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DriveClub (Evolution Studios/PS4) announcement trailer. [PS3 WHEELS ARE SUPPORTED]

The car models look great. They have to be sharing assets with Polyphony surely? And yeah, dem white lines. I'm sure they'll be fixed though.


I hope this is the sony's PGR. I want something as good as PGR4 since Microsoft have forgotten that they still own the ip.


The car models look great. They have to be sharing assets with Polyphony surely? And yeah, dem white lines. I'm sure they'll be fixed though.

Even with their talk about how they recreated cars few details like lamps are noticeably lower quality that GT5 models but they did a lot of work or moving parts so it is still impressive.

Still not GT5 premium quality models.

Still i love this real first person mode and i will buy it DAY1. My G25 will be happy !


I need a super pretty racer to kick off a new console gen. I'll be getting this unless it ends up being complete crap (I expect it to be decent, at least)


This didn't impressed me that much during the stream but that gif looks glorious. So is this a competitor to Forza Horizon? I hope there is a free roam mode where you can just soak in the driving experience instead of racing.


disappointed that this wasnt an arcade racer, maybe theres still one in the works? but this looks cool for what it is i guess, the presenter's enthusiasm was intoxicating lol.
so this is a car simulator game rather than aracade type game?

doesn't that make Gran Turismo 6 redundant?

or maybe this is to hold people over until GT6 actually arrives >_>


so this is a car simulator game rather than aracade type game?

doesn't that make Gran Turismo 6 redundant?

or maybe this is to hold people over until GT6 actually arrives >_>

I think if it's giving off that impression it;s a terrible thing.PGR stood out on it's own, people here keep mention this as some second class racing game.
so this is a car simulator game rather than aracade type game?

doesn't that make Gran Turismo 6 redundant?

or maybe this is to hold people over until GT6 actually arrives >_>

It's a team based racing game that seems to take place in NFS-style envionments. Why would that make GT6 redundant?


I really hope this makes launch. Looked really cool.

I also really, REALLY hope Namco announced Ridge Racer 8 at E3.




Due to the stream, I couldn't see the detail of the cars, but wow. Insane.

PGR-like believe. All-star team, too.


I see this thread turned in to a GT5 vs Forza 3.

.. And this isn't even a Gran Turismo thread!

Why would you compare Forza 3 to GT5?

Anyway autovista/photomode with big shots made for some awesome looking cars.

so this is a car simulator game rather than aracade type game?

doesn't that make Gran Turismo 6 redundant?

or maybe this is to hold people over until GT6 actually arrives >_>

Did you even see the way that Koenigsegg launched in the video?

There is no way this is a simulation game.


I really hope this makes launch. Looked really cool.

I also really, REALLY hope Namco announced Ridge Racer 8 at E3.

I'd love that, but at the same time I've grown wary of the series. While the RR entries on the PSP were awesome (with tons of content and throwback stuff), 6 and 7 were weak and Unbounded was... uhhh.

Still, if they can put put something on the level of R4 I'd jump for joy. Until then, DriveClub is looking like the go-to racing game for PS4.


First of all, I do not understand the position of some posters here with displayed hate towards PD because of the alleged story of refusing to provide grounds of usage "Gran Turismo" brand for this project. What are your personal grounds for such negativity?

I subjectively think how giving a GT brandname to any game besides Gran Turismo games would hurt the brand. Within the the same logic I think - and I said that even before the Horizon was released - how establishing "Forza Horizon" sub-brand for more arcade game did hurt and will hurt Forza brand. And I still think that.

Also, from what I saw of DriveClub, this game is not similar to GT games besides fact it actually has cars that drives on pavement (notice I didn't use the word *tracks* very deliberately). This is obviously a game strictly focused on high-powered supercars only, with open-world in mind, with aesthetics and approach more similar to original "Test Drive Unlimited" and with focus on *attractiveness*.

Said that, I really do not find it problematic, I am very hyped about this game and I really hope it will deliver all it plans - especially to be released as a launch-game because I always welcome a great racer on the beginning of the generation.

I already said in GT5 thread how I personally find the vehicle-modelling not in the same precision league as GT5:p/GT5/FM4 (I am talking about FM4 and FM3 DLC models only, not models that originates from FM2&FM3 prior to FM3 DLC), but in the same time I am giving my sincere congratulations on actual *depth* of the modelling - interaction with cars and interactive interiors - that detail is amazing.

I am very excited about *First Person Experience* and I hope how actual exploration of the world will be allowed, together with interactive garages, tuning shops, social hubs and such. I am waiting for expansion over original experiences of PGR and TDU regarding feel of living in the virtual supercars world and I hope DC will deliver in that area.

It is great to know how Takamasa Shichisawa is part of the DC team, his experience regarding replays and directing camera behaviour and human animation should be of utter importance for the final product. Said that, I also have to highlight that DriveClub is already suffering from a syndrome I absolutely hate in 95% driving games, and that is usage of wide FOW cameras for presenting promotional movies and in-game replays. Using normal-field and tele-lens FOW really makes a huge difference on impression of the game, especially when vehicles and their perceived proportions are in display. I hope Shichisawa will gain greater influence over that aspect of DC.

