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Dragon Quest press event to be held on 7/28 in Japan, livestreamed, "main series"

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lol he was literally banned for arguing with someone about this. I think we're all good.

And yet, I still feel like there might be a 3DS version as well.

Also, I've got a feeling the HD remaster of whatever will also be revealed at this show.

He was banned because he insulted people. He was a dick to others who wouldn't buy what he was saying at face value.


It would be very strange if this is a L-5 exclusive game and yet it's announced at the live stream instead of one of Sony's conferences.
It would be very strange if this is a L-5 exclusive game and yet it's announced at the live stream instead of one of Sony's conferences.
Not really. DQ is big enough to warrant its own dedicated announcement, rather than being announced at SE conferences, nevermind platform holder conferences.

Does the PS4 even have more than one title above 400k in japan?
I don't think so but it will have the edge of still being on the market 12-18 months from now.
Don't get me wrong, PS4 has poor sales in Japan but by the time this releases, WiiU will probably be in its twilight and it would be congruent with SE's push to make PS4 a viable JRPG console in Japan.
It's bad but its trajectory on a timescale that matters to the game doesn't look as bad as WiiU's.


IIRC they were looking forward to release DQX overseas, but that was quite a while ago.

Are there really still people who can't understand why they wouldn't take the gamble of localizing a Nintendo exclusive MMO for the West?

Hell, I want to play it too, but even I can admit the odds of success for DQX would probably be slim.

Well they still may released it for Asian market (there are a lot of Asian players on DQX, using VPN access).


And DQX still never came to the west

Are there really still people who can't understand why they wouldn't take the gamble of localizing a Nintendo exclusive MMO for the West?

Hell, I want to play it too, but even I can admit the odds of success for DQX would probably be slim.


Are there really still people who can't understand why they wouldn't take the gamble of localizing a Nintendo exclusive MMO for the West?

Hell, I want to play it too, but even I can admit the odds of success for DQX would probably be slim.

Isn't it on PC?


Isn't it on PC?

Nintendo exclusive on consoles is what I meant. But even on PC I wonder what kind of a market there is for a game like DQX in the West.

Don't get me wrong: I'd be over the moon if they did bring it here. But I'm being realistic. A lot of people feel even bringing a new single player DQ to consoles, where the series has an established following, is a gamble outside Japan. An MMO is a whole other beast.


Oh wow so main series confirmed, I thought they'd wait until TGS. Cool!
This and the Chunsoft announcements will be really interesting in the upcoming weeks.


Not really. DQ is big enough to warrant its own dedicated announcement, rather than being announced at SE conferences, nevermind platform holder conferences.

I don't think so but it will have the edge of still being on the market 12-18 months from now.
Don't get me wrong, PS4 has poor sales in Japan but by the time this releases, WiiU will probably be in its twilight and it would be congruent with SE's push to make PS4 a viable JRPG console in Japan.
It's bad but its trajectory on a timescale that matters to the game doesn't look as bad as WiiU's.

Unless things radistically change in Japan, the Ps4 will still be behind WiiU come 2016.

The only reason there's so much support in Japan for PS4 is because of western sales because in the motherland, it's a complete disaster (even worse than WiiUs imho since unlike it, there are lots of high profile games coming for it)


Junior Member
SE is on a beast mode right now with all the upcoming games that interest me.

Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest VII 3DS (if localized)
Dragon Quest VIII 3DS (if localized)
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Builders
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy VII remake
World of Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 3
Star Ocean 5
Nier 2
Bravely Second
Project Setsuna
Just Cause 3


Oh wow so main series confirmed, I thought they'd wait until TGS. Cool!
This and the Chunsoft announcements will be really interesting in the upcoming weeks.

TGS is where some of those announced games will have some screenshots or footage.
I won't be surprised if there's another announcement there though :D


Unless things radistically change in Japan, the Ps4 will still be behind WiiU come 2016.

