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E3 2014: $399 Xbox Ones "Flying Off The Shelves" at GameStop

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It's obvious that the de-bundling will increase sales, but the question is for how long? If the average of May and June NPD numbers is closer to January & April than February & March, then things will get ugly for the Xbox One until the Halo Collection comes out.


I listen to Howard Stern every day on the way to work.
Have since 1989, so my point in sharing this is not to discuss Howard himelf, I know he is not everyone's cup of tea.
My reason for sharing this tidbit of information is just this past week, MS clearly purchased advertising time on his Sirius radio show for this new $399 edition.
Anyone who listens to his show regularly knows that Howard and the gang actually do "live" commercials, where he is clearly reading off a peice of paper that the advertiser has supplied to him to get their message across, but him and whoever else is on the mic always deviate from it to give it a more human element. To make the product seem like something they all actually use, even if they do not.

So here is Howard Stern, doing the commercial for the new $399 XBox One, and he starts going off the script of the paper and refers to how Jason (Jason Kaplan for anyone who knows the rest of the staff) loves his XBox One, and in particular how he can control it with his voice. Jason then spends a good 15 seconds talking about the voice capabilities of the XBox One. No one ever corrects him. No one ever mentions that this model is not the one that includes this features.

So it really got me wondering just how many people are still going to expect the voice control stuff but eventually realize they do not have the console capable of doing it. I know they are not going to sell a ton of consoles just because of one commercial on the Howard Stern show, but I doubt they are the only ones not confused.

Just thought it was interesting. I actually did find the audio but have not uploaded it yet, but will if enough people are interested.
I really don't understand either as I too think it has tons of mass market appeal, is from Insomniac, and is everything an Xbox gamer would want in a game. Also, no way is Fable not a popular franchise like he mentionned (Fable 3 sold close to 5 million) and both Crackdowns sold around a million.

However, maybe I should say something like Bloodborn has no mass market appeal. I mean, if you look at the sales of Demon's Souls it only sold 1.7 million copies on a system with an install base of more than 80 millions consoles. I don't know how people can expect Bloodborn to be a system seller in this case.
Now you're just being silly. The Fable franchise sales have been on the decline since Fable 3, and the critical reception and player opinion of the series certainly isn't at its high point. I'm sure it will move a few copies, but it's not going to reach beyond the borders of the existing X1 fanbase.

The "Souls" games, on the other hand, have only been increasing in popularity. Equally silly to reference Demon's Souls when Dark Souls sold twice as much.


The $499 Xbox One + Kinect + Titanfall SKU still seems to be widely available.

Now, sitting next to it is a $399 Xbox One SKU.

With a simple, side-by-side comparison of the two SKUs it looks like you save only $40 by not getting a KInect and purchasing the second SKU.

Price drops move consoles, but this doesn't seem like a price drop at all.


It's obvious that the de-bundling will increase sales, but the question is for how long? If the average of May and June NPD numbers is closer to January & April than February & March, then things will get ugly for the Xbox One until the Halo Collection comes out.

October is a crazy month for games. Xbox One should do solid that month before Master Chief Collection releases in November (though I don't think Xbox One October sales will be as big as Xbox One November/December sales).


I listen to Howard Stern every day on the way to work.
Have since 1989, so my point in sharing this is not to discuss Howard himelf, I know he is not everyone's cup of tea.
My reason for sharing this tidbit of information is just this past week, MS clearly purchased advertising time on his Sirius radio show for this new $399 edition.
Anyone who listens to his show regularly knows that Howard and the gang actually do "live" commercials, where he is clearly reading off a peice of paper that the advertiser has supplied to him to get their message across, but him and whoever else is on the mic always deviate from it to give it a more human element. To make the product seem like something they all actually use, even if they do not.

So here is Howard Stern, doing the commercial for the new $399 XBox One, and he starts going off the script of the paper and refers to how Jason (Jason Kaplan for anyone who knows the rest of the staff) loves his XBox One, and in particular how he can control it with his voice. Jason then spends a good 15 seconds talking about the voice capabilities of the XBox One. No one ever corrects him. No one ever mentions that this model is not the one that includes this features.