I would also have few questions for Rushy and I am looking forward for any answer he can provide at some moment, thanx in advance:

- is 60fps a target?
- can we expect a USB/HID wheels support? (Logitech, Thrustmaster, Fanatec.)
- can we expect head-tracking in conjunction with new PS4 stereo-camera?
- will the cars suffer from visual/mechanical damage during gameplay?
- is there any kind of "ownership/maintenance repercussions" aspect in the game?
- is the single-player career important for DC?

At the end, I am very excited about DriveClub (and reactions within my GTSurgeons community are also very positive) and me and many of my friends are looking forward in picking this up Day1.


Junior Member
I don't think answers to those questions will be forthcoming just yet.

It's great to see more racing games on the horizon and I really hope we see more down the track.

Arcade, Sim, Simcade.....just gimmee, gimmee, gimmee....


I watched the trailer in full hd and the game seems to be in a really bad shape. Cars are good but the emvironment look crap, this is why they focused on cars in the short trailer.
Also the graphics doesn't look so good compared to current racers.


I hope it has deep performance customization whether they render all the parts or not. The detail under the hood is stunning.


Junior Member
I hope it has deep performance customization whether they render all the parts or not. The detail under the hood is stunning.

Yeah, it's truly ridiculous.

We've come along way since Gran Trak 10 that's for sure.

I don't think we'll be seeing any customization in this game, performance or otherwise.
I hope it has deep performance customization whether they render all the parts or not. The detail under the hood is stunning.

The game needs the explode car option like WRC, all that detailed modeling needs to be shown off part by part. Some proper car porn.

Rushy on Rllmuk:

I'm not allowed to answer any questions just yet (frustratingly) but hopefully I'll get round to answering them all in due course.



Matt from Evolution was probably dying on stage from stress.

Anyway, as a single player gamer, i'm a bit concerned that this will not be for me since it's multiplayer/club focused.

The reveal was more a teaser than a proper reveal. But i like what i'm seeing from the little driving that is in the trailer. I need to see a lot more of the actual driving to get a better idea. But i think it looks great and seems to have a good sense of speed. The cars look great.

I hope we will get a lot more info on this game soon-ish. I'd love to see a proper track. Will there be weather/day-night/... Could be cool.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
If Gran Turismo 6 exists, this just seems like throwing money after money. No point to it. So while we lose the futuristic' racing dev studio of Sony's stable from Studio Liverpool, Evolution also turn away from their own 'fantasy' racer of Motorstorm, and we get two realistic car games vying for the same market.

When Drive Club doesnt sell due to them not being allowed the GT name, Evolution have just ensured theyre that much closer to closing. Seems a pretty dumb move.

I wanted Wipeout 2025 :(
Why would you compare Forza 3 to GT5?

Anyway autovista/photomode with big shots made for some awesome looking cars.

Did you even see the way that Koenigsegg launched in the video?

There is no way this is a simulation game.

What has those photos got to do with anything? By the way those cars still look like they are made from plastic.....the lighting is just not realistic.

I am glad the GT name was not used for this. GT brandname would definitely be tarnished if it was and thats not saying this game is bad. It looks amazing, but GT brandname is a massive thing for Sony and fans expect a lot from it. There is no way a small studio like Evolution could live up to the name.


I don't see why GT and this can't co exist? Or are you forced to buy one or the other?
I never got MS game, but I will get this for sure. While for GT. Those are only racing IP that I will ever buy. 1.Not that into races but GT is part of PS DNA so I always get it. 2. This is launch game (let's hope) and that is why I will get it. EVolution is a good studio with a lot of talent, this will be solid.

O and you will get WOut as well. Probably E3 but more likely gamescom announcement.
I don't see why GT and this can't co exist? Or are you forced to buy one or the other?

They can coexist. Here's the official description of DriveClub

DriveClub is a next generation racer featuring the world’s top supercars, cutting edge graphics, and unparalleled social connectivity. Start a club and tear up the competition with friends. Send challenges to rivals via tablet or smartphone. Put it all on the line and wager in-game dollars on challenges set in the world’s most exotic locations.


Cutting edge graphics is really the only thing that it has in common with GT. This game is heavily based on social interaction and supercars. It's much more in line with the recent NFS titles than GT. At least from the description.


I bet my house this is a 30fps game.

Well that would be quite sad. You're probably right, we have an Evolution employee on the board, I'm sure he'd say if it was 60fps. :p Because why would you hide that fact? Meh. Hopefully it is not 30fps, though.


They can coexist. Here's the official description of DriveClub


Cutting edge graphics is really the only thing that it has in common with GT. This game is heavily based on social interaction and supercars. It's much more in line with the recent NFS titles than GT. At least from the description.

This sounds like a description for a new NFS with an advanced autolog :p

I wonder if this game will be an open world game. I want Test Drive Unlimited Motorstorm. It must be awesome. I don't remember the name but I think we had an open world offroad racing a few years ago and it wasn't good at all but it could become a good racing game by Evolution studio.
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