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DRIVECLUB |OT2| You Can't Rush Evolution


Now that stats are working, what's your car with the most miles so far?

Venom 830.4
Golf GTI 660.9
The rest are basically sub 100 except for a few in the 200's.

Not a freaking clue in the world how I've put so many miles on the Venom. The GTI I can understand since I've used it since it unlocked basically. Although I drove the hell out of the Venom for some recent challenges...

Also, is there a time played stat? Don't see one.


Servers are fucked for me.

Leaderboards don't work
Crew doesn't work
Stats don't load
Multiplayer doesn't load
My PSN id is "unknown"



Servers are fucked for me.

Leaderboards don't work
Crew doesn't work
Stats don't load
Multiplayer doesn't load
My PSN id is "unknown"


Yeah... Me and a few buddies are having the same issues. One in USA, rest (including myself are UK)

Anyhow, Hi Guys! Just checking in. I fucking love this game. Best racer in a very long time.

Quick question. Close to the platinum, the Hoon-a-tic trophy. Is that club based? Does the club you're in need to be at at 1,000,000 points in total? Because I'm well over that myself. Apologies if it's been answered, figured it would be quicker to ask than go through hundreds of pages.


Quick question. Close to the platinum, the Hoon-a-tic trophy. Is that club based? Does the club you're in need to be at at 1,000,000 points in total? Because I'm well over that myself. Apologies if it's been answered, figured it would be quicker to ask than go through hundreds of pages.

Pretty sure it's an individual achievement.

Talking of stats is there a total wins / number of races you've competed in? I can't see the number of wins and it seems like an odd stat to not have.


OK thanks. I'm level 41 so I'd have thought it would popped by now. Is it fame points? Because that could explain it.
Oh well. If it hasn't popped after I've got stars in everything then I'll grind them on a time trial with the Venom.
Bought the game yesterday. Whoooboy. My first race was a Norway map in the dark and in snow. Absolutely exhilarating. I don't know how any review could ever say the game didn't have "soul," because that was nuts!

I was a bit disappointed by the fact that clubs only have six spots. I ended up making my own
"GAF Missouri"
, so hopefully someone will join in!


Holy hell at the Apollo acceleration!!
It is so intense I was afraid the car will break apart also the god sound of the turbo spooling up *drools*
Thanks man! I really wanted to find the best stage for a sunset. Was debating on having the sun go down halfway through or not, glad I decided not to. ;)

The song is 'Only You (Original Mix) by Susana and Shogun.'

Linkity link ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Df2RCPYMs

:) Yeah, this game is so awesome. I've been gaming since I had an Atari 2600 as a little kid. Amazing we have graphics like this today at home on something that is relatively low price. Thanks for the link to the song too!

Here are some pics I posted over on the photo-mode page. Thought you may like them. Take it easy.





fyi the game replaces in-game models with even better quality models when you start Photo Mode ;)

Has that been confirmed? I know that's what happens in GT & Forza.

Pretty sure it's an individual achievement.

Talking of stats is there a total wins / number of races you've competed in? I can't see the number of wins and it seems like an odd stat to not have.

There's another stat screen that's been locked since the launch issues (you can see a down arrow on the main screen that took you to it) - I believe all the results stuff is being logged but isn't available yet.

Now that stats are working, what's your car with the most miles so far?

Venom 830.4
Golf GTI 660.9
The rest are basically sub 100 except for a few in the 200's.

Not a freaking clue in the world how I've put so many miles on the Venom. The GTI I can understand since I've used it since it unlocked basically. Although I drove the hell out of the Venom for some recent challenges...

Also, is there a time played stat? Don't see one.

Now look what you've done! (I love stats)

These are the cars I've earned more than half a million points with.

Car Fame / miles driven / million points per mile
Mini 507/245.3 - 2.06
DeZir 1084/485 - 2.23
FF 984/492 - 2.04
RGT8 693/351 - 1.97
Mono 776/453 - 1.71
Caterham 878/385 - 2.28
Twin run 692/243 - 2.84
Atom 1278/688 - 1.85
Zonda R 710/450 - 1.57
Venom 633/463 - 1.36

So the twin run is the car I earn the most with for some reason.
Taken not too long ago to test that model swapping theory. This was taken in single event race with eleven other cars.


To be honest, I don't see too much of a difference. Apart from the AA from photomode, the only things that pop out to me are the exhaust pipes(is that what they're called?) and the rear lights(though the lights appearning slightly different in photomode I'd attribute to the AA added). Top pic is non-photmode and bottom is. All in all, I think photomode just cleans up the model rather than swaps it.


