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Driveclub weather update out NOW. laawwwwwd.gif


Dammit I have to play today. I've been too damn tired all week. I'm still working on finishing the main tour (part way into legend section now), haven't touched any of the dlc yet (got season pass) and only sampled the weather system.

Definitely cracking open a Monster after the hockey game and doing this shit.
Amazing? There's hardly any difference. Don't just hype things for the sake of it man.
I think there's a pretty big difference as well. Some things could still use some tweaking, but I could barely even hear the rain before. The wipers made no sound either, as far as I could tell, but now they do. Thunder is more audible as well.

leng jai

I think there's a pretty big difference as well. Some things could still use some tweaking, but I could barely even hear the rain before. The wipers made no sound either, as far as I could tell, but now they do. Thunder is more audible as well.

Yeah technically you can hear it now, but it's still nowhere near loud enough. So compared to before it exists now, which is about it.

There is a difference before this patch you clearly could not hear it and it is noticable by a lot with patch 1.09. Now i can hear thunder,rain,windscreen wipers.

I said hardly, not non-existent. You can hear it, but it's still ridiculously soft. Certainly a far cry from "dialling it up to 11" like they claimed on Twitter. The rain for example sounds much better in the pre race lead up, and then just completely drops out when it starts.


Yeah technically you can hear it now, but it's still nowhere near loud enough.

I said hardly, not non-existent. You can hear it, but it's still ridiculously soft. Certainly a far cry from "dialling it up to 11" like they claimed on Twitter. The rain for example sounds much better in the pre race lead up, and then just completely drops out when it starts.

Soft? i can hear it out loud on my 5.1 surround sound. I can hear it better then before the patch way better. Maby it has to be your setup not working properly.
I played Chile in the rain and my roommate is sitting next to me going WHAT THE FUCKKK over and over again. These are the best realtime graphics I have ever seen.
This should be a commercial.

A dark hallway - the sound of thunder and rain WHAT THE FUCKKK the camera creeps further down the hallway towards flickering light of a living room door left ajar WHAT THE FUCKKK closer still and we still hear the storm and rain, but we can distinguish the thunder from the exhaust notes that you'd only hear from the rarest of hyper cars at full; throttle, and the squeal of tires losing their grip and slipping into a long drift WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK and now we're through the doorway and in the living room, dark except for the light strobing from the TV, casting its glow towards the couch with two guys staring intently forward towards the set, eyes wide, mouths agape, hunched forward, mesmerized. One of them has a dual shock and is focused on the action, contorting his face as gamers do, almost like he's trying to form words but can't, and the other is just staring and shaking his head WHAT THE FUCKKK and now the camera spins slowly around to face the TV head on - a heated race between a dozen hyper cars jostling for position on a thin strip of storm drenched road in Chile as lightning lights up the sky WHAT THE- and strikes a desolate husk of tree in the distance FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. The camera moves in until the game fills the screen and the sound kicks into overdrive.

* actual gameplay footage


*cut to external shot of the house. Its a sleepy neighborhood and skies are sunny and clear. birds chirp.*


*play-station, #4ThePlayers, etc etc etc*


There's a glitch with the windshield wiper sounds; cars like the DeZir and Twin'Run Concept have the wiper sounds even though they don't have any wipers. :p

Here's a test run in the electric DeZir so all you can basically hear is the weather effects in various cams. I cranked up the volume in a video editor since the in-game sounds are still sort of too low imo.


Even in lower-end cars with engine sounds, the engine sound effects tend to overpower the rain sounds so you won't hear anything like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWph3RpBJQs&t=1m4s. I wish they would let us separately adjust the environmental sound effects and the engine sound effects. Right now they're both just lumped together in "SFX Volume" so you don't have any control over it.

It's a good update to the environment sounds nonetheless.


awww shit i was just about to go to walmart to get ps4 just for this game.

then i came across forza 2 for xbox and haven't a clue what system to pick, any help with that choice?


awww shit i was just about to go to walmart to get ps4 just for this game.

then i came across forza 2 for xbox and haven't a clue what system to pick, any help with that choice?

Closed circuit vs open world. Depends on your preference.


awww shit i was just about to go to walmart to get ps4 just for this game.

then i came across forza 2 for xbox and haven't a clue what system to pick, any help with that choice?

PS4 is the better console but Forza Horizon 2 is the better game. If you are going to get a PS4 just for Driveclub, there is a good chance you may be disappointed after novelty of DC's awesome graphics wears off as its a rather barebones racing game.


Ignore Pimpbaa full heartedly, Driveclub is one of the greatest racing games in the past decade. Pure skill vs. pure skill, no fluff, no upgrades, no questioning if you didn't win because you didn't have the most up to date rims or fucking engine parts. Its mechanics are sublime and its track design is frequently incredible. There's more than enough gameplay for endless hours.

Just did you master the phenomenal gameplay? No? You lose. Yes? You win.


