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Dragon Quest 11 Announced! [PS4/3DS (simultaneous), NX (tentative)]


Damn i still can't believe this! PS4 is kicking it with JRPG.

- FF VII Remake
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Nier 2
- Dragon Quest XI
- Persona 5
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky


There has never been a western console release of DQ during 7th gen right?
Because I think the last two DQ I played were on the PS2.

This should be a game changer if there is a western PS4 release.


For home consoles, this gen is so much more exciting in terms of rpgs...Now interested to see what Level 5 and Cyber Connect are cooking up for PS4

CC2 hinted at .Hack. They said they had one open world game, one photo realistic game and one VR game that they were working on (last statement they made). Wonder if they have more in their pipeline since that announcement?

As for Level 5 I'm curious myself. I have no idea what it could be. No idea what I'd even want to see. Hopefully a new IP for consoles?

Cygames also has a new studio working on titles, too. Maybe we can see what they've been working on there as well?

Regarding DQ11... hoping to see just how big the world actually is. I love my exploration, after all!
I love the 2D throwback on the 3DS. Sheer genius, thank you Square-Enix. I've been playing since Dragon Warrior 1 NES and I can't wait to pick it up.

So my only question is...is the layout the exact same of the worlds between the 3DS and PS4 versions? I just feel like it is hard for me to justify buying both, though I have both systems.
And on the emulator you can crank up the resolution to 3x - 4x native resolution, add 16xAF, add some MSAA and other such like that. It looks glorious.



I think I tried that once, but had terrible sound issues and the performance wasn't too hot. I just think I'll ask friends for a PS2..

The ideal situation would be if SE woul localize it on 3ds for EU.

It's only bad if you don't have a computer to support it otherwise you can get some great graphics with it and the sound should be OK too.


Is it true that launch will be simultaneous? 3DS game looked way more complete, like probably ready for spring/summer 2016.


I could definitely see them localize just the PS4 version in the west. This is what they told me at E3 with regards to DQ Heroes shedding the PS3 version overseas:
I read that interview, great stuff - which brings me to something I'm eager to hear. They said Europe was a big factor for the dual-audio in DQH (based Europeans~) so I hope that consideration comes through again and we get dual audio again for DQ11.


I think I tried that once, but had terrible sound issues and the performance wasn't too hot. I just think I'll ask friends for a PS2..

The ideal situation would be if SE woul localize it on 3ds for EU.

Yeah, Dragon Quest VIII is a very demanding game to emulate, along with Rogue Galaxy. Those 2 take beefy machines.


I think I tried that once, but had terrible sound issues and the performance wasn't too hot. I just think I'll ask friends for a PS2..

How long ago was this though.

If was a few years ago, well...PCSX2 came a long way in terms of compatibility.

One thing for emulation however, especially PCSX2 is that it's much more CPU bound rather then GPU. So your performance is limited by how good your CPU is.

An i5 or better is preferable.

Also sound issues are entirely dependent on what sort of plugin you are using and it's latency setting. Dragon Quest VIII is one of many games that runs flawlessly without issues, and with native up scaling it's looks wonderful. Like a mid gen PS3 game for example.

If you haven't used PCSX2 in a few years, it is most definitely worth a try again.


CC2 hinted at .Hack. They said they had one open world game, one photo realistic game and one VR game that they were working on (last statement they made). Wonder if they have more in their pipeline since that announcement?

As for Level 5 I'm curious myself. I have no idea what it could be. No idea what I'd even want to see. Hopefully a new IP for consoles?

Cygames also has a new studio working on titles, too. Maybe we can see what they've been working on there as well?

Regarding DQ11... hoping to see just how big the world actually is. I love my exploration, after all!

Level 5 confirmed long time ago a new game for PS4, they said that the reveal was going to be this past E3... but nothing for now.

Damn i still can't believe this! PS4 is kicking it with JRPG.

- FF VII Remake
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Nier 2
- Dragon Quest XI
- Persona 5
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky

And more you forget.
I did not see this coming at all...

Oh wow I'm so happy now, can't believe all these big names JRPGs making a huge comeback on home consoles after the move they did to the portables last gen.

It's a very good time to be a JRPG and alive.

So 2017 for the western release I assume?


Is it true that launch will be simultaneous? 3DS game looked way more complete, like probably ready for spring/summer 2016.

According to Square, that's currently the plan. Though I could see the PS4 version getting delayed a couple months to encourage double dippers.


I'm still in shock that PS4 version looks everything and more that I imagined/wanted for a successor to DQ8

Still, I'm concerned about how early it looks. But then, it doesn't have to be released by the end of 2016, does it? I thought SE said within the fiscal year of Dragon Quest 30th anniversary, April 2016 to March 2017.
Damn i still can't believe this! PS4 is kicking it with JRPG.

- FF VII Remake
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Nier 2
- Dragon Quest X
- Dragon Quest XI
- Dragon Quest Heroes
- Persona 5
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
- Tales of Zestiria
- Tales of Berseria
- Ys 8
- Star Ocean 5
- Disgaea 5
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- New Vanillaware project
- Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
- Project SETSUNA
- Yoru no Nai Kuni
- World of Final Fantasy

(missed something?)

