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E3 2008 Sony Conference


Loudninja said:
How in the hell is it a D?
If they had featured just one live, on-stage demonstration of a highly anticipated exclusive or third-party title, it would have done wonders for their conference.

I'm not dissing their lineup... at all. I'm looking forward to most of what they actually did announce but, as a spectator who won't have access to game demos on the show floor, I would have liked to see some of these titles played on stage.
kevm3 said:
To me, this conference just highlights the completely backwards nature of Sony's approach to the playstation 3. Where was wipeout HD? Wasn't THAT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT ALREADY? We're WAITING for any information about it. How are we supposed to get excited about PS3's first party when we can never trust them on release dates because the games are always getting delayed?

We constantly have to WAIT WAIT WAIT on the games, but guess what, Sony made sure to get out its video download service way ahead of time. The gaming seems to be sacrificed for multimedia functionality. And seriously, where are the japanese games? Oh yeah, we have to WAIT until TGS. When is Home coming out? We have to WAIT until sometime this summer, and once it doesn't come out during summer, we'll be asked to WAIT until first quarter of the next year.

Pretty much sums up my feelings. We're all victims of the internet hypetrain. I was happier when i used to walk into game stores and see: "oh, Sonic 3? great" or reading EGM to find out all about the new games.

Now i feel that if i don't know every corporate secret until 2012 i'm not informed. Guess i'll take some of the blame for expecting unrealistic stuff.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Welp, I guess that's that.

Fat Princess looked pretty cool.

And glad to see Valk. Chron. on PSP.


sex vacation in Guam
-kvm said:
We constantly have to WAIT WAIT WAIT on the games, but guess what, Sony made sure to get out its video download service way ahead of time. The gaming seems to be sacrificed for multimedia functionality. And seriously, where are the japanese games? Oh yeah, we have to WAIT until TGS. When is Home coming out? We have to WAIT until sometime this summer, and once it doesn't come out during summer, we'll be asked to WAIT until first quarter of the next year.

what the hell are you talking about. It took SONY ages to get their movie download service in gear. Not just that it seems they just copied what they had for the store which is brilliant since they dont waste much time. I think the biggest hurdle for them was the DRM situation. Games take from 2-6 years to develop, some wild exceptions take 10 ;)


- I haven't seen anything on the Microsoft or Sony press conference that got me really excited, but I'm far from beeing disappointed either
- I thought Gears 2 had a way better showing on stage than Resistance 2
- The LBP power point presentation was awesome
- I haven't even bothered with the Nintendo press conference
- I'm still hyped for the rest of E3

+Gears of War 2
+Fable 2
+HDD Install
+Fallout Live Play
+New Dashboard
+XBLA Games

-Movie Game
- The Presenters


+Animal Crossing
+Wii Resort

- Wii Music
- Snowboarding game
- Charts
- The Bitch

Sony :

+God of War 3 CG Trailer
+Resistance 2
+Movie Service
+PSN Games

- Home
- The Presenter
- 3 years on, no proof PS3 is a more powerful system than Xbox 360
- No Killzone 2
- No Megatons
- CG. Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me

Overall, Sony only had more games because it had more systems to work with, PSN, PS2, PS3 and PSP, Microsoft had only XB and XBLA and had more games than Sony if you only compare PS3 and PSN. Nintendo had nothing


Unconfirmed Member
gcubed said:
yeah? how about playing the fucking game yourself in a booth? Seriously?

Good god people do people not understand that after every show of Sony's 08 lineup they were told TO GO PLAY THE GAME

common sense has no place within this website


Well, that was pretty good. Sony's presentation (the stage, etc) was awesome as usual, and the LBP twist on sales data was awesome.

The R2 stuff looked pretty nice, though really scripted. The PSN additions sound great. Other than that, it was pretty good, though I prefer games coming out soon w/ gameplay shown to games coming out who knows when, with CG trailers.


commariodore64 said:
Oh I guess a completely new UI doesn't count... and only focusing on games coming out in the NEAR future?