So it really got me wondering just how many people are still going to expect the voice control stuff but eventually realize they do not have the console capable of doing it. I know they are not going to sell a ton of consoles just because of one commercial on the Howard Stern show, but I doubt they are the only ones not confused.

Just thought it was interesting. I actually did find the audio but have not uploaded it yet, but will if enough people are interested.

There's a TV ad of the Xbox One that features voice commands but it shows the new $399 SKU at the end. I definitely think there may be some confusion soon. We'll see though.
Now you're just being silly. The Fable franchise sales have been on the decline since Fable 3, and the critical reception and player opinion of the series certainly isn't at its high point. I'm sure it will move a few copies, but it's not going to reach beyond the borders of the existing X1 fanbase.

The "Souls" games, on the other hand, have only been increasing in popularity. Equally silly to reference Demon's Souls when Dark Souls sold twice as much.
I'm not even sure where he got that 1.7 million figure. However, a couple of things have presumably expanded the Souls fanbase beyond whatever fans the sales of Demon's Souls made:

1. Demon's Souls was free on PS+.
2. Dark Souls 1/2 created yet more fans when it sold millions on PC/360 in addition to ps3.

The ps4 was already eating considerably into Microsoft's marketshare without Bloosborne, and Bloodborne gives the millions of Souls players yet another incentive to get a ps4. Bloodborne could be the best selling game yet, especially with Sony finally giving it proper first party marketing/support, and it being the first RPG on PS4 aside from FFXIV.

Edit: I just realized this isn't really the thread for this discussion.
I listen to Howard Stern every day on the way to work.
Have since 1989, so my point in sharing this is not to discuss Howard himelf, I know he is not everyone's cup of tea.
My reason for sharing this tidbit of information is just this past week, MS clearly purchased advertising time on his Sirius radio show for this new $399 edition.
Anyone who listens to his show regularly knows that Howard and the gang actually do "live" commercials, where he is clearly reading off a peice of paper that the advertiser has supplied to him to get their message across, but him and whoever else is on the mic always deviate from it to give it a more human element. To make the product seem like something they all actually use, even if they do not.

So here is Howard Stern, doing the commercial for the new $399 XBox One, and he starts going off the script of the paper and refers to how Jason (Jason Kaplan for anyone who knows the rest of the staff) loves his XBox One, and in particular how he can control it with his voice. Jason then spends a good 15 seconds talking about the voice capabilities of the XBox One. No one ever corrects him. No one ever mentions that this model is not the one that includes this features.

So it really got me wondering just how many people are still going to expect the voice control stuff but eventually realize they do not have the console capable of doing it. I know they are not going to sell a ton of consoles just because of one commercial on the Howard Stern show, but I doubt they are the only ones not confused.

Just thought it was interesting. I actually did find the audio but have not uploaded it yet, but will if enough people are interested.

I heard the same ad this morning while listening to one of the Sirius XM sports stations. One of the host mentioned his kids being able to turn on the console with their voices and that it recognizes who they are in the $399 model. MS might want to correct that ad with a quickness unless they want many irate customers.
I bought my Xbox One just to get Sunset Overdrive later. Its a system seller to me.

And I've had a more than a few friends tell me over the past couple of days they are also thinking of buying one for SSO (as well the recently announced MCC)

I really want to know what about the game is making people say it has zero mass appeal. Is it the gameplay? The fact that it's so colourful? That's the last in a long line of similar games? What is it. I need to know.

"I hate brown/gray shooters... Devs should stop making them and make some unique looking games!"

"Game isn't a brown/gray shooter? Instant flop. It won't have any mass appeal."

I really don't understand either as I too think it has tons of mass market appeal, is from Insomniac, and is everything an Xbox gamer would want in a game. Also, no way is Fable not a popular franchise like he mentionned (Fable 3 sold close to 5 million) and both Crackdowns sold around a million.

