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E3 2014: $399 Xbox Ones "Flying Off The Shelves" at GameStop

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Well I wouldn't go that far in my reaction to this thread but it's disappointing to still see such lukewarm responses here and that's being kind. Meant to be gamers aren't we.

Certainly agree with you on that.

Wait, are you Ryan McCaffrey?? Am I actually agreeing with Ryan McCaffrey on something?


I think it's clear what MS needs to do. white Xbone

The need to realise that the XB1 is still overpriced. It's like double standards - they'll easily eat up the losses of securing timed/third party exclusives and bundling, yet they won't eat up the cost of dropping it to the 'right' price so the consumer can see clearly.

How are you determining "mass market appeal". I can see SO being marketed quite effectively. It's open world with zombie style things and its funny. That's a pretty good bunch of buzzwords there.

No matter what buzzwords you throw in SO is a shooter, an online shooter with colourful graphics. The CoD and Battlefield crowd aren't going to move over to it, and I doubt it will get much business from the casual buyer. They can market it as much as they like, but the average gamer - who knows nothing about the game - isn't going to be swayed by it. It would be like shoving Crazy Taxi posters up in every bus shelter and expecting sales for that game to explode, just because.

The market for SO is places such as neoGaf, because it has the type of gamer that yearns for blue skies and colour, and all those potential sales have already been decided. We might as well say Splatoon is going to increase WiiU sales.


He means they literally started flying off shelves. Microsoft shipped them with drones specifically so they could get that headline.


He means they literally started flying off shelves. Microsoft shipped them with drones specifically so they could get that headline.

Oldest sales trick in the world: "get this product, it is selling so fast you might miss out, last chance!"
I doubt I could do what he does

Let's hope so.


Anyway, back OT.

It would be great to see a boost in sales for the XBox One. Their change in tactics and attitude (largely owed to the new management) is appealing.

Unfortunately, Microsoft lost my business with the RRoD debacle. I went through hell with that, and I never really looked back. The XBox One launch just solidified my position on not buying another Xbox product for a long time to come.

The $399 price point is tempting, though. I'm just not really seeing any exclusives that have my interest as of yet.


I still believe that the $399.99 price will finally net them a win of a single month at least, but no way it's permanent. PS4 is still the better value in the eyes of most people (whether justified or not is another argument), and that perception isn't shattered by hitting parity price with a system that still has best versions of all multiplatform games and superior power.

That said, after losing their Titanfall month, I feel like I shouldn't be confident they should even win this month :p
"Already seeing a boost" is such strange wording. The $399 SKU was known about for a month before it released. If there was going to be a boost, it'd be immediate [edit: upon release]. "Already" implies they were expecting any boost to be delayed to some degree.

Jesus christ. Only on neogaf would a single word out of a normal sounding statement be analyzed like that. WTF.
I still believe that the $399.99 price will finally net them a win of a single month at least, but no way it's permanent. PS4 is still the better value in the eyes of most people (whether justified or not is another argument), and that perception isn't shattered by hitting parity price with a system that still has best versions of all multiplatform games and superior power.

That said, after losing their Titanfall month, I feel like I shouldn't be confident they should even win this month :p

They lost it last year in my opinion, I think for them the best thing would be to try and get a respectable install base as possible throughout this gen.



Of course you disagree.

Yup, thanks for pointing out my favourite series of all time which nicely leads me onto the my point that games are extremely subjective. Therefore using a blanket statement such as "I think we can all agree that Sony's exclusive games for the PS3 over the past 4~ years absolutely crushed Microsoft's exclusive games for the 360." as the main point in your argument is completely bullshit.

I can. I often saw people saying "FINALLY we will see what the Microsoft studios have been making this E3" in response to many years of IP iteration and little else. Each time nothing turned up but IP iteration.

It has been rather well disguised but the end of the generation highlighted how little Microsoft do in actual game development. There was the early generation where they secured third party games (most of which "only on 360" ones crossed the divide later), then the apparent "winning" of Playstation franchises which were actually third party, then there were the lauded indie games (again, crossing over) and finally there was the smokescreen of Kinect support when that launched. What Microsoft's strategy has been is to support a piece of hardware with some bought in development support and then sit back and wait for the third party guys to come fill the void, stepping up to secure firsts on DLC. That's great when you are the platform holder that is holding the edge in the performance divide.

Sony clawed their way back into the generation by constantly providing content and, in the final furlongs, by blindsiding with subscription gaming. Now they are in a position where they hold the edge on the multiplatform titles and that will lead to them bending the ear of the publishers. They go wherever the money is at the end of it all.

The key to Microsoft over the next few E3's is not to be demonstrating third party multiplats, not third party bought in games, but to show their studios are doing to do more than service those core sliver of IP's. The signs haven't been good with Bungie & Epic vacating for other teams to come in and ghostdev the IP's.

I can agree that MS weren't been providing enough exclusive content 360. However the games they did provide were IMO much better than Sony's. I will admit that the main reason for that is I am a massive Halo fan. I have loved every single one of those games more so than pretty much any other game.

Although I do agree that they really need to step it up for this generation. And so far it looks like they're doing pretty well; Funding games like Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, DR3, KI, Forza Horizon 2 etc. They also have the staple franchises like Halo, Fable, Forza and Gears, and they have hugely over delivered with the Master Chief Collection. I don't think anyone expected that war collection to be quite as good as it was. So far they are doing excellently IMO, they just need to keep it up.