I give you a D-

No, flunkie, their new Vista inspired UI doesn't count.
Yep, after Sony's keynote, the PS3 is officially doomed. I was expecting a megaton announcement, but instead...Resistance on PSP? LoL. MAG? LOL.

I can't believe Jack gave his presentation with a straight face. Most of the titles that were shown will ALSO be available on the 360. I don't think the average joe will care about Buzz, Rag Doll Kung Fu, or inFAMOUS. LOL!

Epic fail Sony, epic fail. It was fun while it lasted guys...but it'll truly be the end of an era. Nail in the coffin after the worst E3 press conference ever. Pack your bags guys, 'cause the console wars are OVAH!

Man, Microsoft must have been laughing backstage yesterday. Wada was all like "Btw guys OOOOH MUTHAFUKKIN FFXIII on the 360 bitches!"

All hope...is lost. At this point I want the 360 to succeed. They're just making all the right decisions. Their new HDD installation capabilities, Netflix integrations, and jRPG announcements have impressed the hell out of me. Microsoft the new Sony? BELIEVE.

P.S. WTF Nintendo still fails at life. Their press conference was worse than Sony's. GTA on DS? LOOOOOOOOOOOL!
That was a very underwhelming press conference.

Resistance 2 looked sweet but I wanted to see some co-op.

And the combination of no Killzone 2 plus the two big reveals (GoWIII and MAG) not showing any gameplay left me expecting some big finale jaw dropper that never came.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'd go like this:

MS - B

I am not hugely into their casual stuff-- You're In the Movies and LIPS segments were very rough and felt almost like time fillers-- but they had the foresight to start off with FOUR gameplay clips of games that I am interested in. They also dropped a huge bomb, which is the only bomb dropped at E3. However, the bomb was for a vaporware RPG that has been showing the same CG trailer for 2 years. So, while excited, I won't go crazy (obviously).

Sony - C+

Can't believe they showed CG for anything. Also wasted time on a PS2 clip reel and showing GT TV. Where are the Japanese studios? Do they even exist anymore? Not one RPG covered. Still, Infamous looks nice. Too bad it's 2009. Resistance 2 looked great. Very interested in MAG.

Nintendo - F



gcubed said:
yeah? how about playing the fucking game yourself in a booth? Seriously?
How about fucking buying me a plane ticket to fucking play the games in a serious fucking booth?


GreekWolf said:
If they had featured just one live, on-stage demonstration of a highly anticipated exclusive or third-party title, it would have done wonders for their conference.

I'm not dissing their lineup... at all. I'm looking forward to most of what they actually did announce but, as a spectator who won't have access to game demos on the show floor, I would have liked to see some of these titles played on stage.

maybe i'm missing something, is it better to show more games on stage, and let people play the games themselves, or show less games but let someone watch someone else play them?
pr0cs said:
I put more value on the demo when they feel they have enough content (and the software is stable enough) to be shown live. Demoing on-stage means I'm going to be playing the game 'soon' which is important unless you like waiting for games.

Wouldn't you put more value into a demo that is stable enough to be put into the press hands? Someone who can try to push the game to its limits and not just a practiced on stage demo? I'm sure the bigger game sites will have video of them playing these games, they always do.:D


Oooh, grading for the shows in here?

Sony: B (Not much over the top in hype generation outside of GoW3, MAG, and inFamous, which MAG and inFamous look incredible. Solid showing from R2, LBP customization of the stat stuff was funny, PSN great looking titles, movie service, and Booty. Some surprises and games like WK are probably saved for TGS which is no surprise to their format. I'm more and more liking Jack as a speaker.)

MS: C (Live demos of MP titles? Ok. Middle of show was terrible. Lips being the "OK" part of it. FFXIII and JRPG support was great. Sloppy snorefest overall in presentation.)

Ninty: L (LOL. Showed why I won't buy their machine and why they're dead to me)


Flower and the R&C game were the only exciting PSN games for me. Unbelievable that there just aren't more titles in the pipeline for PSN.