The only reason there's so much support in Japan for PS4 is because of western sales because in the motherland, it's a complete disaster (even worse than WiiUs imho since unlike it, there are lots of high profile games coming for it)


the only high profile wii u game i can think of is #FE... which isn't gonna do amazing anywhere but Japan. PS4 at least has stuff like FF, MGS, Persona, DQ... all very Japan-centric titles that are surely gonna boost PS4 to even higher sales.



the only high profile wii u game i can think of is #FE... which isn't gonna do amazing anywhere but Japan. PS4 at least has stuff like FF, MGS, Persona, DQ... all very Japan-centric titles that are surely gonna boost PS4 to even higher sales.

I said that unlike WiiU, PS4 has major support.


Unless things radistically change in Japan, the Ps4 will still be behind WiiU come 2016.

The only reason there's so much support in Japan for PS4 is because of western sales because in the motherland, it's a complete disaster (even worse than WiiUs imho since unlike it, there are lots of high profile games coming for it)

Many Playstation-exclusive games are japan oriented and not even guaranteed to be localized. Also WiiU has much more high profile games released yet the console is still deader than a legacy platform. That's why no one is developing for it.


Hey, guys, do you know at what time will the press event be?

Well someone here at GAF kinda accidentally revealed it (and afaik he's the only person in the world who actually revealed it)
night time JST

Edit: Guys, I don't think we should get thread locked again, so..

Some Nobody

Junior Member
He was banned because he insulted people. He was a dick to others who wouldn't buy what he was saying at face value.

I'm saying he insulted people OVER the DQ platform thing.

But I'm pretty sure this debate will continue right up until they announce the platforms, tho.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I mean, if they are going for PS4, they BETTER make good use of the hardware.

I'm expecting AAA top-notch production values.

Its probably going to be cross gen which limits its potential for PS4 only, but does that even matter? Games like Eternal Sonata are still the best looking JRPG's in existence 7 to 8 years after release.

In today's climate, and especially where DQ is coming from, DQ11 will most likely be considered a high tier AA project instead of a AAA project.
SE is on a beast mode right now with all the upcoming games that interest me.

Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest VII 3DS (if localized)
Dragon Quest VIII 3DS (if localized)
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Builders
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy VII remake
World of Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 3
Star Ocean 5
Nier 2
Bravely Second
Project Setsuna
Just Cause 3
SE is the most impressive 3rd party team out right now. I'm glad they're doing so much for Japan. Hoping Capcom and SEGA pull their big boy pants and start delivering 1/3 to 1/2 the content amount that SE is.

Fularu said:
Unless things radistically change in Japan, the Ps4 will still be behind WiiU come 2016.

The only reason there's so much support in Japan for PS4 is because of western sales because in the motherland, it's a complete disaster (even worse than WiiUs imho since unlike it, there are lots of high profile games coming for it)
SE is the most impressive 3rd party team out right now. I'm glad they're doing so much for Japan. Hoping Capcom and SEGA pull their big boy pants and start delivering 1/3 to 1/2 the content amount that SE is.

NAMCO deserves to be put aongside Square. They've been about as solid as can be ever since their shift during the middle of last gen.
SE is on a beast mode right now with all the upcoming games that interest me.

Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest VII 3DS (if localized)
Dragon Quest VIII 3DS (if localized)
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Builders
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy VII remake
World of Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 3
Star Ocean 5
Nier 2
Bravely Second
Project Setsuna
Just Cause 3

Yeah, they're doing hot, and you didn't even mention Mankind Divided.
NAMCO deserves to be put aongside Square. They've been about as solid as can be ever since their shift during the middle of last gen.
I didn't include them, but I agree they're doing a wonderful job. I guess SE just appeals more in terms of games (franchises) I like more, but you're right. SE and Namco are putting in work, as is Nintendo's 1st party team & Atlus.