Ignore Pimbaa full heartedly, Driveclub is one of the greatest racing games in the past decade. Pure skill vs. pure skill, no fluff, no upgrades, no questioning if you didn't win because you didn't have the most up to date rims or fucking engine parts. It's mechanics are sublime and its track design is frequently incredible. There's more than enough gameplay for endless hours.

Just did you master the phenomenal gameplay? No? You lose. Yes? You win.

Another reason i prefer racing games like this. Just your car and you with the road and go!
Need help guys, I have a season pass for this game and yet can't get the new cars nor the new events to work or even to download them. Is there anything special I have to do to get the DLC?

edit: oh I see why, It's Dec 23rd for NA, silly me


Another reason i prefer racing games like this. Just your car and you with the road and go!

There is of course a time and a place for those other types of racing games. The issue is, we have a zillion of those, and almost none like Driveclub.

And Driveclub executes its gameplay so masterfully that it's instantly one of the greatest racing games within its sub racing genre. With all the free DLC already, there's enough gameplay to last someone who is seriously trying to go for completion more hours of play to justify any cost ten times over. It's worth easily the $60 it was at to start with, but it's now $34.99 on Amazon. An insane value.

There's simply few other racing games on the market like it, and its visuals are just the fucking beautiful cherry on top.
awww shit i was just about to go to walmart to get ps4 just for this game.

then i came across forza 2 for xbox and haven't a clue what system to pick, any help with that choice?

If you're picking a console based on either of these two games alone, I can't help you since I haven't played either yet.

Look to the overall library. Look to the upcoming games. And if you're a racing fan, look to see which will have the racing games you're most likely to enjoy (though they'll both likely get the Need for Speeds and whatnot, so it's mostly going to come down to exclusives).


Ignore Pimpbaa full heartedly, Driveclub is one of the greatest racing games in the past decade. Pure skill vs. pure skill, no fluff, no upgrades, no questioning if you didn't win because you didn't have the most up to date rims or fucking engine parts. Its mechanics are sublime and its track design is frequently incredible. There's more than enough gameplay for endless hours.

Just did you master the phenomenal gameplay? No? You lose. Yes? You win.

What he said.

Seriously though, Driveclub is amazing, if you like your racing games skill based, not gimmick based.


There is of course a time and a place for those other types of racing games. The issue is, we have a zillion of those, and almost none like Driveclub.

And Driveclub executes its gameplay so masterfully that it's instantly one of the greatest racing games within its sub racing genre.

There's simply few other racing games on the market like it, and its visuals are just the fucking beautiful cherry on top.

I did have a few racing games who where like this back in the day. Grand Prix 2,TOCA Racing for example on PC i played them a lot and i needed to learn every track or reset it to do it again and again to be better. But this one takes the cake it feels so good taking the corner perfect after many tries or go in a straight line going so fast your feeling the adrenaline.

I really like perfecting my driving for every corner and what not the more i do that the better you get.


You have to consider budget, workforce and time of development; PD will benefit from enormous budget, bigger workforce and much, much longer dev time.

And PD has much more talent.

So, even at 1080p60 it will trump DC in every way.

It's even hard to believe xD


PD have not made a decent racing game since GT2. How can any car enthusiast take PD seriously when their games sound like this.


and that is the least of PD problems. Really surprising considering Kaz has been racing for years now.


I did have a few racing games who where like this back in the day. Grand Prix 2,TOCA Racing for example on PC i played them a lot and i needed to learn every track or reset it to do it again and again to be better. But this one takes the cake it feels so good taking the corner perfect after many tries or go in a straight line going so fast your feeling the adrenaline.

I really like perfecting my driving for every corner and what not the more i do that the better you get.

Oh yeah absolutely you can find them, especially the further you go back from the modern era of games. But a racer like this on a console in this day and age is exceedingly rare. And because Driveclub has a unique approach to mechanics and a quite engaging challenge system, it still feels distinct.
Having played a good amount of both (level 110 in Horizon and just hit 50 in DriveClub), they're both system sellers to me, doubly so now that DriveClub has its gobsmacking weather and Horizon has its off-road expansion DLC. But its going to come down to personal taste. Open world vs. tracks. Breadth of gameplay options (including rewind, tuning, upgrades) versus razor honed tracks and events. Its dogs and cats really. They're both fucking incredible games.


Ignore Pimpbaa full heartedly, Driveclub is one of the greatest racing games in the past decade. Pure skill vs. pure skill, no fluff, no upgrades, no questioning if you didn't win because you didn't have the most up to date rims or fucking engine parts. Its mechanics are sublime and its track design is frequently incredible. There's more than enough gameplay for endless hours.

Just did you master the phenomenal gameplay? No? You lose. Yes? You win.
Listen to Ami, hoy.


Oh yeah absolutely you can find them, especially the further you go back from the modern era of games. But a racer like this on a console in this day and age is exceedingly rare. And because Driveclub has a unique approach to mechanics and a quite engaging challenge system, it still feels distinct.