Yeah, i doubt it will sell millions like Gears, Halo, etc, but to say it has zero mass appeal just doesn't make any sense to me. What about the game is making people say this? I'm just trying to understand.

Your fingers are going to get tired if you feel the need to respond to each and every troll.

I didn't realise the mass appeal claim was a troll...


I really don't understand either as I too think it has tons of mass market appeal, is from Insomniac, and is everything an Xbox gamer would want in a game. Also, no way is Fable not a popular franchise like he mentionned (Fable 3 sold close to 5 million) and both Crackdowns sold around a million.

However, maybe I should say something like Bloodborn has no mass market appeal. I mean, if you look at the sales of Demon's Souls it only sold 1.7 million copies on a system with an install base of more than 80 millions consoles. I don't know how people can expect Bloodborn to be a system seller in this case.

How is 1.7 million copies of an extremely niche game bad in any way, shape or form?
And Bloodborne is certainly no mainstream system-seller, obviously.

But it is a sequel to one of the best hardcores franchise there is. Lead by the man himself. It's pretty big.
It's obvious that the de-bundling will increase sales, but the question is for how long? If the average of May and June NPD numbers is closer to January & April than February & March, then things will get ugly for the Xbox One until the Halo Collection comes out.

I'm curious as to if the GAF insanity will be more or less than it was for March if June NPDs come out and PS4 is still on top.


Maybe at Gamestop. I was in Best Buy earlier today and they still had stacks and stacks of them. And the PS4 is $50 more here now (Canada).

I don't necessarily agree that stock at one location for one retailer in a country with a smaller population than California is the best indication of changes in product demand on a wider scale. I'm not saying it's false, but it's a very, very small "sample size" to reject the idea of something happening elsewhere.
I listen to Howard Stern every day on the way to work.
Have since 1989, so my point in sharing this is not to discuss Howard himelf, I know he is not everyone's cup of tea.
My reason for sharing this tidbit of information is just this past week, MS clearly purchased advertising time on his Sirius radio show for this new $399 edition.
Anyone who listens to his show regularly knows that Howard and the gang actually do "live" commercials, where he is clearly reading off a peice of paper that the advertiser has supplied to him to get their message across, but him and whoever else is on the mic always deviate from it to give it a more human element. To make the product seem like something they all actually use, even if they do not.

So here is Howard Stern, doing the commercial for the new $399 XBox One, and he starts going off the script of the paper and refers to how Jason (Jason Kaplan for anyone who knows the rest of the staff) loves his XBox One, and in particular how he can control it with his voice. Jason then spends a good 15 seconds talking about the voice capabilities of the XBox One. No one ever corrects him. No one ever mentions that this model is not the one that includes this features.

So it really got me wondering just how many people are still going to expect the voice control stuff but eventually realize they do not have the console capable of doing it. I know they are not going to sell a ton of consoles just because of one commercial on the Howard Stern show, but I doubt they are the only ones not confused.

Just thought it was interesting. I actually did find the audio but have not uploaded it yet, but will if enough people are interested.

you can still use the voice commands, with the mic. this isn't much different from last generation when people got their 360's home only to find out that you needed to pay a subscription to play multiplayer games.

I'm curious as to if the GAF insanity will be more or less than it was for March if June NPDs come out and PS4 is still on top.

it might bring some crazyness but the more it happens the less people are phased by it. if the PS4 continues to outsell Xbone each month, people will move on from the NPD threads and find other things to talk about.


How is 1.7 million copies of an extremely niche game bad in any way, shape or form?
And Bloodborne is certainly no mainstream system-seller, obviously.

But it is a sequel to one of the best hardcores franchise there is. Lead by the man himself. It's pretty big.

He didn't say it's bad. He said it isn't a mass appeal game. And he's right, none of the Souls games are. But clearly they dont need to be in order to be successful. Much like Crackdown, inFamous, and a great many other titles that consistently sell in the 1-2 million range.