Yeah, what I meant to say is that the models are different, not necessarily that it's an entirely new model (it would probably take more time for the photomode to kick in if it was).


fyi the game replaces in-game models with even better quality models when you start Photo Mode ;)

For race events it's just the interior and engine bay details that increase. Exterior and body panels are the same.


For single car time trials the models are the same as photomode.

How the hell does the multiplayer work in this game? All I wanna do is invite a friend and then set up the race myself (track, weather, etc) and then start the race with just us two. But I can't find anywhere to do this, the only option I can see is to join random events with strangers.


How the hell does the multiplayer work in this game? All I wanna do is invite a friend and then set up the race myself (track, weather, etc) and then start the race with just us two. But I can't find anywhere to do this, the only option I can see is to join random events with strangers.

There is no private race :(
How the hell does the multiplayer work in this game? All I wanna do is invite a friend and then set up the race myself (track, weather, etc) and then start the race with just us two. But I can't find anywhere to do this, the only option I can see is to join random events with strangers.

You can party up and race together (triangle button then join session / invite) but you can only join public servers at the mo.
Damn. That sucks ass.

Oh well, thanks for the replies.

No probs - when the multiplayer servers were playing up I'd do competitive time trials against a mate. You both pick an event and car and synchronise your starts - we ended up seeing each other's ghosts in our session and was a nice alternative to the public online racing.
Posting that about competitive time trial has just made me think we could run that GAF event as a rally. Everyone who wants to enter adds GAF-Rally to their friends list, on the day of the event we issue a list of cars (or classes), tracks, time and weather. The rally runs from a set time and every 5 minutes we take a screenshot of the friends list leaderboard for each event in turn (to prevent multiple runs). I'm sure people can get the odd restart in there but time is tight and you have to have finished the event before the screenshot is taken...

So what do you think? Ideas? suggestions? or tell me to stop going on about competitive stuff! :)


I already own the disc version, but this just happened....


I've been playing Alien: Isolation, but I keep having these 10-15 minute breaks when the kids aren't driving me nuts, and I wish I could just fire up Driveclub without having to swap discs. You got my money twice Rushy.


Fired up for the first time in 2-3 weeks and played some Redline Tour. What a game.

Then played some Elements tour races, especially the wet lap time trial with a Zonda. Fucking unreal, deadset looked real. What a game.

Then played some multi, got kicked out, got stuffed straight to a car select screen, got kicked out, lost a race after lapping a group of cars 4 times cos they were stuck on the start line, got kicked out. Come on Evo, pleassee fix this soon.

Still though, what a game.


Posting that about competitive time trial has just made me think we could run that GAF event as a rally. Everyone who wants to enter adds GAF-Rally to their friends list, on the day of the event we issue a list of cars (or classes), tracks, time and weather. The rally runs from a set time and every 5 minutes we take a screenshot of the friends list leaderboard for each event in turn (to prevent multiple runs). I'm sure people can get the odd restart in there but time is tight and you have to have finished the event before the screenshot is taken...

So what do you think? Ideas? suggestions? or tell me to stop going on about competitive stuff! :)

Great, but I wouldn't be trusting the leaderboards AT ALL.


Chie is the worst waifu
Elements final tour just destroying me. The rain coming down far too hard for me to see, doesn't help it is near sunrise and that sun blinds me. I have bad enough vision as it is, this just makes it neigh unplayable for me.
Elements final tour just destroying me. The rain coming down far too hard for me to see, doesn't help it is near sunrise and that sun blinds me. I have bad enough vision as it is, this just makes it neigh unplayable for me.

And you haven't even driven the final race, have you?;)

3rd person view tends to improve visibility a bit.


:) Yeah, this game is so awesome. I've been gaming since I had an Atari 2600 as a little kid. Amazing we have graphics like this today at home on something that is relatively low price. Thanks for the link to the song too!

Here are some pics I posted over on the photo-mode page. Thought you may like them. Take it easy.






Nice pics! Aston Martins seem to look particularly nice in this game.


Somebody made a sound comparison between DC and RL : http://youtu.be/HpxKor9IZoQ

That's surprisingly close! Shame video games seem to never get that throatiness from real-life cars, though. If they do, it's usually at the expense of accuracy. I'm glad at least Evo went the former route.

Some cars sound kinda fake though (at least, compared to the Ferraris and Mercs). Do we know if they used the same recording technique for all cars?

