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E3 2014: $399 Xbox Ones "Flying Off The Shelves" at GameStop

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Sunset Overdrive will have zero appeal to the mass market. Fable is dead, Crackdown again has no mass market appeal whatsoever. All they have is Halo 1-4 this year that can push sales.

What is it about Sunset that means it has zero mass appeal?

Genuinely interested. I keep seeing this mentioned, but no one seems to explain why it has zero mass appeal.


Is GameStop in bed with Microsoft? Do they have a deal in place or something? Every GameStop I've been to has xbox ads plastered everywhere, one GameStop I've been to in NY has an entire floor dedicated to MS. I go online and I usually see "Xbox One now available" but very little for PS4. I don't see that at other retailers as much, anyone that works at GameStop have any insight? I'm curious.

I would think Gamestop wants as many consoles as possible to be out there. PS4 doesn't really need help selling, so they're pushing X1s. The more consoles out there, the more trade ins, more used games sales, more money for them.
Sunset Overdrive will have zero appeal to the mass market. Fable is dead, Crackdown again has no mass market appeal whatsoever. All they have is Halo 1-4 this year that can push sales.

Lol this is the mentality that leads to "All they have is Halo, Gears, Forza". Ignore everything else.
I have a PS4 and was looking into picking up an Xbox One but since we know what's coming out this year I'm holding off. All the push backs to 2015 have killed much of my enthusiasm. I was going to pick up Dead Rising but now I'll just get it on Steam. Sunset Overdrive is the only other thing I would pick up that's coming out this year.


What percentage of voters are included in those exceptionally reliable presidential polls?

Much less of couse, but you know that polls use a scientific methodology, right?

You can have 10%-20% an be very wrong, and you can have less than 1% and spot on. Methodology is all.

A 6 percent sample size is a large sample size by all scientific standards

With a wrong methodology 6% means virtually nothing.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Kind of surprised by the headline. Granted, there are several promotions running for upgrading old to new systems, with the One plastered everywhere.

But while trading in my PS3 yesterday, 3 separate people came in wanting Mario Kart 8 and the Wii U. (They only glided off the shelves.) But this gamestop might just be an anomaly because right as I was checking out, a little girl and her mother walked in. The girl was begging for her mom to buy her Wolfenstein.


What is it about Sunset that means it has zero mass appeal?

Genuinely interested. I keep seeing this mentioned, but no one seems to explain why it has zero mass appeal.

"I hate brown/gray shooters... Devs should stop making them and make some unique looking games!"

"Game isn't a brown/gray shooter? Instant flop. It won't have any mass appeal."


Is GameStop in bed with Microsoft? Do they have a deal in place or something? Every GameStop I've been to has xbox ads plastered everywhere, one GameStop I've been to in NY has an entire floor dedicated to MS. I go online and I usually see "Xbox One now available" but very little for PS4. I don't see that at other retailers as much, anyone that works at GameStop have any insight? I'm curious.

I don't work at GameStop, but I can say that stuff like that is very common in the retail world. Pretty much every decision in a retail store is thoroughly vetted. Companies like Activision and EA gladly pay GameStop to put their products at eye level.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
What is it about Sunset that means it has zero mass appeal?

Genuinely interested. I keep seeing this mentioned, but no one seems to explain why it has zero mass appeal.

I really don't understand either as I too think it has tons of mass market appeal, is from Insomniac, and is everything an Xbox gamer would want in a game. Also, no way is Fable not a popular franchise like he mentionned (Fable 3 sold close to 5 million) and both Crackdowns sold around a million.

However, maybe I should say something like Bloodborn has no mass market appeal. I mean, if you look at the sales of Demon's Souls it only sold 1.7 million copies on a system with an install base of more than 80 millions consoles. I don't know how people can expect Bloodborn to be a system seller in this case.


I want a white or halo green x1 with kinect for $399 or less. I'll wait. Good for ms though their conference was great.


Statistics for predictions with a acceptable margin of error follow a scientific model.

Just look at Amazon rankings is another thing.

I remember many people looking at Amazon rankings in February saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One (the PS4 was much higher than the XB1 on Amazon that month) only for the NPD to show that the PS4 sold about 30K more with both systems being above 250K that month.

That's not to say that Amazon sales DON'T matter but I don't get why some use them as proof of overall console sales... Especially after previous examples.


Define "mass market".

If you compare Halo to either SO or Crackdown, then yeah SO and Crackdown won't have the same level of impact as Halo. Neither would most other games including games on PS4.