I will predict with 99.99% accuracy that ps4 still takes this month. Someone save this so I can eat crow if I'm wrong. E3 did nothing to gain them momentum, who thought not mentioning the lower price was a good idea?


I'm curious as to if the GAF insanity will be more or less than it was for March if June NPDs come out and PS4 is still on top.

It'll be bad. IMO October/November are the only ones that are sure victories for MS, especially if they release a special bundle for Sunset or MCC. Sunset, Forza Horizon 2, then MC Collection. I just don't see LittleBigPlanet and Driveclub being enough.


I'm curious as to if the GAF insanity will be more or less than it was for March if June NPDs come out and PS4 is still on top.

Should be less since I doubt very many people expect the Xbone to outsell the PS4 even with the Kinectless SKU launching. March seemed like a slam dunk for Microsoft by all accounts, still losing NPD was mind blowing.
I don't necessarily agree that stock at one location for one retailer in a country with a smaller population than California is the best indication of changes in product demand on a wider scale. I'm not saying it's false, but it's a very, very small "sample size" to reject the idea of something happening elsewhere.

Anecdotes are anecdotes.
I don't necessarily agree that stock at one location for one retailer in a country with a smaller population than California is the best indication of changes in product demand on a wider scale. I'm not saying it's false, but it's a very, very small "sample size" to reject the idea of something happening elsewhere.

Oh, I know that, I was just offering the only anecdotal evidence I have. But I do think that if the Xbox is going to sell better, it would be in a place that it's cheaper than the PS4 (400 vs 450). You're right though - it's very possible that the SF or LA GameStops are selling these systems.
I know in the past we have had folks who work for major retailers (mostly Best Buy I think), post how quickly their stock is being sold in the region they have access to. Has that not happened in this thread yet?
I will predict with 99.99% accuracy that ps4 still takes this month. Someone save this so I can eat crow if I'm wrong. E3 did nothing to gain them momentum, who thought not mentioning the lower price was a good idea?

I think it was a bad move to announce early too. I have a few Gears friends that still haven't made the jump and they had no idea that MS announced a $399 sku prior to the show


it might bring some crazyness but the more it happens the less people are phased by it. if the PS4 continues to outsell Xbone each month, people will move on from the NPD threads and find other things to talk about.

I think if June has PS4 sell more, it will be the last time people really go crazy over it cause I think that will pretty much decide how well xbox does for quit a while. The only thing MS has left they can do is find a killer exclusive. And honestly, I'm not seeing it (they did announce some neat looking games but nothing that I felt was something that would sell a lot of consoles. Granted some of that is my own personal tastes but even still, I'm not seeing anyone get super excited for any game they announced, at least not to the levels of Titanfall's hype even).

Honestly, the only console company I think that has announced a killer exclusive this E3 is Nintendo with Zelda (that looks really good and even though I never had an interest in a Nintendo console if I could afford it and I could find a Wii U cheap enough and it keeps shaping up to the expectations I would consider buying a Wii U just for that game).

I think Nintendo might actually get a bump from Zelda for Wii U sales (it's a popular franchise and while you could probably get me to play Zelda it's the first time that I, some one not so into Nintendo games, am actually pretty interested so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only one who wasn't that into Zelda get interested this time. Granted, part of it is it does look like it might have the same appeal as to why I like Skyrim and I hear that Nintendo does really good gameplay. But, I think that it does mean it's going to reach out to others who might be thinking the same thing and Skyrim was really popular).
It'll be bad. IMO October/November are the only ones that are sure victories for MS, especially if they release a special bundle for Sunset or MCC. Sunset, Forza Horizon 2, then MC Collection. I just don't see LittleBigPlanet and Driveclub being enough.
March/April was a "sure victory" for Microsoft, too. Heck, the whole USA was a "sure victory" for the first three months of the new gen and at the time those higher PS4 sales were being passed off an an anomaly...