I also wish that points weren't given just on how many people entered a challenge, but on how high the scores are, too. If there's some kind of weighting that could be applied somehow (maybe in relation to other challenges on the same track or something?) that'd be far better. I mean, there's only what, 8 people did that, I put in literally hours but only get around 18k bonus for my place? Bit rough.


This is my last attempt as I'm heading out for the rest of the night. Just a few hours left on the clock if anyone wants to try and beat it. Good luck!


I ain't even mad. Thing is, on the first drift section when I was trying to beat your time, I could get almost 3k and be about 500 up on you, and in my best run I was only about 300 up in that first bit. I didn't have another chance Saturday (my time) since your post to give it another go, but I was more than happy to come from "not a hope in hell" to being right up there!

I take it that's how the standings finished? Haven't been near my PS4 to check since.

DJ Gunner

Elements final tour just destroying me. The rain coming down far too hard for me to see, doesn't help it is near sunrise and that sun blinds me. I have bad enough vision as it is, this just makes it neigh unplayable for me.

You have to virtually race on the minimap- especially on the last one.


Yay finally got a new HDMI cable. I didn't like playing on the big screen in the living room much and I'm glad I'm going to put the ps4 back in the room.


I hope the reduced requirements for the final trophy race makes it into the next patch that will hopefully come out soon. Not gonna get 27 stars on most DLC any time soon.
Rally sounds good.

I'd love Evo to take WRC back.

Yeah the old PS2 WRC games were fantastic, I just don't think the sport has the following for it now :-(

So prolly the best plan would be to do a small test run on 3-4 tracks with just 5-6 of us to make sure it works like the theory. I think I'll have to check through the track leaderboards and find a car that none of the entrants have already set a time with for each track, so it'll probably mean we use some of the less popular cars.


Elements final tour just destroying me. The rain coming down far too hard for me to see, doesn't help it is near sunrise and that sun blinds me. I have bad enough vision as it is, this just makes it neigh unplayable for me.

You can also use the face off as visual cues, and of course, evaluate distance to the next corner with the flags. Also better be a good gambler to go full throttle, but that comes with knowledge of the track.


I ain't even mad. Thing is, on the first drift section when I was trying to beat your time, I could get almost 3k and be about 500 up on you, and in my best run I was only about 300 up in that first bit. I didn't have another chance Saturday (my time) since your post to give it another go, but I was more than happy to come from "not a hope in hell" to being right up there!

I take it that's how the standings finished? Haven't been near my PS4 to check since.

Yeah it expired. That's the thing about drifts that makes it too addictive for me. Once you understand how it works, you almost always know where to improve. And you almost never hit ALL of them perfectly because you are working with an unstable car. There's always that "wish I did that section like the other time" feeling. I don't have that feeling with time trials as much because it's far more subtle and i never seem to have a clue how people are 5 seconds ahead somehow :/

I'm travelling for the next few days. Will get back to challenges once I return. Also need to finish elements DLC before the next batch arrives...

Good to see that you didn't just get a hang of it, but are doing way better! Hope my tips helped. I should probably do a consolidated guide on drifting. One of these days...


Yeah it expired. That's the thing about drifts that makes it too addictive for me. Once you understand how it works, you almost always know where to improve. And you almost never hit ALL of them perfectly because you are working with an unstable car. There's always that "wish I did that section like the other time" feeling. I don't have that feeling with time trials as much because it's far more subtle and i never seem to have a clue how people are 5 seconds ahead somehow :/
That's just what I love about DC in general (and in a lot of other things, like pinball for example): you can always see parts you can do better in. I just prefer to have that feeling compacted in a 1-2min event (like drifts or a quick hotlap) than a P2P, which is why I shy away from those challenges in particular.

The fun I have with time trials that you might not have picked up on, is to set your best ghost, then fall half a second or so behind. Try taking each corner slightly differently (brake a little earlier/later, turn in sooner/later) and see where you finish in relation to your ghost. If you drop behind, take it in the other direction (if later didn't work, try earlier than your best time) and go from there. I find my best results come from doing just that and fighting my instincts with some things. It blew me away, for example, when nailing the first Venom HL that braking early and punishing the accelerator early out of a corner was faster than trying to carry speed into a corner. It felt wrong, but somehow it worked!


So i downloaded the digital copy after already owning the disc version. I downloaded the game and the update, but now I can't do shit. Every event says downloading and it's taking forever. Prioritizing isn't helping. I have really fast internet too. Will this download in standby?
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