Frillen said:
No they didn't. The biggest was CGI trailers and an incredible scripted boss battle. PSP games was awesome though.

But the general people out there are alreay crowning MS the winner.

Showing off a game is showing off a game wether it is a 3 minute demo or a trailer. Sony showed off significantly more exclusive games then mircosoft did and because of that sony won, the general people out there are already crowning Sony the winner.
Resistance 2 looks epic and I really want Stardust PSP. MAG looks interesting but they didn't do much more than confirm the rumors. Great news that the video store up tonight.

I was disappointed that Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles and Wipeout HD were all missing. Would have really liked some more gameplay demonstrations and less montage clips too.


"I'll probably get this just to support the idea. I want a lot of 15 dollar short but high budget games."

I'm all for that too, just not with Ratchet, they sucked the life out of that franchise already.

Resistance 2 looking epic? That huge monster which looked oh so amazing in the teaser trailer now looks like it wants to be my pet, barking at me to throw the frisbee. You know, if i was a huge monster, maybe i'd start destroying the building the player is running through instead of growling at it. What a complete waste of "gameplay".
kbear said:
Was this a joke post? Like were you trying to be contrarian on purpose for the "lulz"?
oh, no... he doesn't agree with my opinion... i know, let's talk about how delusional he is on that other forum! dude, come on... really?

anyway, that was a boring conference... not as boring as nintendo's, but not as exciting as msft's (the ms conference was really boring until the end, tbh).

Fat Princess looked awesome, and so did inFamous. MAG was definitely the high-light of the show for me (being a big planetside homer)... and seeing GoW3 -if only a cg teaser- was good also. no mention of twisted metal ps3 was kinda disappointing though.... oh, well, maybe next year :(

in the end, i found all 3 conferences boring and a good indicator that his hobby isn't really for me anymore. :/


The fact that SCEA won't put Dark Mist on the store tells you everything you need to know about how little they think of Japanese games, and why they can't secure decent RPGs for the system. As much money as they've lost in the last few years, if they had the money to fund game pitches from developers like Factor 5 for tens of millions of dollars, they had the money to keep games like Final Fantasy exclusive.
J-Rzez said:
Oooh, grading for the shows in here?

Sony: B (Not much over the top in hype generation outside of GoW3, MAG, and inFamous, which MAG and inFamous look incredible. Solid showing from R2, LBP customization of the stat stuff was funny, PSN great looking titles, movie service, and Booty. Some surprises and games like WK are probably saved for TGS which is no surprise to their format. I'm more and more liking Jack as a speaker.)

MS: C (Live demos of MP titles? Ok. Middle of show was terrible. Lips being the "OK" part of it. FFXIII and JRPG support was great. Sloppy snorefest overall in presentation.)

Ninty: L (LOL. Showed why I won't buy their machine and why they're dead to me)

you act as if MS didnt show Gears, Fable and Fallout


pr0cs said:
How about fucking buying me a plane ticket to fucking play the games in a serious fucking booth?

i didnt realize the conference was aimed at you sitting at home watching a live feed... i thought it was aimed at the people who are actually there??


I think if you consider yourself a hardcore gamer, both Sony and Microsoft brought some exciting stuff this year. I don't want to give out grades, but I'm looking forward to the big titles brought by both companies. Nintendo, not so much.


doicare said:
Showing off a game is showing off a game wether it is a 3 minute demo or a trailer. Sony showed off significantly more exclusive games then mircosoft did and because of that sony won, the general people out there are alreay crowning Sony the winner.

The 'general people'? Well they'd be wrong then.

It will be interesting to see what the game journos have to say about the E3 conferences. I can't imagine any of them not picking MS as the clear winner in terms of the E3 conference at the very least.


I can't believe there are people here (even though they are the minority) that really believe Sony's PC was superior to Microsoft's.

Microsoft had actual games being demonstrated in real time.

Sony had either pre-scripted trailers or worse, pre-rendered CGI crap (Gods of War 3).


GreekWolf said:
If they had featured just one live, on-stage demonstration of a highly anticipated exclusive or third-party title, it would have done wonders for their conference.