With that being said, both those games should be able to push respectable sales 2m+ lifetime but it depends on if the game is good or not. SO and Crackdown are both different than your standard game so it would have some level of appeal.


Much less of couse, but you know that polls use a scientific methodology, right?

You can have 10%-20% an be very wrong, and you can have less than 1% and spot on. Methodology is all.

With a wrong methodology 6% means virtually nothing.

And since there is nothing essentially wrong with the methodology, amazon rankings are quite informative.
I'm thinking about buying a One now that its at a good price and so I can have all the exclusives. The Ps4 will be the main third party machine though, its still more powerful.

edit: And I don't have to buy a fucking Kinect.


Pretty sure they will beat the PS4 at least for a month. Sony doesn't have a new SKU to drive additional interest.

If not, well, MS will just be relegated to second place worldwide.

The white PS4s don't count? Haven't you been paying attention with the thread evolution over the last page?

Oh... wait.

ADD New Gen Gamer



I remember many people looking at Amazon rankings in February saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One (the PS4 was much higher than the XB1 on Amazon that month) only for the NPD to show that the PS4 sold about 30K more with both systems being above 250K that month.

That's not to say that Amazon sales DON'T matter but I don't get why some use them as proof of overall console sales... Especially after previous examples.

To be fair, during those months, the PS4 would be ranked higher for the day or two they had any in stock. Then it would drop as XBO rose or remained steady. Lack of product on shelves and in warehouses contributed to the sales near-parity during those months.

Now that both systems are widely available in stores, we should start to see some more telling numbers in the next few months.


I remember many people looking at Amazon rankings in February saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One (the PS4 was much higher than the XB1 on Amazon that month) only for the NPD to show that the PS4 sold about 30K more with both systems being above 250K that month.

That's not to say that Amazon sales DON'T matter but I don't get why some use them as proof of overall console sales... Especially after previous examples.

February was interesting because PS4s were hard to find on store shelves, so Amazon shipments sold out very quickly and the system did very well in the best sellers rankings. XBO was much easier to find so they weren't selling that well on Amazon. Now that both consoles have plenty of supply the Amazon rankings give us a clearer picture of demand. Of course that's just my interpretation.

EDIT: Just beaten by BigDug :(


I remember many people looking at Amazon rankings in February saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One (the PS4 was much higher than the XB1 on Amazon that month) only for the NPD to show that the PS4 sold about 30K more with both systems being above 250K that month.

That's not to say that Amazon sales DON'T matter but I don't get why some use them as proof of overall console sales... Especially after previous examples.

That was because PS4 was supply constrained in most retailers, and Amazon had better supply that most other retailers.
So, a $100 price drop results in an uptick in sales? Who knew? And in other news the earth is predicted to remain in orbit around the sun tomorrow.


Well I bought one for $399 yesterday. Now with the PS4 my next gen gaming is set as I can get the exclusives for either system.


The white PS4s don't count? Haven't you been paying attention with the thread evolution over the last page?

Oh... wait.

ADD New Gen Gamer


White PS4 is September, bobby is saying they'll win in June because of their new SKU vs. no new SKU from Sony.

I think he's wrong but we'll see.

Hell, the white PS4 might end up hurting Sony's June numbers. I'm sure at least some people will be waiting to pick that up instead of going out and buying a PS4 this month.


I remember many people looking at Amazon rankings in February saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One (the PS4 was much higher than the XB1 on Amazon that month) only for the NPD to show that the PS4 sold about 30K more with both systems being above 250K that month.

That's not to say that Amazon sales DON'T matter but I don't get why some use them as proof of overall console sales... Especially after previous examples.

Let's keep pretending that month wasn't an aberration. Its clear Ps4 was supply constrained that month and didn't receive the sales bump that every other console got. If it even got the lowest percent increase that a console got that month which I believe was ~48% the gap between X1 and Ps4 would of been much bigger. And in the end the Ps4 still sold more like its done every month that it has been leading on Amazon.
I really don't understand either as I too think it has tons of mass market appeal, is from Insomniac, and is everything an Xbox gamer would want in a game. Also, no way is Fable not a popular franchise like he mentionned (Fable 3 sold close to 5 million) and both Crackdowns sold around a million.

However, maybe I should say something like Bloodborn has no mass market appeal. I mean, if you look at the sales of Demon's Souls it only sold 1.7 million copies on a system with an install base of more than 80 millions consoles. I don't know how people can expect Bloodborn to be a system seller in this case.