Xbox One has quite a strong lineup (for devoted Xbox fans) this upcoming fall, but people are either forgetting or willfully ignoring all of the multiplat games coming out. New Call of Duty. Next-gen Madden and Fifa. Next-gen Battlefield. Next-gen (for console) Minecraft. Destiny. Dragon Age: Inquisition. And all of these games are likely to sell better on PS4. That freight train momentum (which will continue building over the summer as well) isn't going to get overcome by a Halo collection and a new Forza game coming out one year after the previous title in the series. Sunset Overdrive? It'll has as much chance of doing well as The Order 1886 (new IP, not a super-critically-acclaimed dev).

May and June NPD will the the final confirmation of what direction the momentum is pushing. If Microsoft really has been making "great strides forward" like the media keeps claiming, then they'll close the gap between Xbox One and PS4, but since launch the gap in NA has only widened. If Microsoft can't win June, then I don't expect them to win Holiday.

Fox Mulder

It's obvious that the de-bundling will increase sales, but the question is for how long? If the average of May and June NPD numbers is closer to January & April than February & March, then things will get ugly for the Xbox One until the Halo Collection comes out.

I doubt it'll even have a bump until the holidays. Who's running out to buy now at $399 with nothing when you could have got one a few months ago for $450 with a game, Kinect, and Live.

I'm interested in stuff they showed at E3, but there's no rush to buy one today. I'll wait for the holiday sales or bundle.
you can still use the voice commands, with the mic. this isn't much different from last generation when people got their 360's home only to find out that you needed to pay a subscription to play multiplayer games.

it might bring some crazyness but the more it happens the less people are phased by it. if the PS4 continues to outsell Xbone each month, people will move on from the NPD threads and find other things to talk about.

Is this true? I didn't think this is true.

I always wanted them to allow voice commands over the headset on the 360 and they never did, did they?
Much less of couse, but you know that polls use a scientific methodology, right?

You can have 10%-20% an be very wrong, and you can have less than 1% and spot on. Methodology is all.

With a wrong methodology 6% means virtually nothing.

and where is this methodology (have you been looking up how-to-do stats on wiki the last few hours?) wrong when using Amazon charts to gauge approximate sales?

Not surprising. That Conker reveal was pretty amazing. No doubt I would resonate through the mainstream.

Oh, it resonated in the mainstream alright, everybody is still laughing at the funniest, and shittiest rug-pull of the show. No wonder Phil 'Games Animal' Spencer said 'Nice Conker avatar' to that guy who didn't actually have one, he doesn't even know what Conker looks like apart from 'ginger animal'.

"Somebody Google me a picture of this Conker the hedgehog,so I know what I'm talking about!"


If Microsoft can't win June, then I don't expect them to win Holiday.

Why not? The system doesn't have any big games in June and many people don't buy consoles until the Xmas season (deals and/or kids). I don't see the month of June as being really any sign as to how the system will do this Xmas season.


Why not? The system doesn't have any big games in June and many people don't buy consoles until the Xmas season (deals and/or kids). I don't see the month of June as being really any sign as to how the system will do this Xmas season.

Halo collection will help it win a couple NPD's at the end of this year probably. Will that make it reach PS4's NA lifetime numbers by the time it happens?


Because it got a 100$ pricedrop?...

So it not doing great after a new cheaper SKU in a month without big games is a sign of how it will do during a period in which many usually buy new consoles alongside a period in which the system will have a TON of anticipated games released for it?

I don't think it should be used as much of a sign at all TBH.
No, we really can't. I completely disagree with this.

Then you are incapable of being objective.

Isn't this banned? Don't just assume because he has a Halo avatar he can't be objective, especially retorting somebody claiming "we can all agree PS3 games smashed 360 games"


I didn't say "we can all agree PS3 games smashed 360 games." I said Sony's exclusive games (first party) for the PS3 over the past 4~ years absolutely crushed Microsoft's exclusive games (first party) for the 360. Anybody who is objective would absolutely agree. Nothing but Halo, Gears, and Forza sequels a great library does not make.