I'm not dissing their lineup... at all. I'm looking forward to most of what they actually did announce but, as a spectator who won't have access to game demos on the show floor, I would have liked to see some of these titles played on stage.

So that deserve a D? You know thats pretty sad,OMG lets watch other people play a game,that I get to play on the show floor!!!!!!!!!111


omg rite said:
Eternal Sonata, which has been out on 360 for a year.

And you said "except for IU". Should have been "except for IU and Star Ocean".

It doesn't matter. Point is PS3 isn't deprived from RPG's. As to Star Ocean, it is coming to PS3.


Infamous, DC Universe and Booty were probably most interesting things there and we barely knew anything about them just few days ago...

Booty is fukin the shit for $15, they need to do more of that.

And I have to repeat it - Warhawk war room is freaking amazing. Gives you completly different perspective about home...
Deuterium said:
I can't believe there are people here (even though they are the minority) that really believe Sony's PC was superior to Microsoft's.

Microsoft had actual games being demonstrated in real time.

Sony had either pre-scripted trailers or worse, pre-rendered CGI crap (Gods of War 3).

wow so microsoft had resident evil 5, fallout3, fable2 and gears2...can you say which one of those will appear on ps3? i can, resident evil 5 and fallout3.


Y2Kev said:
Where are the Japanese studios? Do they even exist anymore? Not one RPG covered.

Motherfarking THIS.

For all their talk about the history of the PS1 and PS2, I guess they just decided to forget RPGs where an important factor that got the PS1 off its feet.

The only excuse I can think of is that they are waiting for TGS for that, but that includes a lot of hoping and praying.


Agent White said:
Wouldn't you put more value into a demo that is stable enough to be put into the press hands? Someone who can try to push the game to its limits and not just a practiced on stage demo? I'm sure the bigger game sites will have video of them playing these games, they always do.:D
Not really because there are always caveats when press is playing the game...
"early beta"
"you did something not implemented yet"
"we're still playtesting that"
"the hardware is malfunctioning"
.. demoing it live for everyone means those excuses are unacceptable.

gcubed said:
i didnt realize the conference was aimed at you sitting at home watching a live feed... i thought it was aimed at the people who are actually there??
if that was the case why the fuck is this thread 80+ pages long.. seriously?
womfalcs3 said:
It doesn't matter. Point is PS3 isn't deprived from RPG's. As to Star Ocean, it is coming to PS3.
Yeah, when?

TLR, when?

ES, when?

Versus, when?

Until then, it does not have nothing that can stand against the 360 rpg lineup, especially after the wadaton yesterday.


Great Presentation...

The content was just right. The LBP bit was pure class. The movie and TV show download service was a real suprise and WILL (if the PS3 gets better NA penetration) be a competitor in this market. You see the studios involved?! :)

Dissapointed about home again and the amount of CG trailers. Overall I was impressed. Nothing OMG MEGATON, but very competant. Lets see what the next few days bring. I'm sure we'll see more of the good stuff!!

On a side note: those of you saying that MS had nothing new.. Damn those leaks.. Real shame. Would of made for some great suprises.

Overall, no winner.. Even Nintendo just did what it does best (now). Gloat at the superiority of its sales and anounces more to the casual (mass market). MEGA SALES, NINTENDO WINS lol :D



First of all, where the FUCK was Square-Enix?

3) Where was any other RPG other than the Eternal fucking Sonata?

Resistance 2 = awesome

GOW3 = HELL YEAH except only a shitty teaser trailer :(

Valkyrie PSP = AAAAWWW YEAAAAAAHH oh wait a mistake lolz :(

What a fucking waste of 2 hours. I can't believe I actually first endured the Nintendo conference and now this.

Shitty E3 minus the FF13 megaton.



womfalcs3 said:
It doesn't matter. Point is PS3 isn't deprived from RPG's. As to Star Ocean, it is coming to PS3.


You really need to know what you're talking about.

There is NO Star Ocean planned for PS3. It could eventually come, but as of now, it doesn't exist.
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