While I agree that Bloodborne is going to be tougher to sell to the broader market, I don't see what that has to do with the sales of Xbox One titles. A lot of things can be discussed within the Xbox One ecosystem without having to stoop down to console war measuring.

With the right marketing, I think all of the Xbox One exclusives can do fairly well. Some things like Crackdown 3 being online only (if I'm wrong, let me know gently) can hurt potential sales, but I can't see how Sunset Overdrive will have limited appeal as long as Microsoft/Insomniac put in the effort to make it a high profile product to the mass market.


Sunset Overdrive will have zero appeal to the mass market. Fable is dead, Crackdown again has no mass market appeal whatsoever. All they have is Halo 1-4 this year that can push sales.

"Fable is dead"-Agreed

The Fable legends they showed had zero interest from me as a Fable fan. I hope that changes though when I learn more.

"Sunset Overdrive will have zero appeal to the mass market." -Disagree

Anecdotal, but all three of my nephews have asked me to get this game for them because they fear their parents won't (Non-gamer types). Additionally, I feel a game of this type is desperately needed, a fun silly open world shooter with grinding. Come On, Who wouldn't want that.
Let's hope so.


This year or last year gif? Still what a ridiculous thing to say.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I remember many people looking at Amazon rankings in February saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One (the PS4 was much higher than the XB1 on Amazon that month) only for the NPD to show that the PS4 sold about 30K more with both systems being above 250K that month.

That's not to say that Amazon sales DON'T matter but I don't get why some use them as proof of overall console sales... Especially after previous examples.

As I remember, and I'm on my phone, the PS4 was still pretty rare to see in stores at that time. Meaning that while Amazon had been representative in an ideal scenario where every consumer had the possibility to buy a product the reality of the situation was that there wasn't enough stock in stores. Now that stores can carry both we'll see Amazon to be more accurate.

We still only sample online retail and we have to assume the purchasing habits are 1:1 between the two crowds. Which isn't a far stretch. But the supply needs to be there in order for it to work.
Considering MS announced the new SKU on May 13th, I expect May NDP to be ugly, and June to be correspondingly better. It will be interesting to combine both months to see what the net sum gain is.


Let's keep pretending that month wasn't an aberration.

Can you really use the word "aberration" considering we don't have a full year of Xbox One stats to look at? Especially for the month of February when the only bad NPD month the Xbox One had after launch during that time was January ("PS4 2:1").

Again, I simply made my post as an example to show why you can't base everything on Amazon ranking stats.

Its clear Ps4 was supply constrained that month and didn't receive the sales bump that every other console got. If it even got the lowest percent increase that a console got that month which I believe was ~48% the gap between X1 and Ps4 would of been much bigger.

Okay? I wasn't the one to say the PS4 would absolutely crush the Xbox One back in February based on Amazon stats; I knew the supply issues as you already mentioned. The PS4 being hard to find in stores at the time was part of the reason why it had such a higher ranking on Amazon than the Xbox One had and (as I said before) there were people saying the PS4 would crush the Xbox One that month based on those rankings.

And in the end the Ps4 still sold more like its done every month that it has been leading on Amazon.

FYI, I brought out the month of February in which the PS4 did outsell the Xbox One in NPD so yes, I know that.


What is it about Sunset that means it has zero mass appeal?

Genuinely interested. I keep seeing this mentioned, but no one seems to explain why it has zero mass appeal.

Your fingers are going to get tired if you feel the need to respond to each and every troll.


I didn't know things were so grim that one day of good sales is news.

And the definition of good in this context is: no real numbers and only the "flying off shelves" quote from one retailer. Also missing from "good" is: no comparison to either previous sales data or the direct competitor.

I'm interested to see how good it can sell without the Kinect. I think that's a bigger draw than the $100 drop since that was mostly in effect already if you consider the packed in games and Gold.

Another interesting thing for me is that a couple local gamestops were advertising a discount for anything "announced" at E3. It makes me wonder if the kinectless bundle applied to that.

An interesting way to drum up additional interest for anything new or changed, but it is not exactly a wide spectrum target for such marketing.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So, a $100 price drop results in an uptick in sales? Who knew? And in other news the earth is predicted to remain in orbit around the sun tomorrow.
I'm dying :lol:lol:lol


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I"m sure a certain upcoming collection of games might have also contributed to Xbox One sales.
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