, this gen is so much more exciting in terms of rpgs...Now interested to see what Level 5 and Cyber Connect are cooking up for PS4


It's just the next phase of people not believing anything people associated with this game say.

<Horii> DQ11 won't be a smartphone game <Everyone> lol cant wait for the smartphone announcement
<Miyake> DQ should be multiplatform going forward <Everyone> 3DS EXCLUSIVE. wait, smartphones lol!
<Horii> I know people want a new game like DQ8 <Everyone> they will never make a game like DQ8 ever again. smartphones!!!!
<Horii> I want to play the next game on a big screen <Everyone> lol cant wait for the 3DS and/or smartphone version
<Horii> DQ11 is designed for consoles, to be played with a controller <Everyone> SMARTPHONES!!!!!!!!

Every thread for the last two years.

The games on the glorious PS4 list alone would make the entire gen worth it, anything beyond that is gravy.


And on top of that that's not even everything already announced, since there's also Persona 5, new Tales of with that pirate girl, new Atelier (and they made nice progress on their graphics engine over the course of PS3), etc. :)

And Disgaea 5 getting closer to US release.


Crystal Bearer
I could definitely see them localize just the PS4 version in the west. This is what they told me at E3 with regards to DQ Heroes shedding the PS3 version overseas:

When this game came out in Japan, it also came out on the PS3. Is there a reason it’s now PS4 only in the west?

Miyake: Obviously there are a lot of business things that we have to factor into these decisions and that’s how we approach this. But I think we have to look at the Japanese market and at the moment there’s still a very large user base for the PlayStation 3 – it’s still a very popular console, so we really have to consider releasing games on it for them as well.

Certainly for the Dragon Quest series, there are a lot of casual players who play the games in Japan and most of them play games on PS3 rather than switching to PlayStation 4, so for them, we have to release it on that system.

But then if you compare that to the market situation outside of Japan, those players have really made the shift now to PS4 and want to play that mainly now so those market forces really influenced what consoles we decided to release on. There is a clear difference between the market in Japan and outside of Japan so we have to consider that.

Square Enix PR: From a technical point of view, Dragon Quest Heroes on the PS4 – we think of it as the definitive version of Dragon Quest Heroes; it runs at 60 frames per second with more enemies on screen… So because we’re really bringing Dragon Quest back to the west we wanted to deliver the definitive version of the game to the fans.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
You know what I'd hope for the NX version, if NX retains the two screens setup from DS/3DS? To be a mix between PS4 and 3DS: top screen = downscaled DQXI on PS4, bottom screen what they did with DQXI 3DS and menus. Hopefully, they can downscale the game well enough. That's the major question right now for the NX version.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I could definitely see them localize just the PS4 version in the west. This is what they told me at E3 with regards to DQ Heroes shedding the PS3 version overseas:

Looking at it right now...I'd say the PS4 version is the one in trouble!


Also posted in the current NX thread.

Nintendo World Report editorial: Dragon Quest XI Says Everything And Nothing About The NX

The nature of Dragon Quest XI’s details – 3DS version that plays with choice of a 3D or 2D world and a PS4 version running on Unreal Engine 4 – set off alarm bells. Surely the NX supports UE4, right? It better, for the sake of the system, but XI’s wildly divergent consoles gives two potential porting paths. If the NX OS port is for Japan, then it’s destined for Nintendo’s next handheld since we know that will sell in Japan. In that case it’d be far easier – and less expensive – for Square Enix to port up the 3DS version. If they decide to port the PS4 version to Nintendo’s next console that runs NX OS, it’s not going to sell as well in Japan because Square’s efforts to revive consoles there can only go so far, and the Western sales of Nintendo consoles that aren’t the Wii have historically trended down so you can’t use “Console version for the West” as an excuse to bring the game over. Odds are pretty much even that the port works out one of those ways, and we know it’s releasing after 3DS/PS4 launch, which could come as late as March 2017 in Japan. (The launch is set for the fiscal year containing Dragon Quest’s 30th anniversary, so April 2016 – March 2017, and it will be simultaneous.)

Gutted there's no Vita version. I really hoped DQ Heroes II's PS3/4/Vita release indicated the way they were heading.

Intrigued by what the NX announcement means now though...

Velcro Fly

I'm confident we'll see the PS4 version. I feel it was the version made for the West.

I still have a glimmer of hope that Nintendo will want to help with the 3DS version and that we might still get it.

I'm buying both if they come here though. I want to support the series and that's about the only way I know how.
For home consoles, this gen is so much more exciting in terms of rpgs...Now interested to see what Level 5 and Cyber Connect are cooking up for PS4

I cry myself to sleep everyday that I still don't have a new .Hack T_T

okay, not really.

But yes, TGS will be exciting enough with SE alone, and then you put L5, CC2, and maybe even Capcpom/Bamco? This TGS could top pretty much everything that is not called E3 2015.


3DS and PS4 are different markets in the west. If Square didnt pu out the 3ds version overseas while doing it for PS4 itd suck by telling fans overseas they have no choice. Nor can they get double dippers.

Mobile post
I'm confident we'll see the PS4 version. I feel it was the version made for the West.

I still have a glimmer of hope that Nintendo will want to help with the 3DS version and that we might still get it.

I'm buying both if they come here though. I want to support the series and that's about the only way I know how.

Yup, I think there's almost definitely no doubt the PS4 version is getting localized.
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