It sure does i prefer this really over NFS Rivals yes there is a difference between them but i just didn't like it. What is also amazing on how much detail is packed in driveclub the cars look ridiculous beautiful,cockpit view just baller like the real thing and that with every car.

More surprising the loads of camera views it has been a longtime seeing a game doing this where you can switch 6 views if i am not wrong.

But it does feel different and that is good because different can make a lot of fun instead using the same formula every single time.
Not to call anyone out or anything, but if people are really calling the car-tuning in FH2 "gimmicky," will they feel the same when Gran Turismo is released on PS4 and does the same thing?

Edit: Unless the gimmick claims are referring to something else. As I've said, I haven't played either racer.


It's not a gimmick, it's a different type of racing game that has its place but is not inherently better than the other.

But one of these types is much rarer, and people can clearly have preferences for one over the other. I love both genres approaches to racing games pretty equally, but because racing games like DriveClub are exceedingly rare in the modern age I appreciate it existing more right now than yet another racing game in the other type.


PS4 is the better console but Forza Horizon 2 is the better game. If you are going to get a PS4 just for Driveclub, there is a good chance you may be disappointed after novelty of DC's awesome graphics wears off as its a rather barebones racing game.

I'm going between both FH2 and DC, and no, FH2 is not a better game. They're both great in their own rights, not one is better than the other. It depends on what the player is looking for...

On a related note, I just got me DC season pass today. I'm hyped.

Purest 78

awww shit i was just about to go to walmart to get ps4 just for this game.

then i came across forza 2 for xbox and haven't a clue what system to pick, any help with that choice?

Both games are fun But only one is mind blowing, that game is Driveclub. It simply has visuals I've never seen in a game.
Not to call anyone out or anything, but if people are really calling the car-tuning in FH2 "gimmicky," will they feel the same when Gran Turismo is released on PS4 and does the same thing?

Edit: Unless the gimmick claims are referring to something else. As I've said, I haven't played either racer.

Nobody called it gimmicky. Everyone here agrees FH2 is a fantastic game so try not to put words in peoples' mouth/posts.

What we are trying to say, the no tune-up nature of this game is made so everyone is at the same level while doing challenges with only their skill and/or car preference changing the outcome.

Think of it more like fighting games, and how hard it would be to create balance if you can min/max each characters' stats.
What he said.

Seriously though, Driveclub is amazing, if you like your racing games skill based, not gimmick based.

Nobody called it gimmicky.

I know I said I wasn't going to call anybody out, so I apologize for this DavidDesu. But I want to make it clear I wasn't pulling my question out of my ass and honestly wanted to know why FH2 might be viewed as gimmicky.

But I appreciate the explaination, FlutterPuffs. In spite of the unnecessary rebuke.


PS4 is the better console but Forza Horizon 2 is the better game. If you are going to get a PS4 just for Driveclub, there is a good chance you may be disappointed after novelty of DC's awesome graphics wears off as its a rather barebones racing game.

Official Forum Cocksucker

That tag... lol

That comment has nothing to do with your post, although I disagree with you calling driveclub barebones.
Not to call anyone out or anything, but if people are really calling the car-tuning in FH2 "gimmicky," will they feel the same when Gran Turismo is released on PS4 and does the same thing?

Edit: Unless the gimmick claims are referring to something else. As I've said, I haven't played either racer.

The issue isn't the inclusion of said features. The issue is when games like Driveclub is 'criticised' as barebones or archaic for not having them.


There is of course a time and a place for those other types of racing games. The issue is, we have a zillion of those, and almost none like Driveclub.

And Driveclub executes its gameplay so masterfully that it's instantly one of the greatest racing games within its sub racing genre. With all the free DLC already, there's enough gameplay to last someone who is seriously trying to go for completion more hours of play to justify any cost ten times over. It's worth easily the $60 it was at to start with, but it's now $34.99 on Amazon. An insane value.

There's simply few other racing games on the market like it, and its visuals are just the fucking beautiful cherry on top.

Yeah. In particular, Sony already has Gran Turismo, they don't need a slightly different Gran Turismo. It's great that Driveclub manages to distinguish itself. And since it's $34.99, the game + all the season pass content is now the price of a regular game, which is awesome.



PD have not made a decent racing game since GT2. How can any car enthusiast take PD seriously when their games sound like this.


and that is the least of PD problems. Really surprising considering Kaz has been racing for years now.
Just no, PD is one of the most talented racing games devs around just look what have they accomplished on PS3 hardware not just picking on the sound which I agree it's needs some work and Kaz already said they developing new sound engine for GT7.
People love to hate on PD but they wizard on my book heck I remember people comparing GT6 on PS3 to Forza 5 on Xbone on the next-gen racers face-off thread yeah GT6 on last gen can keep up with forza5 on new-gen
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