On top of niche PS3/Vita stuff like Trails of Cold Steel and Lost Dimension.


Japan is slowly returning to form. No doubt TGS will have cool stuff from Capcom and Sega (PSO2 PS4 and Phantasy Star Reboot pls).
I bet we get all versions. I don't see Nintendo or Sony letting the other have it as exclusive for their platform(s) in the west. Especially since this is the first mainline one on a Sony platform in a while and Nintendo will want big games to push for NX.

Edit: That or we get nothing :(.


I bet we get all versions. I don't see Nintendo or Sony letting the other have it as exclusive for their platform(s) in the west. Especially since this is the first mainline one on a Sony platform in a while and Nintendo will want big games to push for NX.

Keep telling yourself that.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Same story different engines made specifically for each platform. This is in the OP btw.
It only said it was similar to Ni No Kuni, and I have never played Ni No Kuni.

But anyway, this is great news. It helps poor people like me who can't afford another console at this moment. I'm enjoying multiplatform DQ.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Great, I'm happy.
I just hope both will make their way here. It would be great having 7 localized DQ games on the same platform (with bc).

As someone who has never played a Dragon Quest game, will this be a good jumping in point?

Sure, any is good honestly. Think Final Fantasy in that regard.


Junior Member
3 wishes:

1) Console version of DQXI have the same combat as the 3DS version, but perhaps better presented and such. I don't them to follow Ni No Kuni's route of making it half ass real time + commands.

2) PS4 version is probably safe for English localization, but I am interested in the 3DS version as well. Hope SE localizes that as well (and DQ7, DQ8!!)

3) DQXI to have some focus on characters and plot, like V and VIII as opposed to say IX.
Keep telling yourself that.

Well I mean it's kind of strange to be releasing on PS4, which is not even a remotely similar platform to PS4 when the install base is so small in Japan. Before this announcement, I would have said sure, no chance it will come to the west. They'll release it on 3DS and NX or Wii U and it will be Japan only. But the fact that we *know* it's coming to PS4 makes you wonder *why* it's coming to PS4. It doesn't make good business sense for them to do this just for a Japanese audience. Japan only has what 1.5 million PS4s? There's 20 million worldwide. Japan's userbase is less than 10% of the size of the rest of the world, so it just seems weird unless they're planning on localizing it.


Well I mean it's kind of strange to be releasing on PS4, which is not even a remotely similar platform to PS4 when the install base is so small in Japan. Before this announcement, I would have said sure, no chance it will come to the west. They'll release it on 3DS and NX or Wii U and it will be Japan only. But the fact that we *know* it's coming to PS4 makes you wonder *why* it's coming to PS4. It doesn't make good business sense for them to do this just for a Japanese audience. Japan only has what 1.5 million PS4s? There's 20 million worldwide. Japan's userbase is less than 10% of the size of the rest of the world, so it just seems weird unless they're planning on localizing it.

The problem is who takes the publishing duties.Nintendo won´t do that for 3ds that is for sure.Sony for ps4 is not impossible.


Sweet, I would love to play the 3DS version... along with Dragon Quest VII and VIII.

Square Enix will you please localize the damn game! ;_;

Hasn't been confirmed for localization yet? :/

This is Square Enix we're talking about, they haven't localized a Dragon Quest game in years.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Both versions look good although the 3DS version is currently more appealing to me. I'll buy both if they are released in Europe.


Sweet, I would love to play the 3DS version... along with Dragon Quest VII and VIII.

Square Enix will you please localize the damn game! ;_;

This is Square Enix we're talking about, they haven't localized a Dragon Quest game in years.
They're localizing Heroes this October.


there is joy in sucking dick
And on the emulator you can crank up the resolution to 3x - 4x native resolution, add 16xAF, add some MSAA and other such like that. It looks glorious.


This image compared to the field still if DQXI , it is shocking how far the visual tech has come. Getting to the point where hand drawn artwork is translated wonderfully.


- FF VII Remake
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Nier 2
- Dragon Quest X
- Dragon Quest XI
- Dragon Quest Heroes
- Persona 5
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
- Tales of Zestiria
- Tales of Berseria
- Ys 8
- Star Ocean 5
- Disgaea 5
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- New Vanillaware project
- Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
- Project SETSUNA
- Yoru no Nai Kuni
- World of Final Fantasy

(missed something?)

On top of niche PS3/Vita stuff like Trails of Cold Steel and Lost Dimension.


Japan is slowly returning to form. No doubt TGS will have cool stuff from Capcom and Sega (PSO2 PS4 and Phantasy Star Reboot pls).

I'm really damn happy that Square Enix Japan seems to be back and putting out a whole lot of games on modern consoles, after a whole generation where it felt like they were missing.
DQ8 is the most engrossing/immersive game I've ever played, so I need my fix too.

DQVIII does a LOT of things I've love to see done MORE in JRPGs. Sure, at it's core, it's as traditional as one gets, but it also presents the world in a more modern sense. The presentation of the world is massive, and you are given freedom to explore it, but the game is STILL linear and story progresses via events. But, it's not so lax that you can do ANYTHING, and not so restrictive that you can't do anything. It's the perfect meeting in the middle. That, IMO, is how JRPGs SHOULD be.
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