Sony's first party teams there, SEGA, and Cacpom need to get their shit together. Oh and
lol Konami
I've been desperately in need of some mainline DQ, thank the gods XI is finally getting announced (regardless of platform)

I'd personally like to see WiiU/NX but I'll buy it on whatever... Unless it's announced exclusive to a potato



...no, that's a pretty accurate depiction of what's going on. the ps4's userbase is 1.6m while the wii u's is 2.4m. the ps4's base should surpass the wii u's in 2016 though, especially with dqxi, mgsv, and final fantasy versus xiii releasing between now and the end of the next calendar year.


Must admit that I'm pretty excited about this. I just pray to God that it isn't DQXI on mobile or a portable system. Some news about DQX being localized would be pretty awesome too!


...no, that's a pretty accurate depiction of what's going on. the ps4's userbase is 1.6m while the wii u's is 2.4m. the ps4's base should surpass the wii u's in 2016 though, especially with dqxi, mgsv, and final fantasy versus xiii releasing between now and the end of the next calendar year.

Still calling it Versus eh? Tabata wants everyone to forget about that game.
...no, that's a pretty accurate depiction of what's going on. the ps4's userbase is 1.6m while the wii u's is 2.4m. the ps4's base should surpass the wii u's in 2016 though, especially with dqxi, mgsv, and final fantasy versus xiii releasing between now and the end of the next calendar year.
Good to know you didn't read the comment I quoted. -_-


Good to know you didn't read the comment I quoted. -_-

well i did, but i didn't know you were referring specifically to radistically instead of the whole sentence because the whole sentence had been quoted. :p

Still calling it Versus eh? Tabata wants everyone to forget about that game.

i don't think i'll ever not call it versus xiii. i have to sort of section off the whole final fantasy xiii decade to its own quarantine zone.
well i did, but i didn't know you were referring specifically to radistically instead of the whole sentence because the whole sentence had been quoted. :p

i don't think i'll ever not call it versus xiii. i have to sort of section off the whole final fantasy xiii decade to its own quarantine zone.
I bolded the first sentence. :S It's pretty obvious PS4 will pass Wii U next year. NX is coming out next year, possibly mid year which means the Wii U sales will become even more abysmal while we may possibly have several big hitters next year to ramp up PS4 sales even more, some of which won't be coming on the PS3.


I bolded the first sentence. :S It's pretty obvious PS4 will pass Wii U next year. NX is coming out next year, possibly mid year which means the Wii U sales will become even more abysmal while we may possibly have several big hitters next year to ramp up PS4 sales even more, some of which won't be coming on the PS3.

oh. i read 'come 2016' as 'when 2016 gets here' as in, 'by the end of this year'


I bolded the first sentence. :S It's pretty obvious PS4 will pass Wii U next year. NX is coming out next year, possibly mid year which means the Wii U sales will become even more abysmal while we may possibly have several big hitters next year to ramp up PS4 sales even more, some of which won't be coming on the PS3.

Come 2016 is the start of the year, exactly like Anihawk understood it.

PS4 will still be behind WiiU next january, probably still behind WiiU in April.

The PS4 had a string of heavy hitters released in february, march and april and is barely outselling the WiiU (it has what? about 250k on it so far this year?)
Come 2016 is the start of the year, exactly like Anihawk understood it.

PS4 will still be behind WiiU next january, probably still behind WiiU in April.

The PS4 had a string of heavy hitters released in february, march and april and is barely outselling the WiiU (it has what? about 250k on it so far this year?)

year to date

PS4 - 639.352

Wii U - 311.963
Unless things radistically change in Japan, the Ps4 will still be behind WiiU come 2016.

What software is going to keep the Wii U selling? You think Splatoon will keep Wii U from where it was for the rest of this year and the next? Fularu pls.

Edit: So you meant, 'come the start of 2016'. Lol I don't think it matters. The PS4 will pass the Wii U in Japan. There is little doubt that 2016 will be the year this happens.
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