Halo collection will help it win a couple NPD's at the end of this year probably. Will that make it reach PS4's NA lifetime numbers by the time it happens?

Nope. If Xbox wins a couple NPDs during the end of this year then it will more than likely only be by a little bit (definitely lower than 100K). The current gap is 500K and the Xbox One needs multiple months (2 years or so) to close the gap and overtake the PS4 since the PS4 sales won't stop.

The PS4 will obviously also get an inevitable boost in sales this Xmas season too.


It'll be bad. IMO October/November are the only ones that are sure victories for MS, especially if they release a special bundle for Sunset or MCC. Sunset, Forza Horizon 2, then MC Collection. I just don't see LittleBigPlanet and Driveclub being enough.

Not sure why you believe that. Multiplatform titles like Destiny, AC and COD will be the main driver of console sales in Sep/Oct/Nov.


Then you are incapable of being objective.

I didn't say "we can all agree PS3 games smashed 360 games." I said Sony's exclusive games (first party) for the PS3 over the past 4~ years absolutely crushed Microsoft's exclusive games (first party) for the 360 Anybody who is objective would absolutely agree. Nothing but Halo, Gears, and Forza sequels a great library does not make.

2013 was a great year for the PS4 but Holiday 2012 was pretty bad. PS All-Stars, Sports Champion, Little Big Planet Karting, and Wonderbook during a time in which the Xbox 360 had Halo 4 and Forza Horizon for their big/new games.

Not sure why you believe that. Multiplatform titles like Destiny, AC and COD will be the main driver of console sales in Sep/Oct/Nov.

Halo Collection will probably be the biggest exclusive (in terms of sales) on either the PS4 or XB1 for late 2014. That comes out in November and will definitely help the system (especially if MS makes a bundle for it).


I didn't say "we can all agree PS3 games smashed 360 games." I said Sony's exclusive games (first party) for the PS3 over the past 4~ years absolutely crushed Microsoft's exclusive games (first party) for the 360. Anybody who is objective would absolutely agree. Nothing but Halo, Gears, and Forza sequels a great library does not make.

That's hard to say you can be objective about whose exclusive list is better. Cause honestly, whose is better really is who has the games that really appeal to you most. If some one really likes Halo, Gears, and Forza and could care less about any of the exclusives on PS3, then yes, xbox is definitely going to have better exclusives.

Now, more popular/more likely to appeal to a large amount of people you could be objective about. But that doesn't necessarily make them better. I mean Farmville got a huge amount of people interested in it and appealed to a lot of people (don't ask me...), does that make it better?


What is it about Sunset that means it has zero mass appeal?

Genuinely interested. I keep seeing this mentioned, but no one seems to explain why it has zero mass appeal.

I don't know about zero, but it doesn't have much in common with games with proven mass appeal - GTA, CoD, Halo, Gears, Uncharted, TLoU, Skyrim, Ass Creed, etc.

It's color and style appeal to the hardcore who are sick of military shooters and realistic settings.
So it not doing great after a new cheaper SKU in a month without big games is a sign of how it will do during a period in which many usually buy new consoles alongside a period in which the system will have a TON of anticipated games released for it?

I don't think it should be used as much of a sign at all TBH.

It can be used as a sign to gauge how many people were holding out soley due to the price.
So how does the interface work now without the kinect? I haven't really messed with it but was thinking of picking up the Bone without the Kinect. I kept reading the interface required Kinect. What changed?
We need an MS sales expressions chart

"Strong" - 50k
"Very vibrant" - 80k
"Smashing" - 100k
"Flying off shelves" - 150k
????? - 200k?
"Sales go Vroom Vroom" - 200k
"Is this real life" - 300k
"Are we the Ps4?!" - 400k

I really wanted some info to readjust my NPD prediction numbers from last month but I already had them low to begin with
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