Thanks for writing an actual response btw, rather than just trolling with my avatar. :p


I still believe that the $399.99 price will finally net them a win of a single month at least, but no way it's permanent. PS4 is still the better value in the eyes of most people (whether justified or not is another argument), and that perception isn't shattered by hitting parity price with a system that still has best versions of all multiplatform games and superior power.

That said, after losing their Titanfall month, I feel like I shouldn't be confident they should even win this month :p

Nope, they fluffed it entirely. The price drop should have been there hand in hand with the titanfall launch, accompanied by some sort of marketing campaign. Not just "hey we dropped the price" on twitter. It was a risk for them to see if TF would surge sales and it failed.


It would be great to see a boost in sales for the XBox One. Their change in tactics and attitude (largely owed to the new management) is appealing

Really? They take out some $100-$150 worth of hardware and make it $50 or less cheaper than the market prices of the full version.

Who are they appealing to? Casual gamers who want a TV console that plays games too, but that isn't $499 (same target group for the recent moving of TV apps from behind the paywall. No gamer cares as they have Gold anyway).

It is all small lip services and I think most people aren't stupid enough to see how the price/value actually increased, not dropped. There may be quite some people out there who don't follow gaming news like we do, but those are mostly people who would never spend more than $299 on a console.

So that's it, new SKU is for price drops, it's only purpose is to get a $299 console to the market as soon as possible and I bet we'll see exactly that by the holiday season (actually I wouldn't be surprised to see $299 Halo bundles on the street). That is when XB1 will start selling again.

Until then, I don't see Kinectless SKUs fly from shelves for more than a few days or weeks. E3 is already fading, some "more Halo" is staying in peoples minds, but no need to run out and get an XB1 for that right now.


I still believe that the $399.99 price will finally net them a win of a single month at least, but no way it's permanent. PS4 is still the better value in the eyes of most people (whether justified or not is another argument), and that perception isn't shattered by hitting parity price with a system that still has best versions of all multiplatform games and superior power.

That said, after losing their Titanfall month, I feel like I shouldn't be confident they should even win this month :p

If they don't win June i have no idea how it will possibly perform in the future
So that's it, new SKU is for price drops, it's only purpose is to get a $299 console to the market as soon as possible and I bet we'll see exactly that by the holiday season (actually I wouldn't be surprised to see $299 Halo bundles on the street). That is when XB1 will start selling again.

I'd take that bet for $100. It's an absolutely absurd prediction and I'm sure I'd win me some of your money.


I'd take that bet for $100. It's an absolutely absurd prediction and I'm sure I'd win me some of your money.

I don't think it is absurd. Kinectless SKU makes no sense if not for price drops. They could have just dropped the price of the full SKU to $399 if they wanted to compete at $399.

Would have saved them the bad press for another 180 (lying about how Kinect is an integral part) and the lukewarm reception of a wannabe pricedrop.

Also: If June and following NDP numbers don't show the bumb/increase they hoped for, will they just sit & wait?


Xbox One is number 42 best selling on Amazon.
White PS4 is number 2 and regular PS4 is number 8.

If this is any indication of any general trend, then Sony is killing it.
In Xbox's defense, #42 is "flying off the shelves" by their standards.

I think GameStop's just trying to generate hype to get rid of stock.


I hope it's true. It would be nice if Microsoft learned a lesson by having consumers reward them for making better decisions with their products. Hopefully then it might bleed into their other departments.


I hope it's true. It would be nice if Microsoft learned a lesson by having consumers reward them for making better decisions with their products. Hopefully then it might bleed into their other departments.

I don't see a consumer friendly decision here. I think they misunderstood the market. People intitially wanted a Kinectless SKU because Kinect was said to be always on (spying).

I am sure most people would have prefered the Kinect SKU at just some extra $50 if there was a chance it would actually be put to good use one day (which is now gone).


I really don't think E3 has such a direct and massive impact to the mainstream audience. The vast majority of people don't even bother visiting news/community sites, let alone follow exhibition conferences.


So all these years I've been thinking how much clearer and sharper my PC 1080p games look on my 47" HDTV, I've been imagining things?

Thanks IGN, for relieving me of my delusions. From now on, I'll just run everything at 1280x720p, as it makes no difference.
Initial sales were always expected to be good. Once they announced this in May I imagine nearly anyone with intentions of buying an Xbone waited until June 9th. So there is some pent up demand. The more interesting question to me is "will June sales offset the bath they likely took in May?"


Well, not flying off the shelves in Europe for sure. The stack of twenty that I saw coming yesterday are still sitting "un-touched" in the shop (they still have some Titanfall bundles as well).

I felt they needed more exclusives to convince people. Forza Horizon 2 an MC Collection should help. I think I'll like Sunset Overdrive but I'm not sure about it's "mass appeal".
Haven't both consoles been flying off the shelves? Microsoft has always said the XB1 is selling well and Sony has said that demand is high and working to replenish stock.

That statement doesn't tell me anything without NPD numbers.


I have this feeling that even with the inital sales boost from this 'price cut', PS4 would still ran away with June NPD.


We'll have to wait until the Master Chief collection before a boost. I don't think XBO will fly off the shelves before that
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